Death Sutra

Chapter 518: Stay up late

The Dutch woman took the first Nanping screen and two Xiaoyuetang disciples, and tracked Shangguanyun for seven days and eight nights, assassinating nine masters, including her most hated Qingcheng school Xia's second child.

Everyone else died quickly and silently. Only Xia Erji was an exception. He had an unknown poison, muscles and numbness, and a needle-like hole on his right arm. The color gradually spread, and it began to fester under the eyes of everyone, and how many gold medicines could not be stopped.

He pleaded with Yun Wang and his companions not to abandon themselves. The deaf-mute voice and blood-red eyes scared everyone. No one dared to approach, and hurriedly left, for fear of being infected.

Until the two hills were bypassed, the screams were completely destroyed.

Shangguan Yun has never been so embarrassed, but still ran away, making a move to the gold shell shelling, disappeared near the swallow canyon.

The Dutch woman only talked about the full experience in three sentences. "There were nine people killed, Shangguan Yun ran, and two disciples were killed."

The look of the lotus girl is as indifferent as usual. It seems that she only goes out for an hour to perform a trivial task. However, the south screen seems to be different from the past. There is a hint of killer temperament between the eyebrows. This is a passing teacher. I have not cultivated it for years.

Following the execution of the Dutch woman's task obviously brought him great touch. When he retire, it seems that the Dutch woman is more awesome than the dragon king.

"What else?" Gu Shen knows that the Dutch woman has left to say something.

"Three-in-one is effective. You should look at the martial arts of Shangguanfei. It is amazing. He only practiced a little. I think we can start."

Shangguanfei and his third brother Shangguanyun were also abandoned. The other masters sneaked away after hiding the cloud king. Only he stayed in the place, tired and panting, seeing the lotus girl and the south screen. Laugh and say hello, "Hey, are you coming to save me? Don't answer, give me some illusions, it's best to give me something to eat."

He also returned to the Longjun camp and felt that there was no need to visit the Dragon King, so he found a tent and fell asleep.

Shangguanfei punched the summer boss, and the lotus girl went to see the body. She was surprised by what she saw.

Gu Shen looked up for a moment, "No hurry, then observe for a while."

The look of the lotus girl has not changed. Gu Shenwei knows that she has doubts in her heart. Since the day of surrendering the "Dead Man", the two men have been practicing partners who are supervising each other. In the military affairs, Gu Shen can be a She does not exist, but in terms of martial arts, they reach a tacit agreement and never hide from each other.

Gu Shen owed her more than one explanation.

This is a night to solve the problem. It is probably influenced by other people who have met before. Gu Shenwei feels that it should be explained.

"Hehe and Jinshen are all easy to get rid of the evil spirits, especially the harmony. The faster the initial progress, the greater the danger of entering the demon. Shangguanfei is not quite right. I have to check it in person."

The Dutch woman still remembers the way before the slaves died. Suddenly, the strength was strong, and the internal strength was from weak to strong. Even Xue Niang felt incredible, so the Dragon King’s guess is probably right. Shangguanfei is indeed a bit Not quite right.

"Alright." The lotus girl nodded and prepared to step back.

"Wait." Gu Shenwei stopped her. Since she has already spoken, he wants to explain another thing clearly. "There is no sacred sacred chapter..."

The lotus girl snorted, waiting for him to continue, this is her heart disease, Gu Shen is a secret that should have been said but did not say.

"If someone sells to you, don't believe it."

"Include the Queen?"

"So someone has already found you?"


"Well, including the Queen, she remembers the two chapters of the text, no adulteration, but I have a guess."

Gu Shenwei’s guess is usually very accurate. The Dutch woman immediately understood what he meant. “The queen thought it was a real scripture. In fact, this was a trap at first, but it was not implemented.”

Gu Shen nodded. In the story told by the high priest of Xiangji, he felt a grievance a hundred years ago. The original owner of Jinpengbao must be scornful of the betrayal of the Shangguan family. He hides the most powerful magic. In the piles of books, it is precisely the two chapters that Jinpengbao lacks, and then it does not care about it, and does not allow future generations to sort it out.

The plot of a hundred years ago is not much different from today.

"This is just my guess. Shangguanfei is interested in the chapter. This is very good. You can help him and do another experiment."

In addition to the 18 tents, Shangguan Fei in his sleep sneezed. If he knew that the Dragon King’s “expectation” was so high, he would run away desperately, preferring to live in the rivers and lakes, and he did not want to practice two chapters. No magic.

The lotus girl smiled and Gu Shen was puzzled. She didn't know what was funny in her own words.

"Nothing." The woman immediately adjusted her emotions. Her smile had nothing to do with the words of the Dragon King. Instead, she felt that the small stagnation in her heart disappeared so easily. "Do you want Shangguanfei to voluntarily steal the Chapter?"

"It's best, I don't want to force him too tight."

"Have you ever thought that if there is no hidden danger in the three-in-one, there is no problem in the first chapter. The martial arts of Shangguanfei will advance by leaps and bounds, surpassing you and me. By then, he will not be so obedient."

