Death Sutra

Chapter 477: suffer

If he can re-elect once, Shangguanfei will do everything he can to find his sister's sympathy and let him stay in the country of Xiangji, instead of following the Dragon King to participate in the war, and will not agree to practice what is broken.

He also wants to ask the Dutch woman if she has a hatred against her, forcing him to practice without any mercy. No matter how miserable his voice is, he has never revealed a little sympathy.

He remembered that he had never offended this woman when he was in Stone Fort.

The mistake is that he should not steal the magical powers, and should not leak it.

It is said that the art high is daring. This sentence is obviously inappropriate for Shangguanfei. He feels deep fear all the time. The only thing that brings security is not the deep martial arts, but the deep stone castle.

The lotus girl can ignore this. She is the only killer who has experienced the double training of Jinpengbao and Xiaoyuetang. She has been numb to her own pain. In other words, she is like an old farmer who is intensively working. She has carried out various experiments on Shangguanfei. Find the most appropriate practice.

She first forced Shangguanfei to practice the mustard in accordance with the normal method. Naturally, there was no success. It seems that no one can reconcile the two kinds of magical powers except for the first screen.

Shangguan Fei did not receive any reminders before, but thought that it was just a little bit of time to eat bitter. As a result, in the moment when the gentle instinct of the mustard was produced, he experienced the first fire in the world.

Countless root ice needles started from Dantian and walked fast in the meridians. Shangguanfei first felt the light shining, and the whole body was erected. It seemed that he suddenly came to a new world. Then he was drowned by endless pain and killed like a pig. Screaming.

This kind of performance can not get the sympathy of the lotus girl, she and the Dragon King have experienced more than ten times the pain, even the shackles have not sighed.

Shangguanfei fainted in the past, and when he woke up, he said that he would not practice anything. "Even if it is invincible in the world, I will not practice it. No wonder the Dragon King does not practice himself. I know that there is no good thing."

"Dragon King practiced, I also practiced." The Dutch woman corrected the mistake of Shangguanfei. For the nine young masters, she did not face the embarrassing feeling of the old master Shangguan. He was no different from most men in the world.

"Hey, have you two practiced?"


"Then you let me practice?"

"You have to give it a try first. If this method doesn't work, change it."

Shangguanfei involuntarily trembled a few times, thinking of the feeling that the ice needle wandered around the whole body shuddered. "I can no longer be fooled, no matter whether you practice or not, I don't practice."

"The next method we have not practiced."

Shangguan Xi feels that there is nothing to say, and his hands are spread out, indicating that he will never compromise.

The Dutch woman used to be very good at dealing with people. With the improvement of martial arts, especially after the edification of Xiaoyuetang, this skill gradually degraded. Her temper is more and more like that of the year. The way to convince others is a finger poke. past.

The lotus girl’s finger is much more powerful than the Snow Maiden.

After less than an hour, Shangguanfei experienced a different kind of painful feeling. The internal organs of the five internal organs blazed fire. He kept retching, and almost spit out the heart, liver, spleen and lungs. The pain was stronger than before. Not weak.

"Stop... stop... spare me, aunt... grandma, you said... what to practice... just... just..."

The lotus girl waited for a while before lifting the finger force of Shangguanfei.

Shangguanfei suffered a little pain, licking his stomach and suddenly hit a punch and launched a sneak attack on the Dutch woman.

Shangguanfei’s martial arts are not weak, but there is not much self-confidence. Usually, even the three successful forces can’t make it out. This time it was forced to a desperate situation, and it was supernormal. This punch used at least seven or eight successes.

It is a pity that his combat experience is too small. The little tricks are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the women. Only on martial arts, the lotus girl is about a level higher than him, plus Xiaoyuetang secret technique, and a level. With the rich experience gained in the blood of the knife, the gap between the two can only be described by disparity.

Shangguanfei hit a punch, the lotus girl has been out of five strokes, or palm or finger, recruited hits, and then retreated a few steps.

Shangguanfei lost his goal and stood on the spot. He seemed to be puzzling at the immediate situation. Suddenly he stepped on the fire, leaped high, danced in the air, screamed, and then fell heavily on the ground, just like The shovel that was dug out violently twisted.

Fire, ice, acupuncture, torture, all kinds of painful feelings come to the fore, each one is clearly identifiable, Shangguanfei can not only openly ask for mercy, and then can not do it.

At this time, the Dragon Army had not yet crossed the South. The practice site was in the military camp. The voice of Shangguanfei was too fierce and would disturb the hearts of the soldiers. The remedy taken by the woman was to plug his mouth and throw a sentence to him. If the soul flies, "If you can't stand this pain, how can you practice it in the future?"

Shangguanfei wants to say that he has no intention of practicing his martial arts. Even if he renounces all his martial arts, he should not be subjected to this sin again. But he used his strength to tremble and tremble, and even the rags in his mouth could not be seen. Not to mention the open debate.

