Death Sutra

Chapter 351: set off

The sentinel on the border of the stone country brought back bad news. The four-nation coalition forces headed by Kang Guo, who are headed by Kang Guo, are marching toward the capital city and have a force of more than 2,000.

The people of Shiguo have not recovered from the coup, but they have fallen into the fear of destroying the country. The residents outside the city have moved to the city. The capital city, which was not too big, immediately became crowded.

The situation is very grim. The stone country is standing by five hundred people. Some of them are hired from Jinpengbao. On the day when the dragon king became the Hummer, they all ran away, leaving only less than 400 people.

Gu Shenwei and the robbers who were conquered by the Dutch women in the desert, together with some people who came to hear the news, the total number was less than two hundred.

Counting the Daxueshan swordsman and the royal palace guards, the strength available to Shiguo barely reaches 600.

The king was even more terrified than his own people. He completely lost his will to resist. He confessed before the cards of the ancestral ancestors from morning till night, complaining about his bad luck and pushing all his responsibilities to others.

Zhong Heng personally took the imperial concubine from the king's arms and began to give orders and prepare for defense.

Gu Shen convened the three children of Shangguanjia and told them their thoughts. "I want to return to Saitama City to save the Daxueshan army and prove to everyone that the children of the One Step King are not dead in my hands."

All three of them were expressionless, Gu Shen made a pause, and continued to say, "You have two choices. First, stay in Shiguo, wait for the news to leak, the killer to come to the door, and second, go with me. ”

Shangguan was the first to open. Since she saw the Dragon King again, she has been neither hot nor cold. At this time, the tone of speech is more official, as if this is a formal negotiation. "You want to use us to make the one-step king ugly, so Jinpeng The fort lost moral aid."

She did not say "father", but called "the one-step king". Gu Shenwei felt that this was a good sign, so she admitted the fact calmly. "Yes, this is why I am not killing you. You are still here." Useful."

If Shangguan does not speak, his eyes are low and he seems to have nothing to do with anything.

Shangguanfei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he has a purpose, safety is guaranteed. "I am going with you, but you have to protect me...we."

He thought very well that the city of Shiguo was in danger, and staying here is worse than staying with the Dragon King.

Shangguanhong didn't think so much, and he only watched one thing in his mind. "I can go with you, but... they have to promise not to assassinate me."

"No." Shangguan Fei said with a grin.

Shang Guanhong immediately found the loopholes in his own words. "It’s not a killer. In short, you have to promise not to kill me in any way."

"I promise." Shangguan Fei squeezed out these three words from the eyes of the blind man, but there was no tolerance in his eyes.

Shangguanhong is clear, however, how much credibility the promises of his family have, but he can only ask for this step, and he has made up his mind and will not leave the Dragon King half step in the future.

Everyone's eyes are on Shangguanru, and she has not made a clear statement.

"I am leaving Shi Guo with you, but I don't necessarily return to Yucheng."

She didn't know where she really wanted to go. Shibao was no longer her home. Yucheng City disgusted her, but Shiguo was a strange foreign country. She had nowhere to go.

This is the case.

Gu Shenwei decided to leave on the night. He left Lin Hill and the more than 20 Daxueshan swordsmen in Shiguo. As the personal guardian of the new 丞相钟衡, nearly 200 of the robbers who were conquered were also handed over to Zhong Heng, so that he There is a force in the hand that can drive the stone team to fight.

Xu Yanwei, Guan Shang, and Jiang still stay in the palace and live with the princess.

Gu Shen took five robbers, including the lotus girl, the Shangguanjia three brothers and sisters, and the dwarf He Sancai. They made up ten people and prepared twenty horses.

Xu Yanwei came to see him and saw that she was with the Dragon King. She was very happy and did not forget the princess in the palace. In her opinion, it is normal for the Dragon King to have three wives and four wives.

"Dragon King, you should visit the princess before you leave. You are a Hummer, but you have never seen it before."

"Wait to come back later." Gu Shen was not in the mood to see the princess. In fact, he almost forgot her.

Xu Yanwei sighed silently, thinking that the woman who had been with the Dragon King would not be happy, but fortunately he did not go to bed with him.

At dusk, Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman were invited to go to the temple to see the Fa Yan.

The monks of the four sangha blues have already packed their bags and are ready to leave Shiguo early the next morning. They don't have to worry about traps, so they will return from the original road.

Fa Yan promised that he would explain the truth to the principals of the four sangha. "The Dragon King did not kill in Shiguo, and the old man was grateful, and he was a little blessed. Please smile."

Gu Shenwei and the Dutch women each got a small cotton cloth wrapped around and left the temple. When they opened, they found that they contained a booklet.

The text in the booklet is still very fresh. Apparently, it is not long before it is written. The title of the book is written on the title page: Mustache mustache.

Fayan refused to make a deal with the Dragon King. In fact, he had already decided to give the precious inner power to the two.

The old monk is a strange person. Gu Shen can guess his thoughts, but he can't understand it. This set of internal skills must be a very important stunt of the four sangha blues, but he casually gives away people, especially these two people are in the eyes of the world. Devil's head.

