Death Sutra

Chapter 322: Turn around

It is more dilapidated than the messy Knife Village. The simple mud houses are connected together. More than a dozen households are connected by the portal. No strangers come in and no one cares.

There are no valuable things in the house that can be stolen.

Gu Shen walked through one and another earthen house, passing a thin boy, a shivering old woman, two men who slept, so many chickens, cows and sheep that leisurely chew hay, finally Find the target.

The thin man was lying on the bandit, the skin was sallow and slack, and it seemed that he had not eaten a full meal for a long time. Only those eyes were still shining, as if they would jump up and hunt the sick lion at any time.

At his hand, there was a narrow knife with a sheath, and the scabbard was as broken as the house, and it barely covered the blade.

Xu Xiaoyi spent a lot of energy to find out the whereabouts of this person, because this person has no fame in Saitama City, and recently it has almost disappeared.

Gu Shenwei looked at the man for a while and could not recognize the man in front of him. Then he asked, "Are you Hu Shining?"

The skinny man seems to be dead and has no reaction. After a while, he moved his eyes and squinted his eyes to the visitors. His lips did not move and spit out a very slight "hmm".

“The teacher of the Dongbao Carving House?” Gu Shenwei had to ask another question. He really couldn’t connect the man with the corpse to the strong master Hu.

A few years ago, Hu Shining was a passer-by teacher in Jinpengbao. He specialized in basic training for teenagers who want to be a killer. He is a pity that he would not accept a complete initial training and to Tie Hanfeng. Recommend this unique apprentice.

A year later, he lost his position as a teacher.

The killer's fort is still full of complicated personnel struggles. Hu Shining is considered to be a part of the big and small family factions. The Shangguan dying and being immediately cleaned.

He can choose to keep the title of Jinpeng killer, live in the small room on both sides of the mountain road, receive a meager silver every month, and he will live for the rest of his life, but he was less than forty years old, so he ended up voluntarily like many old killers. All the relationship with Shibao, the name of the wandering knife as a river.

For the first year or two, the killer from Shibao has a circle and gave him a lot of help. But these people have an unwritten rule and never participate in any battle related to Jinpengbao. Therefore, at the beginning When the war broke out, these middle-aged killers chose to stand idly by.

Then Hu Shining began to suffer bad luck, and it was one after another. First, he had a serious illness, spent most of his savings, and then the two tasks involved were not completed well enough. He lost the trust of the employer and started in the circle. Being excluded, everyone thinks that as a teacher of the martial arts, he lacks practical experience and is not worthy of being mixed with the real killer.

Hu Shining lost for the second time in the personnel struggle and became a complete wandering knife. But ordinary swordsmen also have various circles. The martial art, hometown, acquaintances, and money, he did not, and inadvertently offended a few small people. After the cover, he became an unwelcome knife.

In this way, he gradually fell to the most barren corner of Nancheng, mixed eating and waiting to die, even when the robbers could not find the way.

Hu Shining was so ignorant during this time that he did not even know that the young man standing on the sidelines was a famous dragon king, and he could not recognize that he was the slave who insisted on being a killer.

This is probably the one who came to kill me. He thought, I hope the other party can get started quickly.

Gu Shenwei also felt that the most benevolent approach to this middle-aged swordsman who had lost his fighting spirit and vitality was to give him a knife immediately, but he said: "I have a job for you."

Hu Shining twisted his neck and looked at the pale young man in amazement, recognizing the qualities that some Jinpeng killers had. "Who are you?"

"My name is Yang Huan."

"Yang Huan?" Hu Shining repeated the name, and there was no impression in his heart. "I can't even take the knife, I'm afraid I can't do things for you."

The young man apparently has a relationship with Jinpengbao. He would rather starve to death, save some trouble, and not want to blend the struggle within the fort.

"You think slowly, when you are willing, you can find my place." Gu Shen was a little disappointed and felt that she was looking for the wrong person.

Gu Shen turned and walked out two steps. Hu Shining, who was lying on the raft, suddenly came up with a sentence. "You always turn right, this is not good."

Gu Shenwei stunned. He never noticed the details of turning in the direction. Moreover, after he walked into the room, he seemed to have only turned around once. How can the other party see that "always turned right?" He suddenly regained interest in Hu Shining, who was half dead.

"If you like, this is the content of your work." Gu Shen added a sentence before the departure, "correct the mistakes of young people."

Gu Shenwei re-entered from the poor and indifferent households, stood at the entrance of the hospital, considered his own turning habits, and then suddenly shot, a young boy from a bundle of rotten mats leaning against the wall.

Like the poor people who live here, the teenager is like a beggar, and the dirty face has obvious frostbite. The only difference is that he has a single knife in his hand.

The single knife is smooth and sharp, and it is spotless, in stark contrast to the owner.

