Death Sutra

Chapter 211: Translation

Life and death duels and contests are two different things. If you kill a heart, people who usually have no force in their hands may kill unprepared martial arts masters.

Gu Shenwei did not want to kill the lotus leaves, so she lost a move, and the competition was not his strength.

He was resisted by the monk on his shoulders, looking at the ground that passed by in a hurry. Only the smile of the lotus leaf was unclear. It was useless to tell the truth. When you meet Lihua, you can let the other party leave.

The Zuopo Jingshe was stained by dead bodies, and the monks spent a lot of effort to eliminate grievances and restore the holiness here.

Gu Shenwei had already opened the acupuncture point, jumped to the ground, and entered the Zen room in the middle. The sight of him made him startled.

The tiger cub's tiger was found back, lying on the ground like a big cat, with a big mouth and a lot of tongues exposed.

There was a dragonfly sitting beside the tiger.

It is the appearance of the Lianhua Master, and it is skinny and looks like it has been gone for a long time.

Gu Shen immediately held the handle, and the lotus leaf monk was already crazy, and forced him to worship the dead. It is useless to explain the truth.

Lotus leaves did not notice the killer's move. He said in front of the brothers, respectfully said: "Brother, the little donor is here, he is willing to worship you as a teacher and complete the last wish of the Lianxin Master."

Gu Shenwei took a breath and was about to get out of the knife. The marrow sputum even opened his eyes and talked. "Difficult, difficult, difficult, riding a tiger is difficult, advance and retreat is not allowed, in the end is wrong?"

Rao is Gu Shen who has seen a wide range of knowledge about the dead, and his heart is still shocked. It is beyond his imagination to be a man who is so thin.

The lotus leaf couldn't help but burst into tears. A tall monk was like a child. Lianhua Master did not care. He grabbed a piece of paper around him and looked at the red letter above, and fell into meditation.

Gu Shen pulled up the lotus leaf and motioned him to speak outside.

Lotus leaves tells why the brothers fell into this situation.

Gu Shen’s "Death Man" written in **** water has two kinds of reading methods. The tiger's lotus heart has been completely deciphered, and some annotations have been left. The Lianhua Master is still deciphered according to the figure, but both readings are Just pronunciation, not through the text, the Master continued to delve into, the first thousand words are still smooth, the more difficult to understand later, the last thousand words can not understand.

The mage’s sleepless nights read through the words left by the tiger cub, and there is still no progress.

One day, the Master suddenly repented to his younger brother, Lian Ye, saying that he was a monk, but he was addicted to the verses of the outside world. He has fallen into obstinacy. He is a sinner. He advises his younger brother to stay away from himself and recite the Buddhist scriptures and "Discontinuity" all night. There is a meaning of abandoning the translation, but Tian Yiliang couldn't help but pick up the "Dead Man", which he called "South Kovaling".

In this way, the Master translated the Bible during the day, repented at night, and never sleeps, and the hard-won life became a general appearance.

Gu Shenwei feels that Lianhua is a dead-hearted person, or concentrate on translating the Bible, no matter what obsession is not obsessed, or give up the translation of the Bible, and be a monk as one, to torture themselves like this, not to die.

The two were talking outside the room, and the patrolling city rushed to Zhongheng. He heard that the killer was robbed by the monk in Galan, and came to see the truth.

Zhong Heng greeted the monk very politely, and chatted a few words. Seeing that Yang Huan had no trouble, he also left.

Lotus leaves do not recognize the patrol city, only when he is an ordinary pilgrim, did not put it in his heart, continue to kill the hand to kill the teacher.

"Show me the scriptures translated by the Master."

"You can't read it, the brothers can't break it. What do you know of a child?"

That is to say, the lotus leaf is still back to the Zen Room to take out a few pieces of paper, which is filled with small characters, Gu Shen sits on the floor and reads carefully.

Gu Shenwei of the "Death Man" also knows, "The soul rises for nine days, and the nine people fall. The sorrows of the living, the peace of the dead." The following are also four-word poems, the meaning of which is the content of the undead. It is three or four hundred words long, and then it is no longer a verse, but a discussion of the swordsmanship. Gu Shen is more and more shocked.

The scriptures elaborate on the secrets of practicing swordsmanship. Whether it is Gu Shenwei’s “death” or the “killing” that the lotus woman insists on, there is nothing wrong with it, and the same path can reach the highest level. There are 16 possible explanations and practice methods. The goods are genuine and not as hard as the Peng Xianren.

But no matter which kind of practice, murder is used as a means of improvement. The higher the sword, the stronger the opponents needed, and the fact that "the one will not kill in a year will hurt the master." If you don't kill for a long time, you will kill the heart. Let the practitioners go crazy.

The road to "unbeaten" is also the way to "death". Sooner or later, practitioners will reach a state where they have no rivals, but they must kill a rival in one year.

Gu Shenwei and the Dutch women are both killers, and the swordsmanship is the first step. It has not yet reached the point where no one can kill, but the two killed too many people, and the swordsman progressed quickly, but made a big mistake.

