Death Sutra

Chapter 371: food

The old man of the wood certainly knows the suspicion of Shangguanru, so he immediately explained the fingerings he was going to teach. "You don't misunderstand. I teach you to point your fingers. In addition to letting the other person paralyze one or two hours, there is no other disadvantage."

"I won't recognize the acupuncture points."

Jinpengbao specializes in killing skills, and is less contemptuous of other exercises. Shangguan only recognizes several important points, and other names are incomplete.

The old man’s eyes are sparkling, and his face is proud. “This is the subtlety of the body. It’s not necessary to recognize the hole. Just put it in the circle within five inches of the chest, and push it into the other person’s body. Find the right acupuncture points so that they can't move."

Although Jinpengbao does not attach importance to acupuncture, the relevant knowledge is not lacking at all. The Shangguan knows a little more, like the so-called amazing acupuncture, but the first thing I heard, "How is it possible, you want to lie to me to learn the martial arts of killing? ?"

The old man’s eyes widened and seemed to be insulted. “How can I be so shameless? What's more, you are now martial than me, I lied to kill you, let you kill, and he killed me. I am not in trouble. Is the upper body not worth the loss?"

Shangguan still doesn't believe it very much. The old man is helpless. Seeing that the sky is going to light up, he said: "There is only one way to make you believe me. I teach you fingering, then stand here to make you poke, let you see that I am Do not move, or die."

This is a feasible way, "Okay." Shangguan Ruyi said reluctantly.

The old man shook his head and whispered. "I can't find my miserable master anymore. I volunteered to be a target, and I have to plead in a low voice."

"Don't talk about it, you are not my master."

"Yes, I am wishful thinking, good girl is to be a bodhisattva, and learning my martial arts is also to save people..."

When the old man read a straight-in, the reference to the content of the **** was given to the Shangguan. If you need special attention, what is particularly easy to make mistakes, and explain them one by one.

The body is simple to listen to, but the method is much more complicated than the fragrant floating shadow. The infuriating operation is slightly worse, the effect is immediate and nothing, but the portal of the exhibitor is wide open and falls into the enemy's mastery.

Before the sun rises, Shangguan Ruqian remembers to swear, first volley marks, and then pilots a few fingers on the chest of the old man, the result is always wrong, even the pain is not caused.

When the day dawned, the two continued to hurry, and the old man would put the bag on his body, revealing only two feet, and the Shangguan was holding it and getting deeper and deeper into the swamp.

Shangguan, as he walked, practiced the fragrant floating shadows and fixed fingers. When he encountered a place he didn't understand, he asked the old man of the wood. This day, he passed very fast, blink of an eye, and the sky was dark again.

At this time, they encountered a very important problem: dry food is gone.

"The wild boar was left last night." The old man was hungry and screaming, and kept swallowing. "When you look around, there is a wild boar, and there must be a second one."

There are not many animals in the swamp, and the "second wild boar" is not willing to appear. In the sky, there are occasional birds flying.

The old man got out of the bag and looked up at the faint sky and licked his lips. "In normal times, I can shoot a few birds with one leaf."

Turning his head and seeing Shangguan as if he was thinking about something, his fingers are eager to try, and the old man in the wood is so happy that he knows that the little girl is fascinated by the magical martial arts, but the hunger in the stomach is unbearable, so he coughed two times and interrupted, "Female Bodhisattva, It’s time to kill the niche and save the old man. Let’s find something to bake and eat, even if it’s a mouse.”

Shangguanru seems to have not heard the same, his brows are slightly wrinkled, and obviously there is doubt in his heart that is difficult to solve.

The patience of the old man is running out, and there is such an omniscient master who is there. What else does she need to think about? I reached for the official leg and wanted to wake her up.

Shangguan responded naturally, and one finger poked at the chest of the old man.

The old man can see clearly. He knows that this is a fixed-point figure. The other person is not able to practice at home. He can only escape a little sideways, but he is weak at the moment, and he is involuntarily. Everything is thought of, that is, Not enough.

The old man of the wood really stood there like a piece of wood. Except for the eyes, he couldn’t move anywhere, but his face became more and more red.

"Yeah, how do I get you?" Shangguan was deeply apologetic. "I'm sorry, but this is what you asked for."

The old man did not open his mouth and could only squeeze out the sound from his throat. "Yes, I asked for it, give me a hole."

When the old man taught the wood, he was a little bit of a point to teach. The Shangguan, such as this one, practiced acupuncture points all the time. The method of solving the hole was used now, and even a dozen times, the face of the old man was quickly purple. However, she misunderstood and untied.

The old man finally recovered his free body. He sat on the ground and snorted and gasped. He couldn’t say it for a long time.

Shangguan, if you look at your fingers, "You said that you will not hurt your life, but you..."

