Death Sutra

Chapter 299: Internal work

The lotus leaf monk came alone to the rouge forest, holding a urn in his arms, and the crowd automatically gave him a narrow passage. He paid tribute as he passed, and many knives held their own weapons, hoping to make The gods gave the light.

The anger in the heart of the lotus leaf did not weaken a bit, but what made him blame was that he was very useful for the anger and the admiration of the crowd, and even produced a good feeling before returning home.

At that time, he was a famous lone thief in the Western Region. He was killing people and doing everything. He was finally chased by the enemy and had no way to escape. He had to devote himself to the four sangha blues. He only wanted to take shelter from the limelight, but under the influence of his brother Lianhua, he was really sincere. The earthworms are in accordance with Buddhism.

He is the tiger around the Lianhua Master. Although there is a Buddha heart, the minions are still there.

Lianhua is dead, and the minions are getting out of control.

His thoughts of revenge are afflicting with madness, like a tiger re-engaged by **** taste, eager to bite and blood.

The Dragon King has not yet arrived, and the lotus leaves go straight to the table. The urn of the brethren of Lianhua, the brothers, is placed respectfully on the side of the table, sitting cross-legged, and whispering silently.

The savage and rude monks seem to emit a sacred aura, and everyone feels that they have heard the indescribable chanting, so the devout believers first squat, and then more and more people join the worship team. So that people who are still standing still are uneasy, as if they have committed a felony, and their knees are falling involuntarily.

When Gu Shen came to Rouge Forest for a group of people, she saw such a scene.

"The situation is not very good." Knife Lin Hill is a little worried. "This is the competition of several wealthy organizations. Dragon King... don't participate."

"Go do your thing." Gu Shen will never escape, the military division Fang Wen reminded him, want to win the hearts of the people, unite the forces against Jinpeng Fort, he must be the opposite of the one-step king.

"Brightness is right." He glared at these four strange words in his heart, while considering whether there are loopholes in today's plan.

Lin Hill was killed and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

The arrival of the Dragon King caused a commotion, like a wave, and the people under the armage stood up again, letting out a wider passage, licking their necks and trying to see the true content of the Dragon King.

"It's really young." This is the first impression of many people. Later, there was a lot of speculation about the illness of the Dragon King. "He looks like he is weak and can't stop the gods."

Gu Shenwei came to the stage and handed the sword to the first screen, then went to the ring.

The lotus leaves got up, and both hands were combined. After reading a few words against the urn, they turned to face the Dragon King. The halo brought by the Dharma disappeared. He is now a tiger with a hair erect.

A prestigious old knifeman came to the stage and said a few words, once again emphasizing the purpose of "communicating with the martial arts, and stopping at the end", so that the audience under the audience was bored. They came to appreciate the confrontation between the gods and the dragon king. If there is no blood, no death, what kind of strength do you see?

The same group of people, after worshipping Dharma, are ready to cheer for the killing.

Someone sent two narrow knives, and the old knives announced loudly the contest, and the warm applause and screams came from the audience. The gap between people was reduced by half.

The lotus leaf took the wooden knife and broke it. It was thrown under the stage, and the sleeve of the right arm was removed, revealing the muscles of the muscles of the half, and attracted a good voice.

Gu Shenwei, carrying a wooden knife, can no longer find the realistic feeling of practicing in the past. Without the weight and coolness brought by steel, he feels that his martial arts has dropped more than one and a half points.

The two had been squatting for a while, and no one had taken the lead. The audience had been impatient and arrogant.

"You shouldn't kill your brother, he has grace for you." The voice of the lotus leaf is very low, and no one can hear it.

Gu Shen had explained it that night and didn't plan to repeat it again, so he said: "Do monks also want to kill people to take revenge? Lianhua Master's "Discontinuity" seems to have no effect on you."

"Discontinuity" is a verse written by Lianhua and his younger brother, Lian Xin. Frequent chanting can weaken the killing of the heart. Gu Shenwei has suffered a lot. The lotus leaves have been reading for many years, and the heart of winning is still not strong. Completely removed, Gu Shen for this sentence is touching the pain of the monk, could not help but anger is more prosperous, screamed and attacked.

The duel began, and the excitement of the audience shook the snow on the tree.

But they soon disappointed again.

Many people still remember the match between the killer Yang Huan and the sacrifice sword Ye Silang a few years ago. It was also in the winter. The venue included the whole rouge forest. The audience was frozen and cold, and the wonderful scenes were not seen. Finally, the killer was holding The injured swordsman came out.

This time is an open competition. Everyone thinks that there will be some stories worthy of preaching. The lotus leaves have proved that they have the power of the gods. The dragon king has always been murderous and does not blink. When the two meet, they should collide with the extremely hot scene.

But hey, the monk didn't show any more powerful moves except for that big bang. He seemed to bear a mountain on his back, and he was slow to follow the old cow, that is, the child could easily escape.

The Dragon King did not take the opportunity to attack, but instead waited for it. The wooden knife danced quite quickly, that is, he refused to approach the monk.

The two men circled a circle around the ring, and there was no trick, and they didn’t touch each other.

