Death Sutra

Chapter 459: Let the palace

Han Fen knew nothing about the princess's collection. She heard that she had to leave the palace. She was quite reluctant. "This is gone? Who will protect the queen?"

No one answered her question. Gu Shenwei did not withdraw everyone and left many guards to ensure the safety of the palace.

Before leaving, he had to teach the stone king.

Although the princess's behavior made him very angry, but she is the queen of the Dragon King, who has no right to look at her face, especially the famous stone king.

In the empty hall, only four or five eunuchs stood up and dared not to get too close to the squatting. They all hid behind the pillars and waited for the call.

Shi Wang squatted on the throne, imagining the front of the literary martial arts, and sings and praises him, and he, the face is majestic, unmoved, and will soon announce the verdict of the Dragon King in public.

Just at this time, the Dragon King walked into the hall, only he was alone, holding the handle with his right hand, his face was pale and sick.

It turns out that the Dragon King is not too tall. Shi Wang has not completely come out of his illusion. He is not so afraid of the Dragon King in front of him. He sits up straight and whispers: "You are here."

"I'm coming."

"I don't seem to call you."

"No, I want to come."

As the Dragon King walked closer and closer, the sound of footsteps and the scabbard's sheath was magnified in the empty temple to the point of harshness.

Shi Wang suddenly woke up, this is the Dragon King, holding the power of killing in his hand, and can take away the king on his head at any time.

The image of the Dragon King suddenly became taller, and Shi Wang involuntarily retreated backwards, like a group of river prawn. "Welcome Dragon King, my brother-in-law, Shi Guo’s close relative, I was thinking about when I could see you, I didn’t expect You are here."

Shi Wang’s flattering and even three-year-old children are deceiving. The resentment in the tone is clearly identifiable. He has not had many rights. After the arrival of the Dragon King, there is not much left. I thought that I could get away with the princess after I got married. The Anguo country on the Hainan coast, but the result is empty and happy, the Dragon King did not even send a decent gift, let alone a country.

"You can see me at any time." Gu Shenwei can't respect this incompetent king. "As long as you walk out of the palace, you can go to the military camp outside the city."

"Hey, I will consider it." Shi Wang's face is not very good-looking, he will not leave the palace, accidentally, the Dragon King may take away his last good thing.

"I am coming today, I want you to do something."

It is also the king, and it is still the real throne inherited from the innocence of life. It is always too happy to be spoken in the tone of command. Even if it is the former prime minister, Yang Bao, although holding the political ruling, he will remain polite on the surface. .

Shi Wang’s face was red, and eventually he did not dare to attack. He asked: “What?”

"Go to your sister, thank her for her dedication to Shi Guo, the palace is her home, she can do anything she wants to do here."

This is beyond the scope that Shi Wang can bear. The younger sister is a child who is obedient. She never dares to ask her brother. Even if she is reprimanded, she just silently accepts it. It is not long before she marries the Dragon King, not only in her family. Going, even foxes and tigers, riding on their heads.

"Here is my palace, my home, she married the Dragon King, just live here." Shi Wang said, using all the courage, the body was forced to shrink, hoping to be farther away from the Dragon King.

According to the rules, the rules of any country, the Dragon King should stand below the steps, instead of going to the throne to speak.

Gu Shen looked down at the thin stone king. "In this case, you have to move out of the palace and find another place to live."

"What, what? What do you say?" Shi Wang clasped the edge of the throne as if it were his own life-saving straw.

"I want to requisition the palace. You can choose any house in the city and declare that it is the Stone King Palace. In the future, it will be called the Dragon Palace."

"No, I will never leave. This is the Stone King Palace. I am a stone king. No one can take me away." Shi Wang was a teenager in the age of a dragon. At this time, he was like an angry child. The difference is huge, but also shouting.

Finally, an old **** couldn’t stand anymore. He dared to come up with a smile and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you misunderstood the meaning of the Dragon King. Now the two kings are already a family. What are you, each other, your home? No requisition. This royal palace was originally the Dragon King. If you want to live and live, how long will it take? As for the Queen of the Dragon King, your sister-in-law is the one who is the one in the palace..."

The old **** wanted to make a round for the stone king, but was interrupted by a sip.

The sputum came from the stone king's mouth, throwing a perfect arc, crossed the five steps, and fell on the face of the old **** accurately. The strength was strong and unexpected. The old **** was covering his face backwards and was uncomfortable.

"Shameless traitor, I haven't been taken away!"

Shi Wangben is not a stupid person. Otherwise, when he was in Saitama City, Yangdou would not give up the big prince and choose him to inherit the throne. However, his years of sorrow and suffering have ruined the wisdom of his mind. Only the aura of the king is brighter and brighter, and it is his support.

After anger, Shi Wang finally turned around and asked coldly: "Is it apologizing to my sister, can I stay in the palace?"

"This is up to my queen."