According to the text, the best way to practice is to kill one person a year, and to improve the swordsmanship smoothly. After fifty or sixty years, you will reach the border. Even if you kill your heart, you may not be killed.

Gu Shenwei sneered, no wonder this book will be thrown off the cliff. The person who created this martial arts in that year is probably also a ghost. If he puts these reminders clearly at the forefront, it is estimated that few people are willing to practice. However, practicing swords is to kill people and protect themselves. If they are steadily killing one person a year, the sword method will be upgraded very slowly. I am afraid that they will die in the hands of others in less than three or five years.

How ironic this is.

The fate is destined to live for a long time, Gu Shen is helplessly thinking, the body not only has eight ridiculous forces entangled, will always want his life, even the practice of the sword, but also hide the trap of early death.

Perhaps this is the grace of "God", so that Gu Shen can be with the enemy.

The scriptures translated by Lianhua Master ended here. The last few paragraphs were quite awkward and almost impossible. Gu Shen spread his hands and held a few sheets of paper. Like the monk in the Zen room, he fell into meditation.

When the sky was dark, Gu Shen stood up and entered the Zen Room, leaving the lotus leaf monk unable to understand.

The mage and the killer talked for a long time in the Zen room, and finally found the path to crack the remaining scriptures. The clue is the few pages of comments left by Peng Xianren.

Peng Xianren did not know from some channels to understand some of the contents of the "Dead Man Jing". The understanding of the scriptures far exceeds that of the Lianhua and Lianxin brothers. He has not received the scriptures for a long time and has not started translating, but wrote down A few paragraphs explain the translation method.

Fortunately, Gu Shen has left these pages of notes and has been carrying them with me.

These instructions are useless to Gu Shenwei, who does not understand the scriptures. However, the Lianhua Master who has been immersed in this book for a long time is no different from the top.

Gu Shenwei can count on the last thousand words of the scriptures to have other ways to save, but in addition to providing Peng Xianren's annotations, he can't help other things, so he left the Zen room and let the Lianxin Master work alone.

Lotus leaves see the brothers and the symptoms of madness, anxiety in the heart, but dare not persuade, think that this is all the killer's fault, will blame him.

Gu Shen did not care about him, thinking about his thoughts back and forth, this sword can really "invincible in the world", so that he can only kill himself? The martial arts of all the factions in the world like to blew themselves, perhaps this book is no exception.

The tiger came out of the meditation room and made a big yawn. The lotus leaf threw out a few hard cockroaches from his arms and threw it at it. The tiger swallowed it without interest, and even the sounds showed a A sense of boredom.

"Wow, there are tigers here."

Wei Ling Miao stood far away, followed by seven or eight guards who held weapons and guarded the whole god.

"This place is not awkward, the Master is retreating." The lotus leaf monk said loudly, the voice was louder than Wei Ling, and he did not know or care about the son of the governor.

Wei Ling is not going to care about the monk, and beckoning to let the killer come over. "You can be a little derelict."

"The son is forgiven, I am..."

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously, but I will return to the city tomorrow morning, and I am going to leave the city of Yuyu. Do you still remember to promise me?"


Wei Ling Miao agreed that the society would delay the "peace", on the condition that Yang Huan killed a person for him, but he never said who it was.

"Well, come back to the city to find me, you know, there are ways to replace." Wei Ling blinked and smiled down the mountain. His so-called "replacement method" is to see Shangguan as one side.

Gu Shenwei wanted to dig out the real thoughts of Wei Gongzi's heart, but it was more important to crack the scriptures. He should have caught up with him at this time and showed his loyalty, but hesitated for a while and decided to stay.

The lotus leaves rushed the tiger back to the house like a pheasant. "Go in, the sky is already dark, the coward, a bird scares you like this, you call yourself the king of the beast."

"What bird?"

"It is the big bird of Jinpengbao. It has appeared again, killing a lot of animals, and eating two monks. Unfortunately, I didn't let me meet it, hehe..."

Gu Shen looked up into the night sky and looked for the red top Dapeng. He missed the huge friend a little.

The Dapeng bird did not appear. The next morning, the Lianxin Master walked out of the Zen Room, and the trembling slightly supported the door frame. "Teacher, give me a bowl of porridge."

The last few pages of "Dead Man" are more than 5,000 words of eccentric text, and the Lianxin Master has corrected some of the previous mistakes.

Gu Shenwei understood everything. He and the Dutch woman made a major mistake, and practicing the sword was too early.

The practice of the "Death Man" sword method will lead to killing the heart. In addition to the stupid method of slowing down the speed, there is still a way of self-help, relying on another secret, the "disabled" of the great disciples book".

Just in the left **** of Jingshe, Kang Wenhui mistakenly considered "The Dead Man" as "The Book of No Man", because the strange text at the end of the former is the beginning of the latter.

"The Book of Nothing" is a set of internal strengths. It is the foundation of the practice of the Dead Man. It has no roots and no swords. It is harmless and elegant. It has a sword and no roots, but it is a fatal flaw.

Gu Shen is very open-minded because he knows where the Book of Nothing is hidden, and the Great Wilderness Gate has already proved the way for him.

(Seeking for advice)

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