Death Sutra

Chapter 475: Feng Wang

Gu Shenwei stood on the bow and could see a large amount of smoke rising in the distance.

After abandoning some important materials, the last batch of dragons boarded the ship and sailed to the south bank of the sea.

The enemy does not seem to be eager to fight in the North Shore. It has not followed closely. There have been several small-scale battles and no full contact.

In any case, the Dragon Army temporarily got a breather, Gu Shenwei can be a little relieved.

He couldn't think of how short this time would be.

The ship has just landed in the port of Anguo. It is reported that a team of Jinpengjun is bridging in the narrow area to the west of the Xiaoyao Sea. Some of the military forces have occupied a small piece of land on the South Bank.

Gu Shenwei understands what the nameless veteran called "crossing the sea from the west".

The Xiaoyao Sea is roughly elliptical, with a wide middle and narrow sides. The east and west are mountains and mountains and become a natural barrier. In the general concept of people, I have thought that the sea will take the water.

However, in the westernmost mountains, there is a small intestine path hidden. The width of the lake is only two or three miles. The opposite shore is clearly visible. This route is difficult to walk, and it is inconvenient for livestock to walk. Therefore, there are very few people who know, and no one is there. I don't think that road can pass a huge army.

Jin Pengjun did it.

The advantage of Shangguan Jianyi is that there are a large number of loyal local consultants. These people are mostly supporters of Jinpengbao and Mengshi culture. They fled to Anwang in Saitama City and sent their sons to serve as the leader.

When Shangguan Jianyi heard that the Dragon Army was preparing to avoid the war, he immediately called these consultants to discuss countermeasures.

Prince Wang has never heard of this road. Instead, a businessman mentions it casually, but he does not think it is useful. It is possible for Jin Pengjun to send dozens of spies in the past, and the army of 80,000 people will spend a whole year. Can't finish.

Shangguan Jianyi did not care at the beginning, until Huiguo sent representatives, he changed his mind.

Hui Wang wants to negotiate with Jinpengbao. Shangguan Jianyi feels funny. The 80,000-strong army is enough to make the sea and sky turn over. Huiwang is just one of the more fat ones, and he wants to put forward conditions.

Huiguo Laojiao naturally understands that if he wants to negotiate with the strong, he must have something that the other side needs. He provides the most western passage of Xiaoyaohai.

"Huiguo has the means to widen that passage in the shortest time and build a bridge to let the army pass smoothly. If the wing is not interested, Hui Wang can only cross the sea and go to the Dragon King completely."

The Huiguo representative can say that the only way to change the attitude of Shangguan Jianyi.

Many years ago, Huiguo tried to develop a shortest road to the South Bank. For this reason, a large amount of manpower was sent, and the stone was moved to the mountain. The project went on more than half. The tribes in Wushan had a large-scale war. The war burned to Anguo and An Wang fled. The North Shore was able to save his life.

Although the war ended in the end, it reminded Hui Wang at that time that the road could not only make money, but also cause trouble. The Wushan tribe was brave and warlike. It was all about the sea, and the war was confined to the South Bank. Therefore, he ordered the project to stop. The completed part was refilled with gravel, and a strict order was made. Later generations and grandchildren were not allowed to mention the road to build a mountain.

In order to obtain the favor of Jinpengbao, Xinhui Wang and the old man decided to sell this secret against the ancestral training.

At that time, Long Wang was busy in Nandu. Until he heard that Long Wang had been on board and all the dragons in his country had left, Hui Guo publicly stated his position and decided to stand on the side of Jinpengbao and become the first surrender of the five countries.

Shangguan Jianyi has a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, he sent a small army to quickly cross the mountain road and cross the sea. He seized a small foothold on the south bank, and at the same time levied a large number of soldiers, and divided some soldiers to work around the clock to continue the unfinished project. A wide road suitable for the general army.

According to estimates by Huiguo Junchen, it only takes half a month and you can do it.

This is the situation faced by the Dragon Army just past Nandu. Everyone is angry at Huiwang’s ingratitude. If it is not the conspiracy of the Dragon King to understand the King, the Prince is still hostage and has no chance to return to his home country, let alone Bit.

Du Guzhen led some of the troops to Nandu early in the morning. He heard that Jinpengjun had rushed to the west and sent troops to clean up. The result was a late one. Although the number of enemy troops was small, it occupied a narrow passage and it was difficult to break.

"You have to attack from the waterway." Du Guzheng is waiting for the Dragon King's fleet to come back, and it is much easier to attack from the water surface to the side of the small enemy.

However, it was soon reported that Huiguo had concealed some of the vessels. At this time, all of them were taken out and handed over to Jinpengjun. Shangguanjianyi now has dozens of light warships, and the number is not much, but it is enough in a narrow On the lake, defend the smallholds on the land.

Du Guzhen immediately set up a fleet. Because of the majority of the ships of the five countries, the Dragon Army has an absolute advantage in water warfare. The only problem is the lack of suitable commanders.

"I can personally command, but I don't know much about the water war. It is best to find someone familiar with the water war from among the five kings."

