Death Sutra

Chapter 194: transaction

The death of the gnome is vividly in sight. Gu Shen was frightened by the fact that she was not blinded by the sly face, and he could not feel the fascinating influence of Peng Xianren. "Let him come to the window."

Gu Shen is not willing to vote for himself.

No one responded to the window on the third floor. The disciples who drank tea on the first floor came out and looked up at the two killers on the wall. Some people were carrying weapons.

Gu Shenwei did not intend to be an enemy of the enemy, and looked at the girl with the lotus, both of them prepared for the escape into Taolin.

The third floor window reveals another face. It is the old man in the white robe. He once tried to avenge the Peng Xianren. "Retreat."

The order was said to be heard by oneself. The disciples returned to the teahouse obediently. After a while, a disciple with a hunchback and a face was walked out, holding a lacquer plate with tea on it. Leaping on the wall, dripping water did not sprinkle, then kneeling down, facing the proud floor, hands raised high, ten steps away from the killer.

The old man in white robe jumped out of the window on the third floor and fell to the side of the humpback. His light work was very good. Surprisingly, his speed was very slow. It was not like "jumping". It was like "floating", as if the whole body did not. A little weighty.

"Please drink tea."

Gu Shen refused to shake her head and was alert to the old man. She was still planning to escape. He was negotiating, but he had to prepare for the worst.

The old man did not see the action of the killer. He raised his hand and slammed it on a teacup. The teacup flew out and drawn an arc. He bypassed Gu Shenwei and went to the lotus girl.

The lotus woman reached for her hand and shook her body.

The old man popped the second cup and flew straight to Gu Shenwei.

Gu Shenwei also reached out and caught the body. The body did not move, but the heart was shocked. The old man had deep internal strength and was an enemy.

"The good tea of ​​the Tianshan snow blisters, there are not a few cups left, please."

"I am not coming to drink tea." Gu Shen did not fly this cup of tea, directly let go, the cup fell, a few inches from the wall, the toes raised and gently touched, the cup was on the ground, the level did not move.

"You really are a tea ceremony master." The old man in white robe smiled and took a sip.

"You know why I am coming."

"I am waiting for you."

The old man in the white robe has been killed, and it seems to have been figured out.

"Let's have something to say, I don't want anyone to doubt what I have taken from the Pengxian people." Gu Shenwei never believes in the coincidence of personnel, and the rumor always has the initiator, the proud building is here. Things will not be innocent.

"I don't want anyone to say that the immortal is killed, and the immortal will never die." The old man made a request in a tit-for-tat manner.

In order to stop a rumor, one must say another lie, Gu Shen could not help but snorted, "So you got another Peng Xianren?"

"No, the immortal corpse, throwing away from the original body and into another body."

"It turns out that you are the new Peng Xianren."

"Nothing new or old, I am Peng Xianren."

The old man in white robe said that he was calm and calm when he said this. Gu Shenwei even admired him a bit. This is what the so-called "solving problem" of the patrol city Zhongheng Zhongheng. "So, I am just a small person, Peng Xianren - that is you - Temporary borrowing to complete the autopsy?"


"So, the treasure of ‘you’ cannot be taken away by me?”


It seems that this is a sale that is good for both parties. Gu Shenwei smiled. "The immortal **** is a good idea.

"The sorcerer is fascinated by the gods, and the immortals are also as good as they are."

“The Italian building is still proud of the building.”

The new Peng Xianren nodded. "Tomorrow, the immortal will rise to the sky tomorrow. Please be sure to come to the scene."

"for sure."

The white robe Peng Xianren did not do anything, humpback stood up, went to Gu Shenwei, picked up the cup, swayed, bypassed the killer, and came to the lotus girl.

The lotus girl will not show off the martial arts, and honestly put the teacup into the tray.

The white robe Peng Xianren "floating" back to the third floor, Gu Shenwei saw clearly, the immortal hand holds a nearly transparent long cable.

"see you tomorrow."

Since there is no danger of murder, Gu Shenwei does not want to leave so soon. "I want to see Tang Ji."

Tangji is the management of the teahouse on the first floor. The martial arts is low. In the proud building, it can only be regarded as the head of the minion. The white robes Peng Xianren apparently did not "calculate" the request to the killer. He stunned, said nothing, turned and disappeared. It didn't take long for Tang Ji to walk out from the back door.

Compared with the disciples of Deyilou, Tangji, whose face is covered with fat powder, seems to be more saddened by the death of Peng Xianren. The tear marks on his face are especially obvious. The hostility to the wall killer is also more obvious. He does not say a word.

"I want to ask you one thing."

"I won't tell you anything."

"This is not very good." Gu Shen said something on the mouth, people have jumped down the wall and came to Tang Ji. "I just talked to Peng Xianren about a deal, and I don't want to attach conditions so soon."

Tang Ji understands the meaning of the killer. He is now a new owner. He doesn't want to get into trouble. He thinks for a while and bluntly says, "You ask, I don't necessarily know."

"Is there someone in Wangcheng Lane who is particularly familiar with the nine young masters of Shibao?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Ji suddenly changed his face. "Who are you who I am?"

"A person who is very familiar with Wangcheng Lane."

"Go ask the nine lessers themselves."

"The slave will not ask the owner about things."

"Hey, are you also a slave?"