The old man's face was a little slower, and smiled bitterly: "Good girl, you don't want to think about it. Just now you were swearing that I didn't prepare for a sudden attack. I didn't get it up in a single breath. I was sealed in acupuncture points. I was naturally half-dead, waiting for me to do well. Preparing you to do it again is just a matter of fixing, no other harm."

"Then you are ready."

"just now?"

"I only tried it once, and many places haven't figured it out yet."

The old man licked his stomach. "Let's eat first. You can't fix your stomach. It's hard to be hungry."


The opinions are unified. You look at me when you are old and young. I don’t understand why the other person is standing still.

"Why don't you cook?" the two asked at the same time.

"I won't." The two said at the same time.

The old man is the devil of Megatron, and he has always been dismissive of cooking.

Shangguan Ru is a ten-member son of Jinpengbao who is pampered and accustomed to eating rice. In her imagination, the most difficult life in the rivers and lakes does not include the need to find food.

"It's very simple. Just look for a bird and beast, kill it, and then pluck the skin and smash the internal organs. It will become a roast on the fire." After all, the old man has more experience in the rivers and lakes, and the process is still understood.

Shangguan felt sick when he thought about it. "I want to catch an animal, and the rest of the things you do."

"I am so old, I am so small, my internal strength is so weak..."

There are several reasons for the old man in the wood, but Shangguan is not moving. "Many people can't do anything with martial arts."

The old man was so hungry that he had to agree. He told himself that he had to bear it all over again. He had to bear it for less than a month. When the skill was restored, he was the master of the world.

Shangguan went to find the prey, and the old man left the wood to collect firewood.

The lotus girl may be nearby, and the fire is a dangerous move. The old man of the wood does not care for this. When he thinks about the oily barbecue, he will also eat it.

The swamp is so big, maybe the mad woman is chasing it away. The old man is so comforting himself, and he is relieved to take a small fire and wait for Shangguanru.

Shangguan was back, watching her two birds smaller than the palm of her hand. The old man was dumbfounded. "This is not enough for me."

"One person, one." Shangguan did not explain much, throwing the prey to the old man, and walking to the distance, continuing to ponder the two sets of martial arts.

When she was catching a bird, she tried to try the light and scented shadows. There were a lot of experiences. It was a perfect match with the fixed fingers. I felt more and more agreeable. Even the wooden knives didn't want to use them.

Here, she put all her mind and body into the practice. She forgot her hunger. The old man on the other side was miserable. I couldn’t think of it. It was harder to kill two dead birds than to kill.

After spending half an hour, the old man picked up the two little birds and put them on the fire. They saw that the bird was more pocketed after the hair was fading, but he couldn’t help but think about it. Still have to rely on Shangguan for food, and he reluctantly shouted: "Good girl, come and taste the craftsmanship of the old man."

The old man was too anxious, and the method was not suitable. The two birds looked familiar and looked inside. He was still alive. He took a sip first and immediately had blood and water spilling from his mouth.

Shangguan’s appetite was completely absent. “You have eaten it, I can still stand it.”

The old man is a straight-forward person. He doesn't want to lose his hand because of his humility, so he nodded happily and nodded and swallowed two half-baked roast birds.

"It's not as good as human flesh." The old man lay on his back on the grass and relied on fantasy to crush the still burning hunger.

"Have you ever eaten?" Shangguan asked in astonishment.

"Hey, lie to you to play, there are so many delicious dishes in the world, why do I eat human flesh? But there are tribes that eat people in the wild, and their tricks are more..."

"Don't listen, don't go down." Shangguan rushed to stop the eager wooden man.

"The one-step king is a personal thing. The only one who admire the only taboo is the old man. How can he give birth to a daughter like you? To be honest, are you..."

Shangguan’s face is cold, “What is it?”

"Are you sleepy?" Wood old man changed the problem in time, but he thought that the one-step king could poison his children, maybe because they were not born.

Woman, the old man is so sorrowful that even the one-step king can't control his own woman. Fortunately, his heart has no belongings. If you grab someone else, you have to worry about raising it. The more you want to be more reasonable, the more you can restore your skills as soon as possible. The desire is even more urgent.

These two people, one does not have much experience in the rivers and lakes, one does not care about the experience of the rivers and lakes, let the fires burn, and sleep well.

The old man had a bottom in his heart and had a night's dream. Countless glamorous beauty surrounded him. He held all kinds of food in his hands. He ate and ate, always not full, and finally the beauty became one by one. Huge chicken, duck and fish.

When he woke up, he found that he was not full, and the fire next to him was extinguished, and white smoke rose in the dark night.

Through the white smoke, he saw the sly woman like an illusion floating in the face, like a beautiful woman in the dream, but the hands are not lifting the mouth-watering food, but holding the sword of killing life .

"Hey." Wood old man yelled at the tent. "Good girl, the meat is coming."

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