Death Sutra

Chapter 337: Loyalty

Zhong Heng is a wise man, maybe so clever, that every boss feels that his ** can't escape his eyes, so he has not been promoted. The ambition of flying in the early years has vanished, in his own words, He only wants to make a fortune now, and then finds a stable and peaceful place to support the elderly.

In his world, it is not only ridiculous, but dangerous, but he decided to give the Dragon King a heart, in order to take a huge risk in life, in exchange for the wealth of the rest of his life, "I am willing to swear allegiance to the Dragon King, assist you to become The real king even swallowed the entire Western Region."

Gu Shen is a bit surprised. He has always appreciated Zhong Heng and learned a lot of useful truths from it. Because of this, it is difficult for him to imagine that such a slippery person will be willing to venture into the unsettled Dragon King. "Zhong Daren is the official of the Central Plains."

Zhong Heng smiled twice. "I am the official of the Central Plains. But the bigger official of the Central Plains wants to kill me. The defending old man is very slippery. He must have known who killed the Wei Ling, and knows that this matter is related to me. Before he returned to the Central Plains to report his duties, the whip was too long, so he couldn't bear it. Now he is the Western Region, and he is monopolizing. How can I fight with him? To be honest, I have no choice but to ask for the Dragon King to take over."

This sounds really a very suitable reason. Gu Shen still does not immediately express his position. In the face of the trustees who are sent to the door, too enthusiastic will make the other party arrogant. Too vigilant will make them feel disheartened. There is a subtle line in the middle, Gu Shenwei never feels that he is just right, he can only try to move closer to it.

"Shangguan anger? He also participated in the murder of the murder, not worried about the revenge of the defending?"

"He is different. He is now important. He is an indispensable piece in the hands of the Central Plains. According to my observation, if Saitama City suddenly becomes unrest, and the Central Plains army is not ready for crusade, it is likely to support the Shangguan anger as the one-step king. With this in mind, even if the defending priest knows that Shangguan anger is a complicity to kill his son, he can only be confused."

"Shangguan anger does not want to protect you?"

"Oh, we have never talked about this, but this is a clear thing. He is not dangerous. I am not on the same boat. Why should I protect me? But I am on the same boat as the Dragon King. We can help each other, no. It’s the dragon king’s helm, I help rowing.”

Gu Shenwei was said to have been moved. In fact, he already understood that Zhong Heng had no way to go, just let the other party say these words.

Language is a wonderful thing. When it is buried in the heart, it is like an unknown seed. It can grow differently with the owner's mind. Once it is said, these fleeting words immediately have a fixed form. It has a certain degree of restraint on the speaker.

This is the case with allegiance. When it is just a thought in the heart, there is no such thing as betrayal and loyalty. It can be changed at any time without any obstacles. However, when loyalty is spoken, it is binding.

This binding may be minimal or unbreakable, but in any case, it is beginning to work.

Gu Shen has been loyal to others and accepts the loyalty of others. He is very familiar with this. He knows that if Luo Ning tea asks loyalty too frequently, it will only completely dispel the magical binding force of the language, but there is no clear language. All loyalty is unreliable.

He stood up and said his thoughtful words, which is not entirely satisfactory, but this is the best level he can do. "In my mind, Zhong Daren is a good teacher and friend, which has benefited me a lot. Now we Faced with a common enemy, I am willing to join hands with Zhong Daren to fight against the enemy."

Zhong Heng knows what he should do. He squats on one leg and says: "Please ask Dragon King to accept my allegiance."

This is a simple ceremony. The two sides can't say that they have complete mutual trust, but they have finally taken an important step. Next, they don't have to tempted each other, but they have something to say.

Zhong Heng hopes to get a lot of wealth, Gu Shen is looking for intelligence and guidance.

"According to my estimation, in the next two years, the grain and grass materials hoarded by the Central Plains in the Western Region will be enough to support a large army of 100,000 people. With the support of more than ten countries, such as Loulan, it can reach 150,000. The only thing in the Western Region that can compete with it is the North Court."

Gu Shen said that this is how urgent the situation is. Over the years, the Central Plains’ speed in the Western Region has been very slow, giving people an impression that it seems that they are not planning to take action in the short term. In fact, this is an illusion that soldiers can advance into the Western Region at any time. The restriction on the power of the Central Plains is the supply of supplies. The Central Plains quietly collected materials, and wanted to control the Western Regions once and for all.

Daxueshan wants to win the status of the **, must first grab a piece of land, Fang Wen is planning to complete the hegemony with five to ten years, it is too optimistic.

"The only thing in the Central Plains is the North Court." Zhong Heng continued to talk about it. He lived in the Western Region for many years. He has become accustomed to the way of thinking here. He is indifferent to the country. "But the old Khan is seriously ill and may fall apart at any time. Guessing the plan of the Central Plains is to wait for the old Khan to die. When the North Court is in chaos and unable to take care of the Western Regions, the troops will be sent out to block the North Court’s entry into the Western Region. It may even eat into the North."

