Death Sutra

Chapter 221: Dungeon

The candlelight in the room was dim, although the summer was heavy, the windows were blocked with cotton quilts, and thick cotton curtains were hung at the door. Four huge copper furnaces were separated in different corners, and they burned red. Gu Shen As soon as I came in, I felt that the heat wave was blowing, and I almost couldn’t breathe.

The killer squatted on one leg and bowed his head. He hid a dagger on the inside of his thigh and was forced to fight.

"The killer Yang Huan met the king."

The One Step King wore a large white robe and stood ten steps outside the killer, making a heavy gasp, like a lion who had just chased the prey.

The wheezing continued for a while, the one-step king spoke up, and the voice seemed weak and weak, which made him lose most of the majesty of the past, but he was a little more indifferent and tired. "What is the smell of Shangguan's blood? I am almost forgotten." You just tasted it and said it to me. The son of the one-step king began to fall, you, the first one, started."

Gu Shen came with a fearless mortal heart, and suddenly felt a coldness from the back to the top of his head. The air in the room was solidified, but he could not help but shudder.

"I..." The fire screamed, and the breath of the one-step king seemed to spray directly on the killer's face. Gu Shenwei suddenly got rid of it, the tone became calm, and the coldness came out from the top of the head and never came back. "I didn't taste anything."

After taking a step back, he felt that he was old, and he couldn’t shake a young killer. The blazing killings and the whole world became strangers. Everything seemed to never belong to him, but others were forced into his mind. Unreal memory, "Look up."

Gu Shenwei looked up and looked at the one-step king. He didn't think that this was his own enemy. He didn't regard it as the master of Jinpeng. He saw a lonely old man, shrinking into the body that he had not listened to. Drive it as robust and agile as ever.

Revenge, the eager voice rang in the deepest part of my heart, as if a group of people shouted at the bottom of the cliff.

"Not like, unlike. Is Peng Xianren killed by you?"

The Shangguan cut changed the topic, and Gu Shen gave a sigh of relief. The eager thought was suppressed by him. "Yes."

"What weapons are used?"


"How many strokes?"

"one move."

"you are lying."

"Peng Xianren's martial arts has been worse than before, I just picked a cheaper."

Shangguan fell for a long time without opening, as if he had already believed the killer, or he was not interested in the conversation, then he walked to the killer in a heavy footstep, and put a finger on his forehead, though Not big, but as hard as iron, Gu Shen remembered Xue Niang.

The heart of the killer is jumping. He has seen the martial arts of the One-Step King. It’s just that a little fur is also unfathomable, but he can’t feel the pressure of the mountain in this old man. A very different person, a life to kill, and a hand to wait.

The one-step king is sick. Every sign is proof. The hope is burning in the heart of the killer. He is focused on the right finger. As soon as he turns his eyes, he can tear the pants, grab the dagger and puncture the old man’s lower abdomen. There is no need for superb swordsmanship, no need for murderousness, and only guts.

Shangguan fell not to find murderousness from the killer. He saw a pair of fearless eyes, frank and transparent, which he saw only when he was eager for friendship for decades.

A kid, who wanted to sit on the same level as the one-step king, was irritated by the exhausted heart of the Shangguan, and finally he was uplifted. He was a tall man and seemed to be full of the whole room.

"You learned to kill, but you didn't learn to use a knife."

This is a judgement, probably also a secret code. Gu Shen did not understand the meaning of it. He did not care. When his fingers moved, he saw two stiff masks appearing from the shadows.

Everything is over, Gu Shen is thinking, his attention is all on Shangguan, and he has not found any enemy close at hand. It is also a green face. The martial arts are also high and low. The talents around the one-step king are the strongest assassins. .

The outsiders whispered and broke the silence and murder inside. "Father, I am coming to see you."

Shangguan cut a deep breath, as if the gods had just returned to the body. "Is it like? I am hot here, you don't come in."

The newly formed green surface disappeared again.

"Yes, father, how is your magic work done?"

"It will be good soon, you don't have to worry."

"Oh, I am giving you a gimmick outside."


"Father, do you need me to do something for you?"

"No need to."

The Shangguan outside the house was silent for a while. "Father, is one of my killers here? Is he making a mistake? Let me punished him."

"No, I just asked a few words and took him away."

The inexplicable summoning of the one-step king ended this way. Gu Shen left the room and the wind of the summer night blew on her face. The coolness made him feel reborn.

Shangguan is wearing a full black suit with a killer, covering his face. The unknown person looks in his eyes. She is no different from an ordinary female killer. The Dutch girl is not around, and I don’t know where to go.

The two walked out of the courtyard and went to a secluded place. Shangguan whispered: "You will not leave me in the stone fort in the future. Whoever looks for you will not go."

