Death Sutra

Chapter 320: Giant clam

There is a big news in Nancheng, most people don't care much, and some senior drinkers have been talking about it.

Lu Qiying, the treasurer who runs the South Wall pub for many years, officially announced that he would change the pub, and I would go to Shule to support the country.

Lv treasurer is not too old, only fifty years old, the hands of the day to buy and fight gold, is at the peak of life, at this time the rapid retreat, it is a bit incredible.

Of course, the drunkards are not concerned with him, but whether the wines will change their tastes. When the new treasurer publicly announces that the pubs are all the same, the supply channels, preservation methods, prices, etc. are all the same, the drinkers are relieved, except for the individual. No one is interested in this matter.

Lu Qiying went very rushed, and didn't even say goodbye to her friends and relatives. It seemed to be fleeing. Some people couldn't help but speculate. "I saw him sneak away to the Dragon King a few days ago. Now it runs so fast, it won't be a thing. Didn't talk, he was scared?"

Lu Qiying, who removed the identity of the pub shopkeeper, was really a little scared, but it was not the Dragon King but the enemy of the Dragon King, but he was more excited.

He is about to create a newer and bigger business.

Long Wang wants to build another business network in the Western Region. Xiao Fengying sits in the town of Yuyu City, and Lu Qiying is responsible for establishing a stronghold in various countries. The first stop is Shule.

Shule is the largest country in the Western Region. Once it is firmly established here, this business will be half successful.

Among the more than 100 swordsmen, Lu Qiying chose to follow the long-term, loyal and trustworthy people, a total of 37, to protect their long-term savings and travel to a wider world.

This is a huge adventure. Lu Qiying, who has passed the fateful year, is as excited as the fledgling young man, sitting in the carriage and smiling, until he sees his palm without a finger, only to accept his heart.

The finger was cut off by the Dragon King many years ago, when the Dragon King was just a slave.

The hope of success and the risk of failure are closely related to this pale-faced young man, but how to deal with the murderous demon king, Lu Qiying is still not very sure.

Dragon King is also in the team, mixed among the 37 guards.

This thing is top secret in Saitama City. These days around the Dragon King House have not been flat. There are always daring swordsmen who are far from peeping. Sometimes they will also initiate provocations, such as screaming and screaming, suddenly flying. Therefore, everyone thinks that the Dragon King must be waiting in the government.

Even the guards of the Dragon King House believe that the owner is in the backyard. Jiang still delivers tea on time every day. Xu Xiaoyi will still report the situation, which is no different from usual, and the Dragon King is as strange as ever, no one can see him. .

Through these cover, Gu Shenwei left the Yuyu City with the daughter of the lotus and the eleven disciples of Xiaoyuetang hiding in Lu Qiying.

In addition to the lotus girl, Xiaoyuetang’s disciples are scattered in the city of Saitama, and rarely appear. Only the lotus women have the means to find them at any time.

After the first night camp, Lu Qiying’s guards were three fewer, but this did not attract any attention. He did not seem to find out. He continued on the road the next morning, leaving 10 female killers in the team, which made him feel very comfortable. .

Gu Shenwei, the Dutch woman, and the Guanshang three are hiding in the nearby mountains, waiting for the Mengda who arrived one day later.

Among the three, Jinpeng Fort is the assassination of the former assassin.

Under normal circumstances, Jinpeng killer likes to kill himself with a knife, and cut off his head afterwards to ensure that nothing is lost. This time, the situation is special. It must be publicized and concealed, and it is impossible to kill the guards. Gu Shen decided to take a long-range attack and use it. kill.

The industry has a specialization. Among the Dragon Kings, Guanshang is best at archery.

They carried a huge slinged bow, which was almost one person tall. The bowstring required five ordinary people to work together to open, with a range of hundreds of steps, and the best effect within two hundred steps.

The Dutch woman is responsible for monitoring the way, and the merchants practice using this giant python. Gu Shen helps her to string and observe the effect and give advice.

This day they all do the same thing, boring, but fortunately, the three are highly trained killers, which is accustomed to this, especially Guan Guan, she has experienced complete green training, skills and mentality In terms of aspect, it is much more mature than two young people.

Gu Shenwei secretly pondered what the so-called "coagulation brain pills" is, is it possible to let the people like Guanshang change their loyalty, or is this a calculation? However, looking at the girl's appearance, I have great trust in the business.

Although it is rarely revealed, Gu Shen knows that the suspicion of the woman is not less than him.

On the evening of the same day, the team of Mengda arrived.

The outer part of Saitama City is desolate, and there are not many places for camping. Therefore, it is not surprising that Meng Da’s camp is exactly the same as Lu Qiying.

The best time for assassination is naturally before dark, when the camp was chaotic, the cordon was not fully established, and the line of sight was ideal.

