Death Sutra

Chapter 468: Associate

The guardian Dianchi ran out of the palace and frequently looked back, but did not find any followers.

The Dragon King placed him in a dilemma. He had to remind his companions that the Dragon King had already known the conspiracy of the mutiny, and that the conspiracy was likely to be ruthlessly exploited by Jinpengbao. The plan had to be postponed or even cancelled, but this way, Will expose more secrets with the tail.

Dianchi is walking around in the dark streets, avoiding everyone, and even stray dogs and cats will be scared.

To the Dragon King, he did not know whether he should believe it or not. The letter was a few points. It was a demon. He thought again.

As the guards of the royal family and Shiwang, Dianchi had the opportunity to meet many great people. From afar, it was a group of noble and majestic elites. As the distance shortened, the real face gradually revealed. mediocre.

The Dragon King is just the opposite of them. When they meet for the first time, everyone will be confused by this pale and gloomy young man, thinking that this is another swindler with a false name. The only terrible thing is the knife and sword under his waist, only in personal contact. After that, I realized that the real thing of the Dragon King is the heart.

The moment before the dawn, probably when the Dragon King walked out of the princess's palace, Dianchi came up with a two-way approach.

He still has to die, but he can't commit suicide quietly. He wants to attract as much attention as possible. He died abnormally. Someone in the organization should understand this suggestion. At least, he will be more careful when carrying out the next step.

He can only do this. The future prosperity and prosperity will be irrelevant to him. Whether the stone country that won the ** will still remember a court guard who volunteered to sacrifice is hard to say.

Dianchi smiled and walked to the vegetable market in Nancheng. In the morning, it was the most lively place.

It was destined that his noble plan could not be realized. He had just sneaked into the lane.

A weapon like a stick, squatting in the back of the brain, before the eyes of Dianchi, black, lost consciousness, he thought, do not know that the sneak attacker is the Dragon King, or the killer of Jinpengbao.


Dianchi opened his eyes and found himself in the worst situation.

The sneak attacker turned out to be his own accomplices, those who had to protect his life.

A total of fourteen people, plus he is exactly fifteen people, each three represents a country in Xiaoyaohai.

Except for Dianchi Lake, everyone else wore a cloak and a mask, but it didn't work. Dianchi recognized most of them.

"Stupid!" Swearing out of the mouth, Dianchi wants to jump up, only to find that he is firmly tied to a heavy hardwood chair, "You... what is this?"

"Sorry." A "stupid" said coldly, no apologies in his tone. "Before determining your position, we can only make this decision."

"Stupid." Dianchi shouted again. "You still don't understand? This is the trick of the Dragon King. He released me and then sent people to follow up. He wanted to lead you out, so I could do it."

Fourteen accomplices silently did not seem to be nervous at all. The familiar feelings gradually disappeared, and Dianchi was not sure that he knew these people.

"Do you think that we did not observe it carefully before you brought it in? When you wandered around, there were three tails behind you, but unfortunately you didn't find one, we killed one, and we took two You are safe, but you still don't know."

"You?" Dianchi did not believe in the question, if this is really the accomplices he knows, there are no real masters.

Some people are tired of these fine details, and swearing and swearing: "Let's talk nonsense, you first say what benefits Dragon King gives you, do you betray the five kings' room?"

"I? Betrayal? What are you talking about? In order not to tiring you, I am going around and not going straight to the stronghold."

"The stronghold has long been abandoned. Do you think we will be silly waiting for you to sell?"

Dianchi held back his anger. "Just just now, I have to go to the vegetable market to commit suicide, reminding you not to be fooled."



Everyone in the room laughed, full of disdain and contempt.

"This is true." Dianchi couldn't stand this kind of grievance again. "I didn't reveal a word to the Dragon King. I am clear to you, to the royal family, and I want to remind you that the Dragon King is ready." The Qinwang plan must be cancelled. Among them, there are also the spies of Jinpengbao, which encourages the cause of the fishermen."

The accomplices looked at each other and seemed to believe his words a bit, but when one of them spoke, his heart was cold.

"First, how can the Dragon King be prepared? This is a secret plan. There are not many people who know it. Second, who told you about the fines of Jinpengbao?"

Dianchi has a mouthful of tongues. These are all told by the Dragon King, but once he answers this, he is convinced that he was convinced by the Dragon King.

"There is nothing to say." The hoarse voice said, "He has already invested in the Dragon King and killed him. One person and one knife will not affect our plans. I have already said that the people of Shiguo are not worthy of trust."

This is overdone. There are two Shi Guoren in the house. They have not spoken. They shouted in unison: "What do you say?"

This is a tradition that has lasted for many years in the Five Kings Room of Xiaoyaohai. It should have been a concerted effort, but it is always noisy to meet.

Dianchi took this opportunity to sort out his thoughts and said aloud: "You, please listen to me."

The two sides gradually gathered their voices, and fourteen people looked at the renegade Dianchi together. "Please listen to me. You can not believe me. You can be cautious and there will always be no mistakes. The Dragon King is even more insidious and sinister than we think. There are people who are following me, waiting for me, even if it is a day, the Dragon King is doing it, and only those of us are caught..."

