Death Sutra

Chapter 290: Rigid and soft

The wild horse used his raised brow bones to cover up the eyes that were very open, but his wild-like appearance and the posture of holding the knife were the most familiar to Gu Shen.

The two of them have always been enemies, and each other knows more than the closest partner.

The two had three duels, the first time they were stopped, the second Gu Shen was defeated, and the third Mustang was defeated. If the Shangguan was unable to put him on a path, the wild horse would die in the wilderness.

Now, he is back to Saitama City.

Gu Shenwei immediately quit Taolin, he will not fight with the wild horse in the old nest, the wild horse will soon guess that the Dragon King is hiding nearby, let him search, Gu Shen did not intend to show up when not sure.

Why do Mustang and Deyi Building pretend to be the Dragon King? This seems to be no good for them. Gu Shenwei suddenly wants to understand a lot of things, all that is needed is just a little bit of detail.

The first person he was looking for was Lao Hong from the Blacksmith Village.

Lao Hong was surprised that Long Wang came to see himself so soon, but he had a question and answer.

"Do you know the existence of the Tianshan sect?"

"It should not be known that killing will be a trick for a group of scammers, and it is not very good at collecting information."

"You have been cheated."

"What? What does Dragon King mean?"

Gu Shenwei did not have time to explain in detail and continued to ask: "You said that there is a traitor in Tianshan Zong, who did he trust?"

Lao Hong was a little hesitant. He didn't seem to want to answer this question. He finally decided to treat him honestly with the Dragon King. "To tell the truth, we don't know very well. Anyway, he did not rely on Jinpengbao, but escaped from Yuyucheng. Someone once saw him in the north. And then it disappeared. It’s just that the people who died in the blacksmith’s village are all members of the Tianshan sect, and they are all the names they have, so we guess the whole thing must be related to him.”

Lao Hong’s “he” is not to mention the name of the traitor.

"Let's stare at the building and the killing. They are the enemies of the Tianshan sect, and I will come back to you soon."

The old flood is puzzled and still wants to ask, the Dragon King has gone.

This night, Gu Shenwei has many things to solve and does not want to waste time in the blacksmith village.

The second person he found was Xiao Fengqi, who stayed in the lane.

Xiao Fengqi has not received the guests very much recently. She has to deal with more and more people, and there is really no room for them to please the hungry wolves.

Some guests are uninvited.

The night is already deep. Xiao Fengxi only wears a close-fitting cloak. When she sees the dragon king who suddenly appears, she smiles and does not grab the clothes to cover it. "The dragon king does not seem to get used to the door. Which window do you like? I will keep it open afterwards." ""

“Don’t bother, I prefer to take different routes.”

Xiao Fengyi spread his arms and "is always welcome."

"I have a word to ask you."

"Despite the opening of the Dragon King, we are business partners, and we should know each other."

"That night, Meng Mingshu told you that ‘has almost broken our big things’. What is this ‘big thing’?”

"Dragon King knows." Xiao Feng's eyes widened and asked the Dragon King's knowledge, revealing just the right surprise and dissatisfaction. "The second brother hopes that Dragon King can help him win the business of Meng's in Shule."

Xiao Fengqi is not as good as the old Hong Tan Cheng, Gu Shen is ready, pull out the narrow knife and walk to her body. "You know, the Dragon King kills people regardless of men, women and children."

Xiao Fengyi smiled slightly. She had seen any man. The Dragon King was just one of them. She pulled the collar a little and revealed a white chest and a knife. "You know, in my case, men can do whatever they want." ""

But the Dragon King is not just a man. He is a man who solidifies hatred in his heart and never loses.

Gu Shenwei stared at her eyes, and the narrow knife stabbed very slowly. This is the confrontation between the mountain and the water. Just confronting the soft, both sides believe that they will be the ultimate winner.

The tip of the knife enters the skin and the blood has not yet flown out, but he has already won this game.

"Okay, okay, you won." Xiao Feng's face flew red because of her anger, no matter how old she was, then she was like a little girl.

The narrow knife was withdrawn, and a red dot appeared on the white chest. Xiao Fengyi looked down and looked annoyed. He was even more annoyed. He closed the cloak and took the robes tightly around him. The first time in life, there was frustration. You are either dead or have other women in your heart."

"You'd better ask a few real masters to protect you." Gu Shen said coldly, this woman will not easily admit defeat, always want to seize a straw to take the opportunity to turn over.

"The real master is not easy to find, especially for a weak woman who does not have martial arts. Even the ability to distinguish martial arts is not."

"Follow it." Gu Shen knows that Meng Ergong's "big things" must be related to this.

"The Dragon King became a master at a young age. Everyone is very envious and very... curious. The second brother got a message saying that you have taken a book from Peng Xianren. With it, anyone can become peerless. Master."

“Meng Mingshu also wants to be a master?” Gu Shen’s words are ridiculous, Meng’s family is a big rich man, and suddenly he has an interest in martial arts from father to son.

