Death Sutra

Chapter 330: Antiphasic

The lotus girl was reversed by the sword of the Dead Man.

The two wanted to preemptively, and the result fell into a more dangerous and dangerous situation.

The "Dead Man" went forward and tried to strike the enemy. There was no room for manoeuvre. The lotus girl broke into the tent. Although the sword hit the law, the monk’s martial arts exceeded her expectations and failed to kill the enemy. Back to the earthquake, she smashed most of her own power on the sword and went straight to Dantian.

She is now suffering the same pains as Gu Shen’s demise.

"I don't have time." The woman's lips were white and frozen, and she remained calm, but her voice was shaking.

Gu Shen has not much sympathy in her heart. It is because of the lotus girl that he has to suffer from the ice cone sashimi every once in a while. "Life is better than death." He said, "In the most painful time, you don't even have the strength to commit suicide."

The Dutch woman looked up at the Dragon King, her eyes were clear and quiet, and she seemed to want to say something, but she couldn’t speak. Her whole strength was used to fight against the coldness of the stock from the Dantian.

The two looked at each other for a while, Gu Shen squatted on one leg and whispered: "Give up other meridians and only hold the heart, it will be more painful, but you will not die."

The woman’s gaze rested on his face, suddenly holding his hand, his fingers chilling and trembled, “Guan Shang.”

She can only spit out these two words, Gu Shen to understand her mind, "I will not let the business close to you, I will always be by your side."

The Dutch woman once said that she did not trust anyone in Xiaoyuetang. Gu Shenwei’s answer made her feel a little relieved, let go of her hand, close her eyes, and the pain of her face became heavier and heavier.

Gu Shen took out two small groups of cotton wool and stuffed them into the female ear.

The Dutch woman once proposed that the two should act as guardians for each other. Gu Shen did not make a clear statement at the time. She did not expect her to be the first to help after this.

He looked at the Dutch woman who was working hard and looked at her slightly distorted face. She couldn't help but think that this is a good opportunity. The cooperation between Xiaoyuetang and Daxueshan is only a matter of expediency. The two will be enemies sooner or later. The sword of the lotus woman has already surpassed him. At this time, it will not be removed, and there will be troubles.

She will fall directly into the **** from the top of the iceberg, not even know who is doing it.

Gu Shenwei held the handle and felt a slight resistance when the Wufeng knife crossed the neck.

He sat next to the lotus girl and finally surrendered the murder in his heart. The lotus girl and Xiaoyuetang were of some use to him for the time being, and there was no substitute. He had to get used to sharing the enemy with the enemy.

What's more, there are many secrets that the Dutch woman does not understand, such as why she can use the sword without hesitation.

Gu Shen spent six hours for each confrontation, the first two hours are the most critical, can not be subject to any interference, but until the daylight is bright, two hours have passed, the lotus girl also failed to open his eyes.

The revenge she suffered was more serious than she had imagined.

The various teams in the camp are preparing for the opening. Lin Shan and the customs broker asked several times outside the account, and Gu Shenwei did not give a clear order.

By the time the Jinpengbao group had already left, Gu Shen was out of the tent, called Linshan and Guanshang, and ordered the two to take the team first.

The two were very surprised. The business seems to know that things are not good. They should be, and when she retreats, Lin Shan could not help but ask: "Dragon King, what happened? Do you want to leave a few people?"

"No, protect her to Shiguo."

The team in Daxueshan hides Xuyanwei. For the sake of convenience, she is served by ginger. These two people will not be martial arts and cannot stay in a dangerous place.

Lin Xiaoshan’s doubts remained unresolved, but he did not ask again. He went back and ordered the swordsmen to leave, leaving four horses tied to the dragon’s account.

The camp was getting more and more empty, and many people found that the dragon king’s tents did not move, and they whispered to each other, and the suspicions were uncertain.

The Dragon King is not the only one left. Just not far away, the two tents of the four sangha blues have not been put away. Both Fa Yan and Lian Qing were seriously injured and could not get on the road.

Until noon, the Dutch woman still did not blink.

Gu Shen was on her side and only drank two waters. She also closed her eyes and kept her spirits ready to meet the attack that would come sooner or later.

The first guest is the monk in the next tent. "Dragon King, Master asks you to go."

Gu Shenwei went to the door and looked back at the lotus girl and whispered, "I am sorry, I can't leave the tent."

The monk outside snorted and looked very unhappy.

After a while, the sound of Fa Yan sounded outside the door. The strange thing was that he was obviously injured in the ribs and his speech was still full of enthusiasm. It was not as difficult to act. "Is that friend's internal injury good?"

Fa Yan knew that he had injured the assassin. Gu Shenwei couldn’t hide it. He could only say: "Fortunately, rest can be restored after a while."

"The old man can help her."

The monk's internal strength is profound, and it is very helpful for the demon. Gu Shenwei does not dare to agree. He and the Dutch woman are both very suspicious people. They are easily reluctant to accept the help of others. "Thank you, Master, she is not hindered, no. Dare to work as a mage."

"If necessary, the Dragon King will open his mouth at any time."