"What is this?" Finally someone shouted with dissatisfaction. "Let me go up and play better than this."

"Come on." More people rushed in unison.

Gu Shenwei pushed all the murder flagged events of the past month to the wild horses. Although she got rid of the hatred of all the residents of Saitama, it also had side effects: the fear of the real dragon king was gone.

"Dragon King don't run!"

"The monk is blocking him!"


The audience is more and more rude to the Dragon King.

The Dragon King probably heard the voice of the audience, and finally took the initiative to meet the enemy and slashed to the stable monk.

Although this knife is unremarkable, the dragon king's figure is as fast as a black lightning. There are few people in the audience who can do it, so applause.

Only then, the emotions of the people have just been mobilized, and they have been ruthlessly ruined. The lotus leaves hold the tip of the knife in the left hand, but they have not broken the wooden knife. The two people are stuck there, and even the slow circle is gone.

“What are they doing?” The question spreads in circles around the crowd.

"It seems like... It’s in the test." The answer came to everyone’s ear, and the crowd nodded like a wave.

They have handed over each other and know each other.

Lotus leaves bogey of the dragon king's knife, even if the other side holding a wooden knife, he must step by step, and strive to kill the enemy with the least number of tricks.

Gu Shen knows that she is fighting a monk on her fists, so she decided to fight with her internal strength from the very beginning.

The lotus leaf has deep internal strength, and Gu Shenwei has seen it, but he has no hard work and hard work. The internal force has been leaps and bounds. It has long been a thing of the past, and confidence can compete with the monk.

The inside of the lotus leaf is like a bowl of warm water, there is no hegemony, but it is continuous, through the wooden knife into the Gu Shen for the body, at the same time, the right hand virtual bomb, shoot a share of the interest, directly attack the Dragon King Dan Tian.

Gu Shenwei soon realized that she underestimated the strength of the monk.

Lotus leaves are as horrified as the Dragon King. Before he was a monk, he was extremely strong. In the four sangha, he met the Master, and the internal force went one step further. He practiced for decades, but the Dragon King was only in his 20s. The deep internal strength is really beyond his expectations.

The Dragon King's interior is extremely unique. Like countless tiny ice cones, such as the collapse of icebergs, the lotus leaves quickly feel more and more cold.

"Look, the monk has to lose." The audience in the uninteresting audience finally saw the doorway.

"No, the monk is about to freeze into ice."

The fluffy beard of the lotus leaf hangs a layer of hoarfrost, and the bare arms tremble slightly.

The audience was both excited and surprised to point at it. This kind of frozen man’s work was unheard of. The Dragon King did have two things. In the next few days, they could have something to say.

Everyone thought that the Dragon King was about to win, only Gu Shen knew that he was going to lose.

The skin of the lotus leaf is frozen, but the vitality of the body is well protected. The internal interest of the wooden knife involves most of the energy of Gu Shenwei. The invisible interest of the monk popping out with the right finger is more severe than once. Gu Shenwei only Can be hard against Dan Tian.

Like dripping water through the stone, the stone will eventually not be able to withstand the water droplets.

At about the same time, Gu Shen said to the whisper: "The eight wilderness forces planted by the Great Wilderness, the monk has not been removed."

A few years ago, Lotus Leaf and a great disciple disciple tried to test their strengths in Gu Shenwei. As a result, they were planted with all their strengths. At that time, although there was only a little bit, they have grown stronger in recent years and become a monk’s lingering The devil.

The lotus leaf suddenly changed and the interest rate was chaotic. Gu Shenwei secretly enhanced the offensive and continued: "Because of this minor injury, the monk was actually restrained, even the brothers were tired..."

"Shut up!" The lotus leaf shouted, and the giant thunder rolled over the rouge forest, and the audience was shocked.

The effect of this roar is also a scary jump. The inner interest of the lotus leaf is more serious. Although it becomes extremely powerful, it is already the end of power.

Gu Shenwei has been waiting for this opportunity, suddenly loosened the wooden knife, and flew to the back of the monk, several consecutive punches, all hit the back and neck of the lotus leaf.

The lotus leaves spurt a blood and pour it down.

Only the Dragon King is left on the platform, standing with empty hands.

The contest ended too suddenly, and the audience did not respond for a moment. The audience was quiet and no one spoke.

This quiet only lasted for a short time, with a bang, an arrow broke out and shot at the Dragon King on the ring.

"Kill." With this sound, more arrows are shot at the ring.

Half of the audience are idlers who don’t have martial arts at all. They are suddenly screaming and smashing into a ball. The knives are also holding the handles and watching them shortly. If this matter has nothing to do with them, they would rather keep it. neutral.

Almost at the same time as the first arrow was shot, hundreds of swordsmen wearing long cloaks jumped out from all corners and pounced on different targets. They shouted: "Scratch the building, grab the building!"

At the same time, Chunan Screen and Tieling Ling jumped into the ring, and the young man took out the long sword and handed the Wufeng knife to the Dragon King.

The first public confrontation between the Daxueshan Dragon King and the Deyilou Mustang began on this day.

(Seeking for advice)

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