Death Sutra

Chapter 187: Lone lamp

Jinpeng killer wants to "stay in seclusion" in the proud building, it is impossible, just when Gu Shen is dedicated to the second time to get through the whole body meridians, people and things outside Wangcheng Lane come to the door.

First of all, there are several uninvited guests who met, but they are not directly related to the killer.

Gu Shenwei also learned the role models of others, painted many scars on her face, hiding the true face, so the group did not recognize him.

The winner was Guan Houlin, the "military division" of Shangguanfei. He chatted with Tang Ji, the manager of the teahouse, for a while. Finally, the two sides broke up.

Gu Shenwei thinks that the purpose of this is to inquire about the details of Guan Houlin. The disciples of Peng Xianren are no different from ordinary people when they are out of control. Gu Shen is very familiar with them now, so he quickly asked. I got to know what I wanted to know.

Guan Houlin once wanted to worship Peng Xianren as a teacher. He was rejected because he was not qualified enough. Now he is no longer a knifeless knife, but a military division of Jinpengbao’s nine masters, who is in charge of one of the most powerful forces in Nancheng. He returned to the building, to collect protection fees from the entire Wangcheng Lane.

Among the intricate power networks of Saitama City, Wangcheng Lane has always been a pure land. The people here never accept outside protection and are rarely subjected to extortion. The request of Guan Houlin was directly rejected.

The person who is proud of the building has no fear, and feels that this is a small matter. Gu Shen is a little sympathetic to Shangguanfei. If the nine young masters really come to Wangcheng Lane to cause trouble, they will surely face a **** run, and they will have a lot of masters in the building. In the middle of the tiger, Hidden Dragon, here has always been outside the control of the outside world, there is a reason.

Shortly after Guan Houlin came, one evening in April, Gu Shenwei was practicing in Taolin, and a group of people came up. The goal of this time is him.

Chu Nanping is the waiter of Peng Xianren. He can wait until the immortal rests before he can come out, so only Gu Shen was alone.

Seven or eight black men jumped from the peach trees one after another, occupying different positions, and surrounded the killer Yang Huan.

Gu Shen held the sword in her hand and looked at these acquaintances coldly. She was bored in her heart. He was addicted to the world of swordsmanship and didn't like people to bother.

Shangguan, around his own killer, circled a half circle. "Are you practicing a sword?"

"Yes, I am practicing swords."

If you are blunt, if you go out, the Shangguan is like a glimpse, Gu Shenwei feels incredible, and then wakes up like a big dream, immediately squats on one leg, puts down the sword in his hand, and pleads guilty. "Ten son, it is under the hood... ”

How can I explain this? Gu Shenwei can't think of a reasonable statement.

Shangguan was not angry, but his face showed a sympathetic look. "I should have called you out. You have been in the fairy."

"What am I?" Gu Shen raised her head in a strange way.

"Fairy Man, Peng Xianren's spell, the man who has the spell will believe everything in his words, willing to stay with him, never leave, but fortunately, the time you are affected is not long, and the possibility of rescue. This is follow me."

"No, I don't have a Chinese immortal, I can leave at any time, just a little..."

Gu Shen’s words and stops, the Shangguan waved, several killers retired, and then let Huannu get up and talk.

"Peng Xianren will be able to remove the eight outspoken forces and will succeed."

"You are not good yet?" This time, it was a surprise to go to Shangguan. She thought that the last time she annihilated the Great Waste, the slaves had healed.

"I thought it was good at the time, and then it was repeated."

"You have never told me."

"There are many things to be considered by the ten sons. I don't want to add any trouble. I thought I could cure it in a few days. I didn't expect it to be delayed for so long."

"I have to remind you that Peng Xianren is very big, but it is also very dangerous. You have to be careful."

In the past two months, Gu Shenwei was in a state of "missing". The ten sons were not angry. Gu Shen was a little surprised. "Yes, I will soon leave the building, no one limits my freedom. Ye Silang is from Go out here."

Shangguan nodded, and seemed to have struggled inside. Finally he sighed. "Well, you stay here for a while, remembering my words, as long as you are in the middle of the fairy, everyone will find their own reasons to stay, I hope Your reason is true."

Gu Shenwei once again kneels down, his reasons are of course true, and the three-year period of ignorance is about to come. He wants to save his own life.

When he looked up again, Shangguan had already left.

The training sword on that day was quite unsmooth. Gu Shenwei and Chunan Screen were practicing the second "Sword is more important than the mountains". The sword was placed with a heavy iron. The two men must not only use the internal interest to ensure that the sword is not pressed. Broken, but also in the rapid exit of the sword, do not let the iron fly out, Gu Shenwei is always distracted, the sword is erratic, not sticking to the iron several times.

When the early Nanping screen was young, the mistakes of the co-cultivators have always been said to be straightforward. They never leave their feelings, take away their swords, turn around and throw a sentence, "You are emotional, wasting time."

Was scolded by an eleven-year-old child, Gu Shen suddenly burned in anger, did not want to think, picked up the sword, chased behind the south screen, stabbed his neck.