"Yes, ten sons." Gu Shenwei did not ask, both of them are clear, the one-step king has killed the heart, so that he is puzzled is how he did not die, just a few words of the ten sons do not seem to change the king The mind of the Shang, the mind of Shang Guan was really difficult to speculate.

Shangguan was silently taking the road. When someone touched it, she showed a waist card and never opened her mouth. Soon, Gu Shenwei found that the two of them were not leaving the house. He still did not ask questions, but just followed.

The two went further and more, and finally came to a place like a deserted garden. More than a dozen huge torches were set up in different places irregularly. It is close to the edge of the cliff and can see the towering walls.

The four killers emerged from the shadows. Shangguan had prepared for it and took out another waist card. A killer looked up through the fire and turned and nodded to the partners.

The four bent over and grabbed two chains from the bare ground and worked hard together to pick up an iron gate that was integrated into the surrounding environment.

This evening is getting more and more strange. It seems that a special moment has arrived. The people of Shangguan have become eccentric and unexplained.

Shangguan took the lead, Gu Shen was the follower, and the two stepped into the deep underground.

At the end of the stairs is a long corridor, only a little faint light in the innermost, Shangguan seems to be a bit timid, standing in the same place for a while, before going forward.

This is a dungeon. There is only one cell. There is a small torch on the outside wall. It illuminates a small place. The jailer of the eagle's nose looks alert. He took the waist from Shangguanru and carefully watched it. For a long time, the key was opened and the door was opened.

As soon as the two visitors entered, the prison door was immediately locked from the outside. "When you think of it, you knock on the door and make it hard." The jailer left the sentence and left, obviously not wanting to listen to the conversation.

The cell was directly cut out on the stone wall. It was a dozen steps square, not big, and there were no facilities. There were only stone beds, chamber pots and toilets, but it was very clean and tidy, and there was no bad smell.

The wall was raised to a small window, and a few iron bars with thick wrists were placed. The night wind and the moonlight sneaked in. The prisoners were intoxicated and barely noticed the visitors behind them.

"Three brothers." Shangguan whispered.

The prisoner turned around and Gu Shen was slightly shocked. In the one-step princes he had seen, the three young masters, Shangguan Yun, were most like fathers, slender faces, and sunken eye sockets. The replica, the two people who are so similar, look very different. Shangguan Yun’s mouth is slightly upturned, revealing a naughty smile, like a big child in his thirties.

The smile is not like to welcome the guests. The Shangguan cloud seems to be satisfied with everything around him. The moonlight makes him fascinated. In Jinpengbao, in Gu Yucheng, Gu Shen has never seen anything like this. The expression, his feelings are not wrong, the Shangguan family is not normal this night, especially just escaped from the murder of the One Step King, this smile is more and more unreal.

"Like my sister, I haven't seen you for a long time. I have grown up a lot. I still love to wear boys' clothes, Rain Boy? Didn't come with you? Who is this person? New friend?"

Shangguanyun threw out a series of questions. Shangguan did not answer. She pulled the mask and sat on the stone bed. "Three brothers, I got sick, and my mother asked me to ask for help."

Gu Shen guessed that Ms. Meng would never let her daughter ask for such a straightforward request. Shangguan did not like to bend around.

Shangguan Yun took a step and slammed the chain on his ankle. "But I won't see a doctor." The voice was gentle, as if the sister was only a girl of seven or eight years old.

"The person at Xiaoyuetang has a point in me, and the mother said that only the book from the family can save me."

Gu Shen made a move and understood one thing. When Mrs. Meng heard that her daughter was "Chinese evil", she immediately asked Shangguan to return to the fort because she knew the seriousness of the illness and knew how to cure it. "The book of the family." Probably the "No Road Book" that Xiaoyuetang and the Great Wilderness Gate want to steal at any cost.

He did not expect that he and the Shangguan needed the same kind of "antidote", which made him feel relieved and relieved. With the help of ten sons, it should be much easier to steal books.

Shangguan Yun smiled, but he shook his head firmly. "No, my wife is wrong. That book can't save you. It will only harm you, never learn it."

Shangguan sighed with relief. "I guess so. Anyway, I will die for a while, and I don't have to worry."

She is not in a hurry, but Gu Shenwei on the other side is a little anxious. "The ten sons have already gone to the fire twice, I am afraid I will wait."

Shangguan Yun looked at the killer. He was not angry because of the rudeness of the other party. He explained patiently: "There is no evil spirit. The person who is practicing will be exhausted every once in a while, and the body is weak like a baby. Life is hard to protect."

Gu Shen gave a sigh of relief and understood what the disease was.

(Seeking for advice)

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