Although the five countries rely on water, in recent years, even the standing army has been pitiful. There is no water army at all. The so-called warships are only a slight modification of the civilian ships.

After inquiring about a circle and not finding a suitable candidate, everyone knows that this battle is crucial, and no one dares to take the initiative.

Du Guzhen quickly formed the water army. As long as he has a quantitative advantage, the odds are still very large. The Long Jun has no water army generals, and Jin Pengjun does not. They only occupy the geographical advantage.

On the night of Gu Shen’s journey to Nanguo, a water army with more than 100 ships of various sizes has been established. It is planned to spend two or three days to train the water army and send it to the battlefield in the west.

The heir to the throne of Shi Guo was born in the chaos of the army, bringing a glimmer of hope and a qualified general of the water army.

The palace female sea otter followed the princess's first batch of Nandu early in the morning. She was shocked. The death of Shi Wang made her confuse, so the baby was born a few days ago.

Is a boy, such as fake replacement, Gu Shen for the original "commitment" to Shi Wang, and without the intrigue, it is indeed a boy.

The princess personally held the baby, and the weak maternal woman was also supported by the maid, and they kneeled in front of the dragon king who came to visit and asked for his blessing.

Gu Shenwei has been waiting for the birth of this baby, not only to give him a blessing, but also to make a move that makes the five people deeply surprised.

It was Zhong Heng who reminded him that the royal family had refused to invite Nandu, but they sent more royal children to take hostages. Even Anguo, which had decided to surrender at that time, was no exception. They looked at their tricks at a glance. Stepping on two boats and betting on both sides is a constant strategy for the royal family and the nobility. No matter which side wins, the family will benefit."

Zhong Heng is not a cynical person, so he suggested that the Dragon King accept the tricks of the kings, instead of killing them all. "The king is usually such a person. When he is in office, the people are indifferent. When the king is gone, the people will die." The incompetent king is also a symbol of a country."

Therefore, in addition to the stone king directly colluding with Jinpengbao, Gu Shenwei did not kill any other king.

As soon as the dragon king's vessel was docked in the port of Anguo, the two kings of Kang and Sha couldn't wait to gain the footsteps of the king and surrender to Jin Pengjun. The only requirement was to keep his throne.

Zhong Heng guessed this result. His response plan was to establish five new kings among the hostages of the royal chambers, so that the two sides of Hainan and Hainan could be more completely broken, and they could also provoke mutual suspicion between the hostages and the home country. Prevent the dark collusion between the two.

The birth of the stone king's posthumous son, the last new king candidate.

On the second morning of the birth of the baby, the Dragon King made an unprecedented feat in the sea, and within the same day, the five kings were successively sealed.

In front of the palace, the people of the five countries who fled the country were seen, and witnessed the ascension of the new king of the country. In many people's minds, the king appointed by the Dragon King was more trustworthy than the pharaoh across the sea.

The first person to be sealed was the baby who was born yesterday.

The princess held the baby in one hand and supported the palace girl Haitang in one hand. She bowed down and accepted the seal and crown given by the Dragon King.

The whole process was simple and solemn, and the people of Shiguo squatted and accepted the king who was born only one day. Anyway, there is the guardianship of the Dragon King. Nothing is afraid.

Gu Shenwei did not designate herself as a guardian. Before the new king became an adult, the princess and Shi Wang’s mother listened to the government together. Soon everyone will know who is the real principal.

The second person to be sealed was the King of Angola, a child of seven or eight years old.

The Ang’s room escaped early, and there was almost no one left. So An Wang’s mother, the old Queen Mother from the Central Plains, personally selected the heirs from the family branch and volunteered to serve as guardians.

She did, and among the five kings, only this one is not the one who the Dragon King is looking for.

The third person to be sealed was the king of Saudi Arabia. He was the least controversial. He was the eldest son of Shawang. He had the right to inherit the inheritance. He was enthroned at the request of the Dragon King. He did not dare to refuse and refused.

The fourth person to be sealed was the king of Huiguo. The little prince who had broken a palm was not killed because he participated in the rebellion. Instead, he was established as a new king and fulfilled his wish to die.

When Hui Wang died, the little prince hid in the quilt, so he could not tell who was the murderer. In his mind, the Dragon King is more like a murderer.

Establishing such a clearly different child is king. Many people around Longwang are surprised. Gu Shenwei has his own consideration. From the perspective of the body, the little prince is most qualified to fight against the Huiwang of the North Bank, and is young and rooted. Shallow, resentful, just give Long Wang the best excuse to directly control him.

The last person to be sealed was King Kang, who was the most controversial.

Dragon King did not choose the son of Kang Wang of the North Bank, but set up a branch to be the king.

The name of Xinkang Wang is Shangliao. Before the death of Kangguoda Prince, he recommended this person to Longwang. Gu Shenwei sent a team of soldiers and went straight to the Kangguo capital city to take it to Anguo by means of semi-robbing.

Gu Shenwei has not been in contact with Shangliao, and Feng Wang is the first time the two met.

In the afternoon, the two will meet for the second time. After that, Shangliao will become the commander of the water army.

(Seeking for advice)

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