Death Sutra

Chapter 483: adventure

Shangguanfei once had an idea for the Dragon King. He suggested ambushing a strange soldier in the mountains and attacking the Jinpeng Army from the flanks. Although Gu Shenwei was perfunctory, he was shocked, because this is one of the secret strategies he and Du Yizhen made.

For this upcoming war, Duo has devoted all his efforts, and he is also a traitor to Jinpengbao, and he is very clear that victory or defeat means life and death.

In the face of the soldiers in the army, the solitary singer is extremely calm and confident. Every day, he has to personally inspect the various armies and solve the problems to boost morale. Compared with the dragon king's deep residence, the right generals are gradually getting more and more appreciation.

But in private, Du Guzheng is not so full of confidence. For the Dragon King, he only tells the truth. "No matter how good the weather is, the people who decide the outcome of the war are still people, Jin Pengjun 80,000, Longjun 30,000, even if it is happy. The sea is ten times bigger, and the Anguo country is narrow enough to accommodate only one person. It can't offset this gap."

Duo is still a person who does not believe in miracles. "It is not an accident that has not happened, but it is an exception. Unless the enemy has made a major mistake, the greatest commander cannot win more than twice the enemy."

Sometimes the right general is too pessimistic, Gu Shen asked him, "In this case, what do we do to Nanguo to do so? Delay the time of defeat?"

"Knowing that it can't be done, there are few dragons, so we have to fight for all possible advantages. Even if it is only a little bit, it will make the odds higher. The chance of winning from 30% to 40% is an improvement, but Not big enough, if Shangguan Jianyi does not make mistakes, 30,000 people still can’t beat 80,000 people.”

Gu Shenwei did not want to wait for the enemy to make mistakes, so before Nandu, he was thinking about the tactics of the final battle.

Flanking offense is a common but very effective tactic. Under normal circumstances, any general will deliberately pay attention to his side to prevent enemy attacks, unless the flank itself has a natural barrier protection.

Wushan is a natural barrier. The side facing Anguo is steep and towering. It may be feasible to ambush dozens of martial arts masters. No one believes that it can hold an army.

"Because of this, the soldiers who rushed out of Wushan are the strange soldiers." Gu Shen explained his thoughts to the right general.

At the beginning, Du Guzhen was not very optimistic about this plan. "Well, it is a strange soldier. But how can Dragon King plan to put in an army of at least 3,000 people in an impossible place, while avoiding the eye of Jin Pengjun?"

Gu Shen rummaged through the map, summoned a large number of Anguo locals and soldiers from Wushan, asked every secret road in the mountain and the way that had not been opened, and finally chose a place.

"Here." Gu Shenwei pointed out to the Duogu on the map. "Here is the Windswallow Gorge. There are a gentle **** in the west. There is a gentle **** behind the mountain. You can ambush soldiers, 3,000 people, or even 5,000 people. There is no problem."

After thinking for a long time, he began to ask questions. "We must first lead Jin Pengjun to the battle here."


"The Dragon King thought about it. In this way, it would be equivalent to giving up half of the territory of Anguo. The Jinpeng Army can have a large foothold. The Dragon Army has few advantages."

"Since the odds of normal play are too small, you can only take risks."

"This position is too obvious. I am afraid that the Shangguan Jianyi will not be easily fooled, or he will send troops to occupy the top of the **** in advance, but instead will block the ambush in the mountains."

"You said that no matter how well prepared, if you want to win less, you have to rely on the other party to make mistakes. I just want Shangguan Jianyi to make mistakes."

Du Guzhen looked at the Dragon King with astonishment and gradually gained confidence from his cold and persevering eyes. The Dragon King’s conspiracy tricks might come in handy. His task was to block the enemy’s storm in the frontal battlefield.

But he still has to ask, "Which dragons are going to let these troops take on this role?"

In the early days of the Longjun army, more than 20 thousand people were established. In the process of expansion, a number of new ones were built. Today, it has reached 36, and several of them are under the thousand. They are also known as the Qianmen.

Gu Shenwei shook his head. "Since it is a strange soldier, it cannot be too conspicuous. There are a lot of Jinpengbao inside and outside the military camp. It is impossible to confess the troops quietly. Moreover, the Dragon Army is inherently inferior in terms of number, and the division is not the best choice."

Du Guzhen very much recognizes the reason of the Dragon King, so he is even more puzzled about the source of the "Qi Bing".

Gu Shen made a circle with his fingers on the map in Wushan. "There is still an army here."

I thought about it for a while, "Doo can?"

Soon after returning to the Western Regions, Gu Shenwei assigned the old Knife Toto and the Ha Chilie from the Wushan tribe to contact the forces of the various parties, completely eliminate the influence of Jinpengbao and protect the passage to the country of Xiangji.

This is not an easy task. The two men led a small number of people into the mountains. In the past few months, they have talked or battled, but they have settled a third of the mountains, but the army has expanded to more than 3,000. If a call is made, one or two thousand more people can be added.

Gu Shenwei kept the correspondence with the Toon tooth. When the dragon army was rebuilt, it was also the first time to appoint the gyro tooth that was not in the Xiaoyao Sea to be a thousand 尉, and Ha Chilie as the vice 尉.

