Death Sutra

Chapter 159: Debt

Xu Xiaoyi is fifteen or sixteen years old. His face is still very naive and his head is short. He looks like eleven or two years old. He is still younger than Shangguan. Most people will always ignore such children. In fact, other people are small and big, and they are like fish in the south city. When the servant is a third-rate, stealing things can barely enter the second-rate, and inquiring intelligence is the first-rate.

Since he had found rice in the bed after the death of Gao Houye at the dinner table, he has been hanging the matter and hanging out, and he really heard a lot of news.

Gao Houye is about to go bankrupt before his death. Many people think that his property will never be spent. In fact, it is just an illusion. Gao Houye maintains this illusion and continues to borrow. There is a rumor that Yushe is the first of Gaohouye. Initiated, people like Meng Gongwuzizi paid money, and he secretly used the money to pay off debts.

This plan seems to go a little badly, because when Gao Houye died, a large number of creditors were completely dumbfounded. Those who started quickly moved the things of Houyefu to the finest, and those who started slowly could only admit that they were unlucky.

The rice dispenser is one of the biggest hapless. The money he borrowed is the public money handed over by the merchants in the rice noodle. Some of them are protection fees. In other words, he will lend money to the company. The club will be exposed at the end of the month, so it is ready to flee.

Regarding the escape, it was Xu Xiaoyi’s speculation. “The servants of his family went to buy a few rivers and horses today. You know, it’s the kind of horse that grows short but has a long hair. It’s not going to run away. Signs?"

"It turned out that he was a traitor!" Shangguan was so squeaky, "Go, find him to settle."

Under the command of the ten sons, the knife and the killers responded in unison. Gu Shen was more cautious. He felt that the information that Xu Xiaoyi heard on the hearing could not be fully believed. It is recommended to go and inquire first.

Gu Shenwei has no reason to say, in case this is another trap, he is not willing to let the ten sons of the risk.

When Shangguan Yu understood the intention of the slave, he agreed with his case.

Therefore, Gu Shenwei led the four killers to explore the old nest of the shopkeeper. If the rice shopkeeper really wanted to escape, he would take him back and others would stay in the house.

This is the winter night, the cold wind and bones, five young killers lurking around the rice shopkeepers, some kneeling at the wall roots, some kneeling on the roof, enduring the bitter cold that can freeze people, staring at the rice house One move.

The Dutch woman jumped into the yard to check it out. After coming out, she reported that there were two carriages inside, one full of boxes and the other empty. The driver was drinking and heating, and the saddle was complete. It seems that he will soon leave.

I really let Xu Xiaoyi guess.

The rice dispensers were worried. In order to inherit the status of the rice hood from the Zhou bag, he had already spent a lot of money. He wanted to get a piece from Gao Houye. He didn’t expect the blood to go, and the dozens of thousands of silver were all played. Drifting, not only the savings of their own, but also the social and hospitality of the merchants in the rice noodle line.

Shi Gongzi and Yang Huan came to visit during the day accident. The rice dispensers became more and more guilty and decided to escape from Yuyu City as soon as possible.

He was waiting for five days, when Nancheng was the most deserted, he couldn’t even think about how far he could run.

As a result, the carriage had just been set up and had not yet stepped out of the hospital. The rice dispenser and his two wives and three sons were blocked.

Five black masked men descended from the sky, and the narrow swords were squirted, like the impermanent messengers sent out of hell.

The two drivers looked at each other and reported that their heads were under the car, indicating that they did not know or read.

The package under the arm of the palm of the hand fell to the ground, opened his mouth, sucked into the cold air of a mouth, a word can not spit out, his wife and children stood behind him, only shivering.

Gu Shen was beckoning, and the rice dispensers walked away like a lost soul. Every time they stepped out of the nose, they twitched, as if they were crying out, and they seemed to be disdainful.

"Do you want to go out?"

The meter dispenser heard the voice of the killer Yang Huan, finally closed his mouth, swallowed a big mouth and cold air of the liquid, and looked back at his wife and children. "Please, Yang, kill me, let them go, The things on this car are enough for this month."

"Today live, tomorrow will die." Gu Shenwei's tone does not bring feelings, he is telling the truth, the rice treasurer is dead, the debts owed are not enough, the wife and children naturally have to be retaliated, and the people who are hired to start ten There is ** or the killer of Yushe.

Why did the rice dispenser not understand this truth, hang his head, sighed, and then looked up again, revealing the last madness of struggle, "If I reveal valuable information?"

"The killer can't promise you, I have to listen to what you say first." Gu Shenwei still does not show his voice, this is the method of interrogation he learned from Jinpengbao Washing Court, so that the prisoners themselves can not hide their secrets. chance.

"I know who is killing Gao Houye." The rice dispensers are bright and look forward to watching the young killer. After waiting for the enthusiasm, the eyes are slowly dimming.


"Zhou Huan, definitely he."

Gu Shenwei’s memory has a name of “Zhouhuan”, but I can’t remember it for a while.