When the Central Plains wants to control the Western Regions, the Dragon King and the Snowy Mountains are also redundant.

Zhong Heng is a junior officer. He can't understand the core secrets. Many things are his personal guesses, and there is no formed response plan in his heart. Gu Shenwei still needs Fang Wen to be such a general adviser.

The hegemony of the Western Region is still far away, and the biggest crisis facing the two is still defending. "The special envoy Lin Daren brought fifty soldiers, of which ten were not local troops. They were just sent from the Central Plains. I guess, in the desert. The robbers are just temptations, and the defenders have removed the real brakes of both of you and me, or these ten people."

"They are the masters sent by the Central Plains?"

"I am not sure about this. The Dragon King may be able to see a little doorway. I will find a way to let the Dragon King see them."

Although the defending champion is not in a good position, Gu Shenwei does not want to break with it too early. The Central Plains is the most important backing of Daxue Mountain. Although it is very unstable, it is very useful to deter the various forces in the Western Region. "It is best to have no means to use force. I think the defending should not publicly kill us."

"The Dragon King said that the Wei Daren is the Western Regions, and the alliance with the Daxueshan is the strategy set by the predecessors. He will not openly veto this way. In fact, I have an idea that I don’t know the Dragon King. May not be willing."

"Despite that."

"The Dragon King still has to fight for a Hummer."

Zhong Heng did not explain much. He believed that the Dragon King understood what he meant.

The Central Plains hopes to control the entire Xiaoyao Sea through Shiguo. This is an unchangeable overall strategy. The choice of Lin Biao is the Prince of Loulan. If the Dragon King is first, the defending champion will have to do enough surface work to continue to support the Dragon King and the Snowy Mountains. The plan naturally has to be abandoned temporarily.

As for Zhong Heng, as long as the Dragon King does not die, Wei Wei will not kill him first, so as not to stun the snake.

Gu Shenwei has never had any interest in Princess Shi Guo. Some of what he said to Lin Biao is true. Da Xue Shan is too far away from the sea. Even if he gets this site, it is far from water and thirst. Jinpengbao does not help much.

Now, he began to seriously consider how to get the princess to hand.

Zhong Heng can't stay in the Dragon King for too long, and chat for a while to retire.

In the evening, the Dutch woman returned.

The Dutch woman did not appear in the stone country with the Dragon King. When she left the desert, she hid her way and secretly explored the whereabouts of the four Sangha.

The monks did not stay in the palace, but in the city, the temple can be found, but the temple is not big, but it is the Huguo Temple of Shiguo, close to the palace, convenient access.

"The King of Stones really wants to abduct out of the house." The female detective heard a lot of useful information. "The monks are very busy. It seems that the king will shave before the princess is married. You are really worthy of this horse. The son can be a king."

"I didn't want to be a Hummer." Gu Shenwei has not made up her final decision, but he does not want to discuss this with the Dutch woman.

The Dutch woman did not ask for it. "There is good news. It is not only the old monk who wants to do it. He has several disciples who have also learned. He is very stupid and has no way to go. I think I can catch someone. Forced to ask."

The Dutch woman has benefited from the internal strength of Fa Yan, and she never forgets her heart.

"Don't do it first." Gu Shenwei feels that this is not the most urgent issue at the moment. "I have something for you to do."


"The Central Plains envoy brings fifty soldiers, which may hide the masters sent by the Central Plains. You should observe it, but don't fight with them."

The Dutch woman didn't ask much. Before she left, she took out a piece of paper. "I said, I want to tell you the secrets of Xiaoyuetang. This is part of it. I will write it out, but you will see it. After the end, it is best to destroy it as soon as possible. I don't want people in Xiaoyuetang to know about it."

Gu Shen took the paper and did not put a word. After the lotus girl left, she carefully read it again.

The first thing that the Dutch girl handed over was the one of the most important secrets of Xiaoyuetang.

It is indeed a set of evil spirits, and the practitioners will not improve their internal strength, but they can absorb the skills of others to heal themselves and quickly restore their infuriating.

The text provided by the Dutch woman not only details the cultivation methods, but also lists the reactions and pains of the people who have been absorbed. The people who created this work seem to be very relished.

One of the reactions was a high-spirited scream, with constant temperament in the middle, and the duration was far more than ordinary people. The monk and the monk did not know where to understand this, and heard that some people in the tent used a big turn.

Even if he had 100% trust in the Dutch women, he would not practice this practice. Gu Shen sent the paper to the oil lamp, temporarily changed his mind, rolled it into a volume, and carefully hid it.

The night is dark, Gu Shen does not intend to rest, wants to go to Shangguanfei for a while, he always feels that in addition to the Princess Shi Guo, there is a deeper conspiracy, and he has not touched the door yet. .

(Seeking for advice)

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