Death Sutra

Chapter 463: not dead

The princess was unprepared, and her heart was astonished, but she was not on the surface.

The princess stood up heavily, his eyes swept over the faces of the people, did not make any stops, and finally stopped on the Dragon King, but it seemed to turn a blind eye. She knew what the Dragon King wanted to hear and knew the true purpose of his move.

This is a test. Although it is too early for her, she has to act decisively and show her loyalty and position to the Dragon King.

"Last night," she said, her tone was gentle, she had a dignity, and she was much more credible than the previous three witnesses. No one was suspicious and dared to doubt her words. "I saw someone secretly leaving the palace, two people."

The testimony of the princess has only one such sentence, causing rumbling arguments and speculations. Everyone does not understand what the princess wants to prove.

Gu Shen gave the princess a slight nod, expressed respect and support, and turned to the woman again.

The woman is almost on the ground, and she has no confidence in what she has to say.

"Are you thinking about it? Tell everyone, why did you leave the palace lady with the son of Shi Wang and go out for help?"

"I, I am afraid, I am too scared, my brain is dizzy..."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I am afraid... Dragon King." When the woman said the last two words, the voice was as small as a mosquito.

"Let's be a little louder." Dragon King did not care.

"I am afraid of the Dragon King." The woman pulled the placket around her, as if she would fall at any time.

"Afraid of me? You didn't see the murderer at the time, afraid of what I did?"

The tolerance of the woman was over. In the preparation beforehand, no one told her that she would be subjected to such detailed questioning. Those smart people should have thought of this. "Ask him, ask him, he always said that the dragon king might To murder pregnant women, I am influenced by him..."

The thirst for the truth exceeded the anger in the heart. All the eyes outside the hall were cast into the guardian Dianchi. He sat down on his chair with his head down, as if he had not heard the words of the woman.

During the inquiry process, Gu Shen spent most of her time staring at Dianchi. At this time, she turned her eyes away and didn't even continue to ask. He turned to the ring that had been trembling, slowing down the tone. "I ask you a word." You should remember it."

"Ah?" The ring was soft, and the woman who was carrying her clothes almost sat on the floor. "Yes, I..."

"Are you sure that the person who died by you is the pregnant woman you have been serving for the past few months?"

Gu Shen asked loudly, every word was very clear, and even people outside the line of sight heard it. Everyone was generally crowded, and the guards were sweating and barely maintaining the blockade.

The panic-stricken ring obviously didn't understand the meaning of the dragon king's questioning. He thought for a long time before he said: "It's sea otter, so much blood, everywhere... ah, face too, I... actually didn't see her. The face, actually...but the could it..."

The ring is completely lost, her expression is more than her words, can stimulate the audience's endless imagination.

Gu Shenwei nodded to the princess again. He made his queen stand for so long, and he was very sorry, but he only had a few words to ask. "The queen saw two people secretly leaving the palace, whether to send people to follow, good Find out why?"

This is the style that the princess first taught the Dragon King to do things. Like many people around the Dragon King, she does not like raids, and she hopes to get the guidance beforehand, even if it is a hint, it will not be as good as it is now.

But she must guess the true thoughts of the Dragon King, which is also an important part of the test.

"Yes." Her heart was jumping nervously, but her tone was solemn and majestic. "I can't allow a conspiracy in the palace, so I have to check it out."

"Have you checked?"

"Check it out." The princess is more and more sure that she guessed the Dragon King's mind, although she still knows nothing about the result.

"You also found these two people?"

"found it."

"Can you call them out?"


The princess felt that she had received some hints from the Dragon King, so she looked up at the partial door on the left side of the Chamber, and the witnesses came in and out of it.

"Bring them up." The princess issued an order, not knowing if the order really made sense.

The Dragon King nodded to the princess for the third time, and was kind and satisfied. This means she can sit down and the princess's mission has been completed.

The princess claimed to see two people secretly leaving the palace, but there was only one person coming in from the partial door, a pregnant woman who was panicked and stood still.

Seeing her, the woman screamed and fainted to the ground, screaming and screaming, and almost fell, then she shouted the name of the pregnant woman, "Haicang!"

Although Haiyan is pregnant with the king's children, his identity is still a palace girl, and he is used to calling his name.

No matter the ministers and military commanders in the hall, or the crowd outside the hall, few people know the pregnant lady, but they all stretched their necks and wanted to see carefully.

Such a result is beyond their expectation. The palace girl who was assassinated was actually standing in front of her eyes. Who is the dead person? Who is the person who fled the palace with the pregnant woman? What is the purpose of all this?

It seems that only the Dragon King can explain all this. He knows everything and he can't help but all the conspiracy can't escape his eyes.

Gu Shen looked forward to this effect, and when he felt almost the same, waved his hand and walked out of the two maids, helping the sea otter to slowly step back.