Mi shopkeeper seized the opportunity and shook all the information he knew. "Zhou Huan, Xiao Zhou bag, the son of the old week bag, Yang Ye may have seen him. This kid was originally a rice shop buddy, and later climbed. On the high branch, he is Gao Houye... 娈 。."

Gu Shenwei remembered it. When Tie Hanfeng was alive, he followed the Master to see the Nancheng size cover. He remembered that the Zhou bag was followed by a handsome young man. Only then, Zhou Huan, although outstanding, did not twist. Qi, no one can think of him for the first time. He will be the favor of others.

"Zhouhuan swordsmanship?" Gu Shen is impressed by the handsome young man who seems to have no weapons.

"Yes." At the sight of the other party's interest, the meter dispenser immediately came to the interest. "And it's not bad, but he rarely shows his skills. He doesn't rely on martial arts to eat, so he doesn't know much. I heard about Gao Houye. When he died of a sword wound, he knew that it was his hand. They had recently had conflicts and the relationship was not good."

"You didn't say it earlier."

"I... I don't want to get in trouble."

Gu Shen was screaming and didn't believe this. If it was Zhou Huan who killed Gao Houye, the rice shopkeeper should hate him for being in the bones. Because of this sword, the money he borrowed was turned into ashes.

The clerk of the rice dispenser was red. "In fact, when you talked about the rice grain yesterday, I thought it was him. Zhou Huan likes to eat raw rice. He always carries a hand. Hey, it doesn't make sense to me, grasping the truth. Fierce, don’t return silver."

"Who did you mention to ten sons?"

The meter dispenser looked blank. "No, you are busy with the two, and I have never seen anyone else."

"Where does Zhou Huan live?"

"The street is constantly rising rice shop. He used to be the buddy there. Now it is the shop owner."

Gu Shen looked at her friends and pulled out the knife.

The rice dispensers kept their hands in front of them and kept shaking. It seemed that they could block the sharp edges. "Yang Ye, Yang Ye, forgive me, I know everything, and the silver is served at the end of the month. There is no shortage of articles."

"If you say it earlier, it would be better."

Gu Shen slashed the knife, and a finger of the rice dispenser fell to the ground.

There is no need to kill a hood that owes money. Keeping him to pay the money is the right choice. Gu Shenwei thinks so. After returning, it is explained to the ten sons.

If Shangguan doesn't care much about money, she is more interested in Zhouhuan. "What is a pet?"

"A man who is favored by a man." Gu Shen explained calmly, he wanted to understand, since this little girl is willing to be a boy, he does not need to cover up and be embarrassed.

"That's OK? Can the woman be a woman too?" Shangguan asked.

"Well, yes, everything can be done." Gu Shen made a move in her heart, remembering the scene that was overheard in the Meng's garden. I couldn't help but suspect that the words of the ten sons were meant to be pointed out, so it was more calm.

"Oh, you two, one is bold, one is not too blushing. If you do all this, don't you get the one called Zhouhuan?" You can't listen to Shangguan Yu.

The blush was when Shangguan Yu, Gu Shen thought, but she was glad that she could open the subject. "I will monitor him after a while to see if there are people behind him."

If Shangguan wants to make up this excitement, Gu Shenwei has to tell him how boring the surveillance task is, can't move, can't talk, and wait for a long time. When Shangguan Yu also helped, he finally dispelled the enthusiasm of Shigongzi.

This is not the first time. Gu Shenwei feels that he and the rain son often think of a piece because they have a similar purpose - climbing on the big tree of the ten sons, the two are both enemies and similar.

Gu Shenwei wants to monitor the suspect because he still has a question in his mind. If Zhou Huan is a pet and a real murderer, why does Ye Silang find the trouble of the killer Yang Huan, and the relationship between Ye Silang and Gao Houye should be Knowing the bottom of the ring and making the first doubt is right.

Gu Shen made the monitoring task very boring. In fact, he didn't want to spend a whole day watching a rice shop. He planned to open the door and see the enemy camp.

But he was still a late step, and the shops on the whole street were open. Only the portal of Hengsheng Rice Store was closed. Gu Shen broke into the door and hardened it. He found that there was no one inside, and the shelves were neat. Filling up, Zhou Huan apparently ran away in a hurry.

A knifeman asked about a circle nearby and got a message that the Hengsheng rice shop had not opened for three days.

The investigation started too late, and Gu Shenwei had already wasted valuable time in the first few days after Gao Houye was killed.

Several knives searched carefully in the store and finally found an important "clue" in a rice tank: a young man died inside and the body was covered with rice.

A knifeman is very confident that this person has died for at least three days.

Gu Shenwei glanced at it, faintly recognizing that this was Zhou Huan. The body of the corpse held a sword in his hand, his neck was broken halfway, his head smashed to one side, and the wound was like a laughing mouth. The blood stained the rice grains red.

It looks like Zhou Huan wiped his neck and Gu Shenwei got into trouble again.

(Seeking for advice)

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