Death Sutra

Chapter 422: Training

Du Guzhen lived in fear all the time, and when there was a wind and grass outside the door, it scared the whole body, and even the exhaled air seemed to be solidified ice.

Not only is he afraid that the Snowman Swordsman will come to him for revenge at any time, but he is even more afraid of the killer sent by the One Step King. In his imagination, the One Step King must be extremely angry with his betrayal and punish the traitor at all costs.

This is a far cry from his own imagination. As a general who has fought in battle, his model should be at risk and even take the initiative to meet death.

It is strange to say that he has never had similar fears on the battlefield, but he feels chilling as soon as he thinks of those savage killers like swords.

Therefore, he is also afraid of the Dragon King. In this young man, he sees two opposite temperaments, one stems from the killer identity, cold and ruthless, habitually unwilling to attract attention, and another from the Snowy Mountain Dragon King. Status is equally ruthless, but it always presses people everywhere.

Gu Shenwei did not know that he would be so complicated. He tried to be as humble as he could. He personally came to visit the surrendering general and saw the other person’s lost soul. He could not help but feel a little funny and a little disappointed.

However, once the war that is about to begin is said, the performance of the solitary singer is much more normal. He does not play tricks that are confusing, knowing what to say, not exaggerating or hiding.

Gu Shen first introduced the situation of the enemy.

The commander of the 50,000-strong army of Jinpengbao is called Shangguan Jianyi. Gu Shenwei has little understanding of him. He still asks something from Shangguanfei. He knows that he is the relative of the one-step king, but the two are almost the same age. Do not live in the stone fort.

The 50,000-strong army has a complicated source. The 10,000 cavalry provided by Xiaowanguo is the absolute main force in the army. The Shule country and other newly conquered countries have sent 20,000 troops.

These 30,000 people were the troops that Jinpengbao originally intended to enter in the Xiaoyao Sea. However, after hearing that the Dragon King returned to the Western Regions by Wushan, the One King immediately added 20,000 horses, half of which were still borne by Xiaowan and the servants. Half of them are temporary recruits.

Xiaowan is the mother country of Duo, and now he has completely belonged to the Shangguan family. Even the throne has given the three less masters Shangguanyun. Its strength is the core strength of Jinpengbao. It is trained by Du Guzhen.

"The one-step king likes the cavalry." Du Guzhen recalled the situation of accepting the task of training. "This is probably influenced by the North Court. You also know that the North Court is riding a country and has no less than 300,000 people." Riding and archery are easy to learn. It is difficult to combine them several times. Unless you are like a North Court, you have to be with the horse from an early age. Otherwise, it will take several years to reach the level of others."

The solitary singer made a stay for a while, and seemed to be thinking about the spectacularness of the Beiting army. "You can still insist on the cavalry. He thinks that the cavalry is fast and has strong attacking ability, which is in line with Jinpengbao's strategy. So I trained him for him. Heavy cavalry, people and horses are covered with armor, with spears as weapons, and they are charged and unstoppable."

The arrogance of the solitary singer implies sarcasm. Gu Shen has taught the cavalry a lot. He thinks that what he said is not too exaggerated. Although the Da Xueshan swordsman can compete with the cavalry, he loses both ends with both losses. Very big, especially for the Dragon King, it is not worth the candle.

"Training such an army must take a lot of money to go to the government."

“It’s hard to count. It’s worth tens of thousands of horses for tens of thousands of horses. Other armor, weapons, soldiers, and even bottomless pits.”

"Someone told me that the words "the singularity is difficult to support", he said that the step-by-step and the squad are complementary to each other, and the powerful cavalry also has weaknesses."

This is what Gu Lun said to his younger son. Although he is not a general who has sent troops to fight, he has stayed in the military for some time. He used the experience of the military array to educate his three sons.

The solitary singer was a little surprised and nodded in agreement. "Yes, the heavy cavalry is fast, but it is also cumbersome. It is very difficult to turn around and turn around. It can only be used in a place where the horse is flat, and it is most afraid of attacks from the flank."

"Jinpeng Fort has gathered a lot of people from all over the country. Infantry and shooters have it. Should it make up for the flaws of the cavalry?"

"It is reasonable to say that, but it depends on people. How much does the Dragon King know about Shangguan Jianyi?"

"Not much, when I was at Jinpengbao, I never heard of this person."

"He is the most trusted person of the One Step King, and probably the only one who trusts. In the past few years, he has frequently come to Xiaowan and supervised me to train."

Du Guzhen doesn't like Shangguan Jianyi very much, but he knows a lot about him.

The father of Shangguan Jianyi was the eldest brother of Shangguan, who was the most promising to inherit the king in that generation. However, after fierce competition with his younger brother, he was defeated and his life was not saved.

One of the most important reasons for the final victory of the Shangguan fell is the support of Shangguan Jianyi.

Why Shangguan Jianyi would betray his biological father and rely on his uncle who is only three or four years older than himself. This has always been a mystery. He claimed to be thinking about the overall situation. Shangguan fell in his eyes to have the qualities of the king.

