Death Sutra

Chapter 504: decisive battle

Soon, the weather will become hot and humid, and mosquitoes will be raging. Wearing helmets and armor will increase the number of tortures in addition to heavy weight. Shangguan Jianyi hopes to return to Saitama City before the summer season.

The stone castle is cold all year round, and it is a little difficult in winter. Summer is a good place to take a summer vacation.

Shangguan Jianyi believes that he will become the most confidant left-handed arm of the One-Step King. He stayed in Shibao and was responsible for formulating a long-term plan. As for the cooperation with the North Court, he attacked the Central Plains and handed it to Shangguan Yun. The ambitious boy gave him a public certificate. The opportunity of strength, not like this, hiding in the dark, doing any useless tricks.

The army is like a neat crop, which is spread out in front of him. The colorful flags serve as landmarks for the land. There are more than 70,000 people. Even after two battles, Jinpengjun has saved most of its strength and trained in such a huge size. How can the Dragon Army win?

Shangguan Jianyi is a highly trained killer, but the longer he dominates Jinpengjun, the more he confirms that the so-called peerless martial arts are of little use.

A warrior certainly can't beat the killer. When thousands of soldiers and 10,000 soldiers gather together, obey the command, the sword and the sword bow are all aligned in one direction, the killer will lose its use, in the dense **** jungle, speed, The quality and vigilance of these qualities are all greatly reduced.

There are people around, before and after, what is the use of hearing and sharpness? Retreating immediately after a blow is one of the basic principles of the killer. It will die faster on the battlefield. Who knows where it will fall after that jump? Maybe you are hitting an unconscious knife.

Shangguan Jianyi would like to share his experience with the One-Step King. I think that the series of assassination plans that I developed last fall is simply a waste of energy. He wants to persuade the king to give up the power of nowhere, concentrate on expanding the army, and finally be able to work with the North Court. The Central Plains has three legs.

The one-step king saw the future of the Shangguan family and began to make major changes, but the change was not complete enough. In order to defeat the eighth and ninth chapters of the gods, he decided to follow the advice of Shangguan Yun to postpone the war. Now it seems that it is very Cost-effective.

The snare drum sounded rhythmically, and the striker army began to move forward. The first two sides dispatched the infantry. The dragon army had too few horses, and the Jinpeng army cavalry had other uses.

Just yesterday evening, Shangguan Jianyi suddenly received a personal letter from his son Shangguan Yun, which revealed the plan of the Dragon Army to attack the Jinpeng army in Haipo, and how he defeated this conspiracy. According to him, three More than a thousand soldiers were not killed, or they were locked in abandoned mines and there was no threat to the war.

At the time, Shangguan Jianyi handed the letter to the staff of the confidant, and sneered: "Oh my good deaf, I will worry about my uncle."

The staff smiled after reading the letter. There were only two people. The staff did not worry that their words would be circulated, so they could boldly degrade the people whom the coach did not like. "The three young masters are still too young, and the minds are all killers. It is understandable that you have made a major discovery. In fact, Wing Shuai foreseen that entering the sea **** early in the morning is a land of surprise attacks. How many sets of countermeasures have been formulated, how can he give the Dragon Army an opportunity?"

"Oh, when there is always a mistake in foresight, an army, even if you are carrying the Iron Mountain, you must always pay attention to the safety of the flank. This is the common sense of the military."

"Yes, what Wing Shuai said is that it is the truth to be prepared."

Although the staff is inflated, Shangguan Jianyi does not feel that this flattering is too outrageous. Jin Pengjun will take good care of the flank, without the reminder and help of Shangguanyun, he will save the nephew’s faith, and then The time piece of paper is handed over, as long as it is a person with eyes, you can see from it that Shang Guanyun’s “after the event” reminder is not necessary.

The two armies confronted each other, the sound of the collision of the weapons, the shouts of the soldiers, the bloody, killing, and endless killings. The people who died in this war are probably more than the targets of the assassination of Jinpengbao over the years. There must be more, this is also an aspect of the killer than the army.

The one-step king will use the peerless gods as a sword, and the teacher, Zhang Wei, will be a weapon. He is the official wing, waving a giant blade composed of 70,000 people. Among them, only he can be invincible.

War is like playing chess. You can't throw the pieces on the board at once, or you can't put them in a random position. You have to work step by step, put in little by little, and put uninterrupted pressure on the enemy.

Looking at the battlefield, I can only see the general situation. The Shangguan Jianyi is holding a whip. From time to time, he judges the situation in a certain place. Soon, the pro-military who is watching the battle in the front will come back, confirming that his statement is ten.

The staff and the lords did not lose the opportunity to give amazement. Only one person said his heart. "Wing Shuai is a genius of talents, and others have learned what they have learned for a lifetime. Wing Shuaijun has not mastered the army for less than a year. Only the mountains are up to the end."

Shangguan Jianyi enjoys these touts without any sensation. No one dares to mention the original founder of Jinpengjun.

In the heart of Shangguan Jianyi, I really admire the loneliness. No matter how many people in Jinpengjun, they are all expanded on the basis of the original one or two thousand people. From organizational construction to daily training, they are all laid alone.

Unfortunately, the one-step king did not use the general, and gave the dragon king an assistant.

When the war is over, Shangguan Jianyi will order the capture of the enemy commander. He will once again give the solitary a chance to publicly forgive the crime of rebel.

He still has a lot of ideas about the arrangements after the end of the war.

Now, he only thinks about how many troops are left on the two sides. "The Chinese army is going to fight."

