Death Sutra

Chapter 357: respectively

Starting from Huiguo, on the seventh day of the desert and Gobi dividing line, the group encountered the only source of water in the journey, a small spring, and it was rumored that its name was the life-saving spring.

They must take a break here, especially to restore the horse's strength to continue the next five or six days of trekking.

The wild horses have been behind, and they are separated by five or six miles during the day, and they are close to two or three miles at night. They neither propose conditions nor save people, and occasionally disappear for a while. After one or two hours, they will appear in the sight of several people. .

After two days of exposure, the old man is getting less and less adult, and his skin is loosely draped over his body, like a poorly crafted doll. Only when the sun sets, will it recover a little energy.

As long as he still has the strength to open his mouth, he screams and whispers, boasting his martial arts, commenting on the various skills, forcing the people to let him go, and sometimes secretly using the seven-turn magic sound, making Shangguanhong irritated.

The lotus girl left the old man's mouth to improve the martial arts of Xiaoyuetang, but she was not in a hurry. After five days of drying, the old man's skill disappeared and she was naturally at her mercy.

The three men in the team couldn't wait for the old man to die soon. Only Shangguan was so unbearable. It was at her request that the lotus girl allowed him to wear a thin black gauze during the day to relieve the pain.

In the evening when I arrived at the life-saving spring, Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman were in the vicinity to guard the wild horses. Shangguanhong went to fill the water bladders of the people with water. Shangguanfei couldn’t stand the shackles of the old man, hiding in the distance and sleeping.

He was exhausted, and he fell into a dream when he was distressed. He thought that he was still the nine masters of Jinpengbao, and he was serving the servants of the servants in Shibao.

The old man was left with only Shangguan as a person. He was hoarse and whispered and whispered, "Are you called Shangguan?"

Shangguan did not care about him, although he couldn't bear to see the old man living in sin, but she knew very well that this was a ferocious demon.

"I really can't see you as the daughter of the one-step king." Wood old man used to talking to himself, so he didn't feel embarrassed at all. "They all say that the one-step king is nine sons and eight daughters, and that the ten sons are the most fatherly, but I am Look at you like, it’s not enough.

Only a few people know that Shangguan’s killing of the heart is gone. The ten sons of the residents of the Wall Yucheng are still the tomboy who wants to be a master. Many people think that she was forced to wear women’s clothes because of house arrest. It’s too strong.

If Shangguan still doesn't talk, Longwang and others will come back soon, and the old man has to hurry. "The little girl's heart, the old man knows best. I am not so old at this age. The dragon king is not clear with the woman." You are not feeling well, are you?"

If Shangguan was unable to prevent it, his cheeks would be red and he had to refute. "No, don't talk nonsense."

The old man sneered a few times. In the past two days, his eyes were not idle, and the personality and complex relationship of the five people were clearly seen.

"You will be a mess when I say it. One of them is the Dragon King, and there are thousands of swordsmen. One is Xiaoyuetang Gaotu, the sword is high and strong, and he can keep pace with the Dragon King. He also learned the secret technique of the Dragon King. Left and right arm, hey, a natural pair, it’s hard to think of not being a piece in the future. It’s possible to give birth to a lot of sons and daughters. It’s possible to get a small Jinpeng Fort...”

Shangguan feels that he should be angry, but she only feels sad. "You are all saying, Dragon King... will marry the princess."

"Right, there is a princess, then what, he is the Dragon King, dozens of wives are not serious, but unfortunately, some people can't even enter these dozens."

The humiliation of the old man was overdone. Shangguan’s face fainted and said coldly, “I am myself. No one is qualified to pick me up. You want me to save you. I’m dying, you’re killing. The devil's devil, I will never let you be a disaster, you should be guilty, think about those who are killed by you, and their relatives and friends."

"I kept thinking about it." Wood old man said with conviction, "In the past two days, I have relied on the horror of their sorrow before they died, and they barely supported it. Little girl, you don't know the fun of killing, I am with you. Say……"

If Shangguan didn't want to listen, he turned and went. The old man hurriedly changed the topic. This little girl was not quite the same as he imagined. He couldn't move with the situation. "Wait, I don't talk about it."

Shangguan is the only guardian, can not be too far away, and heard the words stopped.

"Oh, your skill, you must have learned the magic of nowhere, stealing it?"

Nothing is a top-notch practice of Jinpengbao. It has always been secretive and only passed on to the heirs of the next generation. The old man has guessed that Shangguan’s internal strength is not correct.

"none of your business."

"That is, I don't care. You have no merits in Jinpengbao. The old man's practice is not bad. It is the big swords of men and women. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. It is said that this set of swords was originally a stunt in the fort. How are you not?"

Shangguan did not answer if he shut up.

The old man in the old sentence sentenced her pain, and grasped a little more in her heart. "Hey, the dragon king and the lotus girl, the defector of Jinpengbao, even more than the martial arts of the one-step king daughter, this is really no reason." ”

"A person like you is alive, it is not natural, like... Jinpengbao, there is no reason."

