Death Sutra

Chapter 197: Chain

Until the early hours of the morning, Gu Shenwei returned to the backyard of the South Wall Tavern, and an anxious guest was waiting in the house.

Like the people who want to hide their identity, the guests are wrapped in the cloak from head to toe, but his body is too tall, revealing the truth, "You are saving me."

Gu Shenwei’s house was very simple. There was only one bed, one table and two chairs. He sat on one of them and spit out a sigh of relief. “Well, what happened?”

Guan Houlin glanced at the child in the corner. The child looks beautiful, but with a long sword in his hand, his head slouched, his face is indifferent, as if he turned a blind eye to anything, like a ghost, let Guan Houlin feel straight. Hair, "I want to talk secretly."

"When he doesn't exist, he won't talk nonsense."

"Nine majors kill me." Guan Houlin hesitated a little, but he still spoke. He has no choice but to have no choice.

"You can escape, it's amazing."

"No, nine majors mainly kill me, but I haven't decided yet. I know him. I know him better than everyone else. He will kill me. Then he will kill you. Our fate is the same."

"I can't save myself, I can't save you."

"You can, only you can, I saw, you have the courage, I have seen many stone castle killers, there are several under the nine masters, they are not as good as you, you have courage, and killing others, others I will stand by and you will fight back. I am not wrong, you will never be willing to die."

Guan Houlin is a bit incoherent, and his eyes are full of expectations. If the killer Yang Huan is not such a person, he will be too disappointed.

"How are you going to save me, hide, or escape?"

Two people around the bend, no one wants to mention the matter first, and finally Guan Houlin couldn't help it. "No, there is only one way, not the enemy or the death of me." The killer in the chair is indifferent, and Guan Houlin has to pick the words. Obviously, "Unless you kill nine young masters, the tricks are not safe."

"First, it is impossible to kill him. Second, it is even more unsafe to kill him. The nine young masters are the sons of the one-step king."

Seeing that the killer is always open, Guan Houlin is a little anxious. "Yes, so I have to borrow ten sons, and the ten sons want to take revenge. Is it right? They are killing themselves on the official house, and they have nothing to do with them."

Gu Shen left the left hand on the knee, and the right hand held the hilt. The eyes were gloomy and cold, which made Guan Houlin feel uneasy and thought that he had said something wrong. "Say, what do you have?"

Guan Houlin breathed a sigh of relief. "Hey, I have an idea. You can't see it. The tycoon is the boss. The nine lords are the most jealous of this person. After several killings, he is very angry. If he can find him, Nine young masters will definitely bring people to kill him this time, when..."

"Well, where is the key to finding this tough tooth? You haven't found a trace in a few months."

"We know that he is hiding in Wangcheng Lane and has been inquiring about intelligence. When Peng Xianren didn't die, the knifeman didn't dare to go in. Now he is dead. Now Peng Xianren can't hold it. Let's get started quickly. Less masters are ahead."

Gu Shen was silent for a while, estimated the sincerity of the other party, and then said: "Duo can teeth are not in the city lane."

"You have found him?" Guan Houlin's eyes lit up.


"Then my plan...?"

"Wait for me, I have to discuss with the ten sons."

"I don't want to be late, I don't know if I can live today."

"You have to take a risk, go back to the nine lessers, and come to see me tonight, so that you can pass the message to the nine masters."

Guan Houlin obviously has no confidence in his future. He still wants to continue to persuade his mouth. He swallows his mouth and puts on his cloak to say goodbye to the killer. "You are careful, the nine haters are the ones who hate the most. you."

Gu Shen nodded and watched Guan Houlin leave.

"He is very scared." The south screen in the corner suddenly said that this unbelievable child also rarely sees other people's emotions.

"He is very scared, because if he can't lie to me, he will die."

Gu Shen stood up and took a few steps back and forth. He added Guan Houlin's appearance to his plan, and then called the next-door lotus girl to see the ten sons together.

Shangguan Ru also believes that Guan Houlin is making a bitterness. "He wants to use them to find out the toon teeth, and then humiliate me once." Once she calmly thinks about the problem, she can clearly see her brother's tricks.

"We will count on it."

After the two men negotiated, Gu Shen left the Yushe and went back to the South Wall Pub for a while. Since Peng Xianren was "resurrected", Lu Zhanggui did not care about the killer's appearance, probably to make up for the original attitude. He personally Come to a glass of wine and talk to Yang Ye enthusiastically.

Gu Shen did not drink, just staring at the red wine, the **** liquid could calm his mind.

Lv shopkeeper introduced several guests to see the killer. They can have a few glasses of wine at the right price. The money is counted on Yang’s head. They only need to provide information.

The knives and knives went to the rouge forest early in the morning, and there was no big conflict. After a few arguments, they left. At the same time, the scorpion was still expanding its knives Get up, give generous treatment, and there is no limit, it seems that I want to concentrate all the wandering knives in Nancheng in Yushe.

The strange thing is that the swordsmen who have always seen the money are clear this time. Many people do not accept the hire of the company. The original knives are also threatened one after another. For this reason, several fights have taken place. There is no life, but the atmosphere of the entire South City is getting tense.

