Death Sutra

Chapter 402: Manslaughter

There are a total of three people coming, Gu Shen has had some doubts in her heart at this time, but the time left for him is too small, and the three horses have passed by, and he has to think about it. The killer career of many years has also allowed him to develop. A habit: Think before you start, and you have no idea when you start.

From the process point of view, this is a perfect assassination without suspense.

Gu Shen was the first to take the shot, and even the man took the knife and swept past a knight. The head looked like a ripe fruit and fell to the ground.

The other two did not react to what happened in the end. The lotus girl shot, the second head flew up, and the blood spurted was a few feet high.

The only remaining knight was completely stunned, and the ambush at the door of his home was already unexpected. The two companions died so strangely that he was puzzled. He did not speed up and escape, and did not cry out for help. He didn't even be afraid. He couldn't help himself, grabbed the reins and looked around. It seemed like this was a mischief made by friends.

This person's performance is not only not like a killer, but even the most common experience of rivers and lakes.

Gu Shen’s doubts in his heart suddenly increased, and he could no longer suppress it.

The process was very short. When the woman took the shot, Gu Shen was just thrown at the third knight. He temporarily changed his mind and did not get a knife. Instead, he grabbed the target's neck and kneeled on the horse's buttocks.

The horse raised its front hoof and screamed.

"Who are you?" Gu Shen posted in the ear of the knight, whispered.

The knight finally woke up, but was overwhelmed by fear, his throat slamming, and a word could not be said.

Gu Shen used a knife handle to tap on his back. The knight seemed to be injected with a little energy and could speak. "I, I, I am a little star."

"What about those two people?"

"Seven, seven young masters and little moon children."

The Dutch woman had carefully examined two bodies on the ground, and shook her head carefully, saying that the deceased were not Jinpeng killers.

Gu Shen relaxed the arm of Xiao Xing's neck. "What are you going to do overnight?"

"The lord sent a letter to the people, saying that the guests came to the village, so that the seven young masters immediately returned to the village."

Gu Shenwei finally admitted that she had made a serious mistake.

When I think about it, he does not have any direct evidence that the fat patriarch is guilty of ghosts. Everything is inferred from the nature of human beings. In the past, this trick has been tried and tested, but today it has failed.

The folk customs of the Wushan tribe may be quite different from that of the Yucheng City.

Gu Shenwei jumped off the horse and thought about how to make up for his mistakes. The fat clan, Sun Chengqun, but looking at him, whoever loves it, will not be indifferent to the inexplicable death of the "Seven Young Masters".

He looked up and looked at the lotus girl, and they thought of one.

Gu Shenwei hesitated a little, but immediately reminded himself: You are the Dragon King, and there are 10,000 Daxueshan soldiers behind him.

He put away his knife and said to Xiaoxing: "A misunderstanding, you don't have to be afraid."

"Yeah." Xiaowuer replied, still dizzy, "misunderstanding, is wrong..."

A sharp sword stabbed from the left side, in the middle of the heart, Xiaoxinger's body stood up and slowly fell on the horse's back. Like two companions, the death was unclear.

Just now, Ma Ming caused the attention in the village. A group of patrolmen ran over. Gu Shen and the daughter-in-law went to the cliffs of the three highs and re-sneaked back to the residence in the village.

"This can't prove anything. Tundra Gorge may still plan other plots, but we don't know yet."

The Dutch woman said such a sentence, it is a comfort, Gu Shenwei is alert, suspected that he accidentally revealed a trace of weakness, and actually let the lotus girl sympathy, which is a fatal flaw for the Dragon King who wants to compete for the Western Region.

"Maybe, but it doesn't matter now. In a few days, when the pioneers of the dragon turn over the clouds, they will be occupied here, and the Wushan passage cannot be held in the hands of outsiders."

Gu Shenshang said in advance that her thoughts came out. The Dutch woman seemed to understand the purpose of the Dragon King, and bowed very respectfully and quit the room.

This is the distance that Gu Shenwei deliberately maintains. He needs a lotus girl. Her martial arts and status can't be replaced, but he never wants to go too close to her.

He suddenly remembered Shangguan Ru, who walked on the opposite road, becoming more and more strange, but one thing is similar: they were deeply hurt by betrayal, and then they locked the heart tightly in different ways.

Gu Shenwei made few mistakes in guessing the conspiracy, but it was not the first time he killed the wrong person.

When he fled to avoid the pursuit of Jinpengbao, he suffered several crises, killing and not killing, and he needed to act decisively. In all cases, he chose the former.

Most of the time, his choice is correct. There are never a few conclusions about right and wrong, but there are two times. Afterwards, there is clear evidence that he has killed the wrong person. The deceased is just an ordinary figure. Jinpengbao has no relationship at all.

If you choose "kill", he may make mistakes, but he will not die. If he chooses "do not kill", he may still make mistakes, but the dead will be himself. This is the difference between the two options.

Shangguan Ruo once told him about the classification of the wicked man of the old man: the reason of the low-level wicked, the reason why the middle-ranking wicked were forced to be forced, the reason why the senior wicked created the reason, and the top wicked did not need a reason.

The old man is considered to be the top wicked, and the dragon king is classified as an intermediate.

Gu Shenwei thinks that the old man looks at the Dragon King. He is doing the lowest level of the wicked, and is making up his own reasons for a manslaughter.

Once the thoughts are unfolded, it is difficult to recover them. Gu Shen has an image of an old monk in front of him. The old monk also has a theory of good and evil.