This is not a sword of ruthlessness, but the sword of the Dead Man, the most martial arts that Gu Shen has practiced, and the swordsmanship that has never been defeated.

This time, the owner was disappointed.

The tip of the sword is still a foot away from the target. The south screen has turned around and brushed a few swords, forcing Gu Shen to step back and back, and finally leaned on the trunk and was put on the chest by the child's sword.

"Dead Man" is a sword, and it is passive when it is not in one stroke.

"Angry is also love, ruthlessness is no anger, what is going on today?"

Gu Shenwei opened the sword of the first Nanping, and said nothing, going outside Taolin, he wants to think about it alone.

After a long time, he discovered that things were wrong. The Secrets of the Ensemble and The Dead Mantra are two very different martial arts. The former is grand and all-encompassing. The latter is subtle, only seeking a sword and practicing ruthless swordsmanship. Unconsciously weakened his original martial arts.

Gu Shenwei walked aimlessly along the boundary wall of Wangcheng Lane. After a while, she felt irritable. Looking back, the lone lamp on the third floor of the building was faintly visible. He suddenly had an impulse and wanted to see Peng Xianren directly. Understand that this is obviously two kinds of swordsmanship. Why are immortals interested in The Dead Man?

Gu Shenwei continued to move forward, the pace is getting faster and faster, his swordsmanship has regressed, and his efforts have made great progress. Not long after, he has already gone out of the scope of Wangcheng Lane, since learning the "Sensor Secrets" For the first time, I entered other parts of the South City.

There seems to be no change in the streets, only the snow melts and becomes more dirty.

In a room in the backyard of the South Wall, the Dutch girl was waiting for the slave. She followed the ten son to find him, but she did not have a chance to speak.

"What went wrong?"

The tone of the Dutch woman is always dull. At this moment, a slight concern is revealed. According to the original plan, the slaves should meet her every three days, but this is the first time in two months. I have been lurking in the dark for many times, and I have been observing the slaves far away, but I have never shown up.

"I do not know."

The farther away from the building, Gu Shen’s irritability in his heart is more obvious. It seems that there is a group of birds living in it, because he feels that the natural disaster is coming and flies around, and he is eager to return to a quiet and peaceful place.

Gu Shen was sitting down and was surprised and despised by her weakness.

The lotus girl came over and pressed one hand on his shoulder. He said softly, "I will help you."

Gu Shen raised her head and looked at her most familiar girl. She was surprised that her voice would be so sweet. He didn't drink alcohol. He heard the short four words and was as intoxicated as drinking alcohol.

Before he realized what had happened, he had hugged her waist and put her face on her flat belly, saying nothing.

The Dutch woman was deeply surprised. She raised her hand and seemed to push the juvenile's hug. The last hand fell on his hair, gently stroking it, and it took a long time to open. "Tell me everything."

When Gu Shen left the Dutch woman and returned to the building, she felt a lot calmer and felt a little embarrassed. He had never been so close to any woman, which made him suspect that he was still not a killer.

He described the practice process in detail, and recited the "Sensor Secrets" that he remembered. The Dutch woman took the paper and pen records, but he remembered it incompletely. Sixty-four kinds of practice only saw the ruthless swordsmanship, other content. Has not been concerned.

Gu Shenwei feels that he has regained his strength, and this power will be able to counter the Peng Xianren's spells, whether it is hypnosis or immortal.

He usually lives in a room near the Deyi Building. At this time, he did not go back to rest directly. Instead, he entered the imaginary building and walked up.

The solitary lamp on the third floor is immortal. He pushes the screen to the front of the lamp and carefully reads each of the above texts.

There is nothing to be suspicious. Sixty-four kinds of practice methods are equivalent to sixty-four kinds of martial arts. Each one is different. If the "Dead Man" is only a different understanding and different realms, "Sensing Secrets" is like a hodgepodge. What dishes are there.

Unconsciously, he was attracted to the content of the ruthless sword.

People are lighter than swords, swords are more important than mountains, hearts and swords are in harmony, meanings are moving with swords, hearts and minds are passed, love is at heart, and heart is not. This is the seven realms of ruthless swords. Each weight is a method. Corresponding to light work, strength, speed, concentration, reaction, murder, will, and finally will be the sword to kill people, not people to kill.

Gu Shenwei never considered the final ending of this set of swordsmanship. He is a "ruthless person", naturally he can't think about it before he shrinks his head and tail.

"Don't suppress the feelings in your heart, release it, it's an extra part of your heart, let it be exposed, and then kill it. It's ruthless to be sentimental first, and it's ruthless to destroy love."

Gu Shen said to herself, but he knew very well that this was not what he thought of, and the words spit out from his lips and did not pass through his mind.

The short Peng Xian people stood outside the ten steps with their tall crutches, and Gu Shen had no prior notice.

"Ye Silang, how can you leave the building?" Gu Shen asked for a dumb nephew, as if it was not his own organ, and he had to work hard to control it.

Then he replied himself, his voice was a bit dull, but it was extremely smooth, and the story he told was never heard of him.

(Seeking for advice)

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