Death Sutra

Chapter 292: Attack camp

Three more drums, every sound is like knocking on the heart of the square.

As a military sergeant, he should be in harmony with the lord and the lord. He should be a master. He should also consider the strength of the military sergeant and actively persuaded him to leave. The Dragon King does not open his mouth. Fang Wenhao has to make his own claim and slowly retreat to the back door. Own: You won't be martial arts. Staying here will only get in the way. Dragon King didn't think about it for a while, should you think about him?

The Dragon King, carrying the Wufeng knife, stood freely in the middle of the hall, seemingly dismissed for the upcoming assassination, and even closed his eyes.

Tie Linglong showed calmness that was not consistent with her age. Only the fingers that were gently shaking her left hand showed a trace of tension and excitement. She glanced at the young swordsman. "Xiaochu, let's play."

Chu Nan screen thought for a while, only spit out a "good" word.

The three people stood apart, about seven steps away, and guarded each other.

Fang Wen is even more convinced that there is no place for himself. He calmly retreats to the back door. He is about to leave the curtain and change his mind. He shakes his head and thinks that he has a chance to show his loyalty.

Countless Taoist images emerged from the ground and rushed into the hall.

Fang Wen is sighing. Since he stays at the scene, he has only one choice: hold his head under the table.

The first sword of the first south screen was not the enemy, but the wick of the only oil lamp in the hall was cut off. The last group of flames struggled for a moment on the tip of the sword, disappeared without a trace, and surrounded by darkness.

Gu Shen opened his eyes, he was used to the darkness, and he saw it more clearly through the faint moonlight.

Unless he is on the battlefield of the army, he will never rush into the battle group. There is not much room for vacillation in the hall. He takes another tactic, like a light insect, jumping on the top of the enemy. Go, every time you settle down, you must be next to an assassin.

In order to keep up with the dragon king, the assassins also jumped, which made their team more scattered, Gu Shen can catch the loser in the air.

Fang Wen is silently praying with his eyes closed: Let the Dragon King win quickly, show loyalty this time, and stay away from the next time.

The fragility of the weapons, the snoring of the blood, and the vibration of the heavy objects when the objects fell to the ground made Fang Wen feel terrified. The strange thing is that there is no scream of injury and dying, but it is even more scary.

He can not hesitate to make a grand decision to decide the death of a man, but he can't stand the **** kill in front of him.

After strategizing and winning a thousand miles, he defended himself. The gentleman is far from the kitchen, and the adviser should keep a distance from the scene of the killing. If he is so scared to death, how can he think about the overall situation?

Fang Wen’s feelings did not last long, and the fighting suddenly stopped. Fang Wen did not dare to blink until someone patted him on the shoulder.

Fang Wen was shaken and looked up at the bottom of the table. He screamed and became the only scream of this killing.

He drilled the bottom of the table and saw the oil lamp re-ignited. There were seven or eight bodies lying in the hall. Most of them were in the same place. Tie Lingling was smirking at himself. Fang Wen was holding the table and almost vomiting and concealing. : "I have a bad thing at night."

Then I remembered that I didn’t eat at night, my face was a little red, and I was rushing to find out. “Who are these people, Jinpengbao or Ducheng official?”

"They are the people of Montessori." Through a brief confrontation, Gu Shenwei has already guessed the origins of these people, and only Meng Mingshu, who does not understand martial arts, will send assassins to assassinate the pre-prepared Dragon King.

"Mongolian?" Fang Wen was surprised to drive away the feeling of nausea. "Is there a person who supports Da Xueshan in Saitama?"


Gu Shen took the lead and walked out of the hall, leaping to the roof, and Tie Ling and the South South screen framed the military division and followed.

In addition to not like **** scenes, Fang Wen found that he did not like to climb, standing on the undulating tiles, but there was no sense of solidity, but the sight in front of him made him forget all of this quickly.

The farthest end of the South City ignited a raging fire, and the fire illumined half of the sky.

"This, this is..." Fang Wen really hopes that Dragon King can reveal the news in advance, even if it is a little better, don't let his military officer feel unclear about anything.

"There is a proud building, and the wild horse is being fenced."

"Being the Tianshan Zong?"

"It's not just the Tianshan sect, but also the Jinpeng killer and the knifeman in the city."

" is it possible?" Fang Wen is too much puzzled. There is even a bit of indignation in his tone.

"All is my credit." Tie Lingling rushed to say that she had no chance to kill, so she did not mention the game with the South Screen. "I took the sword of the Dragon King and went to see... someone in Tianshan Zong They have been secretly monitoring the building since last night, and they have kept all exports strictly."

Tie Linglong said that he was too anxious. He took a deep breath and continued to speak. "Tianshan Zong secretly informed the swordsmen in the city that they would gather in the vicinity of the Deyi Building three times, and set the arson to destroy the wild horses."

Fang Wen will only shake his head. The Dragon King always changes his situation when he is in the midst of a thousand miles. He will have an accident sooner or later, but the current crisis has finally passed. "In any case, the wild horse is finally finished."

"No, the Mustang has escaped." Gu Shen corrected the mistakes of the military division.

