Death Sutra

Chapter 461: Homicide

Dianchi Lake is a bodyguard in the Stone King's Palace. As a descendant of the royal family, he is deeply trusted by the king and perhaps the only one who can be trusted.

Standing in the silent night, he remembered what he said a few months ago.

"Dianchi, I am not talking to you as a king, but as a brother of the same family, asking for your help. You also know that the royal family is at the most dangerous moment, and if it is not careful, it will lead to disaster. I entrust the royal family, and the whole stone country, to the most important person to protect you. I hope that you will keep a glimpse of the bloodline of the family."

The "most important person" lives in the room behind him.

Like ordinary people in Xiaoyaohai, Dianchi also feels the dramatic changes in the environment. The Five Kingdoms of Xiaoyaohai once had a prosperous and powerful era. It was a flash in the air and only existed in people’s memories. Soon, the forces of the various parties came to the beginning. The five countries can still get to the right and left, slowly becoming alive in the cracks.

In order not to cause the suspicion of the big powers, the five kings even took the initiative to cut the standing army, and finally fell to the extent of relying on Jinpengbao to hire soldiers to guard the country.

This is an extremely wrong strategy.

Sure enough, the forces of Jinpengbao gradually infiltrated into the five countries, and finally completely controlled the political affairs of various countries, and they secretly wanted to abolish the king and the country. At this time, the dragon king suddenly emerged without any warning in advance.

Dianchi is a young man. He is still less than 30 years old. He has his own thoughts in his heart. He is to unify the sea and concentrate the power of the five countries. He dare not say that he is vying with the big powers. Interference by forces.

As a descendant of the stone king's room, he naturally hopes that the process of unification will be controlled by the stone country.

It is a pity that among the five countries, Shi Guo belongs to the weakest one, which makes his hopes become unrealistic dreams.

For the Dragon King, Dianchi has a complicated mood.

Undoubtedly, the Dragon Army he brought was an aggressor. His wrists were even tougher than the original Jinpeng Fort. The soldiers were recruited and almost all the young men of the five countries were included in the bag. Once the war failed, the casualties were huge. It may not be able to recover.

It is in the hands of the Dragon King that Xiaoyaohai regains its combat skills. For the first time in decades, it has a strong military force.

Dianchi is often stunned, dreaming that nearly 20,000 soldiers from the Dragon Army can be squashed, commanded by the royal family, expelled the invaders, resisted Jinpeng Fort, deterred the North Court and the Central Plains.

This is a dream that needs to be carefully preserved and never open. He knows very well that the Dragon King's eye line is all over the sea, and the Stone King Palace is especially the hardest hit.

Shi Wang’s after-the-scenes news made his dream come a step closer to reality.

Among the five countries, only the Shiguo people have a high degree of support for the Dragon King. One of the most important reasons is the Dragon King's Hummer identity. Everyone knows that the Dragon King and the Princess's son will inherit the throne in the future. The control is therefore of certain legitimacy.

If the girls under the palace are boys, this legitimacy will disappear, and the Dragon King will not stay here, but the support of the people will be reduced.

That might be a great opportunity.

Dianchi fully understands how important his responsibilities are. The obscure palace lady in the house carries the hope of the stone king room and the entire happy sea.

He held the machete tightly.

Dianchi Wugong is good, but he has little confidence in this. He has not seen the Dragon King's knife, but only a few close contacts have made him completely give up the idea of ​​comparing it. The Dragon King is like a natural steel. And he is just an ordinary flesh and blood.

Shi Wang entrusted the pregnant palace girl to him, and Dianchi was deeply honored, but he reminded Shi Wang that "confidentiality is the best guardian, and the news leaks. Even if there are thousands of troops, I am afraid it will not be of much use."

Dianchi has not returned home for several months, and nominally went to Huiguo to guard the western border.

The palace lady was hidden in a remote courtyard in the palace. She had not lived for a long time, and the environment was very bad. She was only served by a ring and a woman.

Every ten days, someone will send enough food to take away the garbage, so that the four people in the yard do not have to take a step.

The daily boring life continues to this day, Dianchi's vigilance has not slackened, especially in recent days, he often feels upset, always feel that some people nearby, several times to pull out the knife, but only a false alarm.

His nervousness infected the three women in the house. They also followed a shock and threatened the safety of the fetus. Dianchi found that he was probably destroying the only blood of Shiwang, so he made a strong calm and never again. Do not dare to pull the knife.

This is the contradictory mentality of the court guardian Dianchi when the assassin is killed. It is necessary to resist the enemy and fear the worry to the pregnant woman in the house.

Therefore, he hesitated when he pulled the knife.

The assassin is in black, quick-moving, like a wild cat that feeds at night, quietly approaching the prey.

Dianchi is one of the prey, the scimitar is only pulled out halfway, the sharp edge of the other side has been crossed from his eyes, he seems to see his blood splashing, forming a bright red blood screen, through the blood screen, he sees There is also a sword on the waist of the assassin.

The memory of Dianchi Lake ends here.

