Death Sutra

Chapter 177: brother

When Meng Mingshi and Shangguan Yu were actually lovers, the effect of this sentence was tantamount to the death of Yu Gongzi and his resurrection.

Gu Shen was shocked in the heart, and many doubts were solved. He felt that he was too stupid. He didn't even understand it earlier. In fact, this can't blame him. He has never experienced love, and he has no way of knowing the subtle feeling.

Meng Mingshi and Shangguan are in the same situation, and they will be noisy when they meet. But in the face of Shangguan Yu, they always behave in a polite manner. The first time Meng Mengzi’s favorite person is Yu Yuzi, so she will do so much for her. In the matter, when Shangguan rained, he dared to kill the knives without fear of revenge.

The life of the swordsmen seems to be like a mustard in the north of the city, and it is worthwhile to win a beautiful smile.

As for the death of Gao Houye, Gu Shenwei also wants to understand that the lack of money of Hou Ye must have known the relationship between the two, in order to threaten to extort money, Shangguan Yu had given money, but that is not her Money, but the money of the Meng family, when Gao Houye opened his mouth for the second time, he provoked himself to kill himself.

Shangguan did not think so much, she carried a narrow knife, her face was red, her black eyes were getting bigger and bigger, and she had to say three words for a long time. "You lied."

Meng Mingshi took out a piece of jade from his arms and held it in his hands to let Shangguan watch it.

Jade is white, carved into the shape of a deer, only two eyes are green, it is not a particularly precious thing.

Shangguan’s body swayed as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer. He stared at Yupei for a long time, and he took out one from his arms.

Two pieces of jade, almost exactly the same.

For a while, Shangguan’s eyes were like tears, and he seemed to cry. Then he gritted his teeth and put up the jade. The knife was in front. “Impossible, you are stealing, or you are picking it up, it’s impossible for the rain son to ......"

When Meng Mingyi lowered his arm and obsessedly looked at the dead Shangguan Yu, the look was a ruthless killer and he could see what was going on.

"There is nothing impossible. The people in your stone castle think that she is born to be the tenth son of the class. In fact, she is one hundred times smarter than you, and more qualified to be a lesser master. We have worked together to develop a perfect plan. It can be done at one point."

"Plan?" Shangguan repetitively repeated, the hand holding the knife began to tremble.

"Yushe is set up for her, to accompany you to play a realistic game, by the way, to get rid of the people we don't like, this is the slave, and then find a way to send you back to Shibao, I control the company. She is alone in the company, and we will work together to create a career. No one will say that I am a useless loser, and no one dares to think that her status is low..."

"Shut up!" Shangguan shouted like a scream, tears finally could not help but flow out, "Yu Gongzi will not betray me."

"Of course she will not betray you, she needs you, she just thinks that you are too small, and the temper is not suitable, so I will make you a big brother, and when she marries into the Meng family, then I will be a singer of the Western Region." The agency is still giving you."

If Shangguan couldn't believe it, the brain was messy, and the sweet words that Yugongzi said had ringing in his ears. "She said that she would never marry."

Meng Mingshi looked at the lifeless face when she was in the rain. "She said she regretted making such an oath."

The Shangguan retired to a chair and sat down weakly. The narrow knife fell off the ground and fell into a ball. Like a little girl abandoned by his parents, he repeated his mouth repeatedly. "Maybe", suddenly jumped back to the ground and asked: "Not who, who killed the rain son?"

Meng Mingshi seems to have just thought of this problem, his eyes are hesitant, and then he refers to the slaves. "It is him, it must be his bad."

Shangguanru’s brain was completely chaotic, and he didn’t even think about it. “Is it you? Is the hatred of both of you so deep that you want to die?”

"Not me, I can't command so many swordsmen."

Gu Shenwei has already guessed who the Lord is, but it is not his turn to clarify the truth.

Shangguan Ruo also understands that Meng Mingshi’s accusation is too outrageous. How many dozens of knives, how to listen to the command of an ordinary killer, "those knives are all people of the scorpion."

"I don't know, they may be the people of Yushe, but I didn't make any orders. No one of the swordsmen came out to admit it. I asked people to check it. There is no result. If I can't find it, I will take them all. killed."

Meng Mingshi is not a qualified socialist. When Shangguan is dead in the rain, he will only drink hurts alone, and there is no obvious revenge plan.

The hijackers and the hijackers are in a myth, and they are thinking hard.

Shangguan did not know anything, but it was a matter of course. Meng Mingshi had a lot of clues there. Gu Shen did not want to knock on his skull and put the idea directly into it.

"I know." Meng Wugongzi finally got rid of the influence of drunkenness and sorrow, and wanted to understand what he should have understood. "It is your brother, the command of Shangguan flying!"

Shangguan used to look at the fool's eyes and stared at Meng Mingshi. He was about to refute and rumored. The voice of the gynecologist was heard outside. "Who?"

"Jinpeng Fort." replied with a cold voice.

The toon tooth must have believed the other party's statement, so did not block all outsiders according to the orders of Shangguanru, but pushed the door open and let more than ten black robe people come in.

