Death Sutra

Chapter 28: Change owner

Shangguan’s anger felt a deep hostility from the boy’s gaze, and the instincts prompted him to hold the handle, but the juvenile’s hostility was fleeting, and then the servant’s fear and sluggishness were revealed.

Shangguan’s angry thought flashed through an unformed idea, and it was fleeting. He didn’t even have time to catch it.

This is a slave brought by his native-born wife. When he saw Jinpengbao’s young master and panicked, Shangguan’s anger decided to forgive the ignorant boy once. He still had some regrets. The boy’s knife was good, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit. It should be a good seed for the killer, but unfortunately Dongbao does not accept it.

"You are a slave, the one that Dongbao doesn't want?"


After the fear of relaxation, Gu Shen completely lost his strength, and then he remembered his status, single leg, and added: "Small slaves do not know how to drive less, please less sin."

Shangguan anger still has no expression. He measured the juvenile's cuddles in his heart. After a while, he nodded. He snorted and turned away, leaving Gu Shenwei unclear.

In the next few days, Gu Shenwei was always uneasy. He couldn’t guess what the intention of Shangguan’s anger was. It was not accidental that meeting.

In the end, Xue Niang explained everything and she took him to meet the lady.

"The Lord has sent you away. From tomorrow, you will go to the 'Star Academy' and accompany the younger son."

Gu Shen finally put down a hanging heart. It turned out that Shangguan’s anger did not recognize himself. He did not speak, because the lady behind the screen was extremely angry and slammed something.

"Deceive too much! Deceive too much! Her Meng family is not a slave servant? Why do you want me?"

Gu Shenwei suddenly realized that the name of Meng, the wife of Duobu Wang, came from the richest man's house in the city of Yuyu. From the first day of Luoning tea to Jinpengbao, the two mothers were not harmonious. This event is not only well known in the castle, but even There are also rumors in the city below.

Mrs. Meng gave birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes for the one-step king, her brother Shangguanfei, her sister Shangguanru, and her sister had to change her name because of this girl. It is said that the two were extremely favored, and Jinpengbao was regarded as up and down. Treasures, even the official anger must also find ways to please the younger brother and sister.

When accompanied by Xiaogongzi, Gu Shen guessed that he would serve the Shangguanfei in the twins in the future. He suddenly felt a little sad. This little son is probably a character similar to the former "Gu Jiaxiao Young Master", only a few months. It is unpredictable that the world will change from the Lord to the servant.

Gu Shenwei bowed to the ground and said nothing, Xue Niang walked behind the screen to comfort the lady:

"There is naturally no reason for the Lord to do this. There is nothing to do with the slaves staying here. Miss, you are now a wife, let it be."

"But, but I can't swallow this breath, and the group of women will pretend to inadvertently mention this in front of me, deliberately embarrassing me."

"Good and good to report evil and bad news, we are alone in this fort, and we will give back one step at a time. Everything is waiting for the big head to be the master."

"When did I come? I have been married for a few months, and he did not say that I looked at me."

The lady seems to have a stomach grievance, and she has thrown something. The blind little girl, who is blind and blind, picks up the debris on the ground. I don’t know how to annoy the lady, and I slammed my foot for no reason. I hurriedly swallowed back.

This is a very strange thing. The more the Cui female seems to be abused, the more she will be the lady. She is now more than the time of the four-hearted service lady.

Xue Niang continued to whisper and comforted. After a long time, Miss finally felt a little comfortable, but she still couldn't forget the shame she had suffered. She said to the teenager who stood by the screen:

"You swear, no matter who you serve, you must be loyal to me. Only I am your true master."

"Huan slaves swear to the sky, both surnamed Luo, life-long surname Luo, loyal to the young lady will never betray, and the young lady will make a small order to go straight ahead. If there is any disobedience, the heavens will be destroyed, and the world will never be super-born."

A similar pledge Gu Shenwei can still say better, almost every four or five days, the lady will ask the servants to swear again, he has long been accustomed to.

Miss snorted, it seems that I am not very satisfied. "If I heard that you are heading to the Meng family's little devil, I will hand you over to my husband. Are you not the son of Yang? The husband will be very willing to scoop the roots."

The lady also remembered the handle of the slave, which shows that she is not completely without the mind.

Gu Shen made three different versions of the vows in succession, and the lady let him go, but suddenly he made an unexpected request:

"Han slave, waiting for you to enter the Star Academy, I want you to find a chance to kill the little devil, let the woman surnamed Meng suffer for a lifetime."

Gu Shen was suddenly stunned. Of course, it was not because of his kindness. All the people in Shangpengbao who were surnamed Shangguan were on his revenge list. It was so rash to assassinate the son of the One Step King. It was tantamount to finding a dead end.

"Miss!" Snow Maiden screamed, apparently disagreeing with the plan.

