Death Sutra

Chapter 395: Big fire

Shangguan will always remember the monk who is almost transparent and transparent.

When Shangguan was under house arrest, Lianhua Master was the only outsider who was allowed to see her. The monk’s original intention was to know that in addition to the Dragon King and the Dutch girl, there was no third person who learned the "Dead Man" and found a A girl who is different.

Shangguan, if he is the daughter of the one-step king, was born and raised in Shibao, and all the rules of the killer were so weak that he would never hurt.

This is exactly the miracle that Lianhua Master has been expecting. It is logical that he will give more than 10,000 words of "broken theory" and hope that this miracle can continue.

This is a secret between the two, and Mrs. Meng has no knowledge of this and still regards her daughter’s weakness as a heart disease.

"Discontinuity" is a mantra invented by Lianhua and Lianxin brothers. It specifically eliminates the murderousness of the violent people. Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman once studied some verses without knowing it, and then spent a lot of effort to completely influence them. Go and get rid of it.

Shangguanru is an active study of the classics. In a few years, he has to read at least once a day. At the beginning, he secretly went to a place where no one was, and slowly read it in his heart. He no longer had to worry about being discovered by his mother.

"Discontinuity" is extremely effective in her, not only eliminates the killing, but also like the two monks, I hope everyone can put down the butcher knife, but this is only her wish, and has never been revealed to anyone.

The old man is the first person to learn from her.

Master Lianhua has been passing on to the swordsmen in the city of Saitama during his lifetime. The influence is extremely limited. It is not even as good as Gu Shen’s unintentional learning with the lotus girl. Most of the swordsmen regard it as a kind of atonement verse, after murder and arson. After reading a few paragraphs, I rarely think about it.

Therefore, although the old man has heard of the Lianhua Master and the "Discontinuity", he never took it seriously. He casually regarded the monk as a low-level liar. He never thought that one day he would be deceived.

The purpose of "Discontinuity" is to eliminate the killing of the heart. Naturally, we must work **** the "heart". The swordsmen know the effect of this experience beforehand, and naturally there will be a little resistance in the heart, which directly leads to the invalidity of the scriptures.

The old man’s state at this time is the same as that of Gu Shenwei and the lotus girl of the year. He thought that he was studying in the deep and deep, and he was serious, and more than half of his thoughts were on it, so the effect was wonderful.

Just a few hundred words, less than one hour of reciting, naturally will not make the devil head to become a Buddha, but buried a hesitant seed in his heart.

There are many levels from slow to fast. From very fast to faster, the gap is very small. It is often only a moment, that is, the difference between a master and a top master. The old man’s heart can hardly detect the hesitation and let him speed. A slight drop in the result, resulting in the loss of a sudden threat, even a man who is a lot worse than him, can barely escape.

The old man did not realize everything. He only knew that his shot was not usually fast. He couldn't help but be shocked. He stood still in his place, and burst into thunder in his head. The three souls and seven scorpions seemed to run away more than half.

Shangguan, like the safe way, left the ruined land, laid down the teenager, and looked up to see the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei followed her in the forest and followed her. She heard most of the process. When Shangguan Rugang taught the "Discontinuity", he immediately hid in the distance and returned for a while.

He finally knew that this is the reason why Shangguan lost his heart and couldn't find it again. The death of Shangguan Yu, the betrayal of family and friends, was only the opportunity for her to study the "Discontinuity", not the whole reason for killing.

Gu Shenwei couldn’t tell what it was like in her heart, regret, surprise, contempt, admiration, and both.

At the moment, when he is not talking to Shangguan, Gu Shen is trying to conceal his mind. He takes the first few steps and blocks the Shangguan and the child. "Wooden old man, can you still do business?"

The old man like a coma just woke up and looked at the Dragon King and Shangguan as strangely. The crumpled face turned red.

He was angry and angered. It was when Xiao Hantang’s main Han Hanxian deceived him to learn seven turns and returned to China. He was not so angry. After all, in that incident, there was something wrong, but this time, he lost all his possessions. Only get the useless Chapter 7 of the Book of Nothing.

"Which road is this?" The voice of the old man is eager and chilly, which is quite different from his usual cynical tone.

He has begun to understand that all the problems are in the 500-character scriptures that the Shangguan teaches to himself.

"Small magic sings." Gu Shen gave Hu a name, Gu Jia has some Taoist books, he turned over a few books out of curiosity when he was a child, do not know why, I am very impressed with these three words.

The Yuqing faction is a typical Taoist school. The old man is not interested in the monasticism. Therefore, he has never heard of the "small magic sing". He repeated it a few times, and he felt the chill of the stock from this name.

"Impossible, you are blind to me, you can slow down your skills by chanting a few hundred words. How can there be such a magical spell in the world?"

"When it comes to evil, you should know more than we do."

