Death Sutra

Chapter 472: Peace

Almost alone did not do anything. With only one banner, he quickly settled the riots in the military camp. During the period, he was almost assassinated, but he has thus established his position as the coach in the Dragon Army.

When he walked out of the main account, he had only ten guards around him, and he looked around and looked at it in his own heart.

The surrounding screams came one after another, but there was no fire, and there was no chaos to the main account, indicating that the scale of the riots was far from the imagination.

Walking into the depths of the military camp, you will hear many inquiries that are screaming from doubts, not slogans of murder and arson.

The left general camp is not far from here, and the solitary singer returns here first, calling out his own soldiers and followers, and the aides, these people are flustered, because there are rumors that the left general is dead, solitary debut, let them All are relieved.

At this time, there was no big light, and Du Guzheng did not seem to be in a hurry. It took a little time to rectify the team of more than 70 people, especially his own flag.

The flag will be more than one foot high, and the big "left" word will be embroidered on the flag.

Du Guzhen led this small team, first went to the nearby military camp, recruited 20 swords and axe, joined the ranks, and then began to cross the military camp.

There are more than 20 thousand troops in the military camp, and the riots have spread to most camps.

Du Guzhen first went to a military camp where no riots had occurred. He did nothing, said nothing, just trotting over the horse, followed by the flag, and the sword and axe held a bright weapon, which looked like a woman. The guard is more threatening.

The soldiers were heart-wrenching. Many people didn't even wear their clothes. They saw the left general appearing in person, and most of them settled down.

After the solitude of the past, the commander yelled: "Return to the standby!"

The junior officers took the lead in executing the orders, and the camps were back to normal.

In only half an hour in total, Duo couldn’t walk through the barracks. After discovering that the situation began to stabilize, he immediately drove to the beginning of the riots in the southeast corner, where he was attacked.

"Get out of the sea!" Before the first word was called, several attackers shot three arrows.

The Dutch woman has been riding along the left general, only behind a horse. She is wearing the guard's costume, which does not make people see the identity of the woman. Although many people know that there is a female guard around the dragon king, the women's uniform in the military camp Cause unnecessary attention and gossip.

She is equipped with a common scimitar, although it is not particularly convenient, but it is more than enough to block the arrow.

Her task is to protect the left general and protect the insurgents from her care.

A head flew behind the tent, and then two people were thrown out. Immediately, a knife and axe were dismounted and the two were tied.

A solitary singer, like a singer, turned a blind eye to the dangers that occurred around him.

From then on, the commander split into two dials, speeding up, running ahead, loudly announcing the news of the left general's camp, and leaving another one behind, ordering the soldiers to return to work.

There is a reason for the self-confidence of the loneliness. Most of the soldiers here are supervised and trained by him. I believe that no matter where they come from, these recruits are used to accept strict laws and will not participate in the rebellion because of a few slogans.

His conclusions were generally accurate, but the reasons were not comprehensive. After the investigation, most of the soldiers of the five countries did not respond to the call of the insurgents, in part because the left generals appeared in time to stabilize the military, and most importantly they Concerned about the land of the country of Xiang Xiang, after fear of rebellion, the credentials in his hand will become waste paper.

Shangguanyun is a wise man. There are also many people of insight in the insurgents, but they are all bound by the idea of ​​defending the happy sea. They never thought that the distant Xiangji Congress would have such a great charm, which would allow local soldiers to abandon. motherland.

On the other hand, there are very few soldiers who usually talk about the strange land that belongs to them. They carefully collect their credentials and are embarrassed to communicate with others. Only when they need to make a choice, they find that the piece of paper has in their hearts. How important.

In short, the land of the country of Xiangji is the most powerful umbrella for the solitary, and the strict training and the authority of the left generals are a good complement.

After the first few insurgents were arrested, the soldiers who were stunned out of the tent suddenly realized that they had acted and arrested the instigators who had shouted slogans everywhere, and tied them to the ground and handed them to the axe.

Solitary still doesn't talk, as if this is what the soldiers should do, not even slow down, but several of his staff, take out the knives and planks, start recording the names of the prisoners, and then order them to return to their camp. .

From the first day of the integration of the Dragon Army, the soldiers of the five countries often have large and small insurgent incidents. This is the last time.

After this failed rebellion, Jinpengbao and the Five Kings Room finally admitted that the hearts of the sea people, at least the military heart, have completely fallen to the Dragon King.

When the solitary singer drove back to the Dragon King’s account, it was just half an hour past.

Prior to this, the news of the stability of the thousands of people continued to come, the generals were relieved, and the face of King Kang and the group of prisoners became more and more ugly.

Gu Shenwei also had a heart hanging from it, but he never showed his voice from beginning to end. It seems that everything is expected. Now, he only needs to win the gamble to achieve a perfect victory.

The interrogation of the insurgents took place immediately. One of the important issues was the banner of who they were when they called on the soldiers of the five countries.

Soon after the resurrection, the preliminary results of the interrogation were reported.

There are more than 50 insurgents, indeed they are all fake five-nation soldiers, but the real identity is not the aristocrats of the country of fragrant, but a group of robbers who rely on the dragon king.