"Yes, that's right, but I don't care for you anyway."

Shangguan Ruan turned around and saw the Dragon King and the Dutch woman walking side by side through the thin shackles. On the other side, Shangguan Hong’s shoulders resisted ten water sacs and returned.

"They have learned seven chapters without a magical power, and they think that the world is invincible. It is ridiculous. If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't care." The old man is still screaming.

Shangguan was slightly surprised, and the old man had a lot of understanding of the insignificant power.

"In fact, it is only half - count more than half - the gods, there are several chapters behind, all learned to be the real world invincible, the old man did not dare to come to Jinpeng Fort, the fear is this set of exercises."

Shangguan looked at the old man with doubts. The seven chapters of "The Book of Nothing" really did not end, but there are only seven chapters in Jinpengbao. This is certain.

The old man smiled a few times, knowing that the following words would surprise the little girl. "There are a total of eight chapters in Jinpeng Fort. You don't know? There is a chapter in the hands of the one-step king. He thinks that only he knows this secret. In fact, the old man has already known, so he will retreat and give him a few points."

Shangguanru’s doubts flashed past, and she even disappeared from her heart. She did not care about how many chapters of Taoism.

The Dragon King and the Dutch girl are getting closer and closer, and the old man has no time to pave the way. He said eagerly: "Let me, I will help you get the eighth chapter. Based on your current foundation, it will be enough to practice for a year and a half. That pair of men and women, when the Dragon King is not allowed to come over like a dog to please you?"

Wood old man overestimated his persuasive power, Shangguan did not let him.

In the middle of the night, Gu Shen asked everyone to get up. The Daxueshan camp is likely to be under siege at this time. He must take the survivors out of danger before the battalion breaks.

Although knowing that the wild horses will not be fooled, the lotus woman is still throwing short-acting poisons into the spring eyes. Within three days, the spring water can kill people.

The next few days of travel are safe, the wild horse is like a stubborn child, always behind, not far from, but never take action, someone chasing him, he will retreat.

The old man is getting weaker and weaker, although he still hasn’t given up trying to persuade the people in the team to let himself go, but he hasn’t had much strength to talk. After five days, he can only look at the faces of the five people with a look of hope, especially Shangguan Ru, that is his greatest hope.

Shangguan was even more silent. He didn’t say a word for a few days. The five people in the team knew each other from an early age. The other four people couldn’t see the shadow of the ten sons on her.

Everyone is rushing to hurry, no one is too serious.

On the sixth day after the old man was captured, the group finally walked out of the desolate Gobi and the desert. As far as the line of sight was concerned, although there was still no smoke, but a cluster of shrubs could be seen, fighting with the winter, struggling to grow faint The greenery of the covenant.

Just this afternoon, the sunset was still there. Shangguan, for the first time in a few days, said that he would leave the team.

"Just here, I am leaving."

"Where?" Gu Shen asked in amazement, he thought she wanted to return to Yuyucheng.

The bumpy path always leads to the northwest, but Shangguan seems to look south. "That, I always thought of it."

The swaying rivers and lakes are Shangguan’s dreams of a small dream. Gu Shen suddenly remembered that she was carrying her down the mountain and sent her back to the stone fort. “I hope you...”

"Don't forget, we are enemies." Shangguan interrupted him.

"Sister, you are a penniless person, how far can you go, or go back to Yucheng with me, maybe..." Shangguanfei also dreamed of getting his father's forgiveness, but his persuasion was half-hearted, Shangguan shook his head, no Opening.

Shangguanhong opened his mouth and hesitated for a while. He felt that this matter had nothing to do with him, and swallowed his words back.

Gu Shenwei seems to have a lot to say, but when he comes to his mouth, there is nothing to say.

Shangguan was riding on the horse. She had already made up her mind a few days ago. Her eyes were removed from the face of the Dragon King and she fell on the lotus girl. She only said one sentence, "Congratulations, you have no magic."

After all, let’s go.

Gu Shen knew it all at once.

The old man recognized the lotus girl is the master of Xiaoyuetang. Shangguan said that everything in that year was a conspiracy. Huannu and the lotus girl used her to steal the magical power.

Huan slaves are buried in the name and defected to Jinpengbao. Shangguan did not think that it was deceiving himself. Only the stealing of the Book of Nothing is an unquestionable betrayal.

She gave the only chance of trust in her life to the slave, which proved to be wrong.

Gu Shen knew that Shangguan had misunderstood, but did not defend.

"Starting." He said that the too chilly voice could not lie to anyone, even Shangguanhong secretly pouted, looking up in the direction of the official.

"Hey." Wood old man who didn't speak for a whole day sighed.

On the same night, the old man who couldn’t recover his skills after only one day disappeared miraculously.

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