Death Sutra

Chapter 359: shock

In the wild horse, he only used one or two percent of the attack to attack Shangguanfei. Most of his energy was still used to prevent the Dragon King. As a result, the strength of Shangguanfei was stronger than he thought. The retreat was also in the expectation of the Dragon King.

The wild horse has no way to escape, can only sacrifice the left arm to save his life, and then immediately jumped off the horse, and went away.

"Chasing, still have time." Shangguan Fei urged the road, the legs force, want to motivate the mount, but this brave thought only turned around in the mind, disappeared faster than the wild horse, he tightened the reins.

"I can't catch up." Gu Shen took up the dragon sword, and the wild horse did not learn "The Book of Nothing" and "The Dead Man", but his martial arts is still advancing by leaps and bounds, especially the light work, which is stronger than Gu Shenwei. .

Gu Shen knows what his weaknesses are, so he will especially need an assistant like a lotus girl. If she is there, the wild horse will never escape.

But a few days ago, Gu Shen was eager to hurry and never thought of this assassination plan.

Gu Shen was on the mount of the wild horse and came to Shangguanfei.

Shangguanfei holds the scabbard of the Wufeng knife and reluctantly returns it to the Dragon King. "It's a good knife."

Gu Shen won the hand, and Shangguan Fei’s cockroaches were born, and the sharper blade could not make him reborn.

The two returned to the rest, the fire was still there, Shangguanhong did not have a shadow, and there was one less horse.

"I know it is him!" Shangguan Fei yelled angrily. "It is he who let go of the old man, not my sister, he must have gone to the merits."

"Don't worry about him." Gu Shen was not in a hurry, took a few pieces of dry food from a horse-wrapped parcel, and separated it with Shangguanfei. After eating, he went on the road again.

Shangguanfei wanted to take a break, especially when the wild horse ran. It seemed that there was no danger at the moment, but he did not dare to speak. The longer he had contact with the Dragon King, the less he consciously obeyed the arrangement.

The dragon king’s calmness is justified. On the third day of the day, Shangguanhong catches up, panting and sweating. “Oh, how are you going first, I don’t have a small solution...”

This excuse was made too far-fetched. Shangguanhong himself felt that no one would believe it, so he smiled and laughed a few times. "Dragon King, spare me, I will never dare."

Shangguan Fei was amazed and asked questions first. "Say, are you going to see the old man? Where is he hiding?

"No, I don't have a relationship with the old man." Shangguan Hongxu sternly defended his face, but he wanted to get rid of the suspicion. He can only tell the truth. "I think... I didn't expect... I will encounter this with the Dragon King." More dangerous, I am going to the Daxueshan camp soon. It will be even more dangerous at the time. My martial arts are poor and my brain is stupid. I can’t help, so..."

"So you want to run it!" Shangguan Fei was extremely indignant, because the son of the single-step Wang Zhengjing had not escaped, but the illegitimate child escaped. "But how come you are back?"

Shangguan Hong looked pitifully at the Dragon King who had never spoken, and begged for mercy. "Dragon King, it is all my fault, I am afraid of things, I am betrayed, I am shameless..."

Shangguan Hong used a dozen words to blame himself. Gu Shenwei felt that it was almost the same. He took out a piece of dry food from the parcel and threw it at him.

Shangguan Hong is like a hungry dog. He catches dry food with his hands, and stuffs it into the mouth. He swallows three mouths.

What Shangguanfei suddenly understood, pointing to the Dragon King, "You, you, you are taking medicine in the dry food?"

To be exact, it is the medicine of the lotus woman. The blood coagulation brain is too precious. It is too wasteful for these two people. So this is just a kind of poison commonly used by Xiaoyuetang. After taking it for a while, it will occasionally cause abdominal pain. The method of alleviation is simple. First, it is tolerant. After a few days, it will heal itself. Second, continue to take this medicine.

Shangguanhong will know the first solution. When he feels abdominal pain, he knows that he is in the middle of the trick and hastily rushed to catch up with the dragon king.

"Can't die." Gu Shen has always remembered Zhong Heng's reminder that the Shangguan family are wolves, he must have the technique of training wolves.

Shangguanfei’s face is uncertain. “Dragon King, you are too embarrassed, I am so trusting you, is my sister...”

Gu Shenwei can't be treated differently, of course, but he knows that Shangguan can't die, and that kind of abdominal pain will disappear completely after a few times. It doesn't matter, but he certainly won't tell the truth to these two people, so he nods. .

Shangguanfei was not even more angry. On the contrary, his anger disappeared at once. He only admired and worshipped the Dragon King, and put it on the opposite tone. He said it again, "Dragon King, you are too embarrassed."

Shangguan Hong was anxious to save his impression in front of the Dragon King and touted: "Why don't you be a killer? How do you compete with Jinpengbao?"

From this moment on, the two men struggled to please the Dragon King, how to say how to numb, the eyes always swept on the package that stored dry food, Shangguanfei secretly despised Shangguanhong, even fleeing, at least have to drink water and dry food Take it away.

Gu Shenwei is not vigilant. In fact, the real powder is hidden in his sleeve, and it is wiped every time he takes the dry food.

The tail behind him was finally gone, and it was safe all day. This night, Gu Shen decided to rest early, raise the spirit, and set off on the next day. They have already seen the Tianshan in the north, and they are about to enter Shule. Within the country.

Gu Shen guessed that the Mustang was likely to lay an ambush at the end of the road ahead of time, and really let him be right.

