Death Sutra

Chapter 231: Guardian

Ma Fu Lao Zhang is an ideal servant. He is loyal, simple, and strict. He only recognizes a master of anger. The only favorite is to take care of the horses and never make friends.

It is such a person who is attracted by the younger grandmother, like a ignorant boy like a blushing heartbeat, willing to do things for her.

Lao Zhang is a lonely person. After careful consideration, Gu Shenwei can understand his feelings, but still can't understand the behavior of Luo Ning tea. She didn't even punish Lao Zhang. This is like an experienced killer suddenly sighing and letting go. No way to escape.

Gu Shen took the board back and handed it to the Dutch woman. The tacit agreement between the two did not require language communication. The girl refused to return. On the surface, she returned the board. In fact, she would copy a copy and then hide the board. To Mrs. Meng and Shangguan.

The winds in Jinpeng Fort are turbulent. This piece of wood will be an important bargaining chip. It may be used to save lives. They must be firmly in their hands.

Luo Ning tea's mood is still very unstable, Gu Shen did not talk much in the evening. After the return of the woman, she claimed that Mrs. Meng was very happy. Miss did not have to worry about her safety. Luo Ning tea finally relaxed a little, but strangely The order, let the lotus girl stay outside, and the slaves stayed in the house.

Gu Shen is very embarrassed. He is already seventeen years old. He is not a child. Staying in the hostess's house all night will cause countless criticisms, especially for Luoning Tea.

Regardless of this, Luo Ning tea, in her eyes, men, women, old people and children are the same, since it is a servant, they have to listen to her instructions, she used Huan slave as a substitute for Xue Niang, and only want to rely on him at the most dangerous moment. protection of.

That night, Gu Shenwei stayed like this, Miss and Cui sleep in bed, the screen blocked the screen, the killer first left, then secretly came back, avoiding the eyes and ears of everyone, standing in the corner all night, do one The duty of guarding the killer.

He fully realized how painful it is to be a young lady's close-knit ring. Luo Ning tea wakes up no less than ten times a night, and the green girl barely closes her eyes. She is always at the corner, squatting, tea, and in the house. A group of dark, blind-eyed rings are free to move, and are not affected at all.

Gu Shenwei is also not safe. The first sentence of Luo Ning tea every time he wakes up is "Are you there?", and when the Huannu echoes "is", she lets the girl to sleep and sleep.

The next day, Gu Shenwei still did not propose her own plan. Now Luo Ning tea has been in a mess. Huannu said that she would agree, but Gu Shen would rather wait until the situation is slightly stable. Luo Ning Tea has a deep understanding of her own situation. After that, I will try to convince her.

What he wants is not a momentary impulsive rash, but a demise of a backwaters. Moreover, the eight-domestic main court is only temporarily forgotten, and he must first respond to attacks that come at any time.

At noon that day, Mrs. Meng sent a message to help her to see her.

If you want to follow the meaning of Luoning tea, it is best not to go to the slaves, but stay with her, but she is now afraid of dying for Mrs. Meng, she can only let go, and before she leaves, she will go to the lady. My father died, I was over-sleepy, and once I got better, I went to the inner house to meet my mother-in-law. Hannu, you will see the truth, you must understand what the lady is thinking, is it necessary to retaliate against me, I will still gone back……"

After listening to the lady’s embarrassment, Gu Shen went to see Mrs. Meng, and when she entered the house, Shangguan, as soon as she met, smiled and said hello, then whispered, “Follow me, don’t settle.”

The last time the king stepped to kill the heart, Shangguan was also reminded of this, Gu Shenwei understood that Mrs. Meng’s call was not so simple.

Mrs. Meng unloaded the amiable mask and showed her a showdown to the killer. She knew everything. Shangguanfei wrote to the mother and said everything, including how the slaves played a game between him and his sister. The death of the big **** came. A few days later, Huannu was slow to refuse to use such a good opportunity to remove the eight-grandmother, which made Mrs. Meng feel angry.

"I thought you were a smart person." When Mrs. Meng started, she did not leave her daughter and decided to let her know the true face of the slave. "So I trust you, give you the opportunity to entrust my most precious pair of children to you." But you disappoint me."

Gu Shen listened quietly on the ground with one leg. He knew that there was no point in making a dispute with Mrs. Meng. This woman is not Luo Ning tea. It is impossible to be persuaded by a few words. If he wants, he can easily Killing everyone in the house, but he did not do so, but chose to go up to seek protection.

Before seeing Mrs. Meng, Gu Shen made a simple and meticulous attempt to uphold her as she betrayed her. Before negotiating with Yushe, he had loyalty to Shangguanfei in exchange for his help and killed Ye Silang at the negotiating place.

If Shangguan can understand the choice of Huanu, she only cares about one thing, "Yu Gongzi..."