The Fayen Zen master of the Four Sangha Blues told him that there are no real wicked people in this world, and the wicked are to find good disguise. This disguise is not for others to see, but to appease themselves.

The old man and the old man, who are not acquainted with each other, are extremely evil and extremely good. The theory that has been said has some similarities.

It is a pity that the old man died, Gu Shen thought, otherwise, the devil who believes in "doing evil is freedom" will be brought to Fayan, which can just puncture the old monk's argument that "the world is good".

Gu Shenwei did not think too long, he was pulled back to reality by the sound outside.

A son of the fat patriarch and two followers actually died near the village. The news was immediately spread throughout the village. Many people have already heard about it without getting up and wearing clothes.

The entire village is in an atmosphere of sorrow and anger, and all the tribes gather outside the patriarch’s Dongfu to express their enthusiasm for mourning and revenge.

Most of the business travellers who have been in the village have come to condolences for a few words. A few of them are savvy, and they feel that the wind and rain are coming. In the early morning, they urged their men to leave, and even the breakfast could not be eaten.

Everyone is guessing who the murderer is, but when Gu Shen was invited to see the fat patriarch, no one dared to say anything.

The assassin who killed the seven young masters is superb, even if there is no experience, people can see it, and then naturally think of the Dragon King.

The fat patriarch drank a lot of wine last night, but at this time he could not see the drunkenness. He was still sitting on the soft couch, holding a human head in his hands, silent and silent, with tears on his face.

The maids are more careful than usual, and even the breathing should be controlled to the minimum.

The fat patriarch looked up at the dragon king. "This is my son and I was killed."

Ha Chilie was a little earlier than the Dragon King. He looked serious and whispered: "What happened just now, the day was still not bright."

"The patriarch is mourning, killing people and paying their lives, this hate will always report." Gu Shen is calm and calm, he is not controlled by guilt.

"Chou must be reported." The fat patriarch clenched his fleshy right fist and held it high. He snorted at the void in front of him. "This is my favorite son. I wanted him to follow the Dragon King and make a career. Who wants... ”

The fat patriarch took a deep breath and stopped more tears. "Everyone said that the person who killed my son is a first-class master. I want to ask the dragon king to take a look at me."

The fat patriarch took the human head and handed it forward, waiting for the Dragon King to pick it up.

Gu Shen walked over and carefully picked up her head and looked at it for a while. "The knife edge is smooth and the stroke is a command. The assassin is indeed a master."

The fat patriarch has been staring at the Dragon King and did not immediately pick up his son's head. "Some little people ran to me and chewed their tongues, saying that the only master in the village is the Dragon King and his female guard."

"This is an obvious provocation." Gu Shen looked back at the fat patriarch's gaze and sent his hands back to his head. He was neither surprised nor excused.

"Yes." The fat patriarch took back his head and gently stroked the cheeks of the seven sons as if he was alive and alive. "Why did the Dragon King kill my son? There is no reason at all. It must be the assassin sent by Jinpengbao, the swallow wind gorge and the dragon king. Making friends, the One Step King wants to threaten me in this way."

Wang Yuan is far away from thousands of miles away. It is impossible to understand the things here. Gu Shenwei did not correct the mistakes of the fat patriarch, but nodded and said: "Jinpengbao will regret doing this, I promise."

"If there is only one person left in the swallow wind gorge, you must follow the dragon king and fight with Jinpengbao in the end." The fat chief swears.

Back to the room, Gu Shenwei is still thinking about the actions and words of the fat patriarch, always feel that the other party seems to have seen everything.

Ha Chilie asked for help.

The tall and tall Ha Chilie appeared to be in a state of uneasiness in front of the Dragon King. He seemed to be inaccurate in his position and closeness. "I want to ask the Dragon King a word."


"I don't know if I should say this. I am not qualified to ask."

"But it's fine."

"Is it the one you killed?" Ha Chilie asked with courage.

Gu Shenwei did not immediately deny it. He was silent for a while and said, "If I killed, what would you do?"

Ha Chilie looked up at the dragon king with amazement and then lowered his gaze. "I don't know, but... I think I need a reason."

Gu Shen’s eyebrows are chosen. The reason he came up with can only convince himself that he can’t use it on others.

"Not me," he said.

Ha Chi Lie spit out a long breath, his face turned from cloudy to sunny. "I don't think so. The Dragon King doesn't need to be enemies. The Windswallow Gorge is trustworthy. I know this family very well. They are not snobbers, old. It’s a pity that he died. He wanted to be able to make a career on the battlefield since he was a child. Although he joined the Anzhen team and participated in the siege of the Shiguo capital city, he absolutely did not intend to go to the independent step Wang Xiaozhong. The Jinpeng killer is everywhere. I think we have to be careful, especially the patriarch, maybe the next goal..."

Ha Chilie also wants to continue to say that the Dragon King interrupted him and asked with a bit of surprise: "Is the seven sons of the patriarch always besieging the Shiguo capital?"

"Yeah, the original Dragon King did not know, I am still unhappy because of the reason for the Dragon King."

Ha Chilie did not hear the confession of the servant Xiao Xinger before his death, so he did not know how important his words were.

The Shiguo Capital City is far away from the Tunfeng Gorge, and there is a vast sea in the middle. Even if the Seven Young Masters are flying, it is impossible to get the news of the Dragon King in just two days and return in time.

In this way, Xiao Xing's so-called "guest" is not a dragon king, but another person, a fat patriarch who hides and never introduces to the dragon king.

(Seeking for advice)

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