Death Sutra

Chapter 427: Military heart

Du Guzhen has not taken a step in the door for a long time, relying on hearing to understand the situation outside.

He knows that there are fifteen guards and three servants in the yard. Every two quarters of an hour, there will be three guards passing by the door. The footsteps are heavy, and the weapons and iron armor are worn to make a heart-wrenching encounter. sound.

What makes him more comfortable is the Dragon King. The young man seems to have a lot of ideas. Maybe he can really defeat the 50,000-strong army of Jinpengbao. He does not expect to finally defeat the one-step king completely. As long as the two sides can evenly compete, as a defector, he does not have to Living in fear every day.

The footsteps of the guards did not come for a while. Before half an hour, some people shouted at the fire, and they were awakened from their dreams. They never slept and listened to their ears.

He was a little nervous. He took a look at the waist knife on the table and didn't touch it. He knew his own weight, which is the level of the ordinary knife, so he got up and went to the door and listened for a while.

It was too quiet outside, as if there was only one person left in the yard.

Solitary retreat to the table, hesitated for a while, or gently pulled out the waist knife, the tip of the knife, placed straight on the back of the thigh, carrying both hands, with **** on the end of the handle, the scabbard opening on the table To yourself, if an outsider walks in from outside the door, he will think that the knife has not been unsheathed.

He just waited.

Time flies very slowly, he thought that the whole night should have passed, but the sky outside is still very dark, the light in the room is bleak, but he feels like everything is shining.

Without a reason, Du Guzhen felt that there was a cool breeze blowing from the bottom of his foot to the top of his head.

He twisted his stiff body and slowly looked back.

Standing in front of the bed, a tall man, dressed in black, can't see where the weapon is, probably black.

Dangdang, the waist knife fell to the ground, and the lonely heart beat violently for more than ten times. Suddenly, it calmed down again. He was very happy. In the face of death, he was not as afraid as he imagined.

He turned and just opened, but the other hand raised a finger, made a gesture of ban, and signaled him to face the door again.

Surprisingly, he was slowly surprised to return to his original position. Only the waist knife was still thrown on the ground.

The black man did not do it.

In the bottom of his heart, he began to grow a small hope: the black man is not a killer, but the dragon king sent to protect him.

The cool breeze on the back instantly became warm.

The black man seems to understand the idea of ​​being alone, and the momentum is not so strong, but it is weak and almost no.

Two people, one after the other, stood still like a statue, and waited for an hour, and he felt that his soles were numb.

Outside the morning, I was so faint that I wanted to look back at the protector again, and then I heard a voice outside.

In the rush of footsteps, a big snowy mountain swordsman rudely pushed in and looked at the stump like a wooden stake. "Are you okay?"

The swordsman's tone is blunt, and he will not have a crush on the surrendering enemy commander.

"Nothing." There was some accident in the solitary, and the swordsman's expression made it very clear that he did not see the second person at all.

"It's not safe outside, don't come out."

Nodded and nodded.

The swordsman probably thinks that his expressions and postures are a bit weird. He had to quit, and he thought about taking a step toward Duo. "Are you really okay?"

Asking this sentence more is his life.

Most of the swordsmen have experienced battles and have an instinctive reaction to danger. His hand has been held on the hilt, but the sword has been pulled out two or three inches. It has been ambushed, and the head suddenly hangs down and slowly squats on the ground. The assassin behind him.

It is also a black man, masked, and a little shorter. Although the light is brighter, he still can't see where his weapons are hidden.

The solitary heart was cold, and there was no protector in the house. He was just a bait in the trap, and he did not even know how many people were hiding nearby.

The short black man also raised his finger at the mouth and gestured for a ban.

Du Guzheng has no way to respond. He is afraid that the Dragon King will count on the game. He is even more afraid that the Dragon King will not have a plan. The assassins will not wait until they leave, and they will definitely get rid of themselves.

The short black man dragged the body to the corner of the wall. Without hiding it, he stood on the side of the body and bowed slightly, as if standing and falling asleep.

After staring for a long time, Du Guzhen finally found the weapon of the black man, a scabbard of the same color as the clothes, leaning against the legs, even with bright sunlight, it is difficult to see the flaws.

There was a footstep outside the door. The visitor was more polite this time. He whispered at the door, "Done General?"

"Well?" Dou Dou didn't know what to say, so he had to whisper a voice out of his throat.

"The Dragon King came to visit, is it convenient for the general?"

The black man in the corner looked at the lonely and looked cold.

"Convenient." Du Guzhen replaced one leg to support the body, and suddenly made a decision, even did not have time to analyze the pros and cons of this move, "have..."

At the same moment that he was ready to call out, the killer’s knife stabbed over, and not only one handle, but also a sneak attacker on his head.

"...ambush!" Du Guzhen finally shouted out the two words, and then felt severe pain on the left side of the body.

He thought that he was going to die, and his consciousness was still very clear. The legendary Jinpeng killer has always been a knife, and this knife is not like their style.