"He has self-knowledge and knows that he doesn't have the ability. The second brother wants to give the book to his father. Tell you a secret, Meng Yuzun will be martial arts, and not weak, but he will not let his sons practice martial arts."

The "secret" that Xiao Fengqi said did not make the Dragon King horrified, but it did gain a little trust in the heart of the Dragon King.

"It is a scam to **** the business of Shule City?"

"Not all is, in fact, this is my idea." Xiao Fengqi slightly looked up, Peugeot's face revealed a trace of fear and worship, but did not weaken his noble temperament, "I am not interested in martial arts, just want to make money. Now I know How wrong is the wrong, can make money, does not mean that you can hold the money, I think Meng Mingshu is a strong backer, in fact, he is just a small hill, I can only see it now..."

Xiao Feng's voice is getting lighter and lighter, his eyes are blurred by awe, his body is soft and seems to fall at any time. She seems to be deprived of her self-consciousness by the sorcerer, becoming a pure ** that is arbitrarily manipulated, and the indifference of elegance is aroused. Devastated **.

Gu Shenwei slowly retreats, he knows enough, on this solid foundation, relying on guessing can build a high-rise building.

He left the warm interior and re-entered the cold winter night, taking in a refreshing cold air.

Xiao Fengzhen is not a name for the wave, that is, the Dragon King can't get along with her for a long time.

Hatred is beyond all power, and he thinks that he is proud of his ability to control this power.

In the building, Xiao Fengqi did not change his mind because of the departure of the Dragon King. Instead, he immersed himself in fantasy, softly fell on the bed, curled up, slowly groaning, unlike other prostitutes, her ever-changing gesture. Not just acting on the surface, she believes that every mask she has is real.

She wants to deceive others and can deceive herself first. She vaguely thinks that she believes that Dragon King will be her own bag in the morning and evening, and she is proud of it.

The night is already deep. After more than one hour, the light will fall to Yucheng City. Gu Shenwei still has several places to go. He made a slight trade-off and decided to go to the foot of the North City.

The Shule country has a fixed-reservation house in the northern city of Saitama. It is not far from the official residence of the city. In the few places where Gu Shen wants to go, only the guards here are the least. At that time, no one thought of the dragon king to the Shule country. Seeking assistance, including the Shule country messenger himself.

The tired guards all looked for places to fight. Gu Shen easily sneaked into the backyard. His original plan was to apply both hard and soft. The lithograph would lead him to see the Central Plains envoy, but someone helped him so much that he could save him. Hard "trick.

Someone in the yard is practicing black knives, and after a while, he stops and whispers: "Why is my progress so slow?"

"Because your hatred is not deep enough."

"Dragon King!" Tie Lingling cried in surprise, and immediately lowered his voice. "Is it you?"

Gu Shenwei appeared from the darkness, and Tie Lingling slammed his arms open, and stopped in front of him. The Dragon King was like ice, and he did not like the expression of being too close.

"How come you?" The Dragon King's voice was as cold as ever, as if this separation never existed.

"I also said, why did you leave me in Shule City? Is my knife too bad to protect you like Xiaochu?"

"Prince is your brother."

"I don't want my brother, I want to take revenge." Tie Ling said angrily. "He refuses to tell me who the enemy is. He knows but refuses to say it."

The person who killed the iron and exquisite parents is the queen, the biological mother of the prince, Gu Shen knows, and does not intend to tell her, when she grows up, she will want to understand and find out all the truth, "I am also your enemy, I killed your grandfather."

"It's not the same, the grandfather is the killer, the killer killer is also killed. It is like this, but my parents, they are not killers, even martial arts will not..."

Tie Linglong said that tears flowed out, and immediately lifted her hand to wipe it off. She shouldn't cry. The Dragon King said that she would be ruthless, but she couldn't help it. All the strange Dragon King suddenly jumped out and made her unprepared.

Gu Shen sighed in her heart. Tie Linglong has been practicing the first four chapters without any magic. In time, she will definitely become a master, but she will never become a qualified killer. He does not understand whether his training method is wrong or her character. Naturally not suitable.

"You haven't said what to do in Yuyucheng?"

"Come to you." Tie Ling smashed and laughed. It was so easy to see the Dragon King, and she was very happy. "I want to go to Xiaochu, but my brother can't let..."

"The Prince is here too?" Gu Shen asked in surprise.

"Right, he won't let me talk about it. Only me and the black-faced messenger know that the Prince is also in the team, but the Dragon King knows it doesn't matter. The Prince's brother is here to see the Dragon King."

For the Prince, Gu Shenwei was slightly embarrassed, and at the same time felt relieved. The Prince was very impressed with the Dragon King. If he was there, Shule State would not become the enemy of Da Xueshan at least.

"Take me to see him."

Gu Shenwei already has enough intelligence, but he keeps in mind one thing: the truth and the problem.

Jinpengbao, the governor of the city, and the four sangha blues are all big problems in front of them. What Gu Shen wants to do is to throw out the truth of enough weight, so that the opponents should be overwhelmed, and at the same time, some secrets should be kept.

(I wish you all a happy new year)

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