Death Sutra

Chapter 297: Platform

The swordsmen of Saitama City are extremely complicated in the face of the Dragon King.

For many years, Jinpengbao has been one of the biggest employers of the swordsmen. At the same time, there has always been a dark tide against the Jinpeng Fort among the swordsmen, but very few people can form a truly threatening force. Therefore, the rebellion Out of Jinpengbao, leading the Daxueshan swordsman to the dragon king in the West, in the eyes of many swordsmen, is no different from the big hero.

In the eyes of the former killer career, or in the process of confronting Jinpengbao, the Dragon King has killed many swordsmen. In the eyes of the deceased relatives and friends, he is a fierce and brutal devil.

Big Heroes and Big Devils, no matter which role they are, are qualified to receive the attention of the swordsmen.

Gu Shenwei felt the mixed hatred, disobedience and admiration in many eyes. He did not intend to compete for the title of the knife god, but suddenly changed his mind.

As a killer, you must act low-key, want to be a dragon king, but always show strength in front of everyone, not to mention he also wants to know the origin of the knife.

"Yes, I am going to participate in the Knife God Congress." The Dragon King's voice is not big, but it is very far away. Countless people are excited to whisper, I don't know who brought the head, and the audience applauded warmly.

"I am also participating!" Tie Linglong immediately followed the registration. "Don't you both participate?"

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled and shook his head. He knew his own weight and did not want to go to the stage to reveal the ugly. Chunan screen thought about it. "No, I am a swordsman and can't participate in the Knife Congress."

At the beginning of the first screen, I thought that I had to go to the vicinity of the ring to sign up with the Dragon King. I didn’t hear him at all.

The news that Longwang participated in the Knife God Congress was faster than a gust of wind. It quickly spread throughout the Rouge Forest. Thousands of people flocked to this platform. Even the small traders who were doing business outside, they also took up the stalls and rushed to see the excitement.

The other contests on the platform are not seen at all.

A total of seven North City riches organized this knives conference. Five of them used to be swordsmen. They praised the Dragon King. After the discussion, they announced in public that the rules would be changed temporarily. The Dragon King did not need to participate in the previous game. Three days later, Directly compete with the winners in the knockout, the winner is the new sword.

Tie Lingling has no such treatment, which is exactly what she wants. She wants the contest, not the name of the sword god. "Wow, I will finally compare with the Dragon King on the ring!" The little girl excitedly glowed with her eyes. Like two shiny green gems.

In the following hour, the number of applicants has soared tenfold. Everyone knows that the Dragon King has a great knife and a good luck. "The Dragon King is a killer. You have to say that it is better than assassination. I am definitely not good, but this time it is a downfall. On the open competition, the Ming knife and the gun, maybe I can win a trick and a half."

Tie Linglong first came to the stage and found that the contest was different from her imagination. She used a wooden knife. "What is this? Is the knife **** assembly not a real sword?"

An organizer explained to her, "In the past, I used a real knife. There are too many dead people. So I switched to a wooden knife this year. Everyone is a member of the military, and it will stop."

Tie Lingling’s usual practice of practicing martial arts is also a wooden knife. At this time, he feels that it is too weightless in his hands. "Do not kill people without bleeding, how to tell the winners and losers?"

"There are experts who judge, who wins and who is at a glance."

The so-called expert is a dozen of old-fashioned swordsmen, each of which is seated by three people to judge the winners.

Tie Ling looked at them with suspicion, and suspected that these people were blind and could not see their own knife.

The three old swordsmen proved their strength and judged her victory when Tie Lingling made the eleventh move.

On the same day, Tie Linglong participated in three contests, all of which won, which made her excitement come up again. On the way back to the city, she chatted with her.

Chunan Screen has a likable habit. As long as someone talks to him, even if he just talks casually, he says that the meal is doing well. He listens carefully and then answers it after careful consideration.

As a result, Tie Linglong has already said that the third contest, he began to answer the first contest, the rare thing is that the memory is super strong, remember every question she asks in her heart, answer one by one.

Therefore, in the latter half of the return journey, I only heard the young swordsman muttering to himself, "Yes." "No." "Well, it is possible."

Gu Shen was on the rise to participate in the Knife God Conference. The military division Fang Wen was extremely supportive. Especially after hearing that the contest only used wooden knives, he even raised his hands. "I don't know if there is such a match, otherwise I will encourage the Dragon King to participate. This is a good time to establish a good image and win the support of the knife."

Fang Wen is as excited as Tie Linglong, and walks back and forth. No matter what others don’t listen to, just pay attention to it. “Jinpengbao’s bullying and using the knife is too long. The human heart is already unstable, but there is no strong leader. In fact, I have always had this idea. Dragon King, you have to be the opposite of the one-step king. Everything must be completely opposite to him. He is shameless. You have to talk about chivalry. He is good at unscrupulous means. You must be fair and upright..."

This can make Gu Shen difficult to live. Before returning to the age of fourteen, chivalry is his dream, and after three years of tempering and edification of Jinpengbao, he has no idea how to express chivalry and fairness, and he has other Doubt, Yang Yuanshuai's end is still fresh in his memory. "Brightness is big but you can't fight."