Gu Shen has tried to transfer this army out of Wushan several times. Considering the importance of the passage to the country of Xiangji, he has not ordered it. When he decided to set up a strange soldier, he immediately thought of the toon tooth.

When Toon was ordered to enter the mountain, Du Guzhen had not yet been appointed by the right general, so he was not familiar with the old knife. "The Wushan tribe and the mine thief, the strength of the brave fighting is there, a few people, the most Dozens of people have a strong fighting power, and there are more, just like the Uighurs."

Gu Shenwei had a battle with the tribal army, and his confidence was higher than that of the solitary. "Duo can teeth can train them."

Du Guzheng has considered it for a while. "To tell the truth, Dragon King, this is not my favorite tactic. Too much uncertainty, any mistake in one link may lead to a loss of all the stocks, especially to give up half of Anguo, maybe It will have a major blow to our morale."

Before the talks took place in Nandu, the most reasonable tactic of the Longjun at that time was to occupy Anguo. When the Jinpeng army crossed the lake by boat and landed unsteadily, it launched an attack, destroying the enemy's main force on the beach, and then launching a decisive battle.

However, Jin Pengjun found the passage on the west side of Xiaoyaohai, and fully opened the mountain bridge. A small number of soldiers occupied a small base on the south bank. The original tactics of the Dragon Army could not be implemented. Du Guzhen began to seriously consider the plan of the Dragon King and decided that he could only Adventure.

In the name of viewing the terrain and arranging the checkpoints, he ran through the whole country from east to west. By the way, he carefully observed the location of the decisive battle selected by the Dragon King.

"There is really a flanking attack."

After the Dragon King Nandu, the two have discussed this plan many times. The confidence of Duo is higher and the problem is more concerned. "I am worried that the gentle **** is too conspicuous. I noticed, and I have inquired that the mountains behind the gentle slopes are not good enough. Anguo had tried to open a new passage there several times and failed."

"Because it is not good to go, the tribal soldiers living in Wushan can take advantage of it and let the Shangguan Jianyi ignore the threat there."

These doctrines are also independent, and he points out the biggest loophole in the Dragon King plan. "In this case, the fate of the entire Dragon Army depends on a tribal army that has just been established, and the Dragon King has never seen it."

Gu Shenwei must admit that this is exactly what he is most worried about. He believes that the Toon tooth has seven or eight points of confidence in Ha Chilie, but the Wushan tribe is different.

According to the traditional concept, after passing through the Wind Gorge and entering Wushan, it is no longer the scope of the Western Region. The tribes have always had a tendency to reject the affairs outside the mountains. They hate the mines from the Western Regions. Can the Tou tooth be able to It is very difficult to determine that they are really loyal to the Dragon King and are willing to participate in the war of hegemony in the Western Region.

"I should go into the mountains personally." The Wushan tribes will play their unexpected and important role in this war. Gu Shenwei is indeed not assured, and hopes to control them more firmly.

Du Guzhen immediately raised objections. "If it is not appropriate, if the Dragon King leaves, I am afraid that the 30,000 Dragon Army will be turbulent and will not be worth the candle."

For the sake of confidentiality, the ambush plan has never been disclosed to a third person, and even Toon Jen himself is ignorant of the responsibility he will shoulder.

Gu Shenwei asked the right general to recommend a person to enter the mountain to convey the secret order to the toon tooth. This person also needs to know a little bit of the formation, which can help the tough teeth to rectify the army.

"Wu Zongheng." Du Guzhen immediately gave the candidate.

Wu Zongheng was the small leader of the Anguo Shoucheng Guards. Because he showed a trace of leadership temperament in the chaos, he was promoted by the Dragon King as a direct military deputy. In Liucheng, the western country of Huiguo, he led the army to resist the attack of Jin Pengjun. Then organized a methodical retreat and Nandu, proving that he did not bear the heavy hope of the Dragon King.

There is another reason for him to choose him: Long Wang is very fond of Wu Zongheng.

Without the appreciation of the Dragon King, Wu Zongheng, a civilian-born person, probably never had a day to go, so among the five kings, he is one of the most reliable people.

Gu Shenwei is convinced of Wu Zongheng's conviction, but he has not imagined so much, so he has to assign another person, the person he truly trusts.

The task of the Dutch woman is very simple. She protects Wu Zongheng along the way and ensures that he is really worthy of the trust of the Dragon King at a crucial moment.

The Dutch woman remembered the days when she used to be an apprentice in the Stone Fort. At that time, the slaves and hers doubted each other, but in order to deal with the common enemy, they had to unite and form the "arm slaves". She is not only the most qualified. The partner, who is also the most thoughtful staff member, Gu Shen made almost every plan, she participated in advance and made recommendations.

Now she is a pure guard.

The Dragon King discussed different things with different people. Some of them can be heard. Some of them can't hear, but she rarely gets involved.

The Dutch woman did not understand the battle. The Dragon King’s practice was extremely normal. For the past, she only remembered it occasionally.

"Yes." She accepted the task as usual, but she couldn't help but think of Shangguanfei's words. She suspected that the Dragon King was looking for an excuse to open himself.

At the same time, Gu Shen was also thinking of Shangguan Fei, and decided to let him also play its own unexpected and significant role.

(Seeking for advice)

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