Death Sutra

Chapter 324: see me

Mr. Zhang Wei, the teacher of Jinpengbao, sent a letter and asked Longwang to go to the South Wall Tavern.

Shang Guanhong expressed several times that Zhang Wei wanted to see the meaning of the Dragon King. Gu Shenwei did not expect that he would actually receive an invitation. He was the deadly enemy of the One Step King. No one in Jinpengbao dared to openly associate with him. Zhang Wei chose In the South Wall pub, where many people meet, the courage is not small.

Gu Shen actually wants to see this teacher, they are now enemies, and even have already handed over, Shangguanhong pretending to be the dragon king to kill the lotus master, and then designed to remove the lotus leaf monk, ten ** are Zhang Wei idea.

The old gentleman does not change his appearance. It is as majestic as before. It seems that he will always take out the ruler from behind. When he sees the Dragon King, he just makes a slight nod and reaches out and gestures to him to sit opposite.

It was morning, there were no guests in the pub, only tired guys, screaming and sleeping on the table in the distance.

"When you left Shibao, no one gave me any wine again." Zhang Wei used this as an opening remark, and he remembered the past time.

"The South Wall Tavern is completely free to Mr. Zhang from today." Gu Shen has a glimmer of hope in her heart and feels that Zhang can be brought to her side.

"I heard that it was the pub that your men were from the hands of Lu.


"Hey." Zhang Wei looked up and down. The look on his face was like a dutiful son who was about to leave home. "Unfortunately, I can't come again."

In this way, Zhang Wei declared his hostile relationship with the Dragon King, and then he sank his face. "You are a smart person, I am not stupid, let's just say something."

"So much the better."

Zhang Wei looked at the silent dragon king, and remembered that the slave who always came to ask for advice, deeply felt the ruthlessness of the years, like his stubborn old stone, there is no room for change, but the young people have successively Rise.

They will all touch the broken bones on the old stone. He thought, "I will ask you to do something, as a reward, give you a secret."

"Mr. Zhang please say."

"You want to go to Shiguo to represent the Daxue Mountain?"

Gu Shen nodded, Fang Wen was successful in persuading the Dragon King, at least partially successful, Gu Shenwei has agreed to join the army of the Princess of the Stone Kingdom, the purpose is not to become a Hummer, but to prevent Shangguanfei.

In the case of Fang Wen, it seems that Long Wangyi went to the princess to inherit the stone king position, and it is the most favorable choice for the big snow mountain to compete for hegemony. However, it is an acceptable result as long as it can destroy Jinpengbao’s family planning plan.

This matter has spread in Saitama City, and many people have begun to argue about who will be the winner of the Dragon King and Shibao Nine.

Zhang Wei paused for a while, as if suddenly he couldn’t bear it, but when he spoke, his tone was cold and ruthless. "Hong Gongzi will accompany the nine masters to Shiguo. If you can get rid of him on the road, I will tell you a very important secret."

For the purpose of Zhang Huan, Gu Shen has various conjectures in his heart, that is, this is not within his expectation. Shangguan Hong does not have the ambition and strength to become a one-step king. Zhang Wei should decide from the beginning when he assisted him. It’s clear that it’s been decided to get rid of him for more than three years. It’s not like the style of teaching.

This may be another conspiracy. Gu Shenwei already knows how important it is to pretend to be in front of the enemy, so he said: "Sorry, Da Xueshan and Jinpeng Fort are in a temporary truce. I will never break the agreement and kill any one. The people of Jinpengbao."

Zhang Yan’s grim face showed a smile. “If Hong Gongzi has half of your talent, it will not be mixed up today.”

He stood up and didn't plan to persuade him any more. "The secret is hidden in Honggongzi. If you don't want it, how to get it is decided by Dragon King himself."

This is the first time that Zhang Hao said the word "Dragon King" after the meeting. The tone was slightly slowed down. It was like expressing respect and being ironic. The old gentleman finally glanced at the familiar Nancheng pub and stepped away. Did not even say goodbye to the former disciple.

Gu Shenwei thought again, this is the military division he wants, making plans, implementing plans, and having a good idea.

Of course, he wants to know what the secrets of Shangguanhong are, and he wants to know why Zhang Wei wants to kill his loyal masters, but he does not intend to use Zhang’s expectations.

In the backyard of Longwangfu, Hu Shining is training three teenagers. They are not allowed to bring their knives, so that they can only shoot the back of each other with flexible legs.

Every time, Tie Linglong succeeded in shooting Nie Zeng to the ground, and then provoked her head to look at the teacher of the martial arts. She refused to practice with the South Screen. If Hu Shining was forced, she would not move.

This little girl has the potential to be a good killer, Gu Shenwei and Hu Shining have the same view on this point.

Hu Shining had no way to go to the Dragon King's office, but he made a request, "I only train the killers, no matter what the Dragon King uses them, but how the Yuyu City is the land of the king, I want to leave here."

Gu Shen agreed, he has built a secret base in Shule, and the killer he cultivated is useless, just to be reorganized by Hu Shining.

After the Dragon King set off to Shi Guo in the year, Hu Shining will take three teenagers to Shule the country. This is an agreement reached between the two. Nie Zengyi only wants to be stronger than the Dragon King. The South Screen is indispensable. Only Tie Lingling felt that this was a shame, but she did not make fierce opposition and seemed to accept her life.