"Why?" Fang Wen is eager to have a deep martial arts, so that the Dragon King can tell the truth at one time.

"The wild horse is a wise man, and he will definitely escape in advance, but this is also good, and Jinpengbao has another enemy."

"Da Xueshan also has an enemy." Fang Wen whispered.

The triumphant building fire awakened the entire Yuyu City, and the Deyi Building was separated from the wall of the Guiyuan. Many people began to connect these two fires at first, and felt that there were ghosts and gods.

After the dawn, more news came out. It turned out that there were many foreign swordsmen in the building, that is, they killed people and erected black blood flags in the name of the Dragon King.

Many swordsmen in Nancheng received mysterious information. Near last three moments last night, thousands of knives rushed into Wangcheng Lane and the ruined Guiyuan, attacking the building from all sides, and then burned it with a fire.

Naturally, such actions cannot be strictly kept secret. The dozens of disciples, including Peng Xianren, have mostly escaped. More than a hundred foreign surgeons have been killed by chaos. Afterwards, people have found many of them. People are the flag-sellers who have swallowed themselves and died and resurrected.

There was no catch in the action, but after Tianshan Zong had designed to capture a prisoner and learned that the accomplices had been destroyed, the prisoner finally said that he had been telling the truth and admitted that they had been faked the Dragon King.

Even so, the residents of Saitama City are still skeptical. The name Tianshan Zong has not been heard in a few words. It is a secret organization among the swordsmen. It is hard to be convinced to suddenly jump out and speak.

However, at noon on the day of the fire building, Jinpengbao made a speech. The Jinpeng killer “caught” several prisoners. They also confessed that the act of killing the flag was the result of the wild horse’s instigation and nothing to do with the dragon king.

In a twinkling of an eye, the public enemy of Saitama City became a wild horse by the dragon king Yang Huan.

The name Mustang was immediately known to the public and became a target of public criticism. Unfortunately, as Gu Shen expected, the wild horse escaped. He was not in the hundreds of bodies.

Gu Shenwei naturally does not explain that the first few murder flags were actually made by him, because his purpose has been achieved, and even the effect is better. The residents of Saitama City, who have been tortured by the Dragon King, are tired of the life of the grass and the soldiers. The need for peace, discussion and becoming the most important topic in the street, almost everyone expressed support.

Negotiation is a matter between Daxueshan and Jinpengbao. Outsiders have no say, but their attitude does have an important driving effect.

The Central Plains Special Envoy first stated that he did not want to see the hard-won stability of the Western Regions destroyed. The Central Plains was willing to act as a mediator and guarantee the safety of the Dragon King and his entourage before the start of the negotiations.

Four Sangha Blues then held a public meeting in the public. Hundreds of monks chanted and prayed for Saitama City, expecting the Dragon King and the One Step King to lay down the butcher knife for the sake of the people.

Meng also supports the peace talks. Although not so sincere, Meng Yuzun claimed that it is best for both sides to resolve the knife, but he does not intend to participate in this matter.

The Shule country unexpectedly also supported the parliament. The camp that was occupied by the Daxue Mountain was nominally the territory of the country and they were prepared to make some requests.

Jinpengbao was reluctant to express his position. Three days later, the news came from the West. Duoluo gathered 10,000 people and was attacking the Daxueshan camp.

This is the plan of the One Step King, which will completely eliminate the Snow Mountain at the fastest speed, making the discussion and meaningless.

The situation can be seen at a glance. If Jinpengbao can win in a few days, the Dragon King will become a loner. Naturally, there is no need to mention anything else. If the war is protracted and there are many deaths and injuries, Jinpengbao will lose the support of many forces and it is likely to accept from the peace. Become a proposer.

In those days, the residents of Saitama City paid attention to the war in the West in an unprecedented enthusiasm. Every day, a large group of people braved the cold and waited at the Xichengmen. When they saw someone riding a horse quickly, they called out to the situation.

Gu Shen had no time to return to the camp. She could only wait for news. Fang Wen was chattering and said that she was comforting the Dragon King. In fact, she was cheering for herself. "The one-step king can make a wrong calculation this time. Now, in winter, I have read a little book." Everyone knows that this time is the most unsuitable for attacking. Ha, that alone, I thought he was a bit of a skill, and it was also a famous coward. Dragon King, you can rest assured that the Daxueshan camp is solid and sure to be able to keep it."

Two days later, Fang Wen’s tone changed. “Dragon King, Da Xue Shan will definitely be able to keep it?”

On the fourth day, Fang Wen was walking back and forth in front of the Dragon King. "No, I have to let the Central Plains exert pressure and force Jinpengbao to retreat."

However, the Central Plains envoy was powerless. The One Step King refused to meet with various excuses. Even the governor of the North Court appointed him to play the game of disappearance. The whereabouts of the disappearance were unknown for several days.

Until the seventh day, everyone felt that the war of attacking the camp had lasted for too long. The shocking news came from the West: Jinpengbao’s front line commander, Du Guzhen, sent people back to the city and publicly suggested that they should be independent.

(Seeking for advice)

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