However, there was no fighting between the two sides. The wild horses disappeared. It was obviously beyond the expectations of the ambush. The Dragon King had just approached and they immediately fled. No one came out to challenge.

A total of ten people, invisible in a large bush on the side of the road, like a frightened animal, ran fast.

The next road was rugged. In the afternoon, the three people finally approached the Shule border, and the scenes that they saw from afar made it impossible for them to get out of danger.

At that time, they stopped on a hill. A few miles away, it was supposed to be the border post of the Shule country. Today there is only a pile of black wreckage left, and the embers are still there.

Just when the three men stood still, they raised a large amount of smoke on the east side of the road.

Gu Shen took the lead, the three jumped off the horse, hid the mount under the hillock, and then hid behind the bushes at the top of the hill, far away.

"The army of the North Court! The North Court attacked the Western Region?" Shangguan Fei cried in surprise.

Gu Shenwei also recognized the White Wolf flag of the North Court. This army has more than a thousand people. It is advancing at full speed and there are no scouts around. Obviously, this is not the first cavalry to enter Shule.

"They are invited by the One-Step King." Gu Shenwei finally fully believed in the analysis of Fa Yan's Zen master. The ambition of the One-Step King is much larger than that of him. He really wants to use the snake to swallow the elephant and use the troops to occupy the Shule country.

According to the map, it is more than a hundred miles east, that is, the Daxueshan camp. Gu Shenwei had to face a cruel reality. Three thousand swordsmen and swordsmen are likely to have been devastated. Efforts are in vain.

At the same time, hundreds of miles away, in the city of Saitama, which is in the midst of turmoil, there is also a person who, like the Dragon King, is worried about the fate of the Daxueshan camp.

Fang Wen experienced the biggest storm in his life. At that time, the negotiations and negotiations were coming to an end. The situation was good. The night before, he was still preparing for the signing ceremony of the next day. The place was in Sijilan, and he was still witnessed by the sorghum there. people.

The next day is still not bright, Xu Xiaoyi came over and knocked on the door, and Fang Wen was awakened from the beautiful dream. "Well, the whole city is spread all over, saying that the dragon king is not a success in the stone country, and he is killing the ring. The Lord, the Ten Sons, and all of them have cut their heads!"

Fang Wen is a spirit, climbed up, dressed in underwear, squatted back and forth on the ground for a few laps, slammed his head and smiled. "Nonsense, I was scared by you. You think, Shi Guo is the fastest in Yucheng." On the 10th, the rumors will not be flying over. But ten days ago, the Dragon King should have just arrived at Shiguo, and the selection of Hummer has only begun. There is no result yet. Why is he killing?"

Fang Wen is shaking his head again and again. Although he has not been together for a long time, he understands the Dragon King. He believes that even if he is defeated as a Hummer, the Dragon King will not kill him at this festival, destroying the peace that is not easy to win.

Xu Xiaoyi also smiled and felt that he was fussing, but still a little uneasy. "Is this going to be a conspiracy of Jinpengbao?"

Fang Wen was thinking for a while and shook his head again. "It shouldn't be. When negotiating, they are very serious. They must be compared, not like the way to go to war."

Facts have proved that Fang Wen’s idea is too optimistic. Jinpengbao did not show the meaning of the war. He also doubted the rumors, but delayed the signing time.

This brings up a problem. The temporary truce in March just ended. In theory, Jinpengbao and Daxueshan once again entered a state of engagement.

Fang Wen feels that something is not good.

Jinpengbao made a series of dazzling performances, from disdain to hesitation. When the evidence was conclusive, it showed anger and shock. In just three days, the one-step king succeeded in turning the object of revenge into an avenger.

In the early days, the residents of Saitama City fell to believe that the Dragon King murdered. In their impression, Dragon King was a murderous devil.

Until more and more shocking news came, some people began to suspect that Jinpengbao was engaged in a big conspiracy, but no one dared to speak.

The three-time Lord Shangguan, who was almost forgotten, suddenly became the Hummer of Xiaowan, north of the Tianshan Mountains, and is likely to inherit the throne.

A serious riot occurred in Loulan, far away from the east. A large group of robbers joined forces to break into the capital of the country.

Then, a great army that no one had ever heard of started from Xiaowanguo, and went straight to the eight-man lord of the East. The flag was used to avenge the big-headed god. Overnight, the attitude of the one-step king to the big-headed **** happened again. A fundamental reversal.

Later this day, another army joined forces with the Western Army to re-enforce the siege of the Daxueshan camp.

A few days later, the big changes that have not happened in the past few decades have shaken the entire Western Region: tens of thousands of Beiting cavalry have made a big move southward, and they have entered the territory of Shule through the Xijing Mountain Pass. The public reason is that Shule King sent an assassin to assassinate the old Khan.

The more trouble things get, the feeling that everyone has turned upside down. Whether the Dragon King has killed the children of the One Step King is no longer important.

On the seventh day of the rumor, Fang Wen was imprisoned at his residence. Jinpengbao left him a life, and wanted him to admit that the war was provoked by the Dragon King.

For the first time, Fang Wen felt the unscrupulous means of Jinpengbao. In an angry situation, he even gave birth to unprecedented courage and resolutely refused the coercion and lure of Jinpengbao.

There is no news that the Dragon King is murdered. This has become the greatest comfort for Fang Wen. In these ten days, he is worried about the Daxueshan camp. The 3,000 people there are the biggest capital and foundation of the Dragon King. The dragon king gave birth to three heads and six arms, and was unable to return to heaven.

(Seeking for advice)

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