After three hours, the pain began to weaken. Shangguanfei was able to endure it. He pulled out the things in his mouth and gasped. From then on, he regarded the female girl as a ghost. She never dared to say half of her orders. word.

What he fears most is not the shackles of the lotus girl, but her indifference. At three o'clock, she has been standing next to her, with no sympathy or excitement. It seems that the living things twisted and twisted on the ground are not people at all. .

For the first time, Shangguanfei seriously considered whether he should flee back to Shibao and beg his father for forgiveness. But the cold face of the king appeared in front of him, and he dismissed the idea.

The lotus girl began to test the second method of practice, so that Shangguanfei could practice the must-have in accordance with the method of Hehe Jin.

Shangguan Feijiang was timid and tempted to practice according to the law. The result was unresponsive. Hehe’s method of yin and yang was not used.

Shangguan Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief and sincerely hoped that the woman could retreat and give up.

He is wrong, and the Dutch woman has a third method.

Gu Shen made it from the very beginning that Hehe Jinfamen would be easier to help with outsiders. The Dutch woman just wanted to confirm that the first two methods really didn’t work. After all, I also learned that there is no magic. At the same time, cultivation must be done.

The exception is the South Screen, not the Dragon King and the Dutch Girl.

The third method is more complicated. Shangguanfei first has to suppress his own insignificant power and concentrate on the cultivation of the mustard. This is similar to the first method. The difference is that the help of the lotus girl is more.

The lotus woman uses the insignificant power to treat it as a yin, and then uses the method of harmony and strength to slap on Shangguanfei to control the formation of the mustard.

On the surface, the Dutch woman is hindering Shangguanfei's cultivation, but this is the essence of Hehejin. It can help practitioners to lay a solid foundation. Although the speed is slower, it is very safe.

The difficulty of getting started with Hehe is here. When the slaves passed away, they died because they were too fast.

Shangguanfei suffered again, and the ice and bones became a commonplace. I don’t know if I was used to it. I still had the pain of doing it before. Shangguanfei was able to endure it. However, there has been no obvious progress, and the mustard is always in the same mood. There is a state of nothing.

The Dutch woman is very patient. As long as there is no conflict, the three-in-one combination proposed by the Dragon King is feasible.

Twenty days later, when she was called to see the Dragon King to explain the progress, this is the case.

It is related to his own fire, and Gu Shenwei can't wait for it, so he took time to check the effect of Shangguanfei.

The right general Shang Liao has not yet boarded the ship, and his guardian Nannan Screen was also called.

Shangguanfei lost a little, and he is good at hiding his true emotions. When he saw the lotus girl, his fear and resentment in his eyes were extremely strong.

As a master of Jinpengbao, Shangguanfei finally entered the primary stage of the killer apprenticeship: support himself with hatred.

Gu Shen is like the lotus girl, and she doesn't care.

“Is there a feeling of beating in Tianchi?”

Gu Shen made several questions in succession. Shangguan Fei answered the truth and immediately said what he had prepared for a long time. "Dragon King, the war started, let me kill the Shangguan Jianyi. Without the commander, Jin Pengjun must be in chaos."

"Can you kill him?"

"Oh, it’s a little difficult for me alone, but there are a lot of people in the Shibao army in Jinpengjun. They used to be my mother’s loyal men, and they helped them..."

"Before the loyal men," Gu Shenwei is not interested, shaking his head, "No, too dangerous, you still stay here safer."

"That makes me a **** for the Dragon King. I have a lot of ideas. Really, I can say a few now, sure..."

The Dragon King still shakes his head.

Shangguan Fei is about to cry. For him, the place where the female figure can be seen is the most insecure place in the world.

"To tell the truth, Dragon King, you let me practice martial arts too tormented people, life is better than death, when is it a head?"

Shangguanfei needs a little hope, Gu Shenwei will give him a little, "When can you defeat the South Screen, you don't have to practice any more."

Shangguanfei’s eyes are bright, and the south screen is two or three years younger than him. It looks like a weak and amiable person. Only the sword is a little scary. “Is the weapon still bare-handed?”


"What are you waiting for? Now compare, I am still anxious to give the Dragon King an idea."

Gu Shenwei and the Dutch women gave up the venue, their feet have not stood still, and the contest has ended.

There is two or three chapters in the Shangguanfei training, but there is no more than two chapters in the first screen. However, since I have not practiced hard, and I feel irritable, I will reveal obvious flaws.

Although Nannan Screen pursued the ruthless swordsmanship, but before he came into contact with the swordsmanship, he learned a lot of basic boxing fists, and experienced numerous trials and deaths.

He won't take the secrets of the women, so he just took Shangguanfei's palm to the ground.

Shangguan Fei lay on the ground for a while, and said with a scorpion: "I am fine, let's compare."

No longer compare, the Dragon King and the South Screen left, leaving Shangguanfei in the fire pit.

Shangguan Fei smiled and looked up at the female devil, and could hide his resentment. "Lotus, I have an idea."


"It's better to go back to Shibao with me."

(Seeking for advice)

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