Gu Shenwei did not answer, Tang Ji did not speak any more, and the two looked at each other for a while.

The lotus girl also jumped down and held the knife handle in her right hand. Tang Ji suddenly slammed a chill, and involuntarily shorted it halfway. She leaned to one side and approached Gu Shenwei. She seemed to seek his protection. "No, Wangcheng Lane No one is familiar with the nine masters, and the nine masters will not like people like us."

Tang Ji martial arts is not high, but it is enough to feel murderous, the girl who is indifferent and beautiful, suddenly reveals the temperament of the temperament, scared him, finished talking, turned and ran back to the building, grabbed a cup on the table Bitter tea, the neck is filled in, and it takes a long time to slow down.

Shangguan’s flight is cautious and will not allow his own scandals to be easily leaked. Gu Shen believes that Tang Ji is telling the truth.

The two walked through the Taolin, and the woman who had just murdered her opponent had no reason to say, "Look, the flowers are falling."

The pink peach blossoms fell to the ground, Gu Shen looked at it with sorrow, and he didn't notice when the flowers were blooming. Naturally, there was no feeling when the flowers fell.

He saw a small figure standing in front of two bulging earthen bags.

That is the tomb of Ye Silang and Chu Yangjun.

Gu Shenwei was a little surprised. In the past few months, he has practiced martial arts in Taolin almost every day with Chu Nanping. He has never seen this child interested in his brother's grave. Occasionally, he has turned a blind eye.

In the beginning of the South Screen, holding a disproportionate sword, turned to look at the killer, the same look of sorrow, "someone wants to kill you."

There was a breeze, blowing a peach blossom, and the innocent assassin disdain for assassination, coming out from behind the tree and blocking it in front of the two killers.

The face was ruined, the eyelids were everted, the nostrils were broken, two almost identical ugly people, and four hands held four short swords.

"Peng Xianren let you come?" Gu Shen and the Dutch woman hold the hilt, the person in front is a master, it is the appropriate target for practicing the sword.

"He is not an immortal."

"The immortal was killed by you."

"You still take a roll of paper from the fairy."

"We must avenge the immortals and take back the treasures of the immortals."

The two ugly people took turns talking, but the meaning was clear.

The Pleasant House has been divided, and some are willing to accept the new Peng Xianren and continue the illusion of life in the past. Others have to decide their own destiny.

There is nothing to say, the only thing left is to kill and be killed.

Chu Nan screen came over, stood in the middle of two pairs of rivals, pulled out the sword and faced the ugly man. "You can't kill him."

The ugly expression of the ugly people makes them look even more ugly.

"Chu Nan Screen, what are you doing, you said you want to kill Yang Huan."

"I want to kill him, you can't."

"Noisy, let's go to the side!"

Chu Nan screen answered with a long sword, he did not know what is called "noisy."

The sixty-four methods of "Sensing Secrets" are nonsense, but martial arts itself is real, and it is not weak at all. Four short swords are shot, and the first screen immediately falls into the wind, if not two The ugly man is merciless, and he can’t go to Xu Xiaoyi to “play”.

Gu Shenwei rushed up, and a ugly person immediately gave up the South Screen to meet the challenge of the killer.

Gu Shen is moving forward quickly, and the retreat is equally rapid. The ugly person is not allowed to move. It is only five steps to chase it out. It is like a stone that has been thrown forward and is no longer up.

The lotus girl appeared in front of Gu Shen.

Another ugly man roared, the two swords forced to retreat to the south screen, and the sword attacked the female killer.

The Dutch girl also retreated, and the second ugly man also fell to the ground.

Gu Shenwei’s sword also tasted the taste of blood.

In the view of Chunan Screen, the swordsmanship of the two killers is incredibly high, and the killing is extremely easy. The ugly person is like a martial artist who is not martial, and he hits the sword.

He was a "ruthless person" who easily disappeared from his emotions. At this time, he was surprised to close his mouth. In his impression, the killer Yang Huanjian was similar to himself, and he often consulted from him.

"Dead Man" is not an easy sword, Gu Shen and the lotus women have made all efforts, if not two ugly people were interfered by the South Screen, a little chaotic, it is likely to leave a wound on the killer, Perhaps a fatal wound.

The gap between the masters is just a little bit, but the ending is the difference between life and death.

This is the first time that an outsider has seen the Dutch woman to use the sword. She looks at the slave and wants to know his opinion.

"My sword is better than you." Gu Shen looked at the south screen, and had an idea in her heart.

"It's weird, and it's not like a ruthless sword." Chuan Nanping's unforgettable thoughts are still his own magical skills.

"So, are you still blocking the assassin for me?"

Chu Nan Ping solemnly nodded, "Peng Xianren will die, you will die, I have to make sure that the person who killed you is me."

"Well, then you will follow me. There are many people who want to kill me. When you want, you can try to kill me."

Gu Shen has a Dutch woman around, but she does not mind having one more protector behind her.

Chu Nan screen is not a master, he will grow into a master.

The two killers routinely used a narrow knife to destroy the wound, and then walked outside the forest. Chunan Screen had not answered the killer's suggestion, but hesitantly followed, and it seemed that his role was still unclear.

When they walked to the edge of Taolin, they found themselves surrounded, hundreds of swordsmen lined up in small teams, neatly into the Taolin, dazzling and murderous.

(Seeking for advice)

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