Death Sutra

Chapter 375: Evil

This is a strange temporary group, each of whom is guarding the other two and relying on each other.

The old man was injured and could not move for a while, so they stayed in place for three days.

In addition to the removal of the heart, the lotus girl has recovered. She brought in a nearby mount, provided enough dry food and water for three days, and took the initiative to take care of all the chores, but she rarely spoke. When I finished doing things, I disappeared, like a obedient stealth elf.

Shangguanru concentrates on learning the remaining five strokes and points to the heart. The purpose of each stroke must be clearly explained. Most of the old man is to show off, and to know what he knows, but to make her more and more surprised.

This old-fashioned **** created by the old man of the wood is based on the sacred yin and the eight sacred fingers. It combines the secrets of Xiaoyuetang with his own evil spirits. The surface is plain and unremarkable, but the inside is sinister and hot, not heart-breaking. Broken, it is the hidden dangers of Chen Ducang, so that the opponents will not die, especially for those who have cultivated Xiaoyuetang martial arts.

Although there are only seven strokes in total, there are many changes after the combination. There are often only very subtle differences between saving and killing. As the old man said, killing and killing, all depends on the intention of the exhibitor.

Shangguan swears secretly, after removing the finger force for the lotus girl, immediately forget this **** and never use it again.

There is no way to do the foundation of the gods. Shangguan has learned very fast. In just three days, he has learned six strokes. Although it is still a long time since he is skilled, he does not need the guidance of the old man.

Only the third move is Daokan, and it is difficult for Shangguan to pass.

This move is not the proud work of the old man. It is also very easy for him to learn and use. "What is there? If the power is properly controlled, the murderous move will become a rescuer. Try it a few times. I can touch the door and wait for me to recover my skills..."

As soon as he mentioned this, the old man sighed.

He said that the simple, Shangguan, but did not dare to try, settled that the third move is very difficult for her to learn, the strength is too overdone, the middle is standing, too weak but not working, only in the right In this case, the heart can be protected, and the murderous trick becomes a way to save people.

But how dare she try, she can only slowly ponder, but this move is the core of removing the heart and mind. If you can't learn, you can't save the lotus girl.

The old man’s hands spread out, saying that there is no other way. “It depends on whether you really want to save people. When you have some smoke, find a few bad luck and practice your hands. Maybe you have high comprehension. You will find it for the first time. No one needs to kill."

Shangguan sometimes suspects that the old man is guilty of ghosts and is trying to inspire her to kill her.

Three days later, they set off on the road. The old man and the lotus girl had no goals. The Shangguan only wanted to move farther from the Western Region, so he continued to move south.

After the dry food is finished, the Dutch woman is responsible for hunting and cooking. Her skills in this area are also superb. The roasted meat makes the old man praise, and even the broken hatred is forgotten. "I know that I have a slave." It’s good to see you, good girl, can you make such delicious food? I told you that after getting used to it, you can’t bear to let her go.”

Shangguan wants to immediately relieve the body of the woman's heart, but she does not dare to do it without confidence.

She tells the truth of the third move, but the Dutch woman sees this as a test of the master, so she does not show any special interest, as if she has no complaints about serving the ten sons.

Shangguan had to find the old man to help, "You said that the five-hole box can protect your heart."

Wood old man understood her mind and immediately said: "I said it, but I don't have much skill now. I can barely block the first move of the centering. I can't stop the third move. Good girl, you can't be honest, sacrifice. The old man is happy and the girl. In fact, you really have to spend this heart, even if you turn the lotus girl into a fairy, the Dragon King will not thank you, man... forget it, I will not say."

The mouth of the old man of the wood will not really idle, and the day after the sun is shining for fifteen days, his true purpose is gradually revealed: he will become the wicked person like himself.

His thoughts are very simple. Most good people are stubborn. The wicked will adapt to the situation. When a good girl turns into a bad girl, he can offer attractive conditions for restoring his skill.

It is only a beginning to teach seven turns and seven points to settle the mind. He also has to subtly change the prejudice of Shangguan as to the wicked.

"When the wicked are easy, it is not easy to have a level of wicked."

On this night, the old man of the wood told the tent again that there was only one person in the account. The woman had already gone to an unnecessary guard nearby.

No one snorted, the old man was acquiescence, and he said, "The low-level wicked, after making up the reasons to convince themselves, can do evil, all beings, most of them. For example, 'This person owes me', 'Others take me How can I not ', 'He will destroy me first, then I will destroy him.' This evil, no level..."

