Death Sutra

Chapter 247: up and down

The ghost is called the cliff side, Gu Shen is so hard to set the mind, and practice the seventh chapter of the Taoist power.

The chill in the body did not weaken slightly. On the contrary, because the infuriating gas quickly runs in the meridians, bringing the pain of ice spurs, Gu Shen endured for a while, and finally could not support it, and fell to the ground.

When he woke up, he saw that the Dutch woman was kneeling with him and sweating him. The hair was a little messy and looked worried. It seemed to be as painful as him.

"You beg me, I will let you die now." The Dutch woman softly comforted, and the other hand was on the hilt.

Gu Shenwei felt that the nasal cavity had finally re-opened, and she vigorously breathed the cold air above the faint chest. The chest was violently undulating, but the mind was still in numbness. The girl in front of her was so strange. He stared at her and could not understand her. Why is it sad, what does it mean when you say it.

The memory gradually became clear, and the girl's face became indifferent. It seems that the scene just was just the illusion of the young man's heart. He would not plead, and would rather die.

"You killed her?"

The lotus girl took out the ring of Luo Ning tea and singled her finger into the bottom of the cliff. "She got my flying knife and saw how big her life is."

This is the reason why the hidden weapon and the bow are not valued by the killer. It is too far away to know the life and death of the target. The accident is always endless. There are too many guards around the Luo Ning tea, and the lotus girl does not want to venture into it.

Gu Shen did not care about the woman's life and death, the chill was getting heavier and heavier, and there seemed to be a large piece of ice in the belly. He wanted to cover up, but the body could not help but tremble. He was enchanted by the seventh chapter of reversing the insignificant power. And then I want to practice correcting, but the result is counterproductive.

The Dutch woman hesitated for a while and held him in her arms. She would have little martial arts. She didn't know how to enter the internal interest to help him relieve the pain. He could only help him to reduce his chill with his body temperature.

The horn sound came, desolated and low, and Jinpeng killers mostly contacted with whistle. Gu Shen was the first time to hear this sound in Shibao.

"They are going to catch up." The woman turned to look at the direction of the fort.

The two young killers didn't know that the horn was the highest level of warning at Shibao. Since it was the only one in the Shangguan, it was the first time in the fort, and even the deepest hidden face was called, to the designated The location is on standby.

"I am sorry, I may not insist on going to the fire and die." Gu Shenwei also looked at the direction of the fort, and his heart fluttered. For the sake of no reason, three days ago, he rode his pony around the manor. Chasing the hare and the birds, excited to forget the time, until the sunset, he looked at the manor in the thin curtain, feeling that his home is far away and not real, but the heart is full of strange intimacy.

"Besides me, no one can kill you." The Dutch girl seems to have made up her mind, the tone has become indifferent, and she has solved the Jinpengbao knife, left the cliff, and pulled out Gu Shenwei's "Yun" sword. On the ground, "This is what you kill." He held his own "Huan" sword in his hand. "This is killing them and using it for me."

Groups of killers will come at any time, and they have nowhere to go.

"It’s hard to steal the "No Book", so it’s not worth it."

"I have already handed it over, Xiaoyuetang will attack Shibao Fort sooner or later, revenge for me, even your hatred will be reported."

Gu Shenwei’s enemies are not just Jinpengbao, but he did not say anything. This is a delicate moment. There is no hatred between the murderer and the murdered person. There is only ambiguity and tacit understanding.

The Jinpeng killer did not appear immediately. The lotus girl moved Gu Shenwei to a tree and stayed by the side. Suddenly she asked, "Why are you calling Gu Shenwei? This name is very strange."

Gu Shenwei squatted for a while and thought about it. "This is a sentence in the ancient book. 'Do not take good deeds from the name, and the name does not benefit from the profit period. Lee does not compete with the dispute. Therefore, the gentleman must be cautious for good.'"

“‘Be careful for goodness’? When your father’s name was born, he didn’t want to do good things.”

Gu Shenwei smiled and did not explain that the meaning of this sentence is not the case. In fact, he also felt that the name was not very good. His father Gu Lun thought it was appropriate.

"What about you? What is the name of Huo Yun?"

"No, a very common name."

The two were chatting casually. The gate of the payroll was pushed open. They ran out and looked around. They didn't see the two killers behind the tree. They just shouted: "Yang Huan! Are you here?"

It turned out to be Xu Yanwei, Gu Shenwei originally thought that she would secretly send her out of Shibao and Xu Xiaoyi to meet, but later forgot.

"I'm here."

Gu Shenwei stood up and waved behind the tree. The lotus girl jumped into the tree and hid it. Just like before, when she was angry with her face, she was responsible for protecting in the dark.

Xu Yan hurriedly ran over and slammed down on the road. After climbing up, he refused to take dust. He came to the tree in a few steps and stuffed a bag into Gu Shen’s hands. His cheeks were red and panting. The son gives you the lotus girl."

Gu Shen opened the bag with surprise. There are two sets of black clothes, the most advanced "extra" word and some easy-to-use tools. "She... How do you know that I am here?"

Xu Yan slightly shook his head and took a deep breath. "Ten Gongzi handed over these things to me last night, saying that you may still stay in the stone fort. She said that she is now being looked too tight, so that if I have the chance, I will take it. I am handed over to you, the young lady is assassinated, everyone is talking about your business. I heard the killer say that he is about to surround the payroll, and he ran with the lady’s waistband, hoping that it will still be there."