Miss is very excited about this, pacing back and forth behind the screen, regardless of the blocking of Xue Niang, said: "First gain the trust of the little ghost, and then sneak up to kill him, you have good martial arts, people are smart, should not be caught In short, if you don't know what to do, I will let my father reward you with this good thing. Hey, I will let my husband find out the murderer who killed your father and let you deal with it."

Gu Shen is more stunned than listening. This woman is crazy. Not only does she have to harm a slave, but she also brings herself into the abyss and kills the twins. Even if she is the daughter of the big god, it is also a small life. Hard to protect.

Gu Shenwei did not dare to scream, Miss suddenly stopped, and sighed: "Why don't you talk, do you dare to disobey my will?"

"The little slaves don't dare."

"Looking for a solution, it will be done within three days."

"Yes, the little slaves try their best."

Xue Niang whispered, the lady listened a few words, suddenly raised her voice, and said with a slap in the face: "It is so fixed, I am not afraid, no regrets."

Xue Niang came out from behind the screen, her face was not vivid, and it showed a bit of annoyance. She only said a word "go", led the slaves out of the room, went to the front yard, nowhere, stopped Live in the footsteps and look back at him.

"Do you know what you want to do?"

"The little slave is loyal to the lady, but she will listen to the command of Xue Niang, because the little slave knows that everything she has done is for the lady."

Xue Niang snorted. "You have learned a lot from the slaves. There is a future. I don't care what you think. From tomorrow, you have to use this set on the little son, let him like you." Trusting you, this is more important than when you enter Dongbao as a killer. I will explain to myself, you will accompany the younger son, but still live here, understand?"

"Yes, understand, I will do my best."

"If you try your best, you can't do it. You must succeed. If you like him, you will be a good person in the future. If you don't like you, I will personally send you to see your relatives."

Xue Niang's tone is not like a joke, she is not the kind of person who can make a joke, Gu Shen is more and more doubtful when he returns to the hut, what good is the little son's interest in Xue Niang? Xue Niang seems to have a purpose, so that he can be realized as a killer apprentice, let him please the younger son can also be achieved.

Regardless of the purpose of Xue Niang, there is no conflict with Gu Shenwei’s revenge plan for the time being. He must be pleased with the younger son. This is equivalent to catching a sheep in the circle. He may be able to take advantage of the small son’s revenge. You can kill the little son when there is no way to go, and add an important sum to your list of revenge.

With this in mind, Gu Shenwei slept very hard, and the snoring of Lao Zhang did not affect him at all.

Early the next morning, before she asked her for her, Xue Niang took him to the Stars to report.

The Stars Academy is a school in Fort, and the children of Shangguan’s family are studying here. It is located in the west town near the inner house. It is far away from the place of the heart-washing house and the salary-paying house. There are three doors before and after, and each door is guarded. Look at the waist cards of people and other people. Without Xue Niang lead the way, Gu Shen can't even enter the first door.

There was a group of slaves outside the school. The masters had already entered. They stayed in the cold wind, and they chatted with their hands and chatted.

Xiao Gongzi's companion is a middle-aged man in his thirties. He is called "Qingnu". He is also the oldest in the slaves. His expression is very clever. He is very clever when he sees Xue Niang. He accepts it very politely. Huannu, sent him the corresponding waist card, waiting for Xue Niang to turn away, his smile disappeared without a trace, said coldly:

"Come early tomorrow, don't let the master wait for the slave. Go there and stand."

The slaves pointed out that the position of the slaves was at the outermost level. There were already a few young slaves standing there, all of them shrinking their necks, and there were traces of bruises on their faces, as if they had beaten them.

No one talks to the new slaves, and Gu Shenwei listens to others honestly.

There are more than a dozen of Shangguan children who study in the school. In addition to the sons of the one-step king, there are other descendants of the branch. The servant’s demeanor knows the status of the master. Although the slaves have no position, they are at the most gated place. Control the content and direction of the conversation, and everyone else is desperately trying to please him.

The topic is always the rumors of the main people. The most mentioned is the "nine sons". It seems that this child is very stubborn and has made a lot of right and wrong, but everyone seems to like him very much, even I have been proud of seeing him and saying a word.

After more than an hour, there was a loud noise in the school. It was like someone was fighting, but the slaves and slaves didn’t care, and they made each other’s unspoken eyes.

"The masters are resting, and the nine sons are playing again."

Gu Shen guessed that the meaning of this "play" word is different from the general situation, because the noise in the school is obviously mixed with screams.

He is trying to understand the new environment, the door to the school is open, and a person is pushed out, and there is a voice inside: "Replace people."

The boy who was introduced was a 14-year-old boy who was unsteady and walked directly into the arms of Qingnu. Qingnuo frowned and pushed him to the outside of the crowd. "Come on!"

Gu Shenwei still didn't understand what was going on, and the teenagers around him pushed him out together.

The crowd's many arms were like huge smashing feet, and Gu Shen was passed to the innermost like a prey. The Qing slave looked at him and hesitated, but the school once again reminded him that he had to grab the shoulders of the newcomer. , stuffed it through the crack in the door, only to have a confession, "Long eyes..."

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