Probably because Shangguan would not be interested in the lower-level wicked, the old man coughed twice and continued to explain. "The intermediate wicked person has to be created by others. For example... Dragon King, relatives were killed by Jinpengbao, he To take revenge, you have to do evil..."

This is not a topic that Shangguan will be interested in. The old man speeds up. "The high-ranking wicked person creates his own reasons for evil. It is creation, not fabrication. For example, your father is the one-step king, he wants to dominate the Western Regions, and he is so ruthless. It doesn't matter if he doesn't offend him, just block his way..."

The Shangguan in the tent seems to be falling asleep. The old man hurriedly turned to the topic. "The top wicked person is me. No need for reason, fabricated, created, own, or others, no need, no goal, So there is no end, the pain of others is the source of my happiness, the world is suffering, the happiness is boundless. Then you guess what I got?"

If Shangguan is not a good listener, he will not even say a word of perfunctory. The old man himself is very excited. "Freedom, I got the freedom! Good girl, yelling at yourself, wanting to do good things, but in a dilemma. This is not the case, it will not work, and even dare not see the former relatives, only to go to the deserted place. Why bother to torture yourself? As long as the thoughts turn, you are as free as I am."

When it comes to excitement, the old man limped around the tent in a circle, as if it was a clockwork, and he couldn’t stop at the same time. "The top wicked is not good at doing it, you have to have peerless martial arts, like I am like this now, there is a free heart, not a dog that has been chased by a woman like a funeral, and you have been obeyed by a post. Good girl, take me for example, your foundation is good, not three years, I It will make you invincible in the world. When you taste the freedom of your heart..."

When Shangguan walked out of the tent, the old man was overjoyed. "The world is in your hands!"

Shangguan’s hand is not a “world”, but a piece of black cloth. If he does not say anything, he is firmly tied to the old man’s mouth and turns back to pay.

The old man stood silent for a while, pulled off the black cloth that tied his mouth, and whispered, "I don't believe it. If you are a peerless martial artist, you can be willing to be an ordinary person."

After saying that he would return the black slab to his home position, carrying his hands and patrolling his hands. Since he had practiced seven turns, he turned black and white upside down. He slept enough in the bag during the day, and the night was full of enthusiasm.

Waiting for the hands and feet to be almost the same, the skill is restored to 40%, will I not run away by myself? The old man is not in a hurry. This is not the first time he has fallen into a desperate situation. Confidence will still be alive again.

These two women are not good at dealing with them, especially the Dutch woman, who is gloomy all day, and her intrigues are hidden in her heart.

The old man slipped to the side of a bush, and sat down with his buttocks. He would sigh with a black smack on his neck. He sighed comfortably. "Oh, unfortunately, I was shocked by this world, and then I went on." A mouse, I also accept it as a disciple, let it dominate the cat."

The lotus girl emerged from the shadows and held the hilt in her hand. Among the three, she now counts the highest martial arts, but she is trapped in Shangguanru’s fixed mind and cannot arbitrarily kill.

The two separated by six or seven steps, watching each other in the night, guessing the other party's true thoughts.

The old man suddenly laughed. "I want to be beautiful, I would rather teach mice than teach crazy women."

The old man felt that he had played the lotus girl and deliberately left. The woman was not so easily irritated, looking at the distant tents and planning to get out.

The Dutch woman does not believe in Shangguanru, but the killer career of many years tells her an irrefutable truth: the initiative must always be in his own hands, pinning his hopes on others, and perhaps succeeding ten times, one hundred times, but as long as If you fail once, you will lose all your efforts.

The next day, the old man made an attempt to escape.

His hands and feet are almost perfect, still pretending to be inconvenient to walk, counting on deceiving two female guards.

The old man felt that he had ran at least a few dozen miles. When it was dawn, he hid in a tight bush and carefully fell asleep.

When the sun was at its midnight, he couldn't sleep, opened his eyes, and saw a dark thing falling from the sky.

He returned to the familiar bag, and was led by the Shangguan like a livestock. The horse of the lotus girl had to lick other things, and he could not take him.

In this way, the old man will wait for an opportunity to escape, and will persuade the Shangguan to be a wicked person.

On the night before the first fifteen days, his reaction was the most intense, pleading, threatening, tempting, swindling, fleeing, and all the tricks were used, and even seriously planned to assassinate Shangguanru.

The result of all this is that when Shangguan threw him in the sun, there was nothing in his heart.

After sunbathing for a long time, the old man stopped a lot, and even the most vigilant Dutch woman felt that he could not have the energy to play tricks.

The result was unexpected. The weak old wooden man escaped from the night. Unlike the previous ones, this time only a few clues were left, indicating that he had drilled into the dense forest.

(Seeking for advice)

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