Death Sutra

Chapter 303: Hayato

The thief Akasaka was captured by the Dragon King, and the news spread faster than the Red Dragonfly Night Dragon Palace.

The messengers of the seven Western countries stationed in Saitama City submitted the request of the dignitary to the Dragon King almost at the same time, and promised to give a reward, but without exception, they were rejected.

"One million two silver, this is the price of Akasaka." Xu Xiaoyi is the answer to every messenger who comes to the door.

The news of the dragon king selling people spread like this. "The dragon king said, even if it is a wild horse, as long as one million two, he also let people, the dragon king is thinking that money wants to be crazy, a thief who kills more goods, worth so much money. ?"

Everyone is incredible about the Dragon King's move. Fang Wen is one of them. He specifically asked the Dragon King to say this. "You are the Dragon King, do this kind of thing... is it..."

Fang Wen is not very embarrassed to say it. In his view, since he has seized the Akasaka, he should put on a high profile and hand it over to the country where the crime is wanted, even if the bounty is not needed, so as to establish an image.

Gu Shenwei has another idea. "Da Xueshan needs money, so I can't give up any chance to make money. As for the small countries, I can guarantee that they will let people go immediately after they take away Akasaka."

"If the wild horse is paying money? Do you really give it to him, that is the enemy of the big snow mountain."

Xu Xiaoyi interjected with a smile. "In this matter, I support the Dragon King. Although the military division is relieved, the people who finally pay are definitely not wild horses, nor are they small countries."

Fang Wen thinks that the Dragon King has something to look at himself, and his heart feels awkward, so he grinds and refuses to go. Xu Xiaoyi understands the intention of the military division and retreats with interest. He knows how to spend a large amount of silver that is about to arrive. appreciation.

When Xu Xiaoyi left, Fang Wen came to the door and asked: "Dragon King, since you asked me to go out as a military division, I have the right to know everything... oh... most things, if you cover me too, I can only make a mess."

"The military commander is shouldering the shoulders. I don't want to trouble you many things. However, I did not deliberately conceal anything. The military teacher wants to know anything, even if it is asked."

Fang Wen is a lot of things to know, and I have been thinking for a while. "How much is the big snow mountain?"

"A little over 870,000, and spending money faster than making money."

This sounds really true. Fang Wen is not afraid of a cold, which is much less than he imagined. No wonder the Dragon King has always been so embarrassed. "Well, there are always ways to solve the money. I want to know these things." What is the power in the end? Mustang, Tianshan Zong, Mengshi, Deyilou, I was completely confused, who is the enemy who is a friend? In addition to Jinpengbao, I can not figure out."

Fang Wen is indeed a bit indignant. He is concerned about the North Court and the Central Plains. He barely counts Jinpengbao and Mengshi, and he is really confused about other small-capital forces.

"The wild horse was an opponent during my apprenticeship. I almost died in his hands. He almost died in my hands." Gu Shen did not understand how his hatred with the wild horse was originally formed. The two seem to be in the wrong place. "According to what I have learned, the Mustang was expelled from Jinpeng Fort three years ago. I don't know how to get the appreciation of the North Court."

"Bei Ting? You said that the Mustang is a Beijinger? I thought he was only temporarily employed to help the city official."

Gu Shenwei shook his head, and Tianshan Zong dug into the bottom of some wild horses. Although it was not complete, it was enough to infer many things. "The wild horse is a very savvy person, but there is no North Court behind him. He can't build it now. Team."

"So, the palm of the North Court has actually reached the site of Saitama City." Fang Wen is once aware of the benefits, immediately felt that the Dragon King said things are correct.

"Exactly, the North Court will not recognize the relationship with the wild horses, so that the wild horses can be free from any agreement and compete for power in Saitama City."

"The last of these powers will always fall into the hands of the North Court."

Gu Shen nodded. "Yes, but the wild horse is basically still **. He returned to Saitama City earlier than me, and went to the proud building. He was trusted by Peng Xianren and included the whole proud building into his own gang. Based on this, it has established a deep or shallow connection with Mengshi and Jinpengbao."

Fang Wen finally understood the layout of Bei Ting in Yu Yucheng. "Since the North Court secretly supports the wild horse gang, the Central Plains will certainly not stand by and watch it, can't it be..."

"I haven't found the exact evidence yet, but I guess Tianshan Zong has always been supported by the Central Plains."

"So Tianshan Zong will help the Dragon King because we have the same backing."

"I believe that is the case. Then it is Mengshi, this is the most important ally of Jinpengbao, but there are also cracks between the two sides. Meng Yuzun is actually a master of martial arts. He cooperated with Mrs. Meng and secretly trained a female killer team called Tianji. Society, as for the purpose, I am still not very clear. In short, the Tianji Society does not serve the One Step King."

This is the most unexpected news for the military division. "Meng Yuzun, the big fat man? He will martial arts?"

"Seeing with your own eyes, the martial arts of the fat man is not weak."

"This is a good thing, Meng Yuzun has a disagreement with the one-step king, we can use it."

"Maybe, this crack is not used now."

"Dragon King? What is your status among these forces?"