Their confusion and gratitude did not take long to disappear. First, the text was extremely esoteric, with a large number of transliteration Sanskrit, the two almost could not understand, and suspected that this may be a variant of "Discontinuity", the old monk wanted to lie to them to remove Killing the heart, second, the two get half each, Gu Shen is in the hands of the book, the lotus girl got the next book.

What is the intention of the monk in this regard? Is it to take the opportunity to provoke dissension? The two people don’t understand, and they don’t want to think too much. The Dutch woman handed her half book to Gu Shenwei. “It’s all right there. Anyway, there will be no time to practice it.”

The Dutch woman is probably sincere, but Gu Shenwei also knows that she is very interested in this magical work, so he did not take the half book, but proposed another idea, "Let's hide it together, When you return to the stone country, take it out together."

The Dutch girl said faintly: "Okay."

Such a small thing, let the two suddenly found out that they were too polite to each other, and each other was careful not to let the other side give birth to suspicion.

Perhaps this is the purpose of the law.

At the end of the night, when the night was the deepest, a group of ten people quietly left the city of Shiguo.

Among the teams, there is a man named "Sand" Zheng Tai's thief, Xiaoyaohai five countries is his territory, he is very familiar with the terrain, leading the way in the front, without taking the road, but driving south a few miles, close The lakeshore is going west.

Xiaoyaohai is a vast lake with a vast area. On the other side, you can see the mountains of the black mountains, the waves of the waves, and the horseshoes.

Ten people drove all night, taking a break in the early morning, and continued on their way, approaching the darkness, and looking far into the Kang national army.

Gu Shenwei could sneak into the military camp day and night and assassinate several chief generals, but he did not want to waste it at any time, so he went around and entered the Kang State in the middle of the night.

Further to the west are the Sha State and the Hui State, and the Five Kingdoms of Xiaoyao. Only Anguo is located on the South Bank, and the people do not have to go there.

Zheng Tai has chosen to walk on a remote path, and only his robbers who have lived in the wild for many years have recognized so many desolate paths.

The route is very concealed, it is not very good to go. Everyone goes day and night. When they arrive in Huiguo, they still spend ten days, and they have exhausted seven horses and have to abandon some water and dry food.

After Huiguo, they will enter the Qianli Gobi, and they will not be able to obtain supplies during the period. Therefore, they must stop and repair and purchase horses and water supplies.

The water grain is still good to say that the horses can hardly be bought, and they are basically requisitioned to go to the stone country to fight.

They just happened to catch up with the first messenger who returned from the front line and brought news that the Shiguo capital city has been surrounded by the group and can be conquered in a few days.

There are also many unfavorable news about Daxueshan. It is said that the one-step king hides tens of thousands of troops. Now he is divided into two roads, and is attacking the Daxueshan camp in the west and the "anti-sub" Shangguan anger in the east.

Gu Shenwei inferred things in the right direction as much as possible: Jinpengbao is going to discuss the situation, it is difficult to separate the troops from the south. As a result, the siege of the Shiguo capital city is only the four countries of the Xiaoyaohai. Big, maybe you can hold on for a while.

Before Gu Shenwei left, he had agreed with Zhong Heng. Two months later, he would return to Shiguo with the Da Xueshan swordsman. The time was extremely urgent.

After a long delay, He Sancai finally bought the necessary supplies and horses. Others took this opportunity to rest for a while. Everyone knows that after entering the Gobi, there will be no soft bed and casual use for a long time. The water is gone.

Gu Shenwei only slept for a little while, and he came out to watch.

When the war restarts, he can no longer make a mistake and must be vigilant at all times.

Shangguanhong did not sleep for a long time. He had been waiting for a chance to talk to the Dragon King alone, so he sneaked around the Dragon King and whispered at the door. "In fact, I am very useful. Although I am not a master, I know many secrets. Twins have never heard of it."

"You still have a 'secret'."

Seeing the Dragon King does not believe, Shangguan Hong is a little anxious. Like everyone else in Jinpengbao, he is very realistic. Unless he holds something worth exchanged, he will not feel safe. "Really, I didn't say it at the time. Because I don’t think it’s important, I have been thinking about these two days. What is the Dragon King might be interested in, I remembered this.”


"Oh, this is the case. There is a secret road that can go directly from the foot of the mountain to the stone fort. In fact, it is not strictly a secret road, but it can pass to the top."

Jinpengbao is located on the top of the top, all sides are abyss, Gu Shen can not think of how to hide the secret road, "you better not to lie."

"Never." Shangguanhong’s eyes flashed with excitement. "As soon as I arrived at Yuyucheng, I gave the secret road to the Dragon King. This is my use, more useful than anyone else."

Shang Guanhong returned to the temporary camp and fell asleep peacefully.

Gu Shen made this matter in her heart and sneaked around the camp. He San came back with the purchased materials. Behind him, Gu Shenwei discovered the followers.

(Seeking for advice)

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