Death Sutra

Chapter 284: Ground palace

Gu Shenwei did not study in the carving wood. His understanding of the killer's primary training mainly came from observing the female daughter.

Just ten months in the carved wood courtyard, the lotus girl has undergone tremendous changes. In addition to the improvement of martial arts, she is better at hiding her inner feelings than before, and she can't see the hatred of the slaves.

In comparison, the female killer of the Tianji Society is too naive. It is no different from a group of ordinary little girls.

Guan Shang said that Shangguan had taken over the Tianji Society two years ago. Even after this, the trainers would not be the ten sons. The true teachers should be familiar with all the methods of Jinpengbao, and they would not cultivate this. Unqualified apprentices come.

It is normal for Guanshang and his female archers to be normal, like a killer.

Gu Shenwei suddenly awakened, these little girls who "worship" the Dragon King are specially designed to defraud his trust.

Shangguan, if he is too late to show up, makes the Bodhi Garden Palace look like a trap.

He didn't show his voice, continued to tell the curious story, pointed the knife, and stretched out. "It's a bit stuffy. Who can take me around?"

Seven or eight little girls got up and rushed to be guides.

The underground palace covers a wide area, some of which are even deep under the lake. The passages and rooms are all illuminated by torches and candles. The light is not enough, just to simulate the night environment.

Night is the favorite and most active moment of the killers.

Gu Shen estimated that there are hundreds of people living in the entire palace. He saw many adult male and female killers training apprentices. The apprentices’ temperament and temperament are not the same as the seven or eight little girls who are next to him. Not obvious, but since he was born with suspicion, he saw something more naturally.

The killer apprentices are more silent, seeing less and asking less, especially in front of people who are higher than themselves, especially when they are called out, they are extremely embarrassed, and they seem to hate each other with deep hatred.

Standard killers don't trust others, and it's hard to win the trust of others.

In the end, everyone came to a complex area, and it was very far away to light a torch. Gu Shen remembered that it was not far from the entrance. "Let's go out and breathe. It's really stuffy."

"Okay, but we don't have the keys, we can't get out." A little girl seemed very disappointed. "I have been here for almost five months, and I have never been out."

The little girls nodded, and they went into the underground palace for different lengths, from a few months to six or seven months. They remembered the world outside and missed them very much.

Gu Shenwei is a little confused when she returns to her place of residence. She may be too suspicious. These little girls have probably not experienced formal training before they can retain their innocent personality, and have nothing to do with traps and conspiracy.

He pretended to take a break, took away everyone, closed his eyes and slept for a while, quietly got up, followed the path he wrote down, and walked toward the underground palace. When he was hanging out, he held a small piece of stone in his hand. Marked at many intersections.

If you can leave the palace without being blocked, you can prove that there are no traps.

As a result, he lost his way.

The mark is still there, but the place where the intersection was not long ago suddenly turned into a thick wall, which could be promoted by non-human resources. Gu Shen was forced to circumvent, and soon he could not find a way out, and he forgot to retreat until he broke into one. Only a female apprentice sent a dragon king back to his residence.

Apprentices are silent and have obvious vigilance in their expressions. Only fifteen or six years old, they have already engraved the obvious Jinpengbao imprint.

Before a candle burned out, the business came, replaced with a new candle, and brought a lot of news, few of which were not good news.

"The family of the governor is going to visit the Bodhi Garden. We may not be able to go out for a while, but it is safe here. The Dragon King lives in peace."

Guanshang said this sentence casually in a pile of news. It seems that this is the least important thing. Gu Shenwei finally determined that he was trapped in a trap. "The family of Ducheng Palace seems to like it at an inappropriate time. Seasons to visit the garden."

"Who said no, there is nothing in Bodhi Garden at this time, and there is no difference between it and the wasteland."

The conversation about the Palace of Expedition ended, and soon it was transferred to other topics.

Jinpeng killer's search in Saitama City is getting more and more strict, and many areas that used to be rarely involved, such as Wangcheng Lane and Sijilan Blue, are also subject to different levels of harassment.

The behavior of the fake dragon king has dropped drastically, but the identity of the assassination object is getting higher and higher. A large hood of the blacksmith village is on the street, and the black blood flag is inserted on the stomach. An exiled nobleman in the north city is dead on the bed. Cut dozens of knives.

At the end of the business, Shangguan said, "The ten sons will not be able to go down the mountain for a time. The castle is holding a big contest and checking the skills of all the Shangguan children. The lady hopes that the ten sons will take this opportunity to regain the favor of the king. I was urged to work hard and be hard-working, and I was not allowed to leave the fort."

"The ten sons are very good at martial arts, and they must be able to easily reach out to everyone."

"Well, the ten sons are young, the knife and the internal strength are the best in the fort, and the old killer who has been practicing for decades is better than her. There are also several good rising stars in the family, which can be compared with the ten sons. It’s a long way off.”

