Death Sutra

Chapter 233: plot

On the day when the big-headed gods entered the city of Yucheng, Luo Ning tea officially took off the veil and never looked back.

The one-step king announced that Tieshan was the enemy of Jinpengbao, but still claimed to hold a ceremonial funeral for the big-headed god. The Shangguan anger obeyed the father’s intention, not only sent the body, but also shipped a considerable number of Tieshan’s wealth. Stone Fort, as a symbol of his allegiance.

In this way, the father and son prove to the suspected outsider that Jinpengbao is still a piece of iron.

The people who flocked to the street to watch the bustle were ten times more than when Luo Ning tea was married to Jinpeng Fort. Their curiosity was greatly satisfied from the beginning. The big gods are so huge that they usually only open half of the gates. Today, I have to open all the way.

Eight sturdy yaks slowly entered the Yuyu City, and each step revealed a solemn sadness. Dozens of Guardians were solemn and solemn. Each person held a banner of Tieshan in his hand. The flag fluttered in the wind and was embroidered on it. The gun head horn is generally twisted.

Residents were infected, and they gave birth to a tribute, and they couldn’t help but retreat and pay tribute. They all heard the ridiculous legends, such as the big gods who want to eat a few living people a day, but then he When the kings of the dead battlefields, the gods who have done their luck, and the respect of sincerity and fear, some people even shed tears.

The sorrow of the big-headed **** just went to the center of the city, and the sad atmosphere was broken by a commotion.

The turmoil began at the north gate, like the burning roadside catkins, which spread quickly and quickly along the street. In an instant, the shackles of the big-headed gods were no longer the focus. Everyone stretched their necks and looked back, whispering each other. "The woman is really revealed."

That is to say, from this day, "the woman" and "the woman in the stone castle" are no longer a general term, but exclusively belong to Luo Ning tea.

She didn't use people to help, and one walked on the street in Qingshipu. The ring and the followers were ten steps away. They were both people, but they were as quiet as the desert. This is the first time she has taken it off in public. The veil, like the ordinary people **** on the street for the first time, countless eyes like a handle knife, splitting the skin, stabbing the heart, she feels that she has made the last strength every step of the way, but the future is still far away No time.

The men are so excited, the women are jealous, nearly 200,000 residents slowly give birth to the same idea: Mrs. Meng is very wrong, how can she abuse such a fairy-like figure? The woman in front of me is really like a illusion, not eating human fireworks, how can she make a little bit of bad things?

Luo Ning tea saw the cockroach, lying on her father, her roots, her backing, her everything, now turned into a cold body, as ruthless as the walls in the stone fort.

Luo Ning tea has been scared and scared these days. He has no personal feelings about his father's death. Until the huge cockroaches are in front of him, the image of the big-headed **** suddenly appears in front of him. Nostalgia and grief arise from the bottom of my heart. When she is unprepared, she hits it. The key.

My father was really dead. Luo Ning tea swayed, and the crowd uttered sympathy and unbearable voices. Countless hands grabbed before the master's mind and wanted to hold the woman who was in a desperate situation.

Luo Ning tea held up, pale and weak fingers caressed the coffin, slowly circled around, took a deep breath, raised his head, escorted his father's coffin through the north gate, and walked to Jinpeng Fort.

This is a long journey. The unsuccessful residents followed all the way until they were blocked by the stone bridge of Jinpengbao. Many people were still squatting late at night, trying to smell the fragrance left by "the woman" in the air.

As soon as he entered the stone fort, Luo Ning tea collapsed in the arms of the ring, proudly turned his head and glanced at the killer behind him, closed his eyes and let himself slumber.

She completed the task of honouring slavery.

On the night of Solitary King's resolution of the crisis, Gu Shen made an in-depth conversation with Luo Ning tea. Even the blind-eyed green girls were taken away by the Dutch women. There were only two of them in the whole room.

"Miss, you have no way to go." Gu Shenwei did not use the word "we" because he knew that Luo Ning tea did not care about anyone other than himself.

Luo Ning tea is rare and calm, no crying, no calm, she is not calm, but like a small beast that has been forced into a road, completely scared, "Fu Jun..."

"The Eight Lords will never return to the Stone Fort. He betrayed the One-Step King. Everyone knows that the praise of the Lord is only a plan to slow down."

"Then I left the stone fort? The big head left me a lot of things."

"First, the stone fort will not let you go. Second, without the protection of the stone fort, the wealth of the big-headed **** is not a guarantee but a disaster."

Luo Ning tea fell on the bed and twitched and cried. Selfishness often covered her eyes, but she was not stupid. She knew that the slaves were all true. The father and husband, the two pillars collapsed at the same time, she really It’s nowhere to go, Mrs. Meng is busy fighting for power, and once she has slowed her hand, she will retaliate against her.

Gu Shenwei waited for her to cry almost, saying: "I was born in the dead and then born, does the lady have the courage to fight back?"

The Luoning tea behind the screen straightens up. "What do you mean? Is it possible for me to protect myself?"

