Death Sutra

Chapter 425: acting

The Daxueshan Military Warehousing is located in the forty miles southwest of Shiguodu City. It is backed by Xiaoyaohai. There is a small pier with a small river on each side as a natural raft. There is only a narrow entrance at the northeast corner.

From here, more than ten miles, it is the so-called wild pig slope, the terrain is slightly ups and downs here, the road is under the slope, and the **** is a wilderness covered with rocks.

Shangguanfei excused himself and ran to the top of the slope, while releasing water, while looking far away, he was puzzled by what he saw.

Two or three miles away from the swamp, the grassland where the grass is not born, is distributed with large-sized potholes, the area is full of black viscous liquid, like the old man whose life will be exhausted, spit out the big bubble slowly and forcelessly.

There are probably more than two hundred people, all of whom use cloth to cover their nostrils. They are throwing out black liquid in a bucket and a bucket, and they are transported by the oxcart in the direction of Shiguodu.

There is an unpleasant smell floating in the air, which is too strange for Shangguanfei. He doesn't even know how to describe it.

that's it? Shangguanfei felt inexplicable, but Long Wang said that as long as he told Shangguanhong what he saw and heard, he did not need to ask more.

The style of the Dragon King will never give up the strategy in advance. Shangguanfei licks his mouth and is about to wear a belt. A scene in the distance attracts his attention.

A person who is like a supervisor is probably trying to try the liquid, igniting the velvet and throwing it into a bucket.

The dazzling flames vacated and smashed out a foot high, and shocked everyone around.

Shangguanfei was also shocked. He probably understood why these things were used. Then he gave birth to doubts. The tricks that are so easy to use, why should they be revealed to the enemy by Shangguanhong?

Dragon King’s strategy is always too complicated. Once in the morning and evening, he will be overstated. Shangguanfei secretly judged the Dragon King, jumped down the hillside, and chased the team in front. He didn’t want to stay alone for a long time. The Dragon King said yes. Jinpeng killer is likely to be waiting for his order.

There are a lot of things in the military treasury, and there are everything in the armored equipment. It seems that it is enough to equip an army of tens of thousands of people.

Zhong Heng did pay a lot of thought in this regard.

The Shangguan brothers followed the Dragon King to accept his protection, not as a staff member, so he was very vocal.

In the corner of the military treasury, hundreds of craftsmen are rushing to work in a rainy way, but the things they create are very simple: a narrow piece of wood with a length of six or seven feet, with seven or eight holes in it, riveting two or three feet of wood thorns. Very sharp, many carpenters have bandages on their hands.

Gu Shenwei also did not explain the use of these things, just whispered to the military treasury management around him, the management was slow, and replied loudly: "We tried with live pigs..." Here it turned down the voice, "useful Some will break, but there are always a few that can penetrate."

On this day, the Dragon King’s affairs were very complicated. I went to the military treasury and went to see the training of the slave soldiers. I summoned at least seven people in the middle to ask about the preparations.

The Dragon King pays particular attention to the topography of the terrain. Everywhere you may be able to fight, you must let the followers write down and even draw a rough.

The two officials of the Shangguan brothers have a strong impression. The Daxueshan army is determined to win the war that is about to begin.

After the second, the Dragon King returned to the military camp, and the **** team was divided into three groups, which went to different directions, so that the average person could not understand the real residence of the Dragon King.

Shangguan Fei began to consider how to infuse false information into Shangguanhong. It cannot be said directly, it will only cause doubt.

When he was about to return to the camp, he thought of a way to deliberately please several well-known swordsman guards, and wait until the Dragon King disbanded the team and invited them to drink in their tents.

If you like, Shangguanfeihui is a very flattering young son. From the first place to join the Daxueshan army, he paid great attention to cultivating the relationship with the swordsmen, so the invitation received a warm response.

After the war, the Dragon King issued a number of bans, only forgetting the ban.

Even so, the seven or eight people also lowered their voices and did not want to hear the Dragon King who lived not far away, but when they had a good time, there would always be one or two noises suddenly becoming loud.

Shangguanhong lived next door and suffered from it. This irregular noise is more annoying than the constant noise. He can't sleep at all, and his hearing is more acute.

Although Shangguanfei’s method of instilling intelligence did not reveal traces, it also had a shortcoming. I didn’t know that Shangguanhong heard it, so he left a hand and only said that he saw the strange scene, not mentioning the specific location.

Early the next morning, Shangguanhong entered the younger brother's tent in an unprecedented way, blaming him and blaming him for disturbing his dreams. "What black oil, fire, and drunkenness without drinking a few cups."

Shangguan Fei was not awake, but he still remembered his task in his mind. "I don't have a nonsense, wild boar slope... forget it, tell you what to do? Hey, what are you doing here? Go out."

Shangguan Hong snorted and turned to leave. Shangguanfei also called him. "What are you doing with this new clothes?"

