Death Sutra

Chapter 500: messenger

The Dragon King disappeared. Until he left the military camp for seven or eight days, more and more people realized that the Dragon King was missing when he showed up most of his needs.

The saying that Dragon King is moving to rescue the army has gradually become a public opinion. As for where to go, there are speculations. The simplest one is Wushan. Because the Shanzhong people have never publicly participated in the war, they are most likely to provide a large number of troops. The most optimistic thinking is that the Dragon King is The Central Plains secret talk, even more exaggerated, claimed that the Dragon King would invite the gods and soldiers from the sea, who would let him be the Dragon King?

The dragon army commander is alone in his heart, but he is more anxious than anyone else. On the surface, he is extremely calm. Whenever someone mentions the dragon king, he has a well-thought-out position, as if he had a plot with the Dragon King.

Indeed, only a very small number of people know that the Dragon King is not only a rescuer, but also a singer. One of them is one of them. If this army only comes out of the swallow wind gorge and joins the Dragon Army, it will not produce a situation. The fundamental impact, it must launch a large-scale attack from the enemy's flank in the final battle, in order to turn things around.

However, the time of the appointment had already arrived. The opposite of the Jinpeng army was getting tighter and tighter. The morale of the army was turning from prosperity to decline. The Dragon King and the army that should have reached the designated point had never heard from it.

The panic in the heart of Solitary is self-evident. The Dragon Army has already retired. It is not far behind him. It is the Windswallow Gorge. It is the must-have to be held, and then the terrain is one-level, straight to the Anguo capital, the city. The old and the sick are waiting for the outcome of the war.

This is an unequal war. Jinpengbao lost, and there is still strength to make a comeback. The Dragon Army is defeated, everything will disappear, and it is likely to catch countless lives.

The swallowing gorge has never been more exciting. A large number of refugees are preparing to flee to the country of the scent of the dragon king. The singer has to send heavy troops to set up a level, prohibiting anyone from entering and leaving at will. The dragon king is mobilizing the army in the mountains, certainly not because of several refugees. And leaked.

The pressure on Du Guzhen is getting bigger and bigger, so I can imagine how unhappy he was when he heard that the Queen was in the military camp. At this time, what he didn't need most was to deal with the trivial matters of unrelated battles.

But this is also a good thing. The appearance of the Queen will greatly boost morale. She can make a public appearance at the moment of life and death, proving that the Dragon King has never abandoned the Dragon Army.

Few people understand the subtle relationship between the Dragon King and the Queen.

The queen brought a lot of entourage, regardless of men and women, all dressed in armor, her own dress is also very simple, get off at the barracks gate, walk into the military camp, did not go straight to the main account, but took a big circle, as far as possible Meet the ordinary soldiers, ask for help, and ensure that Long Wang is leading a huge army to come back.

The men’s and women’s defenses in the Western Region are not very strict, but the Queen’s actions are still a bit shocking, and the anxious soldiers are deeply touched and regained their confidence.

The left general was alone at the door of the main account. From afar, I saw a piece of soldier kneeling on the ground and paying tribute to the queen. This scene made him relieved, but he also vaguely gave birth to vigilance, especially when When he heard about the Queen's guarantee, he was even more dissatisfied.

As a professional general, he does not like any external interference. Even the Dragon King will not publicly display his ownership of this army. The Queen’s soaring and popularization of the people is really a challenge to the commander’s rights.

Du Gu turned his head and glanced at the phoenix.

Zhong Heng also had a bitter smile. He knows a little more about the Queen. He knows that this is not a simple woman. When the Dragon King is there, she can be gentle and gentle, never showing the dew, the critical moment, but it may be amazing. Act of.

As early as in the Shiguo capital city, the queen of the princess, under the encouragement of Xu Yanwei, patrol the city, motivate the people, Zhong Heng hope that this time her purpose is only this.

After half a hour, the queen came to the front of the main account and apologized to the long-term left general and the prime minister. "Let the two adults wait a long time, I hope that my arrival has not added much trouble."

The young queen is more mature than she used to be. It is hard to imagine that she is less than twenty years old.

Duo is so cold and perfunctory, Zhong Heng is much more enthusiastic, and the queen has not affected the authority of the prime minister, so he has nothing to complain about.

Xu Yanwei is still the queen's personal maid, she secretly made a helpless expression to the prime minister, indicating that this is not her own idea.

Zhong Heng even saw Shang Guanhong in the guard group. He seemed to have accepted the fate of the **** and did not show a special look.

When I entered the main account, the princess asked: "The left general, the enemy is currently, what is the arrangement of our army?"

"I and Longwang have already developed a perfect plan, and everything is step by step." Duozhi avoids the direct answer, and the squad of the squadron has only a half-solution, and it is even more impossible to tell the queen. "The front line is in danger and the queen should not come." ”

The Queen eased the tone, "The solitary general, now there are front and rear? Jin Pengjun is less than 30 miles away from our army. It is only a day away from the Anguo capital. If there is a crisis, the crisis is everywhere."

