Death Sutra

Chapter 164: teahouse

Regardless of the slaves and the rain son who want to kill, the key problem is not how to kill, but how to not cause the suspicion of Shangguanru. Two people once vowed not to fight each other in the face of the ten sons. For a long time, they On the surface, this is true, and no one wants to lose both at the last moment.

Gu Shenwei always remembers what Master Tie Hanfeng had said. If you want to "safely kill", you must cut off the "relationship" of the target before killing. The reverse of this sentence means that if you can't break the "relationship" of the target ", then cut off your "suspect" and don't let anyone suspect that you are on your head.

This is what Shangguan Yu did. If it succeeds, anyone will think that Huan slaves died in the war between the two associations. There is no relationship with her.

Gu Shenwei decided to use a more classic method. As long as he can prove that Yu Gongzi’s dark communication society in front of Shangguan, and cut off the seemingly unbreakable relationship between the two girls, the problem will be solved.

Love is more and more hateful.

Gu Shen forced the far slaves to recall the situation over and over again, hoping to find clues from them, and finally came to the conclusion that the man who quarreled with Yugongzi was not in a high position, and he heard less and said that he was a little afraid of the female demon. head.

Quarrels, money, these two words fly in his mind, Shangguan rain when the family is general, when the school is still studying, they have to work hard to get money from the students.

Did she borrow money from the Meng family? Or is it the debt that her brother owed before his death? If Meng Mingshi used this to humiliate Shangguan Yu, Gu Shen was not surprised at all, but it seems unlikely that she would force her to betray the ten sons. Moreover, the situation at the time was that Yu Gongzi was rebuking the other party, which is even worse. The attitude of the debtor to the creditor.

Money, Gao Houye’s death is also related to debts and Meng’s family. Gu Shen has naturally linked the two things together. What makes him happy is that Xu Xiaoyi has heard an important clue.

"The servant who accompanied Gao Houye into Nancheng called Qi Tian, ​​a very scary name. In fact, it is an honest man. Whatever the master is called, he can't choose. Others call him Qi Da, hey, Tian Zi goes to one. Heng..." Xu Xiaoyi said that he had been talking about the topic for a long time. "He is hiding in Wangcheng Lane. Besides me, who else can hear his whereabouts? It is me who also took a lot of effort..."

On the afternoon of the fifteenth day of the first month, Gu Shen took Xu Xiaoyi to Wangcheng Lane, and Jingnu stayed close to the ground. The three men took a circle and turned to the destination.

Xu Xiaoyi was deeply afraid of this remote street. He traveled to Nancheng many years ago. This is the only place he has never entered. At first he looked for excuses and refused to follow. After the failure. I am anxious and afraid. "Hello brother, don't let me go. I won't be martial arts. It's also cumbersome to go. Besides, like a teenager like me, I am very handsome. I haven't been eaten by Wangcheng Lane." ”

Wangcheng Lane is located in the south of Nancheng. It is the world of “men”. The men who have lost, the total number is several thousand, and there are all kinds of business, just like a small town.

Gu Shenwei had heard of this place. When the company took care of the merchants and charged the protection fee, the tycoon told him not to worry about it. "There is the dirtiest place in the city, no one wants to approach it. The only street that has nothing to do with Shibao and Mengshi, all of them live in evil spirits, charging them, the first is difficult, the second will be a joke."

The words of the gynecological teeth are not completely accurate, and some people are willing to approach or even enter the city of Wangcheng, what Xu Xiaoyi is afraid of is what some people like.

Although Wangcheng Lane has its full range of functions, the pillar industry is the same as that of the People’s Lane.

"I heard that people here will be sorcerers, and they will focus on beautiful little boys. Some of them will cut off small things and become like them. Some of them are even worse. They are eaten alive. It is said that this will make people young and beautiful forever... ..."

As soon as he entered Wangcheng Lane, Xu Xiaoyi took advantage of the arms of Huan Ge, and he did not let go of his life and death. He was full of horror stories he heard from childhood.

The face of Jingnu is also a bit wrong. It is difficult to completely eliminate the heart of death. He is now a little scared of the bird. The crowds in Wangcheng Lane are crowded with fish and dragons. In his opinion, it is the ideal place for Yugongzi to assassinate himself. .

Gu Shenwei does not believe these nonsense, and the residents in Wangcheng Lane look nothing special. Some people even have a beard, not like a slut. The only difference is the look of these people. They seem to have some kind of instinct. Can immediately identify the outsiders, Gu Shenwei and other three just stepped into the streets, they greeted many eyes.

Xu Xiaoyi was even more afraid. He almost walked on the arm of Huan Ge. Gu Shenwei had to bring him, because only this kid recognized Gao Hou’s personal servant before his death.