Gu Shenwei and Guanshang wore a snowy cloak and hid in the mountains. The Dutch women lurked on the side of the road and watched them. Three of them saw the figure of Meng Da. There were several chances, but they did not start.

Jinpengbao sent 30 killers and 100 knives to protect Meng Dagong. This is a powerful force. Gu Shenwei, even if he leads everyone in the Dragon King, may not be able to destroy this line of defense.

At the same time, this is also a very experienced force.

Before the camp, the five killers and ten knives had already arrived in advance. Around the camp, including the nearby hillsides, almost an inch-by-inch search was conducted without any exception.

The place where the business practice is used is not far from the camp, but there are traces of damage that can be caused by messy footprints and non-ordinary bows.

Gu Shen found out that he was still not careful enough. He should have chosen a farther place, but this was only a false alarm. In recent times, the swordsmen were not far from the practice site, but did not move on. They obviously feel that the scope of the inspection is always large enough.

Even so, Gu Shenwei still remembered this matter in his heart and became a lesson.

There is a protruding boulder on the hillside, but there are more than 200 steps away from the camp. It is the starting position selected by Guanshang and the location of the Jinpeng killer. The two killers seem to be very dissatisfied with this, and checked back and forth three or four times. Finally, I assigned a knifeman to stay here. This is the knifeman, which brings the biggest trouble to the assassination.

Gu Shenwei and other three people hide very well, did not reveal clues, but can not enter the attack position, naturally can not be chaotic before the dark, they can only wait, this is almost the most basic job of the killer.

As the night falls, the knives on the hillside boulder raise a fire, which is both warm and convenient for communication with the partners.

Soon, the people in the camp began to take a break, leaving little time for the three assassins.

When discussing the assassination plan in advance, Gu Shenwei suddenly remembered the figure of Shangguan as reflected in the window, so according to this, an alternative plan was made: If there is no chance to start before dark, I will wait until Mengda returns to the tent and aim at the shadow.

There are a lot of loopholes in this plan. Mengda may take a break when he enters the account. He does not light at all. It is very inaccurate to rely on the shadow to determine the specific location of the real person.

Gu Shenwei still wants to try. If this opportunity is also lost, he will have no other plans. Instead, he will return to Yuyu City with the daughters and customs, and let Mengda live for another month or two.

Now, even with this less reliable backup plan, they face an obstacle: the knifeman who is on the boulder.

The knifeman is a person from Jinpengbao and cannot be killed.

The Dutch woman whispered back and reported that Meng Da had already lit a lamp in the tent, and wanted to get it as soon as possible.

The three spoke very quietly, quickly perfecting the entire plan and then starting to act.

Gu Shen gave a hint of excitement to her calm heart. This is a long-lost and familiar feeling. Although she is not willing to admit it, the cooperation with the lotus girl has indeed multiplied his strength. If the person around him is Chu Nanping and Tie Ling, he only Can be forced to give up this assassination plan.

Once again, he felt that he had failed in cultivating the killer.

Gu Shenwei quietly approached the knives on the boulder, screaming at the moment when the other person opened his mouth and yawned, suddenly smashed out, squirting medicine, taking off the cloak, standing still, in one go, just blinking, the knifeman has fallen, replacing him. It is the dragon king who guards the boulder. Even if someone is monitoring in the camp under the mountain, he will only think that he is blind.

Xiaoyuetang is good at pharmaceuticals, and it is easy to fascinate a knife in an instant.

Gu Shen wears black clothes for the snow cloak. From afar, there is no difference between it and the knife.

He saw the tents of Mengda, and there was a vague black shadow. It was too big and too unclear. It was very difficult to judge the position of the figure master.

But he still decided to let go and not waste this opportunity.

Guan Shang came to him, holding the giant python that had already opened, crouching low, waiting for the order of the Dragon King, Gu Shenwei was waiting for the signal.

A small group of very faint light is shining under the mountain, and it is fleeting. If you don't pay special attention, no one can find it.

"Get up."

In a short word, Guan Shang immediately stood up and set up a giant python on the left arm of the Dragon King, aiming at the blurred shadow on the tent.

Gu Shen whispered the number and checked the business carefully. They only had one chance. If they succeeded or not, they should immediately evacuate.

At the moment, the Dutch woman was on the edge of the camp. She saw the situation inside more clearly. When a guard had just passed, the person in the tent stood up. She blew a piece of velvet that had burned beforehand, and then immediately annihilated and retreated first.

Gu Shen found 10 and gave the Dutch woman time to escape to a safe place.

Guanshang pulled the trigger, and the five or six-foot iron arrow rang out.

The two immediately dropped the giant python and quickly descended.

The guards in the camp were immediately alert and the whistle began to rise.

The arrow is on the road.

When the iron arrow reached the end, and dozens of figures in the camp rushed to the boulder, Gu Shenwei and the Dutch girl had already made their way to Saitama City overnight, and the business was left to confirm the final result.

(Seeking for advice)

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