"What is your business?" Shangguan Hongsheng replied hard.

"You have to steal the smoke!" Shangguan Fei shouted, afraid that people outside the account could not hear, "You don't want to live, dare to leave the Dragon King at this time?"

Shangguanhong seems reluctant to answer this naive question, but can't help but show off. "Stupid, of course I won't take risks, hey, I don't want to see her, she came to see me, this clothes, I was yesterday. I wear it at night, do you think you have a guest here?"

"This skunk scorpion." Shangguan Fei couldn't help but swear, he does not envy Shangguanhong with a woman, but swears the position of Yanwei, obviously one of the countless prostitutes in the city of Yuyu, how can I get it? Dragon King’s trust, in and out of freedom? He has seen Xu Yanwei slap the rogue scene in front of the Dragon King, so I believe she will dare to do anything.

"Put it clean, she is now a princess's personal maid."

"Princess." Shangguan Fei spit out two words with disdain, his heart is more and more concentrated, he is not interested in women, but it is still difficult to accept that the person he wants to be robbed by the Dragon King.

"You dare to say that the princess is bad, she is the future Queen of the Snowy Mountains."

"Go and go, I want to sleep."

Can slightly torment the arrogant younger brother, Shangguanhong will never let go of this opportunity, not only did not leave, but took a few steps, "Oh, I will forget, in the past, in the stone fort and slaves are similar, nine less masters It’s not the same. I almost got the princess to become the king of Shiguo. I can sit on the same level as the Dragon King. Now, if I want to talk to the princess’s maid, I am not qualified.”

Shangguan screamed and sat up, biting his teeth and said, "Don't be proud, after... oh, don't say that after the Dragon King will not marry the princess, he likes my sister, and gives the whole country of Xiangji to her, you and that. The blind man never wants to please the dragon king by the light of the princess."

Shangguanhong wants to give his brother a fatal blow. "It’s ridiculous, and since I am passionate, Dragon King likes your sister so much. How can I hand over the books left by the high priest to the princess and let her help to decipher..."

Shangguanhong kept his mouth in time, and Shangguanfei confusedly asked: "What is deciphering? Is it more valuable than the country of Xiangji?"

"Don't tell you, in the end, Dragon King has a hundred trusts to the princess, even if the Dragon King is married to several wives at the same time, it is also the princess who is the queen, your sister, be an acolyte, haha."

"She is also your sister, you are also surnamed Shangguan." Shangguan Fei screamed angrily.

Shangguanhong did not feel proud of his family name and left with satisfaction.

In this way, both people have completed their tasks.

Shangguanhong did not have any doubts. After making up the story, he was a little missed by Xu Yan. "The scorpion is much better than the wild woman in the country of Xiangxiang." In his heart, it is also like ordinary hackers. , a woman who does not play hands.

Shangguanfei thought more, but of course he knew what was hidden in the books left by the high priest. How could such an important secret be given to the princess? Soon he understood that the princess would not be martial arts, and there were no chapters in the hands of the innocent gods. It was safer to give her a decipher.

The next question is, why is this message going to my ears? The Dragon King will not allow such obvious loopholes to exist, and Shangguanfei’s war is abrupt.

At the same moment, Gu Shenwei, who had only slept for more than two hours, had already got up and was discussing military affairs with Zhong Heng.

In addition to the Dragon King himself, Zhong Heng is the only insider of the conspiracy. Although he feels that it is very clever, but there are many flaws, I have been thinking for a long time, I still can't help but mention this again. "Dragon King, please allow me to say a word." ”

Gu Shen nodded, and the Dutch girl was absent. He just needed a bystander to help him sort out the whole plan.

"Have you ever thought that the two of them are actually acting, there is no such hatred between them, just to confuse outsiders, to make this gesture?"

"It is possible." Gu Shen knows the roots of the hatred of the two people clearly, but there are still some doubts. "This is not important," he added.

"They only know a little bit of communication, they know that the Dragon King bet on both sides, giving false news."

"Not all fake news." Gu Shenwei made a correction. It is a good trick to have a fake in the real. "No matter how we design, Shangguan Jianyi will have doubts. When he asks for proof, I will let him If you see the real content with your own eyes, you can't believe it."

Zhong Heng can only choose to believe in the Dragon King, but he still has a question: "How does the Dragon King know that the escape must be Shangguanhong, not Shangguanfei, or two people fleeing?"

"Shangguan Fei will stay, because his ambition is greater, he will not go before he gets what he really wants, and he must try to gain my trust in him."

The Dragon King’s answer did not make Zhong Heng fully convinced, but he was a wise man, knowing when to shut up, and some things Dragon King stared at him, he would never go to the bottom.

Gu Shenwei's plan is slowly going on, but the first news came this night, which is not the same as he imagined. Shangguanhong did try to escape, but was assassinated in the middle of the road.

(Seeking for advice)

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