Death Sutra

Chapter 258: Advance

Shi Yanxiang's ex ante reminder helped a lot. Fang Wen saw several major opponents when he saw the ministers in the main hall.

When Shule Wang was in his forties, he was sitting in danger and was quite majestic. He did not say a word during the entire process of the DPRK, and the eunuchs around him presided over the process of debate.

Fang Wen is a self-proclaimed Daxueshan messenger. He represents the "head of the dragons and the head of the five peaks" and gives advice to the Shule Wang. The change of "king" into "the Lord" is also the meaning of Shi Yanxiang. Gu Shen is naturally not concerned with this virtual name. Also agreed to temporarily change the title.

It took a little time to meet the king’s ritual. After the turn of the shrine and the end of the crowd, the **** asked the Daxueshan messenger to speak first.

Fang Wen specially prepared a fan-shaped appendix. This is a fashionable thing from the Central Plains. It is dedicated to the occasion of the debate. It is said to have something to say in the hand and to put it on the table to express the high opinion.

Fang Wen was holding the appendix, first bowed to the king, then turned to more than 20 ministers, his eyes swept over, and finally fell on a white beard, the chief minister of the Shule country, Moyang, known as " Shijun" is the biggest rival of Shijie. He did not support the country and had a deep friendship with Jinpengbao, but he had a son who died in the hands of the Daxueshan swordsman, so he was extremely enthusiastic about the annihilation of the Daxueshan.

The words of Moyang were very influential in the Shule King, and they were not friendly to Jinpengbao. The views held by them were even more weighty. It is this person who is most jealous of Shijie.

"In the next day, it’s the life of the Shule, and it’s a threat to the ears..."

Fang Wen was planning to re-apply, and shocked everyone with the words of the disaster. I did not expect that the minister of Shuleguo did not abide by the rules of the Central Plains debate. He only said one sentence and a half, the tail of the hand has not been put down, and a black-faced minister has already Starting the filming, interrupted the Daxueshan messenger. "Nonsense, you are the messenger of the Snowy Mountain. Why do you say that I am safe in the country? It is uneasy at first glance."

Fang Weng shook his head and smiled. After waiting for the momentum of the other party to sit back in the past, he said: "Da Xueshan and Shule are dependent on each other. They are proud of their glory, and they are all damaged. In the lower body, they are the messengers of the Snow Mountain. How can they not care about your country? ?"

"Jokes, you are not a person in Daxueshan. You only went to the past a month ago. You didn't even have the qualifications for Daxueshan. What do you say about 'insulting the cold?'" The ministers carried out the wheel battle, the black-faced minister sat. Next, he stood up again as a white-faced minister, and Moyang, who had a white beard, sat quietly.

"Haha, it really is a joke. The silk of the Central Plains, the fine iron of Wushan, the horses of the North Court, the merchants of the world, can be used for the Shule country. Why should the counselor be born in the longevity? I only hope that I will not disgrace my mission. If you must talk to the Da Xueshan swordsman, there will be five outside the temple.

Everyone knows that the mountain people are not good at words. If they say that they are stiff, they will move their swords. No one wants to argue with them.

The ministers were speechless for a moment, and Moyang coughed twice and said: "No need to rumor, there is a high point in the foot, but please talk."

Fang Wen waved his tail and thought that this thing was of no use. He simply carried his hands and continued his initial rhetoric. "Shule, Beiting, and Zhongyuan are known as the Western Regions, and they are all in a good position. Both the ruin and the two feet are unstable. Today, the North Court is quite chaotic, and there is no such thing as a sacred ambition. The ambition of the Central Plains is inflated, and the heart of the Western Regions is flourishing. The Shule Kingdom is suffering from the ruin of the country, and the princes enjoy peace today, I am afraid of tomorrow. It’s hard to find a place to stay."

The ministers thought that the Daxueshan messenger had to discuss with the Shule country. He did not expect that he would first say that Shule was a country of no death. Moyang did not get up and said: "Under the foot, it is not a 'critical", it is actually Listen. 'The North Court does have a chaos of sweat, but it can be calmed in a few years. It can't be said that 'one foot is both ruined'. The Central Plains has ambitions, but it is far away from the mile, the desert is blocked, and the Western Region is stationed in 20,000 or 30,000. Although the country does not dare to compare with the big countries, there are also 500,000 soldiers, not afraid of tens of thousands of enemy troops."

The Shule country has 500,000 soldiers. Fang Wen knows that the other party is bragging, and he does not break it. He said: "Jun Shi’s words are different. Although the Central Plains stationed troops, there are few, but the Western Region has been in operation for hundreds of years. However, in the Western Regions, all the countries have the Central Plains, that is, there are no more than a hundred thousand in the Shule country. What's more, the eastern countries are now relying on the Central Plains, and every time they fight, they all send out their troops. The 30,000 soldiers can drive ten times the Western servants and the hundred times of the original people. I would like to ask, is such a crowd, Shule '500,000' can be blocked?"

The ministers did not speak, and Moyang sneered. "Listen to the next step, not only does the Shule country not stop the Central Plains, but the North Court can't stop it. What is the so-called "three-legged"?"

The content of the debate and the square news are expected to be similar, and the heart is more and more bottomless. I can't help but raise the tail and wave it twice. "No, the theory of the next is the 'potential' of the Central Plains, not the 'force' of the Central Plains. The Central Plains 30,000 troops stationed in the army is the force, only the Central Plains used, other countries can not move. The eastern countries are small, the Central Plains is available, but can not be used freely, to pay the price. The Western Region million Central Plains is the general trend, or available or not Use, all the country's actions, properly handled, the Central Plains people are willing to fight for any country."