Gu Shen has considered this possibility. I believe there is only one solution. There is no other choice. "In fact, this is the best ending. Both sets of internal skills are available. The only thing that needs to be removed is Shangguan Fei himself. Keep an eye on him. He Very disguised, Shangguan Yun probably taught him a lot of things."

The Dutch girl finally understands why the Dragon King chose Shangguanfei as the test subject. The martial arts are not old age, and they are fixed on the human body. Even if one learns the worldly practice, if you can’t continue to work hard and keep vigilant, you will also As an ordinary master, the ideal of Shangguanfei is that no matter how good the martial arts are, his timidity is fatal.

"I will stare at him."

"Yeah." Gu Shenwei felt that she didn't have anything to say, but she couldn't remember it. "Let's go to rest."

The Dutch girl retired.

Gu Shenwei did not want to admit it, but had to admit that the sense of anxiety that had plagued him for many days had disappeared. The sleepiness had never been so heavy, and he could hardly lift his head.

He also needs to take a good rest.

The Dutch woman is not sleepy. In this silent night, she has more thoughts than anyone else. She refuses to confide because it is the behavior of the weak.

During these days when she was not there, the tents in the military camp were still preserved, and Xiaofen’s disciple Han Fen cleaned her every day.

Although Han Han has always complained that the Dutch woman has turned away from the crowd, Han Fen does not have this feeling, and believes that the decision of the imperial teacher will make sense. She does not understand, and does not need to think about it. Thinking too much will make her a headache.

"Yu Zhongshi." Han Fen stood at the door, his eyes sparkling with joy, but he did not dare to say a word.

"Well, how do you know that I am back?" The Dutch girl was slightly surprised.

"It’s the queen, she sent someone to stay up late, saying that it’s all over the place, please pay attention to your body.”

The Dutch girl was really surprised. She couldn’t understand why the Queen would come to please herself, especially when the Dragon King asked her to help Shangguan fly “steal” the Chapter.

The queen probably never knew that the assassination two years ago was made by the lotus girl.

"All take away."

"Ah? I don't want to stay? There is chicken soup..." Han Fen found that he had made a lot of troubles, hurriedly shut up, took the food box, and withdrew from the tent. After thinking about it, he decided to wake up Han Han. Sharing, as to whether the time is too late, she did not think of it.

The doubts of the Dutch woman were answered at noon the next day, and the place was in the account of Miss Zhen Zhen.

Ha Chi is dead, and Zhenzhen has not figured out the details. Therefore, she sent Han Han to ask the Dutch woman to gather together. On the surface, she thanked the other party for her care for many days. In fact, she wanted to inquire about the cause of her fiancé.

The Dutch woman refused twice, but the third time she agreed. She listened to Han Fen and said that Mingzhen is now a queen.

Mingzhen did not want to go back to the swallowing gorge. Gu Shen gave her to the queen after she knew it, and let the two sisters match each other. Mingzheng knew her identity, so she was willing to be the queen’s maid and finally left as a female official. .

The meeting was quite awkward. The Dutch woman had forgotten how to chat with her normal female companion. "Han died and was killed by Shangguan Yun. Unfortunately, I could not save him."

The Dutch woman avoided the details of personal killing. She did not intend to lie, but to maintain the image of Ha Chilie, and ensure that the tribal soldiers in the army would not be distracted.

Zhenzhen resisted sorrow. In fact, she only had a vague impression on Ha Chilie. The feelings were more than nothing. Her sadness was her own destiny. "He... didn't suffer?"

The Dutch woman was silent for a while. Ha Chilie was killed by her savage. It was tortured by the **** of the living, and it was difficult to express it with "suffering." "I don't know."

The two had nothing to say, and the meeting should have ended here. As the Dutch woman expected, the queen "just happened" came in.

This was a deliberate arrangement of accidental meetings. The Queen had already made an excuse to open Xu Yanwei, just to be able to talk to the Dutch woman alone.

Mingzhen didn't know that she was being exploited, but when the queen came in, she knew who the extra person was, so she used the excuse to go to the tea and handed the tent to the two women she couldn't afford.

"I don't know if the night and night last night didn't suit your taste, and people made it temporarily, there are not many choices." The queen smiled and said that the language was soft and it was obvious that the lotus girl was not regarded as a general guard.

"Very good, thank you for your concern."

The two men were worried about each other and quiet for a while. The Queen felt that the Dutch woman was the same person as the Dragon King. So she omitted many temptations and began to enter the theme. "Have you heard that? The Dragon King will give the first battle of the Battle of Haipo. The female shooter sent by the country of Xiangji, this is the glory of our woman. Who would dare to say that women can't go to the battlefield in the future?"

"Yes, women can go to the battlefield."

"The 'Queen' of the country of the fragrant scent, what is called Shangguan, is said to be the daughter of the One-Step King. It is really strange that the Dragon King still believes her so much. I have never seen her. You can tell me about her. ?"

The queen showed pure curiosity, but the woman was angry and burned. The woman touched her bottom line. Some things were not allowed to be seen and used by people.

(Seeking for advice)

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