Gu Shenwei had discovered this little follower long ago, and he had some admiration for him, but his eyes were as cold as ever. Most people would panic and provoke under the gaze of this kind of gaze.

The boy bravely looked straight into the eyes of the Dragon King and refused to retreat. "I am not afraid of you." He said, the voice was a little trembling.

Gu Shen is throwing the teenager into the corner. "If you are not afraid of one person, you will not say it. People often say the opposite of what they think."

"I, I..." The boy was confused by the words of the Dragon King, and did not know what to say.

The boy named Nie Zeng was only thirteen years old. He ran to Yuyu City in order to avenge his uncle's family. They all died in the hands of Tie Hanfeng and Huanu.

He had a once-in-a-lifetime chance of revenge in the Dragon King House, but he missed the opportunity because he was too timid. Although the Dragon King did not kill him, he blamed himself for jumping.

Nie Zeng has been wandering around the Dragon King House, hoping to meet this opportunity again, and this time, he will never be soft.

The Dragon King rarely travels to the main entrance. Nie Zeng walks around the Dragon King House with a persistent force. There is only one thought in his heart. "It is always possible to hit the Dragon King."

This "coincidence" happened today.

The Dragon King is no longer a situation when he is in a fire. He has not even had a chance to shoot.

"Do you want revenge?"

"I want revenge."

"Do you know how hard it is to take revenge?"

"I know how hard it is for me to take revenge unless you kill me now."

"I have been preparing for revenge since I was fourteen years old. It has been more than six years now. I haven't done it yet. Can you endure for a few years?"

Nie Zeng leaned against the wall and stared at the pale face of the Dragon King. He was speechless. He had heard of the Dragon King’s hatred against Jinpeng Fort. He never thought that this was the same as his hatred. The Dragon King’s words made him suddenly I was ashamed and whispered, "I am different from you. You have a master. Who do I study martial arts?"

"There is a person lying there, called Hu Shining, you can learn from him."

Nie Zeng eyes on the dragon king disappeared in the corner of the street, staying motionless, the Dragon King should not be like this, he is not killing people without blinking? How is your head still standing on your neck?

Gu Shenwei returned to the Dragon King House, and the Dutch woman said: "The child has a barbaric strength. It is indeed a good seed, and I am afraid that he will find you revenge one day."

The Dutch girl has been following him all the time, but most of the time she never shows up.

"It doesn't matter, there is a needle behind it that will keep me alert."

Hatred is a powerful force. This is one of the important knowledge that Gu Shen has learned in Jinpengbao. As long as he is trained, he can intervene in this force and let it be external rather than internal.

The Dutch woman did not speak any more, and silently thought about what role she was playing by the Dragon King. It was probably a needle in her heart. She thought that she was both sad and proud.

Fang Wen is already waiting for the Dragon King. He has been ignoring the thoughts of the two days. He has been analyzing the purpose of Jinpengbao's wish to marry the princess, and has obtained a lot of information from the Central Plains envoy, which makes his eyes finally clear.

"The one-step king is really a savage slick, just to let his son marry the princess, he just faked it." When I saw the dragon king, Fang Wen began to say, "Do you know how perfect the Princess Shi Guo? ”

Gu Shen did not know that Fang Wen did not intend to get an answer. He said that she is the sister of the current king. The king has no children, and he has always been sick. It is said that he can’t live for a few years. He died, the royal family. No more interest, according to the tradition of the Western Region, the princess's son is qualified to inherit the throne. So, you understand?"

Fang Wen is the right fist constantly beating the left palm. "The countries in the Western Region are going crazy. This is a clear thing. Whoever gets to the princess is basically going back to a country. The only thing left to do is to work hard. Son. Who is this kind of good thing, who is not jealous? I heard that there are several kings of seventy-eighty and ten, and they also intend to personally propose marriage."

Fang Wen is beaten faster and faster, and his ideas are becoming more and more clear. "The one-step king wants his grandson to be king, and then... and then give him the throne in a few years! The jade city is long and narrow, but the north and the south are not. In depth, once the stone country in the south is grabbed, no one can stop him from being king."

Shi Guo, Gu Shen’s image of a thin young man emerged from his mind. The juvenile slave was once involved in a royal conspiracy. The prince of Shi Guo was killed. The last beneficiary was the second prince. The king of the stone country.

The one-step king wants to marry Shi Guo, Gu Shen has a hunch for this. This is not something that has only recently begun to be planned. Perhaps a few years ago, Jinpeng Fort has secretly extended his hand to Shi Guo, and at that time he Inadvertently helped the One Step King.

Fang Wen is no longer coming to fight, and his hands are spread. There is a saying that he has been hiding in his heart for a long time. He feels that he should listen to the dragon king. "You must not let the one-step king wish, but there is only one way to stop Jinpengbao." Dragon King, you have to go back and bring the princess back."

(Seeking for advice)

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