Death Sutra

Chapter 169: Red

Gu Shenwei would rather believe in the innocent will, and would not pin his hopes on the fortune teller.

"Do you want to listen to all? Peng Xianren said a lot of words, I have written down." Seeing the expression of Huan Ge is not very concerned, Xu Xiaoyi is a little anxious.

"Let's go." Gu Shenwei really can't afford to be interested. "Don't go out and run around recently, don't ask people around, and be honest at home."

"Oh." Xu Xiaoyi jumped out of the chair and walked out of his head. One foot stepped out of the door and said, "You lose more than the sword. You win if you kill."

This is not like Xu Xiaoyi can think of it, Peng Xianren may be just a swindler, but he did say some truth.

Gu Shenwei thought for a long time, confidence gradually recovered, found the lotus girl, and said his own thoughts, "I will attract Ye Silang's attention according to the plan you said, you kill him, but you must kill another person first. ""


"Knife God."

The "Death Man" sword can only be improved through constant killing. The higher the skill, the fewer suitable objects. The sword **** Huang Shian is an ideal goal. The knife is high and strong, but it is better than Ye Silang. It is like Climbing the steps, stepping on the body of the former, the greater the grasp of killing the latter.

"You can also do it yourself." The Dutch woman understands the intention of the slave, so she pushes this rare opportunity.

"No, my problem is in my heart, I will think of another way to solve it."

This is the fifth day that Ye Silang entered the challenge of entering the South City. The two killers made plans for the third time to assassinate the knife **** Huang Shi'an.

After a few hours, Huang Shi'an was sitting opposite the dealer's house. His face still showed a bright smile on his face. His heart was getting more and more bottomless. He didn't remember how much he lost. He had already fallen into the bottomless hole of Meng's family. Long-term loyalty can't be filled, only life can pay off all debts.

He still remembers what his mother said when she left home. "You only have two things worthy of money, knife and life, so don't owe debts, especially don't owe debts that you can't use."

This is the fate of all the swordsmen.

After each dice is thrown, it is not only money but also his life.

Earn back, all earned back, Knife God prayed, his face still hung with an indifferent smile, screaming with the brothers around him, those exaggerated touts are now all his comfort, "Come on, full house! TMD This is a broken hand. If I don’t use it to take a knife, I will knock it down."

The casino is full of people, but it is safe. Everyone has been checked. Huang Shi’an doesn’t have to worry about the killer of Yushe. He even regrets that he hasn’t had time to make a great effort. The war is over, if he can carry a string. The head of the killer went to see Meng Gongzi, probably no need to pay for his debts.

No one gave him this opportunity. Huang Shi’an thought indignantly that he was a sword in the city of Saitama, but he did not participate in several battles. He was sitting in the big house surrounded by swordsmen every day. The only fun was to gamble on a thousand eyes. Occasionally, he acts as a bait for the killer to enter the trap. He feels that all this is unfair and unreasonable. He is fully capable of bringing a group of people, rushing into the Yushe and shining all the enemies.

He has never been afraid of killers.

Huang Shi’an slammed the scorpion, and cursed a sword in his heart, Ye Lang, the flashy guy, looks better than the sword, but qualified to run to Nancheng to scream, as if others are not the opponent of the killer Yang Huan, must wait He shot, but for a few days, he did not see him step closer to the company.

It was a little four o'clock, and the smile on the face of Knife God could no longer be hanged, like a deflated ball, leaning back on the back of the chair, closing his eyes, entering a darkness, even the deafening cheers of the brothers. I can't afford his enthusiasm.

Then he opened his eyes and saw the most beautiful woman I saw in my life.

There is always a woman in the casino. The knife **** is somewhat famous. The ten thousand two rewards of silver and the rich rewards provided by the company are enough to make him a target for women.

He is a normal man. When he is in a good mood when he wins silver, he will share happiness with the woman who looks at the most pleasing to the eye. This is the first time that he can still be touched by a woman when he loses.

The woman is in red, like a piece of jade wrapped in flames, with a gorgeous makeup on her face. The strange thing is that the same makeup is changed to another woman, it will look too gaudy, but she is only Extraordinary and refined, with a hint of aggressiveness.

The woman in red just entered the casino and immediately attracted everyone's attention. The men forgot to roll the dice, and the women frowned, hoping that the competitors would quickly select the target.

“Who is she?” Many people whispered at the same time, and at the same time harvested their doubts and shook their heads.

"Li Laotai's new girl." I don't know who recognized her first, but no one knows her name.

Many women in this brothel near the beginning of the trip will come to the casino to visit, it is a kind of propaganda.