Wangcheng Lane is long and tortuous. With the deepening of step by step, the uniqueness of this place is gradually revealed, and there are fewer and fewer shops. Most of the houses on the street are not signboards. There are one or two men standing in front of the door, saying that men are a little stubborn. The extent of their heavy makeup is that the prostitutes who stay in the lanes are also self-satisfied. There are quite a few unparalleled and unparalleled, saying that women will never be suspected.

Two killers and a young boy walked down and did not respond to all the hints.

The information asked by Xu Xiaoyi shows that Qi Da is hiding in the deepest building of Wangcheng Lane. They only need to go all the way.

"Look at it, don't let Qi Da run away from you." Gu Shen reminded.

Xu Xiaoyi took a few steps and looked up. He was more and more frightened and whispered in his mouth. "I am the ugliest, don't look at me..."

The three-storey building is a mixture of strange places: the first floor is a tea house, which is not unique in the southern city of Saitama. It is also very rare. The second floor is the place to be called, and the third floor is home to a group of fortune tellers.

The plaque was hung with a plaque and four big characters - "satisfied."

"It is said that the people here are the most fortune-telling. There is a living immortal who can make a clear statement of your life. Let us try it later."

No danger was encountered along the way. Xu Xiaoyi’s courage grew up and began to care about his future.

"You don't have to count your life, serving prostitutes and killers for the rest of your life."

Xu Xiaoyi retorted very seriously. "That may not be the case. Maybe my sister will be a good prostitute in the future."

The teahouse was full of people, and the three newcomers managed to find a table. After sitting down, they carefully observed the guests here.

The guests are strange, there are old people who can't guess the age of wrinkles, there are scary monsters on their faces, and there are many people who break their legs and break their legs. To say that these people have the same characteristics, it is no fun, what seems to be Do not care, drink the tea in front of you.

The running guys are quite normal, but they are interested in ignoring newcomers, far from them.

"Qi Da?"

"I don't know, people say that he is hiding here, but he didn't say that he was drinking tea on the first floor, or fortune telling on the third floor."

"Go and call the guy."

Reluctant Xu Xiaoyi stood up, and soon after, called a reluctant buddy.

"What?" Listening to the voice of this man is like a stewardship in Shibao.

Gu Shenwei put a piece of gold on the table. "I am looking for big."

The guy glanced at the gold, "Wait." Turned away, it seems that the guest said a dish name.

Things are so easy, Gu Shen is a bit surprised.

The man disappeared for a while, and when he appeared, he brought a man in his 30s. The man’s face was covered with thick powder and he had a pair of natural and melancholy eyes, but it was full of anger.

Xu Xiaoyi secretly shook his head, saying that this is not a big one.

"Go out, I don't welcome you here." The powdering man shouted that the other guests in the teahouse were as if they didn't hear it, and they couldn't bear to turn around.

"I am looking for a big one." Gu Shen repeated his request and put another piece of gold on the table.

"He is not here, go elsewhere."

Someone came to find Qi Da, Gu Shen thought, putting a knife next to the gold. "You think about it, maybe he is in this building."

The smeared man stepped back two steps, his lips closed, and the three teamen sitting nearby suddenly stood up and stared silently at the young killer.

The three tea-goers lost their entire right arm, and one of them had a little squat. They took a short knife like a trick, and the short knife was wide and sharp.

Xu Xiaoyi closed his eyes and squatted on the table. He had experience. The knife of the brothers was first-rate. He stood down for a while, and then he would see three bodies when he opened his eyes.

However, Xu Xiaoyi was wrong. There was no sound around him. He sat up straight and found that the three one-armed swordsmen and the two young killers were still silently confronting each other, as if no one had shot.

Gu Shenwei knew that he had a big idea. No one said that there was a master in Wangcheng Lane. He regarded this place as a man-sponsored person, and did not expect to encounter with the master.

The three one-armed men are masters, not the common type of knife-only knives, but experts who are good at killing people.

Jingnu first pulled the knife, his hand just moved, Gu Shenwei also followed the knife. In the eyes of others, the two teenagers were both at the same time.

Therefore, people are also pressed at the same time.

The blade was only a few inches in the sheath and returned.

When Gu Shenwei and Jingnu pulled out their swords, they worked like a high rise. The lake was suddenly frustrated, and the water immediately rushed back. The two of them swayed and almost fell. The face was red and the number of insiders was several. Zhou Tian, ​​only to restore calm.

In front of the two young killers stood a young man in his twenties, wearing a lavish dress, handsome and quiet, like a woman, but no powder on his face, the killer has been guarded by God, he did not know where he is from Jumped out.

The young man took back his hands and stepped back. He was slightly embarrassed. "Today's comet is on duty, and it is not appropriate to move the knife."

Gu Shenwei, who has never encountered such a high martial arts, was greatly touched and could not speak for a long time.

The smeared man and the three one-armed men were extremely respectful to the youth. They gave a deep ritual behind him, put away the knife and retired at the same time.

The young man looked at each other on the faces of the three guests. "Peng Xianren wants to call one of you, who is not said, I guess - it is you."

(Seeking for advice)

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