As a symbol of trust, for many years, Shangguan Jianyi has been the most important position in the fort, and is the right arm of the One Step King.

About ten years ago, Shangguan Jianyi suffered a major setback. He did not fight through the commemoration of Mrs. Meng, who was always in love with him. He left the fort and went to the North Court to take charge of the killer.

No one can think of it. Ten years later, under the combination of Shangguan Jianyi, Jinpengbao gained the trust of the North Court and the two sides joined forces to fight against the Central Plains.

The one-step king sent the most trusted assistant to the North Court. In the end, it is an unintentional entrant, or a premeditated plan. It is also an unsolved mystery.

"Shangguan Jianyi is a very capable person. He can easily gain the conviction of others. But he does not know how to arrange troops. He only believes in speed and attack power. This will make him look brave, but it is also easy to take the risk. Fall into the trap.

This is Duo's evaluation of the commander-in-chief of the enemy. Gu Shenwei feels that this Shangguan Jianyi is somewhat imaginative with himself. He also believes in speed and attack power. Although he has participated in several wars, he still has only a half-know understanding of the way.

"As long as there is a suitable place and a suitable soldier, I can defeat the 50,000-strong army." The more independent, the more confident, the more fearful.

Although the Xiaoyao Sea is not big, there are mountains and waters. The right place can always be found. As for the right soldiers, it is a trouble and a big trouble. "What do you mean by the right soldiers? What is the number?"

"Well, obey the command, the heart is fearless, the brave is not squatting, the weak are not behind, familiar with the three weapons of knives, guns, and bows. Steps and rides are at least good at one. This is what I call a suitable soldier. The number is at least 20,000. It’s already very risky to take two enemy fives."

Gu Shen can't provide even one-tenth of this number. For a moment, "I have 20,000 horses, but I need training."

"Two thousand soldiers like the Snow Mountain Swordsman?"

The swordsman is brave and fearless, and the training is much less difficult.

Gu Shen is shaking his head. If the 20,000 people are the same as the Da Xueshan swordsman, he will choose to go straight to the battle.

"Most of them are people like the Five Kingdoms soldiers, and they may have to be a little worse." Gu Shen told the truth.

Du Guzhen is very disappointed. He has led the local soldiers in Xiaoyaohai. They know very well about them. It is not difficult to train these people into real warriors. "How many dragon kings are there, is there sufficient armor?"

"The horse has thousands of horses, and the armor is barely equipped."

Du Guzheng understands how difficult the status quo is. "This can be difficult to get, but if you only want to defeat the 50,000 army of Shangguan Jianyi, you can try it, but it will take a year."

"The Jinpengbao army will attack in a month."

In other respects, Gu Shenwei can think of another way, only time is not in his grasp.

"Twenty thousand people in the hustle and bustle, against the 50,000 elite soldiers, this ..." Du Guzhen concentrated on solving problems, and made old mistakes, talking about the words do not care about other people's ideas, even if this person has the power to decide his life and death .

"I have to think about it." Du Guzhen did not give a clear plan at the end.

Gu Shen’s resignation is not too disappointing. My heart is also considering people, horses, equipment, and time. He can improve it as soon as possible and shorten the gap with the Jinpengbao army.

Xu Xiaoyi didn't know how to know that the Dragon King had entered the city. He kept staying outside the gate. At this time, he smiled and said: "Dragon King, my sister invites you to go."

"What to do?" Gu Shen was trying to refuse, Xu Yanwei rarely had serious things, and he wanted to marry him to see the princess.

Even if all the princesses in the whole world are waiting for him in the palace, Gu Shen is not in the mood to take a look at this moment.

"She said it was a stone king's business, as if... it seems like he still has any thoughts."

Shiwang’s suspicion of the Dragon King and the Daxueshan army is very heavy. Although there is no king in the hands of the empty top, there is no money in the hands, but the chaos comes from chaos, but it can be affected in some stone country soldiers.

Gu Shenwei thought for a while and agreed to go to the palace.

After entering the palace, the direction of the advance is not the residence of the princess. Gu Shenwei gave her a little bit of relief, but when she saw the expression of Xu Yan’s slight excitement, he knew that he was fooled.

"Dragon King, you are finally here, you have to save me."

"I don't have this skill."

"No, you have it, you have it. If you don't see the princess again, she will kill me and ask for sin. Who told me to praise you so well? The princess has to look at it with his own eyes."

Xu Yanwei pointed to the room behind him. "The princess is here. How long does it take to delay the Dragon King? You are not going to pass the door?"

Gu Shenwei often forgets the identity of Hummer. Shi Guo is completely under his control. The name of Hummer is even more unnecessary.

But he is still stepping into the house. He and the princess are not enemies. It is really unnecessary to humiliate her by avoiding them.

Pushing open the door, Gu Shen was the first time to see the princess herself. She was nervous and scared. She almost fainted and stood barely. She gently lifted the table and whispered, "Dragon King..."

The Dragon King made something more scary for her. He pulled out the knife.

Gu Shenwei dared to use everything to swear, not only him and the princess in this room, a trap is waiting for him.

(Seeking for advice)

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