Death Sutra

Chapter 251: Counselor

Fang Wen did not expect that he would be poor and stumbled. The first thing to open his eyes every morning is to think about how to swindle a few grains of rice to fill the hunger. He used to be different because he read poetry and book. The respect of the house, even the local rich man wants to marry his daughter to him, but he refused. The husband is aiming everywhere, why is there no wife? When he traveled around the country for four or five years, when he returned to his hometown, he was greeted by the rich man he refused, and he secretly fortunately for several days.

Today's party news is like an invisible person in the township. The familiar township neighbors are not turning a blind eye or hiding. They are afraid that he will borrow money or get angry. Today, he was blocked by two strange big men in the yard, as if he were The bad luck has not come to the end.

At that time, Fang Wen was in the next door of his brother's home, displaying a three-inch tongue, pleading, coercing, tempting, micro-sense, astronomical geography, what techniques were used, that is, the ghost king in **** also had a heart, but the scorpion even connected The eyelids are not lifted, and the chickens are often picked up by the yard. A grain of rice is not willing to "borrow". The voice of Xiaoshu is no different to her.

Dry mouth, hunger and heartburn, Fang Wen is a negative thought when I am born again. I don’t want to go back when two strange big men push the door. They obviously have already heard the exact news and saw the clothes. The sly scholar asked: "Are you called Fang Wen?"

Dahan was wearing a felt coat, and the dust was servant. His appearance was rude and his tone was very blunt. Like a bandit who kidnapped him a few years ago, Fang Weng felt a sense of ominousness and hurriedly shook his head.

The voice of the blind man who had never spoken at this time was surprisingly fast, and he spoke first. "It is him."

The black cloth bag descended from the sky, and the square smell was full of economy. In the face of the big man who was moving up, there was no force in the parry. The head was shackled, and the eyes were dark. Then he was resisted and began his last unfortunate career.

Fang Wen is a scorpion who has a long breath, and has a long-lasting sense of sorrow and sorrow, but he may think about it in the future, so when he waits for a while, he screams and screams. La!"

The neighbors and the neighbors all walked out of the house to watch, only to see the dust raised by the horses, and wondered, who is so open-eyed, to grab a poor acid? Then why bother to grab it? When people come to say something, the folks will tie the students to the past and send them to the people. If they smell, they will be willing.

The two big men took the party to go forward without stopping. They only took a short break every day. On the first day, Fang Wen felt that the whole body was falling apart, but when Dahan took out the dry food, he still grabbed the past. Gobble up, didn't even ask where this is going.

Dahan was shocked. For the first time, he thought that the scholar might be a little doorway.

Fang Wen guessed that they were walking west. The strange thing is that Dahan did not choose the safest and most smooth Tianshan South Road. The road passed through the Yuyu City and was protected by Jinpeng Fort. They walked the wilderness north of the mountains. Sometimes there are no links.

After filling his stomach, Fang Wen was beginning to worry about personal safety. He politely asked the two "Xitai" questions, but the answer was that he was blocked by rags. The two big men rarely talked to each other. Only monotonous horseshoes, day and night, even in the ears of sleep, they are all worthwhile.

So, after more than half a month, the journey was finally over, the bag on the head was taken off, and the rag in the mouth was taken out. It was felt that I was still floating on the turbulent horse, and my feet were like stepping on. In the pile of cotton flowers, when the big man loosened his hand, he fell to the ground and only came back for a long time.

This is a large tent with dark light, simple decoration, and a rough carpet. On both sides, sitting or standing on a dozen rough men, each with a long and wide epee. Fang Wen has a feeling that the status of these people is directly proportional to the size of the sword.

The first impression was quickly broken. On the innermost low-lying couch, a young man sat cross-legged. From the position point of view, it should be the leader. The sword around him was the shortest.

The young man was pale and seemed to have a cold illness. His face should have been handsome, but he was covered by that gloomy expression.

There is a guard in the left and right sides of the low couch. The left hand is a very handsome boy. Fang Wen can't help but take a look. The right hand is a girl in her teens.

Fang Wen is swallowing a few slobbers and telling the truth that he has already been buried in his heart. "The king is alive, a small scholar, no money, no power. Presumably, the two big brothers are catching the wrong person."

The young man on the low-pitched bed spoke, his voice was cold, and he was a little lazy, but there was a kind of majesty that he was murderous, so that Fang Weng completely believed that he was the "big king."

"Fang Wen is, don't you recognize me?"

Fang Wen is looking up, carefully looked at it for a while, his mind is spinning fast, hoping to think of what to start, then the eyes are bright, "Is it you, oh, why don't you say it early? Xiongtai has always been good? The family is also good. Ok?"

The young man waited for him to finish. "Four years ago, Tieshan Camp, Mr. Fang can still remember the person who gave the horse?"

With this reminder, Fang Wen finally recognized the young man in front of him, but still can't remember the name. "It's you! You...what... you are not... What is this?"

"This is the Daxueshan Mountain Pass. My name is Yang Huan. It is not a Jinpeng killer."