Fa Yan’s attitude has become a bit awkward. Last night, he resolutely refused to talk to the Dragon King. Today he took the initiative to show his good intentions. Gu Shenwei had to be vigilant.

"Good." He said that there was no sound outside.

Shortly after noon, the first attacker arrived.

Nearly 20 people, the group of "businessmen" who came to watch the battle last night, they followed the brigade to go and return, and no longer conceal their purpose.

Gu Shen opened the curtain and saw that the "businessmen" stopped at a hundred steps. Soon, a big man shot immediately before the monk's tent and said loudly: "Zhuang Qiang, are you still alive?" ?"

"The younger brother is healing, don't make a noise." A monk drilled out the tent and replied stiffly.

Shuhan snorted and shouted directly to the tent. "Zhuang Qiang, do you still have to take revenge? The Dragon King has been injured and hid in the tent. This is a godsend, don't want your brother to die, just like a man." come out!"

The lotus in the account did not answer, and the monk took three steps, holding a long stick in his hand. "I said, don't make noise."

Shuhan snorted again, but he did not intend to build a strong enemy. "Well, we have to start with the Dragon King. Are the Masters watching the battle, or do you want to insert one?"

"We don't watch the war, we don't intervene." The monk replied unkindly, turned back to the tent, tightened the curtain, and surely did not see or participate.

Gu Shen was slightly wider in the heart, the enemy did not imagine much, and the other party thought that the injured was the Dragon King, and gave him a little buffer.

Shuhan turned to the dragon king's tent and said loudly: "Dragon King, let you die and understand, we are all friends who don't pay attention to Akasaka. Today, I have revenge for him. My name is Ma Teng, and the 'Flying Sand Knife' is me. Come out and die."

Gu Shenwei gently pulled out the Wufeng knife, did not answer, did not have a tent, this group of people either really do not know that Akasaka is a suspended animation, or is an excuse to challenge the Dragon King.

Ma Teng saw that the Dragon King did not respond, and the courage grew stronger. He began to speak out madly, and the Dragon King was worthless, like a rat with a hole in the wall.

Gu Shenwei was indifferent to this verbal provocation. The monk in the next tent couldn't stand it. It was the monk who probed it out. "If you want to hit it, don't hit it, what is Luo?"

Ma Teng's face was red and he snorted heavily, but he still didn't rip his face with the monk. He looked back at his companions, was encouraged, pulled out the scimitar, and patted the horse to the dragon king's tent.

The horse was about to hit the tent, Gu Shen opened a gap, holding the Wufeng knife, and the body was pulled out, the right shoulder was hitting the side of the horse chest, the knife in the hand stabbed at the same time, and then returned to the account.

The running horse was knocked down to the ground, but there was no injury. He screamed and struggled to stand up and dragged the body back to the battle.

The thieves were shocked. They didn't see the dragon king at all, but Ma Teng's neck knife was obviously the dragon king's technique.

"It's that woman." Someone whispered, and others nodded.

The Dragon King used to be almost paralyzed. This is well known in Saitama City, so everyone has a preconceived view, thinking that this injury is inevitably the Dragon King. The nature that protects him is the Dutch woman who is superb.

"She has only one person."

"We have a lot of people."

"Can't wait any longer, once the Dragon King can move, we can have no chance."

The thieves discussed for a moment, divided into two teams, one team of eight people, one team of nine people, the nine team to the back of the tent, preparing for two-way attack.

Gu Shenwei saw clearly in the account. The nine-person team had just circled halfway. He took out the tent, jumped on a horse tied at the door, and smashed the reins. He leaned down on the horse and stayed in the original. The eight-man team rushed.

This set of action rabbits has fallen, and when the thieves reacted, the horses have already rushed to the front, and Gu Shen leaped up and slammed his hands and killed one.

"Dragon King, is the Dragon King!" The other people were shocked, and they didn't even think about it. They ran.

Gu Shen jumped three times and killed three people. He returned to his horse and returned to his account.

The Dragon King was not injured. The thieves immediately smashed their feet. The nine-man team that had bypassed the previous plan gave up the plan, retired two or three times, and met with them. They didn’t know what to do.

Gu Shen, in order to check the situation of the female girl, she still did not blink, still has not left the most difficult first stage.

The robbers will not stop here. Gu Shen began to consider his own bottom line. He wants to protect the extent of the Dutch women. If there are more and more powerful enemies coming in, there will always be times when he can't cope.

This problem does not seem to need to be considered. His revenge is just beginning. He must not die in the desert for no reason, but the pale face of the lotus woman makes him hesitate.

If the person who sits there and fights against the devil is him, what will the lotus girl do? When the ghost called the cliff, facing the group of Jinpeng killers, she seems to have a great desire to protect the slaves.

Gu Shen did not let herself think about it, decided to let it go, but in any case, he did not want to die in this place.

Outside the hoofs vibrate, Gu Shen looked out for the quilt and found that the tent had been surrounded, and a large number of robbers, about a hundred people, divided into seven or eight, the first group of robbers arrived.

A short and fat man announced loudly: "The Dragon Slayer Contest is now starting. Whoever kills the Dragon King, who is the thief of the Western Region, will have to listen to him in the future for all the thieves who steal the thief!"

(Seeking for advice)

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