"I? Simple, the wild horse wants to kill me, but Meng Yuzun and Mrs. Meng don't want to, they want to get a martial art secret from my hand, so the wild horse must pretend to kill me, push me into desperation. Wait for me to expose. After the truth, he did not immediately counterattack, but hid, and occasionally harassed, in fact, waiting for the opportunity."

Fang Wen is trying to ask what martial arts secrets provoke Meng Yuzun to be the heart of the rich man, but in time to hold back, such an important thing is definitely the secret of the Dragon King, and he is not qualified to pursue the bottom.

"What about this redemption? Xu Xiaoyi said that the last money is not a wild horse, nor a few small countries."

"Red Oak has actually been bought by Jinpengbao and has nothing to do with the wild horse."

Fang Wen is so easy to sort out the clues and chaos, "This... what is going on?"

"Red 魄 is a wise man, the knife is on the neck. He doesn't say that he is the running dog of Jinpengbao. Instead, he claims to be a wild horse. I just count it, so I want to take advantage of the old fans in Beicheng. Silver comes."

"Red Dragonfly Night Dragon Palace, killing people and robbing the knife first, so he can't admit that it is Jinpengbao." Fang Wen is smiling at the corner of his mouth. "I am going to take advantage of this at the meeting."

The Dragon King pushed his heart to the abdomen, and Fang Wen was so comfortable in his heart that he began to make suggestions for Da Xueshan. "Da Xueshan lacks money, Meng family has money, can you find a way to get some money from Meng Yuzun?"

"I have been thinking of ways." Gu Shenwei said the truth, "Da Xueshan's current biggest enemy is actually Meng Yuzun, money can pass through the sky, Meng is enough to affect the overall situation of the Western Region."

Fang Wen was deeply sympathetic, and then looked at the Dragon King with suspicion. "Dragon King, don't you want to destroy the marriage, and stop Meng's union with Jinpengbao?"

Gu Shenwei’s eyes cooled down. Fang Wen knew that he had made a mistake and hurriedly apologized. “The dragon king forgives sin, I have a mouthful.” Then I couldn’t help but add a sentence, “Meng’s relationship with Jinpengbao is solid. If the rock, destroying the marriage, will only make the two rivals, the Dragon King must know this."

Fang Wen retired with satisfaction, not knowing that the Dragon King still concealed something from him.

Xiaoyuetang has deeply sneaked into the city of Yuyu, and even entered the interior of Jinpengbao, but Gu Shenwei has been unable to figure out that this female killer organization is an enemy or a friend, because there is a lotus girl inside.

The Dutch woman stole "The Book of Nothing", probably already an important figure in Xiaoyuetang. Gu Shenwei sometimes gave birth to a chill in the back, as if she was hiding nearby, but when she was looking for nothing, he I can't help but doubt, she is secretly plotting any plot.

On the third day after Akasaka was arrested, Saitama City began to spread a message that the wild horse had sent people to contact the Dragon King to prepare for the redemption of Akasaka. It is said that the thief is the right arm of the wild horse and should be rescued no matter how much it costs.

Gu Shenwei and Xu Xiaoyi guessed that it was correct. Some old swordsmen in the North City couldn’t sit still. If Akasaka was released, they would be in danger, and the one million and twenty of the wild horses would be passed on. On their heads.

Liu Zu personally came to visit, and the skinny old knife smiled like a child of a few years old. "The dragon king is not the dragon king, and the little thief who catches Akasaka is coming."

Xu Xiaoyi perfuse the Dragon King with a few words, waiting for the old slicker to speak his own purpose.

"We have talked about a few old guys, and it’s a big scourge in the Western Regions. We are willing to take the money and ask the Dragon King to remove him."

"Who has one million and two silvers, who is Akasaka." Still speaking by Xu Xiaoyi.

Gu Shen sat on a hard couch with her legs crossed and did not speak from beginning to end.

Liu Zu’s amount of sweat permeated, almost biting his teeth and saying, “Okay, we have one million two.”

"If the money comes, people will give it to you."

"Tomorrow, pay in one hand, hand in person, live."

After Liu Zu left, Xu Xiaoyi was excited to jump up and down. "It is really easy to earn this money, and it is more cost-effective than any sale."

Gu Shenwei is not so happy, "There is fraud."

"What scam?" Xu Xiaoyi asked with a big eye, and the look of surprise was quite disproportionate to the mature moustache.

"Liu Zu knows that Akasaka was bought by Jinpengbao, so he did not dare to find Jinpeng killer to help, but he has always been confused, hoping to kill Akasaka with other strengths. He will give out one million two this time, and he wants to live. Instead of being a human head, what did you say?"

Xu Xiaoyi immediately understood that "the old fox is buying for Jinpengbao, maybe the one million is Jinpengbao."


"What do we do? People still need money."

"If you want money, you will go to see Liu Zu in the afternoon and bring the price to two million two."

Xu Xiaoyi jumped up again. "Good business, good business. Since Jinpengbao took the initiative to send it to the door, it would be a knife. I am afraid that Jinpengbao feels worthless and refuses to pay so much money."

"Yes." Gu Shen said affirmatively that he understood one thing. He must have hidden secrets that are important to Jinpengbao in his heart. He must dig it out before releasing it.

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