"Send her to the stone king and ask Shi Wang to personally identify it." Gu Shenwei said that to the audience, the palace lady has the blood of the king, the identity is special, can not be interrogated in public, Shi Wang himself is even more unsuitable to appear here. Kind of occasion.

The mystery still has not been solved.

Dianchi can no longer sit on the chair, coughing, and intends to speak.

The Dragon King stood by his side and reached out on his shoulder. It seemed that he did not notice that it was a living person. Dianchi understood the meaning and shut up in confusion.

The Dragon King did not care about the curiosity of the audience at all, as if everything had come to the fore, and slowly walked back to his position after the table and sat down.

There was a quietness in the four quarters. Even the guards who guarded the gates were blocking the crowd. They couldn’t help but look back and wondered what the Dragon King would do next.

Long Tuanyun once again acted as a spokesperson for the Dragon King. This time he was full of confidence and his voice was very loud.

Shangguan Fei came in from the partial door and bowed respectfully to the Dragon King and the Queen.

Someone knows him, and immediately points to the people around him. The son of the One-Step King is loyal to the Dragon King. This is a strange thing worth mentioning.

"Shangguanfei, tell your duties." Long Tuanyun is very clear about the next question. Among them, only he has received the instructions of the Dragon King in advance, although not many, it is enough to make him grasp the general context of the development of the event. .

"I am the life of the Dragon King, bringing people to protect the Queen."

The princess's body trembled a little. She only knew that the Dragon King had transferred three female guards, but she did not know that she would send others to protect her.

"Talk about what happened last night."

Shangguanfei still yelled at the Dragon King couple and said loudly: "After the night, the Queen sent someone to tell me that she accidentally saw two people sneaking away from the palace and ordered me to check. The two have disappeared. I didn't give up, I was looking for clues all day. About two hours ago, I found the whereabouts of two people and found that it was a man and a woman. The man disguised as a guard and held a pregnant woman, so I took someone to save the woman and kill. The supporter."

"Who are the pregnant women you saved?"

"She claimed to be Haitang, a palace lady. She had been pregnant for August. She was kidnapped last night. We immediately sent her to the palace and reported the situation to the queen. The queen ordered us to wait outside the hall."

The princess is not used to being followed by so many people, and only she knows that the part of Shangguanfei’s words about her is a lie, but her manners and looks are impeccable and she does not lose to any queen in the Western Region.

More and more people have realized that countless kinds of bizarre speculations have sprung up in the rain, and everyone wants to share with others. As a result, you speak my words, and you can’t hear anyone. What are you talking about?

The dragon turned the clouds and raised the voice. "When the palace is guarded, it is a person who can kidnap a protected palace girl?"

"Haicang said that he should be inside."

"Who should be inside?"

The guardian Dianchi twisted again and again, but Shangguanfei’s fingers were not him. "It’s her, the mother, she colluded with the people of Jinpengbao, kidnapped the sea otter, stole the column, pretending to use another pregnant woman, cruelly killing After that, plant it to the Dragon King."

The snoring almost opened the roof, and the ministers and generals who were listening couldn’t help but whisper and exchange views. The crowd outside was a mess of porridge. People outside the palace had to take a step forward. .

Among all of them, the most violent reaction was the maternity, she had already fainted to the ground, but suddenly she picked it up. "Nonsense, nonsense, I have no collusion... I am not... all he asked me to do, he Give me money, tell me..."

The woman was flustered to argue, but it was tantamount to not making a self-incentive. In a noisy voice, few people heard what she was saying. The two guards came in from the front door and set up a soft prisoner and pushed out the Chamber.

Shangguanfei wants to carry out his mission to the end, so he continued to say loudly: "Jinpengbao made the assassination incident, it is to provoke the relationship between Shiguo and the Dragon King, and then confuse the soldiers, and then introduce the pregnant palace girl, let her The child is a king..."

Who else is more credible than the son of the One Step King who accuses Jinpengbao? Even if this is a rebellious son, and his words have a series of evidence to support, the most important thing is that the sea otter is not dead, which is more convincing than all the facts.

It is the king of Shi Guo who turned this evidence into iron. He sent a confidant eunuch. The granddaughter who announced the sent in public was the sea otter. He was the child of the king. The **** representative Shi Wang expressed deep gratitude to the dragon king and the queen. Many people followed. Your Majesty, there is no doubt about the Dragon King.

The audience evacuated, and most of them will stay up all night, wake up friends and relatives who are not well informed, and tell the story in the Chamber over and over again.

The minister and the generals were convinced to leave orally, and at the same time they were a little uneasy. Before leaving, they bowed to the Dragon King in the most humble manner, hoping to prove by all means that they had nothing to do with the speculation of Jinpengbao.

Only two people walked out of the Chamber with a series of doubts.

The guards of Dianchi and the princess know that they will soon be called again by the Dragon King.

(Seeking for advice)

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