Death Sutra

Chapter 409: leader

The king of Anguo carried the queen and the pet, and under the **** of several ministers, he fled the capital by boat and left the people of the city to the "100,000" army of the Dragon King.

If every country in the Western Region is like Anguo, Gu Shenwei is a bit reluctant to give up the horror aura that hangs over the Dragon King.

Since the king fled, the king's life was naturally invalidated. The guards guarded each other for a while, opened the gates of the city, and put them into the outside people. Gu Shen and the Dutch women followed.

The gates were never closed, and few guards, throwing away the weapons in their hands, and following the people, ran to the pier of the North City.

The news of the king’s escape has spread throughout the capital, and thousands of people are crowded on the small pier.

Everyone is coming late.

The king took away three large ships, and the other ships, no matter the size or the owner, were all scuttled.

Dozens of fishermen are crying on the shore.

This is a moment of desperation, and rumors of unknown origin are spread one by one among the crowd.

"The Dragon King is 30 miles away from the city!"

"The blood outside the city is a river!"

"The Dragon King has ordered the massacre, one does not stay!"


The big ship that the king and his party took is faintly visible. I don’t know who brought the head. Dozens of men suddenly jumped into the water and struggled to swim. It seems that they can hit the big ship in front, and there is still one who will not water at all. The floats have completely disappeared.

The panic-stricken people have no way to go. Gu Shenwei just thought that "if someone shouts at this time," someone will stand up.

"Don't panic!" The shouting person is a 20-year-old youth standing in an abandoned car with three peers around his feet. "All come to listen to me, I have to let everyone live." Method."

The youth looks quite oily, but these words are for thousands of people on the pier, but they are all like the sound of the Buddha.

The young man was very happy. He coughed twice and cleared his throat. "I don't want you to be a bit. I am very familiar with the Dragon King. As long as I go to tell him, the people in the city are willing to surrender, and they will not move even one grass and one tree."

"Surrender, we surrender." The audience snarled, the king had already ran, and the loyalty of the people naturally vanished.

The younger people are more satisfied, waving their hands and asking everyone to ban their voices. "But surrender cannot be based on one sentence. It is a bit of a sign that this is not my own business. Each of you has gotten money, not expensive, one person and one hundred and two I wrote down the name and sent it to the certificate, you are safe."

The partner around his feet, one raised the pen paper, and the other two waved the red thread in his hand, indicating that he was ready.

One hundred and two, some people think that it is not expensive, and immediately squeezed into the front to prepare for payment, but for most people, a small family together, but hundreds of thousands, is not a small number.

Anguo is a small country in the remoteness of the Western Region. It is incomparable with the Yuyu City, which is a drunken fan. Many poor people do not even have one or two pieces of broken silver.

Then there was another chaos on the pier, and a young partner had to take orders to maintain order.

Already, there are ten people who are in a hurry to pay the money, get a red line that is ordinary, and the name is written on the paper indiscriminately.

Gu Shenwei didn't want to stop this scam, and it wouldn't be a bad thing to calm the frightened people. And in this way, the capital city will not be defensive, but it is a good thing to station the Daxueshan army.

He and the Dutch woman turned around in the crowd to find traces of the traitors of Xiaoyuetang.

However, there are still people who are dissatisfied with the behavior of the youth. "Flower skin, what mess? What time do you know the Dragon King?"

The young man's nickname is "Flower Skin Dog". Only the most familiar person calls him "flower skin". Therefore, when he hears this title, he feels bad. He insists on calmness and sighs: "You are the King Guard, I am with Dragon King makes friends, of course you won't know."

Debunking the real face of the flower skin is the leader of the guard, that is, the people he ordered to open the gate to the outside, and only him, although leaving the tower, the scimitar around him did not throw it away, still hanging under the waist.

"Don't believe this kid." The guard's leader shouted through the crowd: "He is the rogue on the back street, never left the capital, how could he know the dragon king? Don't be fooled, your majesty will lead the rescue to return home, our walls It’s tall and thick, as long as a few hundred people can hold it. The Dragon King is a man...”

When the flower skin looks at the big silver that is about to arrive, it has to fly away. Some of them are angry and ruined. They point to the leader of the guard and say: "The dragon king has rewards and punishments. The person who pays the money can survive. The person who has no money kills the king guards. Keep your family safe!"

This incitement is very effective. Many people look at the guards' heads and their eyes immediately become different. They just bogey of the knife in his hands. They dare not rashly attack, but they form a close circle and slowly approach.

The leader of the guard turned out to be in danger, pulled out the scimitar, and vigorously waved in front of him. He shouted: "I am not afraid of death. I am afraid that the Dragon King will be afraid of the soul. Is there any courage to kill himself?"

Huapi made a mistake. His instigation included all the remaining dozens of guards in the city. These people were already scattered. At this time, they were united and surrounded by the leader. The number was not large. Among the people in the organization, it is the most powerful gang.