"Okay." Shi Wang’s body was too thin, and the anger only burned for a while and then there was no more energy to continue. “I will go to see my sister and let her live here with peace of mind. What rights do I have, what rights does she have? ”

Gu Shen gave a nod to express her approval, but did not leave, her eyes were also on the stone king.

"Go now?" Stone King asked uncomfortably.

Gu Shenwei nodded again.

Shi Wang forced himself to get up and slowly walked down the steps. He turned back a few steps and looked at the Dragon King without fear. He was afraid that he would take the opportunity to sit in his position.

Shi Wang left the hall and decided to seek reconciliation with his sister with the determination of the strong man to break his wrist.

Gu Shenwei still stood in front of the throne, as if he was really interested in this hardwood chair, but he didn't touch it and suddenly took a cry, "Come out."

The old eunuch, who was greeted by the stone king, climbed from the pillar to the bottom of the stairs. Everyone else followed the stone king and left the temple. Only he ventured to stay.

"Dragon King please give the award."

This is a slave who is good at pleasing the master. Therefore, when your efforts don't get the common sense, you will also remember the slaves who hate it.

"To tell the truth." Gu Shenwei still stares at the throne, and does not return to the ground to order. He hates the eunuch. This is the impression he got from his father Gu Lun. He feels that the eunuchs are all gangsters.

"Dragon King Mingcha." The old **** was lying on the ground. "This should not be done by me, but the Hainan crisis is sent to the Dragon King..."

The old **** spent a lot of time explaining why he betrayed his master. This is not only for the sake of Shi Wang, but also for the Dragon King and the Shi Guo people. In the end, he said all the secrets in one sentence. "A palace lady is pregnant with Shi Wang. Child."

Seeing the Dragon King did not react, the old **** had to explain, "There will be a birth in less than a month. If it is a boy, there is a Prince in Shiguo."

The reason why the Princess of Shiguo attracted the attention of many countries in the Western Regions was that Shi Wang had no children. If the princess gave birth to a boy, he would be eligible to inherit the throne.

Shi Wang is not easy to let a woman get pregnant, but it is hidden, naturally it is afraid of the Dragon King.

The Dragon King did not speak, and the old **** was a little anxious. "Dragon King, it is still time to get started, it is in the palace, and few people know the inside story."

"Go out."

The dragon king's tone was cold and ruthless. The old **** swelled sweat, and even rolled out of the hall to exit the hall. It was blown by the cold wind outside, suddenly awakened, and suddenly confused, in the face of the dragon king, what to say "hand" This kind of thing, Dragon King has his own ideas, how could he discuss with an old eunuch?

Maybe the Dragon King still wants to kill people, and the old prisoner is afraid. He ran back to the smog and screamed for a few days.

There was only one person left, and Gu Shen reached out and touched it under the throne, and quickly took out a roll of carefully wrapped paper.

The princess has the talent to play tricks, but her experience is too little. She deliberately said in front of the Dragon King that her brother is not good to himself. It seems to be very sad. It is thought that this will allow the Dragon King to first remove the stone when searching for the rest of the text. Wang’s site, I don’t know, the flaws in his own expression are too obvious, and the Dragon King sees it at a glance.

Moreover, the throne is indeed a good place to hide things. In the palace, except for the stone king, no one dares to touch it. Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman originally collected the "Mustard mustard", this is also the place.

No one saw the lotus girl entering the temple, but she came out from behind another pillar and whispered: "The princess will be a qualified queen."

Just like the Queen, the princess is still very young, but Gu Shen can imagine that she will become increasingly proud, eager to master more rights, even more than the Queen.

She does become a full-fledged queen.

But Gu Shenwei didn't want to discuss this question. "Are you sure to imitate the Queen's handwriting?"

"It should be about the same. If you can spend a little more time, the effect will be better."

"You don't need to write too many words."

Gu Shen carefully opened the roll of paper, quickly browsed it again, then turned to the third last page and watched it for a while.

"Is it really the ninth chapter?"

"It's very similar." Gu Shenwei feels that the words he has read are not flawed according to his own practice experience. It should be the ninth chapter of "No Book," a chapter that is not in the hands of the One Step Master.

The lotus girl took out the pen and ink, and the white paper was laid on the ground. She sat on the pen and prepared to imitate the princess writing.

Gu Shen took a page for the single and placed it in front of the lotus girl for her reference.

The number of words is not much, about five or six hundred, the princess's handwriting is extremely neat, but it is easy to imitate, as long as you pay attention to the details.

The Dutch woman basically copied it again, only slightly changed in seven places, involving more than thirty words, but the meaning was completely twisted.

Gu Shenwei is tampering with the ninth chapter of the sacred work, just like the things that the lotus girl did to him.

Neither of them showed the appearance of remembering the past, and they were already familiar with how to cover up that period of history.

(Seeking for advice)

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