I don’t know how to deal with the queen, but I’m not good at analyzing the words. The front line and the rear are really close, but the difference is obvious. In any case, the final decision is over 20,000 fighters on the front line. Not the hundreds of thousands of people in the rear.

Zhong Heng opened the round field. "The Queen's heart is a frontline soldier. It is very moving. The meaning of the solitary general is not against the queen. It is just a little careless and cannot be explained to the Dragon King."

The queen nodded. "I was wondering, where is the Dragon King?"

Du Guzhen and Zhong Heng looked at each other and no one spoke.

"I am a queen, should I be qualified to know where the Dragon King is going?"

Zhong Heng coughed twice. "This is not because I deliberately concealed it. It is..."

"We don't know where the Dragon King went." Solitary continued, "This is the truth I have never said to others."

"Take a guess, the two follow the Dragon King for so long, and certainly know a little clue."

Du Guzheng wants to tell the Queen that you don’t know anything about sleeping with the Dragon King. How do we know? But what he really said is that "as a courtier, it’s a sin to judge the king’s whereabouts."

The queen was not provoked, the left general was harder, and she was more moderate. "The generals of the solitary general said that it is very, but now it is a very special period, and the dragon king is likely to be in danger."

"Dragon King martial arts is strong and talented, and he has experienced countless dangers. All of them are safely spent." In the face of the Dragon King, Duogu will never say such a flattering words.

The queen smiled, and then said in a true color: "If the two adults know what I know, they will not be so calm."

He is still silent, he does not believe that the queen can know what is inside, Zhong Heng reveals the way he is interested. "Can the queen express it?"

"The Dragon King entered Wushan."

This is not a big deal. Many people guessed that the Dragon King must have gone to Wushan.

"The Dragon King is looking for the army that can be recruited by Hato and Hachilie."

This is not a big deal. Since I think of Wushan, I naturally think of the two generals that Long Wang sent earlier.

"But both of these people have died unconsciously, but the army has disappeared."

The death of Tonoya and Hachilie has just spread to the mountains. Although there are not many people who know it, it is normal to pass to the queen's ears.

"The solitary general wants to launch a surprise attack on the sea slope, but I am afraid it is a little difficult."

Duo suddenly stood up and asked, "How do you know?"

"So, my words are not wrong?" The queen became more and more calm.

The solitary heart beats like a drum, even the queen knows the surprise plan, is the dragon king accidentally leaked, or is there another reason? In case Jinpeng Jun is also aware of this plan...

It was also that Zhong Heng stood out and played round. "The Dragon King is not here. We are the core of the Dragon Army. At this time, we should trust each other."

"Well, trust each other." The queen said with expectation.

There are more and more doubts in the heart of Du Gu, and he has to say: "The Dragon King did indeed enter Wushan. He felt that there was Jinpeng Fort in the mountains, so he had to take over the army personally... Queen, please tell me the truth, how are you? know……"

"I know from the Queen Mother of An."

Du Guzhen and Zhong Heng are opposite each other.

The Queen Mother of Anguo came from the Central Plains. Her son, Lao Anwang, led a confidant to escape to the city of Yuyu. She stayed and personally selected a son of the family as the king, but Zhongyuan was indifferent to the war and his son. When the messenger came to contact, she repented. Before the first battle between the Dragon Army and Jin Pengjun, she began to plan the rebellion. She planned to control the entire capital while keeping the dragon army out of the front line.

The queen and Xu Yanwei established an intelligence network in the palace, and found this conspiracy, but they have been pretending to be ignorant. The Queen Mother of Anguo and Jin Pengjun’s letters and correspondence did not escape the Queen’s eyes.

"The man named Wu Zongheng revealed the news to An Taihou." The Queen said in a long speech, "An Taihou intends to inform the Jinpeng army."

The queen took out a letter, and Zhong Henggong respected it and took it over and handed it to the solitary.

Everything is exposed in the letter, and the solitary face is like a dead gray. "Wu Zongheng, how come? Dragon King trusts him... this letter..."

"I didn't send it out." The Queen used a sentence to let the left general relieved, the Tono tooth and Ha Chilie were killed, and Wu Zongheng betrayed. This is not important. The Dragon King will regain the army and the key is to keep it secret.

Du Guzhen immediately looked at the queen and said what he was saying to express his loyalty. He told him that there was a messenger to ask for it.

A little forward, Duo will politely ask the Queen to rest, but now he decided to meet the messenger in front of her.

The messenger was servant, full of sweat, and bowed to the left general, handing a sealed letter to his hands, without saying a word.

The letter in the letter has only four words: the fifth day of March.

Solitary inhibition suppresses the excitement in the heart and asks: "Where did you come from?"

The messenger pointed his finger at the direction of Wushan and opened his mouth. It turned out to be a tongueless dumb.

Du Guzhen turned to the queen and the prime minister, "the day after tomorrow, the decisive battle."

Excited, the left general also had a trace of doubts. The original saying that it was sent back by the Dutch woman, how can it be replaced by a dumb?

(Seeking for advice)

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