"Yes." Gu Shen paused for a while before she said the words that made Miss Miss ecstatic.

Luo Ning tea stood up, "Han slave, good slave, tell me what you have?"

"Someone is in power, but those powers don't belong to him. Power always has a source. This source is the most reliable dependency, and it is more reliable than father and husband."

"You mean... the Lord?"


"But he won't protect me. There is no big god. Why should he protect a woman who is lonely and helpless?" Luo Ning tea's brain in this regard is still clear.

"Mrs. Meng has a good relationship with her family, but she still gets the favor of the king."

"Twenty female slaves sent by my father! If they can use them to win the favor of the king..." The voice of Luo Ning tea was raised, and the whole person was uplifted.

"Mrs. Meng will not let them be seen by the king." Gu Shenwei said that in his initial plan, he also used the twenty female slaves, but he later changed his mind.

"What should I do?"

Gu Shenwei was silent for a while. "The slaves daring to make a request, please forgive me."

"Say, you can ask for anything." Luo Ning tea said eagerly, like a drowning person grabbed the last floating wood.

"Please take the screen out of the screen and pick up the yarn." After saying this, Gu Shen immediately kneeled down on one leg and looked down at the ground to make a gesture of sin.

After half a day after the screen, there was no response. Luo Ning tea gradually understood the plan of the slaves. The heart was first angry, then the shame, then the grievances, and finally she realized that everything in the world was illusory, and the father could only rely on it for a while. The husband couldn’t stand it for a while. The only one who could rely on his life was not the two men, nor the slaves and the lord, only herself.

Gu Shen heard the squeaking of the veil and the shreds of footsteps, and then spoke a very light voice, which was quite different from the usual tone of the lady. "Look up."

Gu Shenwei looked up and looked at the lady under the light. It took a while to hang her head again. "Twenty female slaves can't match a lady's hair."

Luo Ning tea felt a dizzy, removed the thick veil, the whole person nodded lightly, and the eyes of the third man other than his father and husband also made her feel scared.

"The problem is still the same, I can't see the king."

Gu Shenwei only had three or four points to grasp, but now she has seven or eight points of confidence. "If you are doing things in the sky, Miss does not have to worry, I have my own plan, but I still have to ask Miss a few questions."

"Ask, as long as I can save me from this whirlpool, everything is up to you."

"That old Zhang..."

“Hey.” Luo Ning tea laughed. “It’s not that you told me, 'loyal people are often ideal betrayers’. Lao Zhang’s most loyal to Shangguan’s anger, I tried it on him, and the result I really told you that I was right. I just unveiled the first veil. He was loyal to me, but he was just a groom. It was really useless. It was to help me with something."

Gu Shenwei once transferred the knowledge that Zhang Yi taught to himself to Luo Ning tea. Many of the contents did not even remember him. I did not expect that the lady was really serious.

"Miss is holding the secret of the big-headed god, I want to hear the details."

Gu Shen held a secret of Luo Ning tea in her hand. She knew that she had killed a person who was very important to the big-headed god, but she did not know the specific content. This time she took the opportunity to let the young lady confess.

"Don't you know?" Luo Ning tea was alert, because Huannu once claimed to know everything.

"Yes, but I have to know the details."

"Is this related to the present?"

"I made a plan for the young lady, and it was a death sentence to pass it out. So, I hope that Miss can prove that you are fully trusting me."

Luo Ning tea retreated to the back of the screen. The habit of many years will not be changed immediately. Here she is more comfortable. "Where is there any details, I have a brother, the big head likes him very much, I am not happy, Xue Niang will kill him. And then told me to kill for me, in fact, she wants to control me in this way."

The voice of Luo Ning tea became indifferent, as if the story of others was told, Gu Shen guessed, Xue Niang naturally has ulterior motives, but Luo Ning tea must have very support for Xue Niang's practice at that time, Luo Ning tea is really a Shangguan family.

"It’s almost the same as Xue Niang told me." Gu Shen was lying. Luo Ning tea is a kind of irritating person. It is difficult to master. He has to hold the handle tightly to control her like Xue Niang.

"It's time to tell me about your plan. How can I let the Lord see me?" Luo Ning Tea is very proud of his appearance, and now he has confidence in Huanu.

"It's hard to let the Lord see you, it's almost impossible, we want him to 'listen' to you."

Luo Ning tea is immersed in meditation. "It's that simple?"

"Of course not, the king has read a lot of people, is the lady sure to keep his heart?" Gu Shenwei had to raise this question, Shangguan angered Luo Ning tea, once infatuated for a while, but finally abandoned her regardless of betrayal of the stone fort With the father.

This sentence is too straightforward, and the anger of Luo Ning tea has come out again. "What do you mean?"

"Miss need a master." Gu Shen can ignore this, all the tricks are ruthless, shame and answer can not do big things, as for "Master", he already has a suitable candidate in his heart, the original will be sent Into the stone for the purpose of keeping her life and using her to pass the message, now she has a greater purpose.

(Seeking for advice)

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