When Gu Shenwei just entered the bedroom, Jiang gave him a letter. Although she had served the Dragon King for many days, she could not change her blushing problem, and she always broke her hand. There were few pieces of porcelain in the room of Dragon King. No shortage of.

The letter fell from her hand, Gu Shen took it, Jiang Lian apologized, and hid to the side to wipe the spotless table.

"Who sent it?"

"Smoke micro-sister's ring was sent." Jiang Xiaosheng said, because when I sent the letter, I didn't mention such a simple matter, my face was redder.

Gu Shenwei suspected that half of her blood was concentrated in her head, so her hands and feet would be so clumsy.

The letterhead was sealed by a red ink pad, but there was no mark on it. Gu Shen took out a personal dagger and gently cut it from the other side and poured out the white paper against it.

There are three words on the paper, twisting and twisting, it is like a schoolchildren's handwriting, "Come to see me."

This is not like the handwriting of Xu Yanwei, not like her tone.

"Do you know the ring of the letter?"

"Know, Xiaomei, I have been there several times." Jiang Yan’s eyes widened and he did not understand where the Dragon King’s doubts came from.

Gu Shenwei was busy with a few things before he went to stay in the lane. He had something to see Xu Yanwei.

When Shi Guo’s current king was in exile in Saitama City, he was very obsessed with Xu Yanwei. He once wanted to bring her back to China, although he later wanted to kill her.

Gu Shenwei felt that Xu Yanwei might be useful, so she decided to take her to Shiguo and never discussed it with her.

“The first brothel in the People’s Lane” has been opened, and the business is surprisingly good. The guest’s favorite project is to hold the right and hold the window in the big winter, and to show the opposite of the “first place” Xiao Fengwei. .

Xiao Fengzhen has long been prosperous, and he has offended many of his peers. He also offended many men who didn't have the skills to marry him.

On this day, the "first brothel" had no business, not the guests lost interest, but the boss decided to take a day off, refused to pick up the passengers, and even her other women were hidden.

"This is only a few days after opening, is the store bully?" The rejected guests left.

Gu Shenwei went in from the back door. Yuhuan Xiaomei was anxious to turn around. When he saw the Dragon King, he immediately greeted him. "Great, Dragon King finally came, please go upstairs."

"What about your master?" Gu Shen did not like this place, so she planned to make a long story short.

"Serve people on the top." Xiaomei pointed to the upstairs.

Gu Shenwei frowned, Xu Yanwei was still picking up passengers, it was...

Xiaomei whispered a low voice and complained, "I don't know where the uncle is. It's awkward. I have never seen a lady so scared."

Xu Yanwei imitated Xiao Fengqi, and let his men also call themselves "Mrs."

Gu Shenwei has already walked on the stairs and stopped, knowing who is the person who wrote the words "come to me".

He didn't want to see her at all.

"The Dragon King is coming." Xiaomei announced loudly.

Gu Shenwei had to continue to go upstairs.

Xu Yanwei was in front of a screen, and when he quit, Ding Long Wang made a face and saw the sweat on her forehead. It must have suffered a lot.

Behind the screen came Gu Shen’s familiar voice. “Bad boy, are you brave enough to dare to see me?”

Luo Ning tea came out from behind the screen. She didn't change anything from three years ago. It just looked even more arrogant. It seems that the whole world has surrendered to her skirt, but Gu Shenwei has to admit that she looks more and more beautiful. amazing.

It’s a pity that the hidden weapon of the Dutch woman didn’t kill her. Gu Shen said coldly: “It’s not wise to have eight grandmothers here, and it’s a storm in the ears of the one-step king.”

"I am not afraid of him." Luo Ning tea smiled proudly, then frowned. "What do you call me?"

Luo Ning tea does not like the name "eight little grandmother", everyone under her name must call her "miss".

"Miss." Gu Shen did not intend to care about her in such trivial matters, but the tone became more and more cold.

Luo Ning tea did not hear the impatience of the Dragon King, looked him around and shook his head. "How do you make yourself like this? Face white... Is it so cold in Daxueshan?"

"What is Miss Miss looking for?"

The look of Luo Ning tea gradually became arrogant and wanted to press the other side in the momentum. "I saved the two children under your hand."

"Thank you."

"Thank you? Just a thank you? I am coming to repay, can I do things for you in vain?"

"What do you want to return, please speak."

Luo Ning tea seems to want to lose her temper again. Gu Shenwei can even feel that her exhaled breath is hot, but she resisted, but smiled. "So, you are the Dragon King now?"


"There are tens of thousands of people under the arm, do you want to do it with Jinpengbao?"

"Almost." Gu Shen did not want to lie, and did not want to tell the truth.

The patience of Luo Ning tea was over, and I grabbed the tea cup on the table and threw it to Gu Shen.

Gu Shen did not hide, the tea cup passed by and fell to the ground and shattered.

"I don't care." Luo Ning tea lost his temper. "Anyway, you are my person, you have to do things for me. I even give you the body. Isn't it enough? The ugly boy, climb me over!"

Gu Shen knew that the Dutch woman was hiding nearby, thinking if she would call her out now, even if she gave the one-step king an excuse to go to war, he would not hesitate.

(Seeking for advice)

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