Snowy mountain! Fang Wen was shocked. There are at least a thousand miles away from home. I was caught in this ghost place. I don’t have to ask. The men around me are the legendary Da Xueshan swordsmen.

In the remote countryside, the swordsman rushed out of the snow-capped mountains and forced the border of the country. He had not yet reached the ears of Fang Wen, but he was vaguely impressed with the name "Yang Huan". I remember this is Jinpengbao. The defector of the year before, he never linked this to the killer apprentice he had seen a few years ago.

"Yang Laodi." Fang Wen is blurted out, and he changed his name and changed his name. "Yang Dawang..."

A one-eyed man corrected coldly, "the head of the group, the king of the five peaks."

Fang Wen is a glimpse, the name is too long, he is a little out of control, the one-eyed man gave him an abbreviation, "Dragon King."

"Dragon King squats." Fang Wen is respectful and bowed. How do you feel that this young man and the killer apprentice he has seen are not the same person.

"There is no ‘Your’, it’s ‘Dragon King’.” The one-eyed man tirelessly teaches scholars who don’t understand anything.

"Dragon King." Fang Wen really feels that this title is very strange, but his mind has calmed down and can cover up the true feelings very well. "Calling down, I don't know what to order."

"Mr. Fang still remembers the original promise. I have 5,000 people now, and I am looking for advice." Gu Shen did not like the name of "Dragon King", but this is the honorary name that the Wufeng patriarch discussed for several days. He can only accept.

Fang Wen is of course not remembering a word that he said casually, but someone who asked him to make a plan was ultimately a good thing. Perhaps he had waited for more than 20 years of life to turn around at this moment. "Oh, of course, five thousand. People, not bad."

Gu Shen is understanding the fact that Fang Wen is a person. "Mr. Fang’s journey is a good time. I might as well take a break and talk again tomorrow."

Although there are not many kinds of dishes at the banquet, it is very rich. It is not a large piece of meat. It is a milky milk. Fang Wen is the most satisfying meal in a few years, until the belly is high and can no longer be inserted. A piece of meat, he made time to carefully observe the young "Dragon King" and his savage swordsman.

I want to let him know what to do, and he has to be a bit of a foundation. He will not be a military sergeant.

The results of the observations are not very optimistic. The swordsmen are silent and have no problem with force. But they are very alert to each other. No one is jealous. They always hold the meat in one hand and the other hand is not far from the epee.

Long Wang Yang Huan is served by two teenagers, and each dish must be eaten by one of them.

There is still no set of rules to be established here. The swordsman who enters and exits does not need to report, and the curtains are smashed, and they are not worshipped. The Dragon King nods and respects.

However, Fang Weng felt very clearly that everyone was afraid of the young dragon king. This fear came from the heart. Except for the two waiters, no one even dared to get too close to him.

After dinner, when Fang Wen went to the designated tent, what he saw and heard in the camp made his heart more vague.

There are a lot of swordsmen coming and going, but there are certainly no more than 5,000 people. A large part of them are teenagers and old people of 50 or 60 years old. They are also divided into several groups, like the heads who are guarding each other in the tent. very obvious.

Only fears that are stronger than hatred can suppress these people.

Fang Wen is very disappointed with the Da Xue Shan Swordsman, but more curious about the young Dragon King.

The young man, what ability can he hold a group of beast-like swordsmen and let them bow their heads and call them "kings"?

That night, Fang Wen was uncomfortable with his stomach, tossing and turning, not sleeping well, so he just got up, walked back and forth in the account, went to the latrine for a few times, and reorganized the knowledge that he thought he would never use. Just when he felt a little hungry, his mind had a shaped idea.

The next day, Dragon King did not summon him. Fang Wen was walking around in the camp, chatting with the swordsmen everywhere, and learning a lot of useful information.

Although the swordsman is rude, the different tribes are in the same fire, and they are very enthusiastic about the guests. They have questions and answers, never lie, and let Fang Wen increase their confidence.

On the third night, the Dragon King summoned the counselors alone, except that they had only two young waiters beside them.

Fang Wen is well-informed and unconcerned. When he meets, he asks: "Dragon King, please tell me the truth, you are enemies with Jinpeng Fort, do you want to take revenge, or do you want to be the Western domain overlord?"

"What's the difference?"

"Revenge is a private matter. Not everyone in the Western Region is like the Snowy Mountain Swordsman. It has a deep hatred for Jinpengbao. You can easily find the alliance here. Out of this mountain, there are still several people who are willing to risk their lives. Do you revenge? Anyway, I don't want to. The Western Region's hegemony is the victory of the King, and the risk is of great interest. The entrants are the name, the right, the wealth, and the people of the world are willing to share. So, you want Revenge, I can't help, it's better to let me go home to farm; you want to fight for hegemony, maybe I can make some ideas."

Gu Shenwei did not expect that Fang Wen would say such a thing, bow down and meditate for a while, "Is it necessary to kill people?"

"There are countless killers."

"I want to be the hegemon of the Western Region."

(Seeking for advice)

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