When the Dragon King first came to Shiguo to ask for a kiss, he was intercepted by the bandits in the desert. The lotus girl planted the secret medicine in several leaders and forced them to loyal to the Dragon King.

The robbers have always performed very well, especially during the siege, and they have a lot of efforts, and they have a lot of appreciation and trust.

However, after the Dragon King returned to the Xiaoyao Sea, they increasingly felt that they had been treated with a cold reception. Whether they were selecting senior generals or distributing the land of the country of Xiangxiang, they enjoyed only a little better treatment than ordinary soldiers.

Dissatisfaction arises.

Shangguan Yun’s messenger appeared at this time, not only promised to give a lot of money, but also claimed that Jinpengbao had the means to lift Xiaoyuetang’s secret technique, and several robber leaders were free.

The identity of the robbers is not much among the soldiers. Therefore, according to Shangguan Yun’s plan, they selected an important person from each of the five kings’ chambers to call on the soldiers of various countries to rebel. These five people include An Wang who has fled to Saitama City. Secretly relying on the stone king of Jinpengbao, the captured King Kang and a sand king, and finally the Huiguo little prince.

The Huiguo little prince was only ten years old and was taken hostage by the Dragon King as a hostage.

Gu Shenwei wrote his name on the paper.

King Kang reopened the paper again and was stunned.

The Dragon King won, ordered the generals to return to their camps, and further stabilize the military. The King of Kang and the twenty-six prisoners stayed to accept the fate of gambling.

"How come? He is still a child." King Kang still feels incredible, even forgetting that he has to pay for his life.

"Because he is a child, he will be selected by Shangguan Yun." Gu Shen explained the patient with extraordinary patience.

King Kang finally wanted to understand. In fact, he had already realized that he had never been willing to admit it.

The five "heroes" selected by Shangguanyun are very particular about it. An Wang is not in the sea, Shi Wang is sick, and King Kang and Shawang must be captured. It will not last long. Only Huiguo Little Prince is an exception.

The general trend has gone, and the King Kang’s heart is not only the failure of the incident, the use of the people, but also the respondents of the five kingdoms, but for more than a year, the appeal of the royal family has been low enough.

"You won." Kang’s son still refused to kneel, but this period of time has made his determination to die weaker, and his tone has not been so firm. "The happy sea is destined to fall into the hands of strangers. Do not blame others, only blame the five kings room mouse eyes, the first time should not accept the Jinpeng Fort and Meng's soldiers and money, but Long Wang you are also lucky, if there is a Jinpeng Fort laid the foundation, weaken the status of the royal family, you will not It’s so easy to succeed.”

Gu Shenwei waved his hand, and the guards picked up the captives who still had hope, and dragged them out to prepare for the beheading. This is the punishment they should be given and there is no room for manoeuvre.

The rhythm is loud, and many people keep calling out the names of others, claiming that they can provide more accomplices.

The voice soon disappeared out of the account, and the success of Solitary gave Gu Shen more confidence. He felt that there was no need to pursue the rebellion in the end. The swings among the five kings of the country will probably stop for a long time. .

With the hint of the Dragon King, the guards left the King of Kang, and did not even take away his scimitar.

Kang Kangzi rejoined courage. "I can't live alone, letting a group of cowards sacrifice for the five countries is a greater shame than failure."

"You will do what you want." Gu Shenwei felt a little pity, but he must execute the Kangxizi, and the untimely forgiveness will bring hope to the hidden insurgents. "But I want you to do me a favor."

King Kang’s son sighed, “Dragon King please say that as long as I can do it, I will not violate the interests of Happy Sea.”

"Choose a qualified heir in the King's room."

"What do you mean by you, what do you mean? Do you want to start with the father? The rebellion is my personal decision and has nothing to do with him."

"No, your father will always have a throne, but after him, I will choose another king among the royal family. I don't ask about the distance, but only the ability. I personally have no intention of taking the throne of any country. It is the Yuyu City and Jinpeng Fort."

The first reaction of Kang’s son was a resentment. The king of Kang was passed down from the old father and son. He and his father died, and his brother should succeed. However, if he did not export, he changed his mind and had the greatest responsibility for the decline of the royal family. It is their father and son who abide by the old rules of the old rules and will only make the throne fall into the hands of the surnames.

"I have a distant cousin named Shang Liao. Although I am from a branch, I am among the children..."

King Kang suddenly found himself deceived and offered not only the new king, but also the person he trusted the most, hoping to help Lao Wang resist the people of Jinpengbao.

The Dragon King circled a circle and finally let him tell the most important secret.

"Don't kill him, Shang Liao did not participate in the rebellion, he is innocent..."

Several guards stepped forward and untied the weapons of King Kang, and took him out of the main account.

"Promise to me, Dragon King, you will not kill him." Going to the door, King Kang still looked back.

Gu Shenwei did not give an answer. He would not promise to keep the knife under his knife. He had to see the person named Shang Liao before he could make a decision.

King Kang was taken out for execution and two guards were taken in to another.

The small prince of Huiguo despised the Dragon King and hid the broken palm behind him. It seems to be tougher than the Kang King.

(Seeking for advice)

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