The shock is just a small meeting. This is a casino. Everyone knows that only real money is the most beautiful beauty, and no one is tempting.

Only the eyes of the sword **** could not move, because the woman in red was watching him, and a shy smile appeared on her face.

Her women are relieved, these two people are perfect, the knife **** is best to take her upstairs, so that others can continue to do business.

The knife **** tonight is very miserable, not as attractive as usual.

The woman in red seems to be really uncomfortable. She is hesitant to stand at the door. She finally has to take a step. A big man who drank some wine and won some money rushed out and hugged it. She kissed her face, then put her in her arms and shouted in the voice that the entire casino could hear: "Liquor, money, woman! Laozi wants to kill tonight!"

The woman in red was weak and weak, and even one of the fingers of Dahan could not move, but she obviously did not like the guest, but she could not refuse it. She secretly looked at the knife **** and showed her sly look for help.

Huang Shian turned his head and there was a knife urging next to him. "God brother, such a beautiful flower, can't let others pick it up."

"I am not lucky tonight, I don't want to touch a woman." Huang Shian said with a sullen voice, grabbed the scorpion and swayed in his hands for a long time before throwing it.

When looking up again, the big man and the red woman have disappeared.

The knife **** is lost, but the luck is still not good.

The casino business continues.

After a while, the building had a strange sound, some people were curious, ran up the stairs to listen, and then with a sly smile, the women showed the expression of catastrophe, "Whoever made her unlucky, the first guest is Song Laosan, hey, I’m afraid I can’t stand up for a few days.”

The voice is getting louder and louder, the male's screaming is mixed with the screaming, and occasionally the woman's pleading is coming out. For the casino below, this is just a fun, the gambling enthusiasm is unconsciously rising. , put more silver and throw smaller points.

Huang Shi'an has been unable to see the points of the blind man. His mind is no longer here, his heart is full of anger, and finally he has to vent.

The knife stood up and stood up. He took a big step and went upstairs. "TMD, noisy, no letting people play?"

Everyone stopped gambling again, looked up at the knife god, waiting for a wonderful excitement, the knife enthusiasm shouted for the **** brother, "Look him! Throw him out of the window!"

No one thought of helping or protecting the sword.

Huang Shi'an lifted his foot and broke the door. He slammed in, and calmed for a little while. The sound of the fight suddenly sounded, and then a figure flew out of the room and fell heavily on the floor downstairs. Rolling around to hide.

The women screamed and screamed, and the body that fell was a corpse. Song Laosan was bloody, his eyes widened, wine, money, and women. He was all lacking, and finally got the same - death.

"Don't shout, God brother kills someone who wants to take revenge, and finds a revenge." The swordsmen pulled out their knives and threatened everyone. No one dared to scream. Two knives carried the body and threw it outside. ended.

Song Laosan is not a great big man. He can die in the hands of the sword god, and he is lucky.

The casino quickly returned to normal, the man’s nephew, the woman flirting, until half an hour passed, someone re-thinked the knife god. “Hey, tonight, the knife **** is really a god, persisting for so long, usually not for a quarter of an hour. To."

The swordsmen first disdain, and then a little puzzled, a courageously lightly walked upstairs, a pair of men and women just came out of the next room, "Go in and see, it didn't move for a long time."

"God brother..." The knifeman knocked on the door, and the door was hidden. When he knocked it, the knifeman took a look and immediately went downstairs and whispered a few words to his friends.

Four knives ran upstairs, pulled out the knife at the door, prevented anyone from prying, and ignored all the questions. Several others ran out of the casino, not long after, bringing back more knives.

The guests who were so curious about Qianyanfang were not satisfied, and they were smashed out, but the next morning, not only the guests of the previous night, but the residents of the entire Saitama City heard the news that the knife **** Huang Shi’an was assassinated. .

The knife **** died under the knife, the assassin was a woman, which made the company lose face and become a laughing stock, and the prestige advantage that was finally made was turned into nothing.

The unfortunate person was the old lady of the brothel, Li Laotai. She was kneeling on the ground and swears to a group of wolf-like knives. She never confessed to any red woman. She never saw it.

The knives searched the brothel for a glimpse of the day, and a group of prostitutes were stunned and stunned in the cold wind. After all the peace, Li’s wife was seriously ill and went to the scorpion after her illness.

That night, only two people knew the details of the assassination. Gu Shen looked at the Dutch woman she almost couldn’t recognize and asked her: "Is he a good knife?"

The lotus girl nodded.

Through the assassination of the sword, Huang Shi'an, the sword of the lotus girl went up to a higher level, and now the person who needs to improve the sword is a slave.

(Seeking for advice)

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