The news of the assassination of a pregnant maiden in the palace quickly spread throughout the city of Shiguo and spread out at the speed of the wildfire.

Shi Wang was extremely sorrowful and angry. The anger was not extinguished for a long time. It continued from noon in the night. Before any evidence was obtained, the murderer was already identified.

The stone king strided out of the palace, and the eunuchs could hardly keep up. They were all surprised by the unprecedented energy.

He came to the princess's residence, beat the courtyard door hard, and retired the inexplicable door-opening maid. He pushed out the questioning Xu Yanwei and went straight into his sister's bedroom. His eyes were on fire, but he could only say four words repeatedly. "How do you? dare……"

The princess was awakened from her sleep, and her brother’s anger was unknown. She also clearly remembered the smile that the king came to seek reconciliation from yesterday.

When the king finally calmed down and could tell the truth, she was shocked. I didn't know what to say. It took me a long time to come back. "Someone saw that the dragon king started?"

"Not that he is also his man!" Shi Wang screamed. "Who is there besides him? Ah, you are proud, are you? This is definitely in line with your wish, my son is gone, your son has I hope to inherit the throne. I won't let you succeed. I want to tell the world of your husband and wife. Even if I am dead, the stone country will not fall into your hands!"

The princess burst into tears.

When Gu Shen woke up, she faced the turbulent public opinion. One night, the only stone lord who regarded the Dragon King as her own in the five countries began to change her attitude.

No one has publicly made a rebellious move, but there are people everywhere in the streets, inside and outside the camp, and there are people everywhere. Talking about the **** case in the palace, it is inevitable that the scene will become more and more horrible. Some people even say that the dragon king will personally The fetus is cut out from the belly of the pregnant woman and confirmed to have died before leaving.

As for the fetus, it has been proven to be a boy.

From noon to noon, more and more evidence shows that the murderer is the Dragon King.

First of all, the guardian Dianchi did not die. He saw the assassin with a sword and a sword. It was the unique symbol of the Dragon King. As for how the Dragon King would miss a moment, the killing only killed half. Everyone found many explanations, among which the most Accepted, "The Dragon King is also nervous. Whoever has to do this evil thing? And the goal of the Dragon King is pregnant women, not guards."

Then, an old **** in the palace was accused of having talked privately with the Dragon King. Under pressure, the old **** gave the truth: it was indeed the news that he leaked the female pregnancy to the Dragon King.

The evidence is conclusive, and even the strongest supporters of Dragon King have begun to be skeptical.

Zhong Heng came to see the Dragon King every other hour. Every time, he brought even worse news. The family and the Shi people had been out of touch for a long time. But the tragedy made the connection resume. Everyone stood in the perspective of the royal family. To deep sorrow and anger.

Zhong Heng naturally does not believe that Dragon King will make such stupid things, but when the evidence is more and more, he is also a bit vague, and feels that it is necessary to get a personal guarantee from the Dragon King's mouth. When he comes to see the Dragon King for the fifth time, he turns around. Make a suggestion, "Oh, things are getting worse and worse. Let's react as soon as possible, either catch the real murderer or show clear evidence that the Dragon King has nothing to do with the case, or... some means can be taken. Let everyone reduce some of their suspicions, such as the guardian and the eunuch, I think I can change the two."

"No need." Dragon King's calm attitude made Zhong Heng confused. "I have my own way."

"That's good, then it's good." Zhong Heng believes that the Dragon King, there is one point, the Dragon King likes to be alone, there are too many secret Zhong Heng and no way to know, "Last night... Long King seems to be out?"

Zhong Heng is not a temptation, nor is he trying to find out the truth. He just wants to remind the Dragon King that what he noticed will be noticed by others, and this is another evidence against the Dragon King.

Dragon King nodded and admits that Zhong Heng’s heart is very solid, which at least indicates that Long Wang is prepared for this.

"Pay attention to the movements in the military camp." Gu Shen is going to solve the problem in the city. "Don't be soft on the troublemakers, directly execute, don't wait for me to come back."

"Yes." Zhong Heng slammed back, the shaken confidence completely recovered, and even felt that he was too stupid, and he would doubt the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei entered the city in the evening of the same day, and felt the suspicion and vigilance of the people along the way.

He did not go to see the stone king, but went directly to the princess.

The princess has been crying all day, but the tears are still endless. When I see my husband, I rushed to the geology and asked: "Is it you?"

Gu Shen opened the princess and did not answer her question. Instead, she said coldly: "What is the rest of the text? Take it out."

"It's you, you are a murderer." There is no doubt in the princess's mind. At this time, she has not learned to succumb to the virtual snake. When she is grieved, she can't control the true emotion. "You already have the whole sea, isn't it enough?" Why don't you kill us all, you are the king of the stone country? Give it to you, this is the only thing you care about."

The princess threw a roll of paper and fell to the ground without flying far. Gu Shen grabbed it.

The last page of the eighth chapter of the Book of Nothing and the complete ninth chapter, one is not lacking, and the page that the female woman forged is also in the same sentence.

It has not been stolen.

(Seeking for advice)

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