I have no time to think about it, endure the pain, throw it down on the ground, roll a few laps, climb up.

He first discovered that his left arm was gone, the blood rushed out like a melting snow mountain, and then saw that the Dragon King was killing the last assassin.

When the solitary is still asleep, the house has already been mixed with three Jinpeng killers.

Gu Shenwei entered the city at the dawn of the day and ordered the soldiers to surround the nearby streets. He came over to investigate the situation.

The guards in the house were still alive, but they were harassed last night. Two savage soldiers were shot by the hidden weapon. Others expanded the scope of the tour. After four days, the enemy no longer appeared.

As for the solitary solitude in the house, the guards promised that no one would break in.

Gu Shenwei did not think so, so he sent a guard to ask Ann, reminding him not to talk more, and to see the solitude and leave the room.

The guard did not strictly guard the warnings of the Dragon King. When he was killed, the Dragon King was on the roof, listening to the sound below and looking for the enemy.

The best time to start is the moment when three assassins have withdrawn from the house, but the solitary singer screams and the assassin is ready to kill and kill, Gu Shenwei has to go out.

He broke through the roof and killed two assassins. He was a little late, unable to keep his arm alone, and then exchanged three moves with the third assassin and smashed it under the knife.

These three people are not ordinary Jinpeng killers. If they let them take the lead, Gu Shen does not know if he can stop it.

The consciousness of the solitary ambiguity began to blur, vaguely understand what happened, and then the two eyes were black and fainted.

The fighting sound attracted the guards outside, and they were surprised to see the dead bodies on the ground. They hurriedly packed up the scene and wrapped the wounds for the solitary.

Gu Shenwei looked at the three assassins carefully. He didn't know Shangguan Jianyi, but he was sure that there was no such daring enemy commander.

Shangguan Jianyi has either escaped from Shiguo or changed to a hidden place. This is not an ordinary opponent. Gu Shenwei is very positive about this, and he has a sense of excitement in his heart.

He hasn't lost yet. Shangguan Jianyi burned two military treasury and sent people to set traps in Du Guzhen, which shows that he started counting.

It didn't take long for Duo to wake up and recover with the consciousness. He frowned and screamed twice. "Shangguan Jianyi probably will not send troops this year."

Gu Shenwei stood in front of the bed and nodded. "No, but he will send more killers."

The information transmitted by Shangguanhong is not the most important measure of attracting enemies. The two military treasury is the one that makes Shangguan Jianyi doubtful. He is a very meticulous person. Like the Dragon King, he is also a very suspicious person. Most of the deposits inside are fakes. He will think that Shangguanhong and the military treasury are all bureaus under the Dragon King. They want to induce him to send troops as soon as possible and enter the trap.

This is a scam similar to the empty city plan. When Gu Shen gave out the general content of the plan, he was more confident than the Dragon King because he knew Shangguan Jianyi. "He doesn't believe anyone, only believes in seeing it." ”

Gu Shen gave him "to see with his own eyes."

After waiting for a while, Gu Shenwei resigned from the military camp. The Shangguan Jianyi will wait until next spring to send troops, but as long as there is a one-hundred chance, the whole army cannot relax its vigilance. Before the winter arrives, it still has to Strengthen defense.

The entire military camp was on the verge of enemies, and all the soldiers were ordered to assemble and have not been dissolved.

A team of Da Xueshan swordsmen compared the books in their hands, checking the names one by one, and another group of swordsmen thoroughly searched the camp. Finally, they found out nearly 100 more soldiers, plus arsonists who sneaked into the military treasury. More than 270 spies were hidden.

This is Gu Shen’s most difficult task at the moment, how to appease the mood of the people while shocking the five countries.

The fine must be executed and the execution must be publicly executed. This is the bottom line.

The method of appeasement is not easy to do. It is impossible to reassure the people with a few promises and rhetoric. After Gu Shen ordered the spies to dismiss the army, he planned to slowly dissipate the centrifugation and fear in the army.

This day is very busy, and people are constantly asking for it, or they are bright and sneaky, or they are secretly exposed. Gu Shen is a hot head and has to kill the soldiers in the half-barracks.

He knows that the spies have not been eradicated, and the soldiers whose names are written in the books are likely to have the same idea: the Dragon King and the Daxueshan army are aggressors.

In the evening of the same day, Zhong Heng came to see, apparently after careful consideration, first talked about the turmoil of the military and its serious consequences, and then proposed a solution that he thought was more appropriate and cost-effective. "Please ask the Dragon King and Princess Shi Guo as soon as possible. Marriage, this is the most important connection between Daxueshan and Xiaoyaohai."

Gu Shen understands the meaning of Zhong Heng, and he reasonably recognizes that this is a good idea. He should have thought of it long ago, but in his heart, he found that he has a strong resistance to the princess. This kind of conflict has nothing to do with the last meeting. From the day when I decided to ask for a relationship, I have already taken root.

(Seeking for advice)

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