Fang Wen is sneer three times. "Do you think that it is sneaky by any means? You see the ancient dynasty, how can the dynasty established by the killer? The unscrupulous means of Jinpengbao, everyone knows, has lost the meaning of unscrupulous means, I want to say that the one-step king is really It’s so cute. Jinpengbao used to be born at the right time. Now it’s not the era of killers. You look at the Central Plains and the North Court. Which one is not a mouthful of benevolence and morality, and the sentence is not stable and strong in the Western Regions and the people live and work in peace? So, as long as To win the hearts of the people, the righteousness is unscrupulous."

Gu Shen was once again convinced by the military division. At the same time, she thought of Zhang Wei, the teacher of teaching in Shibao. This old and young adviser must have countless common languages.

The Dragon King’s identity was exposed too early in the Fatty Forest, and he could not secretly search for the whereabouts of the proud disciple. But when he signed up for the Knife God Congress, he had already drawn up a plan.

Xu Xiaoyi and Lin Xiaoshan were ordered to mobilize their respective forces to inquire about the details of other applicants. Sure enough, after the news of the Dragon King’s participation, many unidentified swordsmen ran to register in the afternoon, and the two received the same information, indicating that Several of the applicants were associated with the Deyi Building.

Gu Shen has a number in her heart.

The bedroom was cleaned by the girl ginger, maybe it was too clean, and a few pieces of fragile porcelain disappeared. Jiang Hong’s face admitted that she had knocked over three pieces of furnishings. Her face seemed to be so red, forever Normal colors will not be restored.

She set up a small bed at the door, intending to serve the Dragon King day and night. Gu Shenwei had no objection. When she helped to take off her coat, he did not refuse, but when she had to take the sword, Gu Shen made a plan. Set the bottom line, "Never touch my sword."

Jiang Cheng’s sincere defiance, nodded to his bed and refused to sit down.

Gu Shenwei decided to let her adapt, so there was no comfort.

Xu Yanwei did not ask for help, and saw the **** and the cot that he couldn’t help but couldn’t help but lick his mouth.

Gu Shen wished that she would misunderstand, did not explain, and asked her, "Is there something?"

"Nothing, let's not see you for a long time, chat. Right, where did the Dutch woman who always followed you?"

The grievances of the Dutch women and the slaves, Gu Shen has never said to anyone, Xu Yanwei naturally has no way of knowing that the two have parted ways.

"I can't tell you."

"It’s as mysterious as before." Xu Yanwei had no words to talk about, and he was not concerned about the lotus girl. "I heard that you want to participate in the sword-sword competition?"


"Then you can definitely win?"


"It seems that you love the competition. Some people often tell me about things that have been compared with you."

"Go out." Gu Shen ordered unceremoniously.

"Iron heart." Xu Yan said with a slight hate, turned and left, and added: "I have never seen someone as infatuated as her, three years, three years, she did not say a word to her family. Words, I am the only one of her conversations, and more than half of them are stories of a silly boy."

Gu Shen pulled out the Wufeng knife, and Xu Yanwei flew out of the house.

He hopes to be alone for a while, but he will take away a lot of gossip, so he will be lying on the bed, holding the handle in his hand, and his mood will gradually calm down.

Even if there is no revenge, the two Jinding Dapeng should not forgive her. Gu Shenwei feels that this idea is a bit childish, but it does work, he no longer thinks about her.

The Dragon King gradually fell asleep, and Jiang was very slow and lying on his own small bed. The red tide on his face was gradually receding. Looking at the vague silhouette of the man on the big bed, his face was red again.

"She must be the same as a fairy." Jiang closed his eyes, and there was a fuzzy look of the legendary fairy in his mind. He thought about it and went to sleep, his mouth curled up, showing a happy smile.

Ginger only dreams.

The next day, Tie Linglong took the south screen to the rouge forest to participate in the next game, and it was a three-game winning streak. He was very proud. When he came back, he showed off to the dragon king. "He has at least three hundred pounds! Let me use a wooden knife. I’m begging for mercy, haha, laughing, Xiaochu, you said yes.”

"Yes, someone laughed, but I didn't laugh."

On the third day, Tie Linglong’s winning streak was recorded. It is very embarrassing to remember that the person who defeated her was bare-handed and did not even take a wooden knife.

"He swears, he... uses sorcerer." Before she asked others, she explained indignantly, "Say it is the Knife Congress, how can he... without a knife?"

Even she does not believe that the opponent will weaken after taking the knife. "Dragon King, you must teach him well tomorrow, only you can beat the monk."

As early as Tie Linglong and Chuannan Screen came back, Gu Shenwei had already got the news. Tomorrow, the dragon and the king competed for the title of the sword god, a monk, a monk of the four sangha, and a lotus leaf.

Although the Dragon King pushed all the killings in the city of Saitama to the wild horses, the lotus leaves still firmly believe that killing the brothers of Lianhua is the killer Yang Huan.

Lotus leaf martial arts high strength, especially the internal strength is deep, Gu Shenwei suddenly felt that the wooden knife is really not reliable.

(Seeking for advice)

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