This is the order of the decisive battle. The facts are in front of you. Although the frontline battlefield is difficult to solve, the Dragon Army has not much reserve power. The Shangguan Jianyi must send the main force to destroy the enemy in one fell swoop. Tonight, he wants the dragon army camp. Drinking a celebration wine.

Opposite the battlefield.

Only the solitude knows how stubborn he is on the surface.

The scouts reported that there was a brief confrontation in the evening before entering the sea. The origin of the two sides was unknown, and the victory or defeat was unknown. This is not good news. The first reaction of Du Guzheng was to cancel the decisive battle.

But he doesn't have much choice. If the confrontation behind the sea **** is only an accident, the Dragon King's squad appears on time, but there is no war in front, and the consequences are even more unimaginable.

He sent a large number of scouts, but none of them brought back the exact news.

Du Guzhen decided not to wait any longer, and the morale of the Dragon Army was fluctuating, and then delaying, it will only get worse.

In the face of the killing and shouting on the battlefield, there is very little excitement in the singularity. He is carefully calculating and waiting for the best time for the start of the surprise attack.

Driven by the Daxueshan swordsman, the Dragon King's combat style has always been very brave. In the decisive battle, it was even more revealing. It stubbornly resisted the Jinpengjun's turn attack and even advanced a certain distance, which made many people watching the game happy.

"Jin Pengjun can't do it."

"This battle will win."

"Definitely will win."


It is not so much a judgment of the situation, but rather a expectation of everyone.

The queen did not return to the rear capital, and stayed on the front line. At this time, she was sitting in a nearby tent. Five guards ran back and forth and reported to her on the progress of the situation. Most of the good news.

The Dragon King was absent, and the Queen’s presence on the battlefield did greatly enhance morale. Only Du Gu and Zhong Heng knew that the Queen had left a retreat for himself.

The Queen naturally hopes that the Dragon Army will win a full victory, but her visit to the military camp is not just as simple as encouraging morale. By defeating the plot of the Queen Mother of An, she has won the common trust of the left general and the prime minister, and then she asks, "Shi Wang is Yu. The only blood, still in the middle of it, can't affect the outcome of the war. I hope to send him to the country of Xiangji."

Du Guzhen didn't think too much at first. Afterwards, under the suggestion of Zhong Xiang Zhong Heng, I realized that the Queen is the aunt of Baby Stone King, or his guardian. Sending Shi Wang means that she should also arrange a retreat for her. .

There is not much choice for Solitary.

Zhong Heng is responsible for the specific arrangements, sending out the confidant, secretly sending the stone mother and son to the swallowing canyon, where they wait for the outcome of the war, the dragon army wins, then secretly sent back to the Anguo capital, the dragon army was defeated, a team designated The guards will **** the princess to set off immediately, join the swallow wind gorge and join them. They will leave for the country of Xiangji, and the troops stationed in the canyon will hold on for at least three days, providing the queen with enough escape time.

The idea of ​​Zhong Heng and Du Guzheng is that the Queen cannot be left in the hands of Jin Pengjun, and both of them have another common idea that has never been said: The Dragon King may have hid in the country of Xiangji.

The battle on the front line is getting more and more fierce. For a moment, the Dragon Army seems to have signs of overcoming the enemy, but the battle line is quickly stabilized. At this time, the enemy flag of the enemy farther across the distance begins to move forward, and the black-pressed cavalry moves forward. Slowly roll.

Du Guzhen first noticed the enemy's movements, but he could send out the remaining military strength, and it was only a drop in the bucket.

It is time for the Jones to launch a raid from the flank.

"Ignite the smoke."

This is the signal that he and the Dragon King have set in advance. When they see a thick smoke, there should be an army on the **** of the sea, an army that can reverse the battle.

No one appeared, the smoke had just risen, the ambush needed to prepare for the time, and the solitude could still remain calm, but the next scene made him lose most of his confidence in the victory.

In the process of advancing, Jin Pengjun suddenly split into two parts, some of which continued to move forward and pushed to the Dragon Army. The other part, at least 10,000 people, turned from the cross team to the sea slope. After arriving at the place, all the rifles were cocked. Against the top of the slope.

Even if there are ambushes, they can't play the role of surprise attacks.

Shangguan Yun claimed that he had defeated the Dragon King's surprise plan. Shangguan Jianyi did not take it seriously and still sent the troops according to the original plan.

When he was alone, he understood that the general trend had gone. He was more calm, and it was already the case. He only had to make the necessary decisions.

He turned his head and looked at the phoenix, and nodded, saying that he could **** the queen to leave. As for himself, he would have to survive with this army.

The Shangguan Jianyi was very close to the battlefield. It was so close that the soldiers’ expressions could be seen. Then he looked up and looked into the sea slope. Instead, he hoped that there would be a strange soldier to make his victory more perfect.

His wish was realized immediately, and a solitary flag rose at the top of the slope. It seemed to be the Dragon King's red crow flag.

Then there are more flags, and more and more soldiers.

The ambush appeared on time, but he did not know what kind of service he could use. There were three to five thousand soldiers at the top of Wushanli. Although he was condescending, it was difficult to break through the front line of long shots.

Except for the soldiers who are fighting on the battlefield, they have no idea what they are doing. Others have noticed the strangeness of the top of the slope, especially the right-wing team of Jin Pengjun. They have been looking up and being close.

"The above are all women?" They were also the first to see the special features of the soldiers on the slopes.

(Seeking for advice)

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