Xu Yanwei said that he was upside down. Although it was meaningless, he couldn’t help Jin Peng’s killer and could not save his life. Gu Shenwei was still a little moved. She ran at this festival and undoubtedly risked considerable risks. This is an extremely unusual move.

Near death, his emotions are more abundant than usual.

"Your brother..." Gu Shenwei wanted to tell her the whereabouts of Xu Xiaoyi, so that the two brothers and sisters had a chance to reunite, but it was too late, and the black-handed killers were coming out of the payrolls one by one.

They are not in a hurry to catch prey, fanned out, and surrounded the juvenile.

"Is the lady dead?"

"Not yet, but the injury is very heavy." Xu Yanwei's voice began to tremble, she has exhausted all her guts, facing dozens of serious silent killers, she is like a mouse inadvertently caught in a cat, scared The soul is scattered.

"Go to her, ask her to protect you as long as she is not dead, remember this: she needs you."

Xu Yanwei didn't know if she could live to see the lady. She didn't even know why she was coming here to get into trouble. She walked in the direction of the black man. The body seemed to fall apart. Every step had to be four limbs. The hundred and five internal organs were reassembled.

The killers looked indifferently as the frightened woman approached as if she was invisible, but when she walked to the gate of the payroll, a killer held her shoulder and Xu smoked a soft body and fell The other side.

Gu Shen stepped back, until it was close to the cliff, and the killers joined the encirclement. He never saw so many black people appearing at the same time, everyone was silent, as if they were here to build a The wall is not useful.

The knife master forgives out from the crowd and smiles. This is his victory. The influence of the slaves is even greater than he imagined. The anger of the one-step king will give Mrs. Meng a heavy blow, the greedy A woman, who wants to hold all her rights in her own hands, never wants to fall out of favor with a small killer.

Shangguan fell without personal presence. Gu Shen was a bit disappointed. He thought that the forgiveness would say something, accuse or humiliate, but the sophisticated knife master would never waste his tongue on an ordinary killer.

Gu Shen has a lot to say about himself, his true identity, his bones and hatred, and the most vicious curse. This is a human nature, but many years of killer training finally took the upper hand. He opened his arms and decided not to Opening.

The language is very pleasant, and the satisfaction provided is illusory and unreal. Even if he is indignantly scornful of Jinpengbao and Shangguan family, such as the sky, the dust does not fall on the stone wall.

Some people have achieved revenge, and some have failed in revenge.

Six reincarnations, inexhaustible, and endless enemies, he thought that the collapse of his life would be a great hatred. In Jinpengbao, it was only a daily action, and it was a small matter that was not impressed by the One-Step King.

He looked up and looked at the lotus girl hiding in the tree. This strange girl tried her best to let him go to death and die. At the last moment, she had to be desperate, and protect him with a sword engraved with the word "happy". There are few surviving lives, which means that hate is only one kind of seven emotions and six desires. Then there is no way to monopolize the whole heart. There are always other emotions hidden in the bottom of my heart. Maybe when will the waves rise.

He looked down at the cliff and saw two black men climbing on the cliff. The one-step king had to catch the living, and the killer had to lay down the net.

The killers who were exposed to the action immediately took action and jumped to the ground together and reached out to catch the boy who had no resistance.

The lotus girl in the tree looked back at the scene and flew down without hesitation.

The two swords of cleanliness, the first time the maiden murders in the eyes of the woman, is also the first time that the Sword of the Dead is revealed in front of the uninformed living, and her name will be remembered by every Jinpeng killer. .

Forgive the smile on his face, the king is the main living, he will have to live, two experienced killers lurking on the cliff, it should be perfect, but this girl, this sword method...

The left hand of the lotus girl pulled out the "Happy" sword on the ground and looked at the boy on the edge of the cliff. This is not her ideal ending, but a better ending.

Gu Shen was smiling, this was the last smile in his life, and there was no more people and things that made him tempted.

In addition to the "Nothing Book" in the arms and the "Dead Man" in the heart, he has nothing in the stone fort, so there is no loss. He has nothing to ask the people in the world, so there is no loss.

The young man leans and falls to the abyss.

The "Happy" sword in the hands of the Dutch woman was only a stone's throw away from him. After all, she did not stab, but she paused and she jumped.

Shen Forgic roared: "No!"

The faces of the murderers were no longer indifferent. They did not complete the order of the king to catch the living, and the heart made an ominous panic like the knife master.

The killers ran to the end of the cliff, and suddenly they rolled up a gust of wind, flying sand and walking stones. Everyone couldn’t help but stop, looking at the incredible sight: the black giant bird vacated, went straight into the sky, and the bird’s back The teenager with his legs on his face.

After many years, people will still remember this scene and regard it as a harbinger of all waves and killings. At the time, this was only a fleeting scene, and people standing behind could not even see it.

"Look, there is a rope!" shouted a killer.

Sure enough, the tree on the edge of the cliff was tied with a string and the other fell to the bottom of the cliff.

On one go, two young killers fled the stone fort.

(End of the first volume)

Thanks to every book friend, it is your click, recommendation, comment and let this book be written to the present.

I am especially grateful to the bookmates who voted for the evaluation. In the case that the data has been bleak, your support gives me comfort.

Finally, I would like to thank those book friends who helped promote this book in the forum. My only reward is to continue to write down, regardless of whether A sign or not.

Commitment is often the beginning of a lie, so I have no promises, and some are just the second volume that will be updated today.

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