Death Sutra

Chapter 260: Borrow knife

On the surface of Shi Jiexiang, he held the Shuleguo government, but there were great hidden dangers inside.

He didn't agree with the ministers, but he didn't care. But the Prince stood on the side of the ministers. The situation was different. Although Shule Wang was only in his forties, his physical condition was not good. Shijie was worried. Once the king died, Prince. After the succession, he will be unfavorable to himself, so his idea is to preemptively be a king.

The original collaborators selected this is Shangguantian, but they have not yet opened their temptations. The two masters of Jinpengbao were defeated in the competition with the Dragon King. Shijie phase quickly changed his mind.

In a secret conversation with the Dragon King, he gave a promise. After winning the position, he fully supported the Daxue Mountain. Not only did he borrow the road, the horses and horses and the armor were also supplied, but he could not borrow the troops. The Shule country could not publicly stand on the side of the snowy mountain. .

Gu Shenwei asked the military division. "How good is the word of the prime minister?"

Fang Wen is thinking about every detail when he meets Shi Jie. "I want to say that this is done. Shi Jiexiang has been told by me. If he is king, ten people will regard Jinpengbao as an enemy."

"I mean, this will not be a conspiracy to trap a murder?"

"Oh." Fang Wen is watching things often from the big picture, thinking less about the details, seriously thinking for a while, "He wants to niche, this will not be fake, so he asks you to be a killer, it should be sincere, However, it is necessary to prevent him from killing people afterwards and pushing the name of Jun Jun to Da Xueshan."

This is exactly what Gu Shen is worried about. No one is willing to bear the crime of killing his brother. If the stone is like a face, the snowy mountain is in a more dangerous situation.

After dawn, Fang Wen is on behalf of the Dragon King to see the stone scorpion, bring the specific assassination plan, and put forward two requirements: First, Shi Yanxiang should write his own promise in black and white, and stamp the two sets of public and private seals, Second, to provide details of the guards of the palace, Dragon King does not want to have a little accident when the assassination.

Shi Yanxiang quickly agreed to the second article. There is his confidant in the guard of the palace. The patrol route, handover time, and whistle position of the guards have already been clearly revealed. After the stone sarcophagus is written, it is handed over to Fang Wen.

As for the first article, Shi Jiexiang is a bit vague. Long Wang can't trust him completely. He doesn't want to give people too early. If he promises to write on paper and stamp it, it is a proof of rebellion. If it falls in In the hands of Shule Wang, it will inevitably bring about a great disaster.

The two men bargained like a businessman. You took a step back. I let a foot, entangled for a long time, and finally reached a compromise. Shi Jie wrote all the promises and stamped the seal, but did not give the party a warning, but the day of the execution of the assassination plan. Hand over again.

With one hand to hand over the delivery of the hand, the plan to stab the king of Shule is so fixed, the time is the second meeting after two days, the location is the palace of the palace.

Outside of the prime minister's office, Gu Shenwei did not idle, and was running all day.

He went to Xu Xiaoyi first, did not say the assassination plan, just to inquire about intelligence.

Xu Xiaoyi got the news. Shangguantian lost trust in the prime minister. He did not give up his heart. He immediately voted for the ministers. Moyang was originally an opposition of Jinpengbao, but he became a supporter under the efforts of Shangguantian. Compared with the Daxueshan messenger, He occupies a huge advantage, that is, he can talk privately with Shule Wang. Fang Wen is the irrelevant argument of the road, but it is also against the subtle influence of the monarch.

Helping the stone 丞 篡 似乎 seems to be really the only choice.

After saying this, Xu Xiaoyi mysteriously lowered his voice. "Anyone wants to see you, who can't you think of it?"

Xu Xiaoyi showed a smug smug, and felt that it was very rare to be able to live with a happy brother.


Gu Shenwei said this name, Xu Xiaoyi was shocked. " do you know, have you seen him?"

In fact, Xu Xiaoyi showed his own feet. His expression showed that the seeker was Gu Shen’s understanding. With a little instinct, Gu Shenwei thought of Shangguanhong almost instantly. In fact, this is also the person he wants to see.

Whether in Jinpengbao or Shuleguo, Shangguanhong’s status is very embarrassing. It has been recognized as the son of the One-Step King for several years, and he still has not won the title of young master. Everyone regards him as the hand of Mrs. Meng. Chess pieces, and insignificant pieces, are occasionally used for use, and are hidden immediately after use.

This time, the second brother came to Shule the country. He also accompanied the observer. Shangguantian was very cold to this younger brother. He was similar to the slave. When he competed with the Dragon King, Shangguantian was hiding beside Shijiexiang, Shangguanhong was Live in the Jinpeng Escort with everyone else.

Even the servants did not take care of the lord, and no one wanted to provoke the suspicion of the two lords.

This brings a benefit. Shangguanhong is a lonely man, and no one pays attention to anything. So he can secretly go to see Xu Xiaoyi and ask for the dragon king killer Yang Huan. He did not recognize that the man with a mustache is running out of Yuyucheng. Kid, always thought that the other party is the dragon king's men.