The old man of the wood has several martial arts. For him, the more cruel and ruthless the evil, the even more sturdy five-hole boxing of the Yuqing School, which has been transformed into a terrible means of smashing the heart, so he is strange. Strange things are still more convincing.

Wood old man spread his hands in front of his eyes, he only observed, suddenly a few punches in the void, faster than lightning, a breath, a smile, even the status quo of a defeated, do not care, "call, scare me, Nothing is ok, the old man’s fist is as fast as before, Dragon King, you are too bad, even edited me."

Gu Shenwei certainly understands the power of "Discontinuity" and scorns. "The old man, don't be happy, imagine that you are standing in front of you, a living person, you can kill him with a punch, think hard, then you try again.

If it is normal, the old man will never say what others do, but this time it is very obedient.

Only hit two punches, the old man was as stiff as a puppet, gradually trembled all over the body, suddenly jumped to a flower tree, condescending, and Shangguan, who was behind the dragon king, said: "Women are not good things, you think Can you sue me for a few hundred words to kill me? Can you sin against me? I will offend me, I will catch you, peel clothes, travel the whole city, there are few young people in this city. There are a lot of old men in the sixty or seventy, and they are cheaper..."

The old man swears in a pile, and Zhangkou comes. When Shangguan Ruguang is listening, he feels red-faced. He would have been willing to plead for him. At this time, he did not want to open his mouth. He took the ritual child and quickly left Hualin.

The old man looked at Shangguan as he went farther and farther, and immediately changed his tone. "Good girl, don't go, play with you, when will the singer end?"

"It won't end." Gu Shen was alone with the old man and gave him a heavy blow. "Look at Shangguanru, don't you understand?"

If the old man's face is gray, the Shangguan is like a killer, and there is a martial art in the air. In the face of all kinds of bullying, he can only go far away from the wild land, and it is all natural to sing the magic.

"Impossible." Wood old man squinted in disgust. "She learned a lot more than I did. I only had five hundred words and the time was short. I, I forgot it, I forgot it now. it."

The more I want to forget, the more I remember, the more I feel deeply. Gu Shenwei has a deep understanding of this. To remove the influence of "Discontinuity", it is necessary to give birth to a deeper heart than before. This is a bit difficult for the old man. Moreover, Gu Shenwei does not intend to tell him the trick. "You slowly forget it, hope that time is enough."

Gu Shenwei finally glanced at the flesh and blood of the land, and turned away from Hua Linglin.

Only the old man was left, the sun gradually rose, and he hid under the shadow of the deepest flower, presuming that something was not good.

After a fragrant incense, the fire ignited from all directions and swallowed quickly toward the center. The last flowering forest in the country of Xiangji was about to become ashes.

Outside the forest, the Shangguan is uneasy. Although the old man is not killed by her, she died because of her. Whether it is the nature or the influence of the "Discontinuity", she unconsciously feels guilty.

The slave soldiers who stayed in the capital city were watching the raging fire under the command of the woman, and when there was a sign of weakening, they immediately threw the dry wood.

Gu Shenwei guessed the heart of Shangguanru and said to her: "I killed the old man, no matter what you do, I will put this fire."

Shangguan showed a stiff smile and said nothing.

By her side, the ceremonial child who was still shivering was always looking up at her.

On the other side, standing on the face of the red and uncertain Shangguanfei.

Dragon King did not ask a word, Shangguanfei felt that he should take the initiative to explain, "Cough, Dragon King, um, actually... this... I am..."

"You want to lure the old man out of the wood, so you are willing to offer." Gu Shen finished the words for him.

"Yes." Shangguan Fei was overjoyed. "This is the benefit of doing things with the Dragon King. Needless to say, the Dragon King knows everything. I don't know that the Dragon King has a fire attack. I knew that I wouldn't have much trouble."

Shangguan Fei defended himself arbitrarily, Gu Shen looked at the flame and did not take care of him.

Jinpengbao nine major owners have great use, Gu Shen did not want to tear his face with him so early.

The fire is getting more and more prosperous, and the gods can't fly.

Gu Shen turned and said to Shangguan: "The books of the high priests are in the military camp. Go back with me. You are also eligible for the eighth chapter."

Shangguan shook his head, she was no longer interested in any martial arts. "You have to return to the Western Regions. I have to continue to go south. It is useless in Chapter 8."

Gu Shenwei suddenly gave birth to a thought, and even blurted out if he didn't even think about it. "Leave here, the country of Xiangji needs a benevolent ruler. Who else is better than you?"

Shangguan Fei opened his mouth in surprise and was unbelievable to his sister's good fortune. He stuttered, "What, what? Dragon King, leave me."

Shangguan is also very surprised. Looking at the Dragon King, I don't understand what this invitation means.

(Seeking for advice)

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