The guard leader had only wanted to debunk the scam of the flower skin, but the situation forced him to take one step, so he took the machete and strode to the place where several young people were. The people on the road shunned, no matter whether they have money or not. Money, I dare not go forward.

Huapi and others saw the situation is not good, jumped out of the carriage, and squeezed into the crowd to escape.

Several guards couldn’t help but say that they were put on the position where the flower skin had just stood, and looked at him expectantly.

The flustered crowd longs for the leader, just as the drowning person needs air.

The courage of the guard's leader was exhausted. He had never seen such a big battle. He was more accustomed to executing orders than issuing orders. "Everyone... listen to me."

This sentence is his mantra. Usually, few people care about it. At this time, it has achieved miraculous effects. The people on the dock immediately forget the rogue youth and turn their hopes to the guard leader. Even his old neighbors are not known. Consciously give birth to awe.

It was quiet again, only the baby’s crying occasionally sounded.

The guard leader is even more uneasy. "I said... The Dragon King is a man, not a god, not a demon. He was defeated by the One Step King and fled to escape."

The crowd nodded and felt that he was right.

The leader of the guard was encouraged and raised his voice and said: "The Dragon King does not have a 100,000 army at all. However, it is a ruin of thousands of people. We do not need to be afraid, close the gate of the city and guard against it. If the Dragon King fails to come in, it will naturally retreat. Moreover, Anguo also has an army. It is attacking the stone country. If you leave this place, you must personally lead the troops back to China. At that time, the Dragon King can only look down on the wind."

The mood of the crowd is like the fish in the sea. It seems to be huge, but there is no fixed way forward. When it is left and right, the change is fast, which makes the hunters unable to prevent it.

I just thought that the people of Anguo, who came to the end of the day, were motivated by the words of the guards and became excited. "The dragon king is not terrible." Some people say that everyone likes to make a spell, repeating the five words one by one.

The guards’ heads were greatly encouraged and said loudly: “I need a hundred volunteers, as long as they are young and capable of picking up weapons.”

No one snorted, and the younger ones turned their heads and turned to the waist, showing a weak look.

The guard’s head was sinking, but he continued to say: “You still need a commander. Who is an officer? It’s okay to be older. All of us will listen to you. If you return to China, you will be rewarded with great rewards. ”

As soon as this statement came out, the crowd’s strength was immediately smashed. The original guard’s leader would only say that he would not do it. How could he confront the Dragon King army?

"Who? I am guaranteed by my life, and volunteers will receive the reward of the king in the future."

Still no one snorted, and the guard’s head was followed by panic and nervously moving in the carriage.

The Dutch woman whispered to Gu Shenwei: "You should stand up."

This is a weird idea. The Angolan people are looking for someone who can resist the Dragon King. The Dragon King himself has to apply.

Just a turn of thought, Gu Shenwei felt that this was a wonderful idea, so he said loudly: "I can command."

Such a simple sentence has the magic to reverse the hustle and bustle, and the crowd on the pier is once again quiet. Everyone, men, women and children, looks in the direction of the voice.

Gu Shen is struggling, and the crowd is like a lake dominated by magic, automatically separating it from both sides, giving way to a wide passage.

The guard's leader was very excited, but when he saw that the applicant was only a young man in his twenties, and his face was sick, his heart was a bit unreliable.

The young man even had a sword and a sword. Like the legendary Dragon King, the guard leader thought that the idea was too ridiculous. He immediately expelled it and asked: "Please ask your name, where is the officer?"

"My surname is Gu." Gu Shenwei said the real surname, but in the future it will be used as a lie. "In many places, I have been beaten."

The applicant is equal to nothing, but he shows calmness and calmness, which is the most needed quality of the flustered crowd. "Gu Daren, we listen to you." Someone rushed to say.

The guard leader is still more cautious. "Gu...big man, this is not a joke. The lives of the people in the city are in your hands."

"Do not worry, there is me, no army wants to walk through the city gate easily. You are right. The Dragon King is also a human being. It has been defeated. There is nothing terrible. As long as everyone works together, they can stop it."

"There are magic birds around the Dragon King, and they come in at once." The crowd heard a terrified voice.

"The magic bird is not around the Dragon King. Even if it has it, it can only bring in one person at a time. The people in the city say that there are tens of thousands. Can you still not deal with one person?"

The guard leader was also convinced. This young man seems to be a real-stricken person, and may be the savior given to Anguo by God.

"He is the Dragon King!" The sharp screams swept through the air, causing everyone to jump wildly. "He is the Dragon King. When everyone joins and kills him, you can save the capital!"

Gu Shen knows who is blaming the people. In fact, he and the Dutch woman are waiting for this sentence.

(Seeking for advice)

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