"You are so equal to saying nothing, everything is still not fixed." The black-faced minister once again took the case and said with anger.

Fang Wen is still waiting for the other party to sit down. He said: "There is no fixed number in the Shule, but the Central Plains and the North Court have already fixed numbers. This is exactly what it means to live and die."

The black-faced minister had to get up again. Moyang signaled him not to move. He said: "The so-called fixed number in the foot refers to the chaos in the North Court and the ambition of the Central Plains?"


"There is no benefit from the word, can there be evidence?"

"The actual data is the Yuyu City."

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Three years ago, it was rumored that the one-man king was seriously ill. The Central Plains took the opportunity to disarm the Tieshan gang. Although this matter is small, it is vital to the Western Region. Unfortunately, the countries are fainting and fail to see. The Tieshan Camp is located north of the Tianshan Mountains. Close to the border of Saitama City, it has always been the land of the North Court Wrangler. The Central Plains Five Thousands of Fine Soldiers went to war. Since then, they have been steadfast, and they have become a 'stubborn disease'. This is a provocation, and the North Court does not say a word. The acquiescence of the enemy standing in the belly, that is, the obvious influence of the civil unrest. The innocent king is innocent, not only does not have a blow, but is inferior to the enemy, known as 'union 剿匪'. As a result, the Western Region has been tilted. The lateness has not yet moved, but it is gaining momentum. Once the momentum is sufficient, the first step will be to capture the Yuyu City. The next step is to accept the Shule, the Shule, the Western Region, and the Beiting, even if the civil strife ends, there are millions of cavalry. In the Western Region, there is no place to stand. At that time, Shule wants to resume the three-legged trend, I do not know what year and month to wait."

Fang Wen is a long story. The ministers have nodded their heads and shook their heads a little. They all have a question. The white-faced ministers said on behalf of the people. "Your grand theory, but as such, Jinpengbao is a big country." Barrier, 'lip-toothed cold' is suitable here, but you are the messenger of the Snowy Mountain, this..."

Fang Wen is around a big circle. Just talking about Jinpengbao, he is going to ask the other party to continue to explain. The **** around Shule Wang interrupted this debate. Come from afar and give food."

In the past, Fang Wen was able to make a happy appearance for this meal. This meal has been full of the meat of Daxueshan for more than a month. The interest in food has been greatly reduced. I wanted to make a sigh of relief, but I was forced to accept the money, and I was unhappy. And know, but the words of the **** are the intention of the Shule King, and he can only refuse to grace.

Fang Wen is indifferent to a table of dishes, and is still thinking about how to pull down Jinpeng Fort after noon, in order to smoothly introduce the Snowy Mountains.

Shi Yanxiang visited and saw the Daxueshan messenger who walked back and forth. He congratulated Mr. Fang on his morning play and then told him a message that the afternoon meeting was not carried out in the main hall. It is with Moyang.

Fang Wen is in the chest, but he does not understand the rules of the court. He asks: "What is the meaning of this move?" Shi Jie did not say it, but smiled and let the messenger rest assured.

The two chatted a few words, Shi Yanxiang said goodbye, his trip was just a message, there is no special purpose, I can't think of the Dragon King would choose to fulfill the promise of meeting here.

Gu Shenwei believes that only the royal palace in Shule City is relatively safe, so it is mixed into one of the five Da Xueshan swordsmen.

When Shi Yanxiang was about to leave, Gu Shen said in a low voice: "In the next Yang Huan, I am lucky to meet."

The stone sarcophagus was very surprised, but he concealed it well, holding the arm of the killer and smiling: "The dragon is not seen at the end, and the dragon king is hiding deep."

Gu Shen was nodded to the military sergeant. Fang Wen was comprehending, with four other swordsmen out of the house, staying outside, pretending to watch the scenery of the palace, leaving two people to talk in it.

Shi Yanxiang was unprepared, but since he saw it, he couldn’t lose it. He said that he had to talk for a long time. Gu Shenwei just listened, rarely interjected, waiting for the other party to say the true intention.

"Don't you hear the Dragon King?"

"Slightly approx."

“Dragon King thinks Mr. Fang’s winning geometry?”

"The DPRK is not over yet, and the conclusion is still early."

"Hey, the Dragon King is suspicious and refuses to tell the truth."

Gu Zhiwei was indulging for a moment. "Jun Shi Moyang just asked questions, and he refused to make a decision. I am afraid that there will be variables in the royal study."

Ishigaki nodded and looked serious. She stared at the Dragon King for a while. It seemed to judge the credibility of the other party. "It is not possible, but it is certain. I have already got the news. Moyang will fight hard in front of you." Never let the words talk about it, but also force the Lord to expel the messenger, and immediately dispatched 50,000 troops to Daxueshan."

The 50,000-strong army, even if it is only half of this number, is not something that more than a thousand Da Xueshan swordsmen can fight.

"It's all about relying on this matter, and if you are willing to help you, you will be grateful under the snowy mountains."

"We don't know each other." Shi Yan moved his eyes away, his attitude was slightly cold, and he said what he wanted to say the most. "Jinpeng Fort has its own name. Shangguan Tian is weak and incompetent. Now I am fully supporting Dragon King. However, the situation in the interior is complicated. I am difficult to support alone. The front is full of thorns, and the Dragon King himself needs to work hard."

"Can you express your opinion?"

"There is still a discussion in the afternoon. When the Dragon King knows what I am saying, it is not too late."

Shi Yan did not want to stay here for too long, and got up and said goodbye.

Gu Shen has already understood the intention of Shi Yanxiang in his heart, but he still can't determine which person he wants to remove by his own knife: death to the head, or his brother, Shule Wang.

(Seeking for advice)

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