"Don't listen to him, this is the time for the Dragon King. According to the original plan, it will start immediately. The people are all heads of grass. Whoever wins will fall to whoever, without their response, will be successful."

So the fourteen people were divided into two factions, and the quarrel was endless. Dianchi hoped that they could continue to fight, but soon everyone reached a compromise.

"In the beginning, we knew that Dianchi Lake might be seen. He also voluntarily refused to listen to the details of the plan. So he couldn’t reveal much information to the Dragon King. The Dragon King couldn’t think of the location and personnel of the incident. What is terrible? Let’s not wait. Now, in addition to the Dragon King, we have to take over the army to resist the Jinpeng Fort."

"Dragon King will also send people to follow you, as long as a pass order, the plan will be exposed."

"You just said that the Dragon King will take us all over the net, will this be changed to tracking?"

"All, it is possible." Dianchi's brain is about to become a pot of porridge, but he is sure that the Dragon King will not sit still, the Qinwang plan will be defeated.

"Let's wait for a long time." One person said shortly, his voice was low, his words seemed to be very weighty, and no one spoke up. "It will start tomorrow at noon. Before that, everyone can't leave this room."

"But...even if you don't eat, what can you do?"

"Resist." The voice of the man became severe, and no one dared to scream.

Dianchi felt a little peace of mind, no one came to loosen it, and he did not ask for it. The current treatment is always stronger than suicide in the vegetable market. He still wonders who he is, can lead the followers sent by the Dragon King and bring him to Here.

All day, the dragon king’s soldiers did not appear. It seems that the tail was indeed smashed, and the call for the start of the original plan was raised again. The Dianchi Lake became more and more uneasy. I felt that the Dragon King must be arranged more densely and densely. Net, but his reminder will only be counterproductive, no one believes him.

The low voice began to shake. I felt that it was unnecessary to wait for half a day. Originally, I chose to start before the sunrise tomorrow. It was to fully ferment the anger of the people. The Dragon King disrupted the deployment, and the public anger did not provoke, even today. Become redundant, and wait until tomorrow afternoon, it seems to be a waste of time.

Dianchi recognized most of the people in the house, but he didn't know the details of this person. He even couldn't remember how he got involved. In short, he was not the initiator of the organization. After joining, he quickly became a recognized leader.

He is the representative of Kang Guo, Dianchi remembered, and then think about it, the whole plan, from the planting of the Dragon King to the early hours of the morning, seems to be his idea, others are just to add details.

“What are our plans?” asked Dianchi.

Fourteen people looked at him again. Some people showed sympathy in their eyes. Most people showed only vigilance and suspicion.

"What else can I do? Sell you? If I guessed it well, you will kill me before leaving this room. Besides ghosts, I can't reveal a word to anyone."

"Then you ask the East to ask West what to do?"

"This is also my plan. I have worked hard, isn't it? When I need a person to play the bitterness, only I stand up. Before I die, I want to know if we can defeat the Dragon King. Can the five kings recover? Your own rule?"

"Don't be fooled."

"It can be said to him, it is a good meal before the sentence." The low voice made a speech, more and more sure that they have got rid of the surveillance of the Dragon King.

There was silence in the room. The last person to open was also a nobleman of Shiguo. "The five kingdoms are naturally loyal to the royal family, but they are also the focus of the monitoring of the Daxueshan swordsman. The dragon king only wants to use the Shiguo people to fight for him, but never Trusted us, so --"

When it comes to the key places, some people are excited to pre-emptively say: "We have rebelled against the people around the Dragon King. The nobles of the country of Xiangji also have dissatisfaction with the Dragon King. They are willing to join."

"There are not many people in the aristocracy, and there is not much combat power." Dianchi does not think how good this plan is.

"Oh, of course, it’s not that simple. When the time is up, the nobility of the country of Xiangji will pretend to be a soldier of the Five Kingdoms, launching a rebellion in various locations, and attracting the Swordsmen of the Snow Mountain to suppress."

"At the beginning of the crackdown, we went to spread the news that the Dragon King would clean the soldiers of the Five Kingdoms before the war began." Once the opening, everyone was anxious to say the plan.

"When the soldiers panicked, we played the banner of the royal family and united everyone. The 20,000 soldiers did not beat more than a thousand Da Xueshan swordsmen. Look at it, other soldiers will stand by and watch afterwards. Scattered."

Before dealing directly with the Dragon King, Dianchi would think that this is a trick, but now he knows where the problem is. The core of this plan is not to overthrow the Dragon King, but to induce the Dragon King to kill and weaken the Dragon Army. strength.

The Dragon King said yes, the planners behind the scenes did not hesitate to sacrifice a large number of people to achieve their goals. The five kings' rooms could not get any benefit from them.

The key is that Dragon King guessed it, but he couldn't know the details. When the rebellion began, did he still have a choice?

Speaking enough, the low voice finally changed his mind, decided to act according to the original plan, launched a rebellion before dawn, and they now sent to the military camp.

He pulled out the dagger, walked over to Dianchi, leaned over his ear and whispered, "Death is inevitable, but you have to take a step first."

(Seeking for advice)

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