They are indeed Jinpeng killers. The black robe is black and is wearing a red belt. This is not a teenager who has just won the title for a few months, but a seasoned young man. After entering the house, he immediately spreads out. There is even a person upstairs. Take care of it.

No one can act rashly.

Meng Ming did not know the meaning of these people, but also scared to tremble, Shangguan Ruyi rounded his eyes, "Who is the killer, so arrogant?"

A man with a slightly short black robe stood at the door, then opened his hood. "Sister, you have made things big, and Shibao had to send someone to clean up the mess."

It is Shangguanfei.

Shangguan looked at his brother in surprise, and asked Meng Mingshi almost at the same time to ask: "You sent someone to kill her?"

Shangguanfei did not answer the question. He has been waiting for this moment for a long time. He can wait a little longer. He steps forward and picks up Mengwugongzi. "Five sons, let you suffer. Come and send the five sons back to the government. ”

Two black robe killers came over to set up Meng Mingshi and walked outside. Meng Ming was frustrated and frightened. He had no strength at all. He played with him and went to the door. He was "you, must be you, how can I... ”

The killer did not stop, and Meng Mengzi quickly left.

Shangguan Fei smiled and sent Meng Mingshi. Now, both Meng and Yushe owe him a big favor. Next, he wants to start with the company.

Brush, a narrow knife arrived in front of Shangguanfei's chest, Shangguan is like an angry cat, bowed back, pupils infinitely enlarged.


A black robe killer is coming to the Savior. Shangguanfei swings his hand. He was once scared and cried by the knife in his sister's hand. Now he will never again. "Do you want to kill me? Sister, you always forget, I am not Your slave."

"Just for this? You hate me, you have to kill the rain son?" Shangguan could not believe that the boy in front of him was his twin brother, and the hand holding the knife was shaking again.

"I don't hate you, I envy you." Shangguanfei's calmness is not like a teenager, not like the nine young masters who are weak and incompetent in the memory of everyone. "Mother likes you, father likes you, and sees you more than nine." My son is important. But when I hate Shangguan Yu, who is she? Do you dare to disrespect me?"

Shangguanfei was also angry. His eyes sparkled and his body leaned forward. The Shangguan did not consciously step back. The narrow knife left his brother's chest. "I am the son of the one-step king! She is just a poor relative who has no origins. The birth is not much higher than the slave, why should I endure her anger!"

"She didn't... we didn't..." Shangguanru cried again, she couldn't control her emotions, and too many unexpected things came in, which was beyond her ability to withstand.

"Hah, of course you haven't bullied me. What do I count in your eyes? Small followers, dog slaves, sometimes not as slaves, playing slaves is to give him a face, how can it be 'bullying'? You know? Sister, I guess all the minions hate the owner."

Shangguanfei turned to the body of Shangguan Yu, sneer, "Yu Gongzi's ambition is quite a lot, but also thinking about 雀 雀 Nestle, put you overhead, alone in the power of the shackles, oh ah, sister, this is your best friend. First, I was anxious to find a wild man. Selling you is faster than a slave."

"To shut up!"

Shangguanru’s narrow knife re-entered his brother’s chest and no longer trembled.

"Come, you didn't have to put the knife on my neck to save the two slaves? Now the rain son is really dead, revenge for her, the love of others is the tradition of our stone castle, I killed the big brother. You come to kill me, your brother, my father will like you more."

Shangguanfei is a bit mad, and no one in the house can dare to go forward to discourage.

The narrow knife is as heavy as a mountain in Shangguan’s hands. She can’t get in and can’t get it back.

Shangguanfei grabbed a narrow knife and threw it on the ground. He said with a cold face: "Is it so difficult to kill people? When you slaughtered the knives in the night before, you are not like this, remember? Calm, talk and laugh. It seems that a group of ants are dead. Do they have no brothers and sisters? No one who likes them? No, everyone has them. Sister, do you understand the rules of Shibao? If you can’t bear to kill your brother, how will you be in the future? Bear to kill your loved ones, respected people, hated people?"

Shangguanfei looked at his sister cruelly. His cheeks were red because of his excitement. The moment of revenge is even better than he imagined. If he can, he hopes to stay at this moment forever.

Shangguan stood in the same place as a dementia. He was as small as a little leopard who had just left the mother beast. He was tempted and guarded everyone in the house. "You are not my brother, you and her have betrayed me."

"You have never regarded me as a brother." Shangguanfei seems to hold a knife in his hand and is stabbing his sister's body. It is not a sudden piercing, but slowly scratching the skin, splitting the flesh and stirring, stirring Five internal organs.

There was a loud noise coming from outside. It seemed that there was a fierce battle. Shangguanfei’s face smiled and looked at the slaves standing on one side and took the last knife to his sister. “Sister, open your eyes, everyone around you. Are betraying you."

Gu Shen was shocked in his heart. He had been carefully walking between the masters in Shibao. He did not expect to underestimate the nine young masters. Although he had already prepared for betrayal, he did not think about it at this time. How to face the grief and anger of Shangguanru.

(Seeking for advice)

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