Gu Shen-based thought that the Guanshang Association would continue to talk about it. I did not expect her to end, and to talk about other things, until she left the house, and did not mention anything more than the military.

But this is just a trick to confuse the Dragon King and not let him be too early to doubt.

When Guan Shang came next time, the look was not very natural. It seemed that there was something worrying. Gu Shen knew that she was waiting for her first opening, so she asked: "Is there something wrong with the ten sons?"

"No." Guanshang immediately replied, after a while, like a violation of his own mind, reluctantly said: "No one thought that the younger generation of the Shangguan family actually has two masters, ten sons want to win, I am afraid not So easy."

"Oh, who is the master?"

"Dragon King may not have heard of them. They are brothers. Their brothers are called Weiwei. They are 18 years old. Their younger brothers are wise. They are 16 years old. I don’t know how they practiced. They have been obscured and suddenly become very powerful. The old killers of both of them have said that this brother is the top disciple of Shangguan."

"I don't think they will be the opponents of the ten sons."

If Shangguan has practiced no magic, it is a huge gap that other people in the fort can't make up.

"Well, ten sons... In fact, I shouldn't say this... But when others are in the dark, the Dragon King must know that the martial arts of the ten sons is no problem, that is, the lack of heart, it is likely that the hands are soft, and the brothers are ruthless. I am afraid..."

"The moment of life and death, the ten sons will produce enough killing."

"I hope so, hey, if there is any way to make the killing of the ten sons stronger, it is better. The ten son is a good leader. If she is defeated, the wife will not be replaced by the commander."

Some words did not say that she was waiting for the Dragon King to wake up. If the ten sons lost the command of the Tianji Society, the safety of the Dragon King in the underground palace could not be guaranteed.

Gu Shenwei did not meet, until the customs official left to leave, he said: "I hope that the ten sons can come."

"The ten sons are..."

"I know that she is preparing for the competition. It won't take up her for a long time. Some things are very important. I have to tell her personally."

Guanshang hesitated for a long time, "Is it really important?"

"Very important."

"Dragon King, you can trust me."

"I believe in you, but this can only tell the ten sons."

"Well, I will let people bring a message to the ten sons, but she can go down the mountain and have to pass the lady."

If the ten sons will go down the mountain, Gu Shen is very convinced now that it is hard to say who the "ten son" is.

After waiting for two more days, the customs merchants brought different news every time. The ten sons could come for a while and could not come. It was like that she was fighting fiercely with the obstruction power in the fort.

When the business came again, it brought good news. "Dragon King, please come with me."

She did not mention the ten sons, so that the whole thing remains mysterious.

Gu Shen made a tacit look, nodded, with a sword, followed the customs to go to see the ten son.

The road is getting narrower and narrower. In many places, only one person can barely pass. Gu Shenwei thinks they are going to the bottom of the lake.

There is a long corridor that is quite special. Just as soon as I approached, Gu Shen’s sword and dagger were on the move, floating in the air and trying to leave the master’s mastery.

"Sorry, Dragon King, this is the corridor caused by magnets. It is inconvenient to bring a sword. We better leave them outside."

Guan Shang solved the narrow knife, Gu Shen did not want to give up his weapon, thought about it, or handed it to the customs broker, she sent it to the nearby stone room to save.

After the magnet corridor, the two entered a wide room.

The people in the house turned out to be really Shangguan.

The lights were a little dim, and the people sitting at the table were clearly her, wearing a light yellow dress, and the look and appearance were the same as those seen by Gu Shen in front of the Four Sangha Blue Mountains.

After Guan Shang’s salute, he left the room.

"Ten son." Gu Shen nodded slightly, and her heart was very uncomfortable. He is now a dragon king, no longer a slave to Jinpengbao.

"Han slave." Shangguan called his former name, the voice is very low, and perhaps feels uncomfortable with Gu Shenwei. "I didn't expect to see you again."

"Yes, I did not expect that you sent someone to save me twice."

"You are my best... friend, I won't let anyone hurt you."

"I always remember the words you said."

"I have not forgotten."

The room was quiet for a while, and both seemed to be reminiscing about the past and slowly immersed in the joy of reunion.

Gu Shen remembers that the eleven-year-old Shangguan had once given the only chance of trust to Huannu, but he did not make a corresponding commitment.

"You still can't kill."

"I don't know what happened to me, three years, still."

"I have a way to get you back to kill, but you have to be willing."

"I... I am very confused. I don't want to kill, but people want to kill me."

"Yes, there is no way to survive in the castle, you don't want to kill, you have to kill."

Gu Shen said as she approached.

"You don't want to come over." Shangguan, like a slight turn, seems a bit shy. "We are not children, don't let people laugh."

"Yes." Gu Shen said with respect, just like returning to the past, she is the master, he is a slave.

Then he rushed over, his left arm succumbed to the neck of Shangguanru, and his right hand held a sharpened chopstick, against her throat. "Nine young masters, you really like being a woman."

Shangguanfei’s arm holding the dagger was stiff in the air.

(Seeking for advice)

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