Xu Xiaoyi also ran, the brothel was harassed, a group of knives rushed in, could not help but say that the search was everywhere, just left no more.

With the permission of Huan Ge, Xu Xiaoyi took a piece of Chu Nan, and he wanted the little swordsman to see his ability to inquire about intelligence.

Many people smell the smell of war.

Gu Shenwei went to see the ten sons again. One thing he could not understand, "Who is encouraging the swordsmen not to join the company?"

"Wild horse." Shangguan gave only one name, and then did not explain, the wild horse and the slaves did not swear, and even engaged in assassination, so she gave the two completely different tasks, not even let them meet.

Gu Shen can understand that the Mustang is the most suitable for this kind of thing. This dumb boy is born with a strange leadership temperament, which has been confirmed during the killing of the Shibao apprentice. In the past few months, he must be among the swordsmen of Nancheng. Winning a lot of followers, the only thing he needs is a translation of a toothy tooth.

If Shangguan did not say all his plans, this made Gu Shen a little vigilant. He knew best. However, everyone has their own ideas. Everyone wants to use others. He is like this.

After returning to the South Wall Tavern, Gu Shen specially inquired about it. As a result, few people have heard of the name of the wild horse, and have never seen a boy with a wide open eye. Xu Xiaoyi turned around and returned to him. Nothing to know about the wild horse.

The wild horse hides himself very well.

However, he heard an important piece of information. "Yushe bought a house near the checkpoint. In name, a group of foreign businessmen came to Nancheng to play. In fact, they all went in to the knife."

“Is this news accurate?”

"Of course." Xu Xiaoyi's eyes widened and a form of humiliation. "I went to see Xiaochu. We deliberately provoked a group of children and fought at the gate of the hospital. Someone came out and told us to go. One has passed a trick."

Chu Nan screen nodded, I do not know because of excitement, or run too fast, the face is a bit red, "a total of fifteen people, will be martial arts, and not weak. There are several people like you."

“Like me?”

"The killer of Shibao is very young." Xu Xiaoyi explained.

On the second night, Guan Houlin arrived as if he was about. He seemed to be more anxious than yesterday. Like a bear trapped in a cage, he swayed back and forth, and wanted to knock the house into a smash.

"How? I can't wait any longer, and two days later, I have to be split."

"Well, act according to your plan, use the tough teeth to lure nine young masters out of the North City, but there is a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"The tough tooth is dead."

Gu Shenwei picked up a wooden raft from the floor and placed it on the table.

Guan Houlin carefully looked at it for a while. Yes, it is indeed a famous Tuo. When he was a regular knife, he had seen this predecessor many times and would never know.

"how come?"

"I killed him the night before. I wanted to use the head to fool the trust of the nine masters, but your plan is better."

"But he is already dead."

"Replace the counterfeit person, you go back and tell the nine young masters, the day after tomorrow, the ten sons will discuss the joint matter with the toon tooth, and will not bring too many people. The place is in the wasteland outside the Taolin of your garden. The only place where you can hide is Taolin. You have to encourage the nine masters to bring people to ambush there. You don’t have to worry about other things."

“How can I explain the source?”

"I just said it was provided by me."


"Well, I am loyal to the ten sons, but I don't want to avenge the nine masters. I have a responsibility for the two masters. I just say that, anyway, if you come to see me, you will always be seen."

Guan Houlin nodded. "That's it."

In the next room, Shangguanru and the Dutch girl are waiting.

"Is he going to be fooled?" Shangguan was not as confident as the beginning of the plan.

"It's hard to say that the nine-dollar masters will know that the so-called negotiation is a trap. Knowing that the head of the Tou-Eye is a fake, he will use this opportunity to get rid of the Tuo-Lao and the 鲲社."

In order to get a realistic head, it took a lot of time. Gu Shenwei did not respond to Guan Houlin at that time, but asked him to meet at night. He needed this trick to make the nine masters believe that Tuo can really unite with the ten sons. It is.

"So he will turn the ambush in Taolin into a trap?"

"No, the nine young masters know that Guan Houlin can't deceive me, knowing that I won't be fooled, so the ambush in Taolin is a swindler. He deliberately reveals a little flaw, and leads us to another trap, that is, the house near the checkpoint. ""

Shangguan frowned and smiled. "The game between you two is so complicated. You guessed him. He guessed you. If you go on like this, even the house is a swindler. The real trap is actually somewhere else. ”

"It is also possible." Gu Shen's brain is a bit chaotic, the conspiracy is like a whirlwind, the ring rises, the scale is getting bigger and bigger, guessing it, and everything is offset.

"I don't care where the trap of the company is located, I want to know where he will hide?"

"Nine young courage is too small to appear in the place where the battle takes place, but he likes to solve all problems at once, so he will certainly personally direct the action."

Gu Shen’s eyes brightened, and the nine young masters were very clever. This may be his biggest loophole, and the result was to expose his whereabouts.

(Seeking for advice)

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