Behind the Jinpeng Escort is a narrow alley with a small pub. Shangguanhong avoids everyone coming here to drink alcohol every day. He was trapped by money when he was young, and he became the son of the One Step King. He did not change this. It is the cheapest inferior wine. The only appetizer is a dish of peanuts. When he touches the taste of wine, he thinks about Zhang Jian’s words and deeds for several years, and let him indulge in the fame of fame.

But this day is too far away. Shangguanhong feels that his tolerance is coming to an end. Zhang Wei still keeps saying that the timing is not mature. He must keep a low profile. The old bookmaker has hidden his life. Naturally, there is patience, but he still wants to kneel. Young enjoy it.

The guests with black and thin whiskers at the table have been chatting with the shopkeeper. When the treasurer goes to book, he probably thinks that a person is too boring, carrying a dish of wine, uninvited, sitting opposite Shangguanhong.

“What?” Shangguanhong was drunk, squinting and looking at the guests who were not interested.

"One person is not as drunk as two people drunk, and they are not too stuffy."

There was a fat fish in the dishes that the guests came to, and Shangguanhong was moved by it. Then he secretly despised himself. If Zhang Wei saw him like this, he would certainly scold again. "The old thing." Shang Guanhong In my heart, I slammed the chopsticks and poked the fat fish.

Shangguanhong quickly ate for a while and found that the opposite guests did not move the chopsticks, so they pushed the peanuts on their side. "You also taste."

The guest shook his head. "Can Mr. Zhang Hao be fine?"

Shangguanhong’s chopsticks stopped in the air and opened his mouth. Suddenly he felt ashamed and difficult. If Zhang Jian insisted repeatedly, he would not like to see the killer Yang Huan. In his mind, this is a slave.

His association with Huannu was not right from the beginning, and he was not to be seen. He was also the master in name, but he always took money from the slaves and worked for the slaves.

"Oh, okay. I didn't expect you to come today."

Gu Shenyi came from Xu Xiaoyi and got the news. He has been observing for a long time and decided to show up after there was no trap. After seeing Shangguanhong, he gave birth to the initial doubts. Zhang Wei was so hidden. The counselor, why do you want to choose the most incompetent son of the one-step king?

"I hope you can bring me useful news."

Gu Shen has a condescending meaning for this sentence. Shangguan Hong’s heart has a anger, but in the years of humiliation in front of Mrs. Meng, he is able to hide the real emotions very skillfully, and his face can even reveal deep meaning. Smile, "It's definitely useful, but it's not quite right here."

“There is an ancient rhyme restaurant outside Sanjie Street. Have you heard of it?”

Shangguan Hong nodded.

"After half an hour, go there and find a guest named Gu."

Shangguanhong nodded again, and there was a sense of excitement in his heart. Zhang Wei said that it was right. The conspiracy is the most interesting game in the world. It secretly determines the fate of all beings. It is the power of the strong, chopping and killing. Killing is nothing more than a tool for the strong to achieve their goals.

There is a quiet place in the ancient rhyme restaurant, which is a good place to prevent eavesdropping. Even so, Shangguanhong still speaks low voices. "Mr. Zhang said that the two masters must have different ambitions in this trip. The younger masters of the Central Plains, the second lesser can only get help from the Shule country. This visit, in name, is to destroy the Daxueshan. In fact, he wants to borrow the troops-"

Shangguanhong made a slashing action, Gu Shen was quiet, thinking that the son of the one-step king is getting less and less, and his ambition is getting bigger and bigger. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for revenge. "You should Speaking to Mrs. Meng and the Lord, I can make a big contribution."

"How can this be said? I have no evidence." Shang Guanhong was puzzled by the cold reaction of Huannu, but Zhang Wei said that Huannu would definitely be interested in it. "You still don't understand? Mainly from the Shule country to borrow the army, the first damage is the big snow mountain, Shule must first destroy you, eradicate the worries, and then sent troops to attack Yuyu City. Mr. Zhang said that friends and enemies are all the time At this moment, we should form an alliance and jointly deal with Shangguantian."

Shangguanhong was too anxious. When he waited for the other party's response, he said everything in his heart. Gu Shenwei wrote a letter to him. "What is the specific plan of Shangguantian?"

"I don't know, but I heard that he was hooked up with the chief minister called Moyang, and he was planning a conspiracy against Daxueshan and Jinpengbao."

"What is Zhang Wei going to let me do?"

"Hey, you are a killer, what can you do?" Shangguanhong hangs his head, a little embarrassed, then looks up at the slaves, hoping to show a firm will.

It is also a knife-killing plan. Zhang Wei wants to take this opportunity to get rid of the two young masters and pave the way for the future of Shangguanhong. Gu Shen is well aware of this. "I will consider this, here is Shuleguo, I Can't kill anyone."

Shangguanhong did not listen to the words, thinking that the slaves did not believe in themselves, and hurriedly threw out the last message. "You don't want to kill, people can kill you. The killers who haven't gone a few days ago have not lived. They have been living in Jinpeng Escort. Who is their goal? It must be you. First, it is strong, and then you start to suffer. Zhang Wei said, if you and Da Xueshan want to survive, this is the only choice."

Gu Shen heard the "single choice" for the second time in two days and couldn't help but wonder if she really only had one choice.

(Seeking for advice)

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