Death Sutra

Chapter 342: draw

The personal entourage of the Central Plains envoy was embarrassed to declare that the special envoy had a sudden illness, could not get out of bed, could not see anyone, and could not participate in today’s vote.

This disease came so coincidental, naturally can not lie too many people, the North Court special envoys secretly happy, but on the surface is not revealing, even sent people to send soup to condolences, Shangguanfei was greatly relieved, I feel that the Dragon King preemptive policy came into effect, the Central Plains The envoy is no longer a deadly threat.

On the other hand, Loulan Prince was panicked. Without the support of the Central Plains, he was like a young child who lost his parents' help, not to mention the position of the Hummer.

Lin Biao was specifically left to the Prince Loulan by the followers, "Go to the Dragon King, and he will preside over everything."

Therefore, Gu Shenwei just returned to the station. Not long after, Loulan Prince ran in and his face was paler than the Dragon King. "Dragon King, what happened? Lin Daren, he..."

"Lin Daren has been in a hurry and has left Shi Guo."

Prince Loulan was stunned. "What do I do?"

Gu Shenwei looked at the prince, as if he was estimating his weight. "At the moment, it is a battle of life and death. Your Highness may have to work hard and go all out."

"The battle of life and death? Why is the battle of life and death? Lin Daren ... will not be fleeing?" Loulan prince handsome face with a deep indignation, finally realized that he was abandoned by the big back.

Gu Shenwei did not answer this question. "In any case, His Royal Highness has already been riding a tiger and must fight."

Prince Loulan shook his head resolutely. He received the will of the Central Plains to compete for the position of Hummer. Shiguo is located in a remote place. It is meaningless to grab the hand against Loulan. "No, I want to quit. I will go out and announce, let Jinpeng The people in the fort are the Hummer, I don't care."

Gu Shen is cold and his face becomes harsh. "You don't care. The Central Plains can care. It is an important strategy for the Central Plains to control Shi Guo. If you leave it, you will not only get into trouble, but also Loulan."

Prince Loulan sat down, only less than two hours after the final voting time. He really had to ride the tiger, and he could not help but blame the Central Plains envoy. Jinpengbao with a group of killers, Lin Biao must be in a bad position. I ran away first, but left myself to die.

Gu Shen stood silent and waited for the Prince Lou Lan to come up with the only idea.

The prince is not a stupid person, but he is used to it. Everyone has a strong person to take care of him. When he faces the crisis, the reaction is slower.

For a long time, he looked up and looked at the calm dragon king. His eyes lit up and finally thought of the way to save his life. "You go to fight for Hummer, Dragon King, I tell those people to vote for you, you are not afraid of Jinpengbao, right. Is it right? Only are also the people of the Central Plains, right? Dragon King, you must save me."

Loulan prince said a bit incoherent, but the meaning is still clear, Gu Shen thought about it and said: "This is not good..."

Prince Loulan almost rushed to the front of the Dragon King. "Good, this is the best. I will tell those people, even if it fails, it is also the responsibility of the Central Plains envoy, right? He should have been in Shiguo..."

Halfway through, Loulan Prince turned and ran out. He had made up his mind that no matter whether the Dragon King disagreed, he would throw the hot potato to the other side.

Gu Shen is finishing the clothes. So far, everything is in his grasp, but he has no feeling of being relaxed. He seems to be holding a small stone that is inconspicuous, which makes him very uncomfortable. He thinks it again and looks for it. There is no obvious flaw, so the little doubts are suppressed and I don't think about it anymore.

The Dutch woman came in from the door and nodded at him. She had not lived in the station for a few days and went to perform another important task.

"got it?"

The lotus woman raised her small cotton cloth in her hand. "Here, we can act now tonight, I have arranged everything."

Gu Shenwei was extremely vigilant against the Dutch woman, but he had to admit that no one around him liked the lotus girl to reassure him. "Well, move tonight."

When Gu Shen was ready to go, the Dutch woman suddenly asked, "Do you really want to marry the princess?"

Gu Shen looked at the lotus girl strangely. He never told her about her plan, but she still guessed it. "It must be like this. Big Snow Mountain needs a place to live."

Gu Shenwei walked out of the room, the lotus girl did not show her voice, in her view, the Dragon King answered the question, grabbing the stone country may not have to win the princess.

The voting process was still presided over by Yan Xiangyang. He first expressed regret for the illness of the Central Plains envoy. He then thanked every noble person who came to propose, and Lala said a long paragraph before saying that the voting began.

In order to show that there is no black-box operation, the voting is conducted in public. Everyone who has the right to vote must stand up and say: " Among the people, I think that certain qualities are the best."

The king of Shi Guo did not appear, and his vote was said by Yang Duo.

As a result of prior differentiation, most people voted as promised, but only half of them replaced the Loulan Prince with the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei no longer has to swing around. Everyone knows that he has made two promises at the same time. Everyone knows that he will vote for himself at the last moment.