"I don't know anything beforehand." Gu Shenwei immediately denied that he was telling the truth. Shangguanfei's move did not surprise everyone. "I am a deadly enemy with Yugongzi, but I always remember the original promise. I never thought about killing her." This sentence is a lie. The only reason he does not work is that there is no proper opportunity.

After Shangguan Yu’s first assassination of the slaves, Shangguan had forced the two to vow to never fight again. Gu Shen’s “commitment” refers to this matter.

"But she violated the promise, twice using the wild horse and Meng Mingshi to want to harm you." Shangguan said in a faint, unconsciously excused Huannu, but when she thought of the rain son, it still made her heartache.

"So I was only able to ask for help from the nine chiefs. I can't let Yugong know my plan."

Shangguan, forgives the slaves, even trusts him more than before. She has lost her son, and she cherishes the remaining slaves naturally. Once she believes in someone, she will find reasons for her behavior. Gu Shen The behavior and interpretation of the act are not invulnerable, but Shangguanru can't see it at all.

Therefore, when Mrs. Meng revealed the infidelity and hate of the slaves on the spot, the person who argued was her daughter.

Gu Shenwei listened, and there was a little bit of awkwardness in his heart. He deceived Shangguanru and used a little girl as a shield. But he would soon be killed in his heart, compared with the humiliating pain he had endured in recent years. The return of Shangguanru is not worth mentioning at all.

Ms. Meng was so angry that she could not understand that her daughter was standing on the side of the slave. In her opinion, this is also a kind of betrayal. "Shangguanru, do you still be my mother?"

"Mother." Shangguanru’s tone is soft and firm. “Let’s let go of the slaves, let’s have the enemy, why bother to kill themselves?”

"Own people? If he is his own person, he will not provoke a separation between you and Feier. If you don't have a servant, you should bring me the head of the old eight-day wife a few days ago."

Shangguan is standing next to Huannu, her killing heart almost disappears, but the temper is as stubborn as before. "Mother, my brother hates me, has nothing to do with others, I know everything I do, I follow my orders." Acting, involuntarily, gossip now has nothing to do with the roots, but also kill her what? And she still has what we want, not to kill her."

"Don't let go." Mrs. Meng is not the kind of person who wants to do whatever she wants. In order to get rid of the slaves, she is fully prepared. The only thing she didn't expect was that her daughter turned her elbows out and did not understand her mother. A bit of pain.

The five black-faced killers were hinted at, and at the same time, the three men surrounded Huannu and Shangguanru, and the other two were in front of Madame Meng to prevent her from being accidentally injured.

Shangguan’s enthusiasm was motivated, just as several of them were blocked in the house by Mr. Guo. The person she wanted to protect would rather die than hurt him, so she pulled out the knife before the killers. "Who dares to come over?"

The killer did not dare to hurt the ten sons, but did not want to be cut by her, so they all stopped in the same place, waiting for Mrs. Meng’s order, as long as she nodded, then no one could not kill.

Mrs. Meng made the only concession since she was favored. "If you are too sad for me, how can you become like this? Is it so important when you are in the rain?"

Shangguan Ru prefers that the mother did not mention the name. For her, the important thing is not the person who was in the Shangguan rain, but the layer of fog that enveloped her. Her relationship with Meng Mingshi, the feelings of the ten sons, everything is true. True and false, everyone's statement is different, but she never goes back with the truth.

Shangguan, as he personally escorted the slaves back to the house, reminded him of all the care. "Let the gossip hide the last piece of wood, and your life is pinned on it."

Gu Shen has just escaped the pursuit of the knife master, and ushered in a more difficult enemy. The longer he stayed in the stone fort, the more difficult it is to keep secrets. He began to consider fleeing, but before that, he must first execute The plan to assassinate the One Step King.

The opportunity was once, he thought, as long as there is still a glimmer of life, he has to continue to hide.

Luo Ning tea waited in a hurry. When he saw the slave, he asked him, "How? Is the lady willing to let me go?"

"I won't, she will kill me even."

"But...but I have already returned the board."

"Mrs. heart, love to avenge, so the lady will not mention the wooden board in the future. I will protect the safety of the lady with the girl."

"Can you really protect me? Madame can call all the killers."

"Miss don't have to worry too much. Not everyone is willing to listen to Mrs. Meng's words. The stone castle belongs to the king and does not belong to her. We still have a chance."

"Opportunity? The big head is dead, how can I still have a chance?" Luo Ning tea cried, facing the double attack of grief and fear, she was like a mouse forced into the corner, neither the power of parry nor the retreat "Take me to escape, Huanu, escape from this cold stone fort, I have never liked it, I have countless treasures, let us escape."

Gu Shenwei also has plans to escape, but not now.

(Seeking for advice)

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