In this way, the Dragon King and Shangguanfei each got six votes and they became a draw.

Shangguanfei was relieved, and even congratulated the Dragon King generously, and was willing to conduct the next round of competition with him. Because things were clear, Yang Bao represented the king and publicly voted for Shangguanfei. This is tantamount to publicly indicating that he will definitely receive Hummer. The position.

Others also held the same idea. Prince Loulan expressed his gratitude to the Dragon King in private, and accepted the defeat of the next round of competition. "This is no wonder that you and me, the Central Plains envoy escaped, and the King of Stones certainly understands the general situation. to."

Yang Bao announced the specific plan of the last competition that evening, very simple, and made everyone believe that Shangguanfei will inevitably become an attaching horse. "At noon tomorrow, please go to the palace, and the princess will personally choose Hummer."

Shangguan Fei began to accept congratulations. Everyone understands that the princess cannot violate the king's intentions. Since her brother chose Jinpengbao, she will make the same choice.

Prince Loulan eagerly packed up his clothes. He planned to finish the Hummer at noon tomorrow. He took the gold from his home and immediately left Shi Guo. He did not forget to complain to the Dragon King. "I want to **** the special envoy to the Western Region. It is his fault to develop to this point."

The matter has been finalized. The Dragon King did not reveal the meaning of killing and killing. It is as polite as a friend of Jinpengbao. This has made many people relieved. Some people are a bit disappointed. Kang’s son is afraid of not being busy. In the publicity of the station, "I thought that the Dragon King can be a bit bloody. It turned out to be a bully."

Gu Shen was calmly facing the loss, but after the night, he quietly left the station and did not let anyone find it.

Not far from the gate, the lotus girl was hiding among the trees, waiting for the Dragon King. After the two met, they did not say a word. They continued to move forward, climbed the high wall and sneaked into the city.

In a remote house, thirty fierce robbers are waiting for the arrival of the Dragon King and the Dutch woman.

Gu Shenwei disappeared two nights last night, that is, see another group of robbers. Under the control of the Dutch women, nearly 200 bandits have been mixed into Shiguo in batches and scattered in different places.

The leader of this band of robbers is He Sancai, who is known as the first knife of Tianshan. A short and fat middle-aged man is extremely respectful to the Dragon King. In fact, he is even more afraid of the woman around the Dragon King, and even dare not look at her.

He Sancai took the road ahead, and asked the Dragon King and the Dutch woman to enter a room with three prisoners.

The captives were **** and obviously experienced a cruel torture. When they saw someone coming in, they rushed to ask for mercy. They recognized the Dragon King, so they all yelled at him. "The Dragon King is alive, we are all recruited, and we dare not hide."

Gu Shenwei did not ask anything. He had already learned all the confession from the mouth of the woman. He only came here to recognize people.

That's right, they are them.

Starting from Shuangquan Village, on the first night of the camping desert, more than a dozen knives dressed as merchants rushed into the tents of the four Sangha Blues and wanted to rob an important thing, and they lost.

These three captives are three of them.

They have never been reluctant to follow, and the people who came to Shiguo did not dare to grab it. They only monitored it near the temple, and they let them find loopholes.

A high-ranking monk in the temple did not follow the rules, and was afflicted with the women in the city. She often stayed up late to go to the rendezvous. The swordsmen raped the people on the spot and then forced the monk to steal a thing from them. .

The monks were forced to do so. They only had to agree. After going back to the temple for a few days, they finally started to work last night, stealing the thing and handing it over to the knife outside the temple.

The knives were ecstatic and didn't expect to be monitored.

Fifteen swordsmen left the city of Shiguo less than twenty miles, that is, they were intercepted by the robbers, and most of them were killed. Only three people lived to become prisoners.

"They are the people sent by the wild horses." The lotus girl has already asked for an export.

Gu Shenwei licked the cotton cloth package that the Dutch woman gave him. "We can go and talk to them."

"You are not going to use it? The Mustang is going to use it to do big things."

Gu Shenwei shook his head. "My approach is exactly the opposite of him." He paused for a while and said that the military teacher Fang Wen had said a sentence. "Sometimes, the light is just the means."

The two went to the Nengjue Temple on the third day of the night. They did not go through the wall as usual, but knocked the door generously.

In the middle of the night, the temple was like someone waiting, the door knocking sounded, and someone opened the door from inside.

The door opener is not a bald monk. He is actually a guard of a waist-curved machete. He whispered: "The Dragon King invites you, and your Majesty and the Holy Grail have been waiting for a long time."

Gu Shen is walking into the temple gate, and the lotus girl disappears into the night.

At the same time, just in the place not far from the Nengjue Temple, a figure broke into the palace and went straight to the residence of the princess.

(Seeking for advice)

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